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E3 2017

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Nintendo and Sony better bring out the big guns.


I am so fucking hyped. :bouncy:


Likewise :bouncy: and, as a mainly PlayStation and Nintendo gamer, I'm certainly intrigued by what Microsoft are going to show off with the Scorpio and potential exclusive games during their show, as we all know they need to hit this one out of the park :grin:


What games are you all looking forward to seeing most?


For myself, it's got to be Battlefront II, Super Mario Odyssey (and pretty much everything else from Nintendo; at any rate, Nintendo's E3 Spotlight is easily my most anticipated event of E3 this year), and any bits and pieces of news on way out in the future (?) games such as Death Stranding and Final Fantasy VII Remake! Oh, and an honourable mention would have to go to Square Enix's Project Octopath Traveller



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Here's a few videos for the final week before E3.


First up is a video showing some highlights from last year, many of which are cringe worthy.



I honestly forgot how rough Microsofts presentation was. Just about everything leaked before hand, the FF demo was horrific, the Minecraft section was awful and Kamiya looked like he was being forced at gun point to speak.


The bit with the Minecraft guy looking nervous as hell was hilarious. :grin:


Huber from EZA has been putting up various E3 hype videos this past week. I think this one the best so far as he goes around and asks the other Allies what they want from this years show.



Don makes a good point about Wave Race and the new rumble technology in the Switch.


Finally, What Gaming Culture have put up a video about what Microsoft needs to do with the Scorpio and how to get the Xbox brand back in the spotlight again.



The first point he makes ( the dashboard interface ) would be one of the first things I would sort out, as well. The thing is a complete mess at this point. How MS think that it's good and usable is beyond me. ::shrug:


By this time next week we will at least know what the plans are for the Xbox brand going forward.

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Man, E3 has really snuck up on me this year, and not for a lack of hype either because this one is gonna rock!


Sony's side has GOW4, which I'm really looking forward to seeing in full!


MS have Scorpio, which will no doubt be followed by some big unveils alongside it.


And then there's Nintendo, who are primed to have an absolute juggernaut of a year! (Just Retro's new game alone is bound to be huge, let alone everyone else who is due to show something. Switch's first E3 will be one to remember for sure!)


Great stuff all round! I'm pretty confident in this being one of the best E3s of the last 5 years! BRING IT ON! :bouncy:

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Everything Sony Told Us About the Future of PlayStation


Great article in itself but these two quotes about E3 got me even more hyped :bouncy:


"I think a lot of Japanese developers lost their way chasing the mobile games yen, if you will, but they're coming back to console in a major way. And speaking of, we'll have some big announcements at E3 in that precise vein."


As for the experience awaiting PlayStation buffs when the curtain lifts on Sony's E3 media event, live streaming from the Shrine Auditorium & Expo Hall (online as well as in select theaters) next Monday, June 12, Layden says to think of it less as a press conference than a software showcase.


"The crowd will only have to suffer I think in aggregate 90 seconds of me," he jokes. "And in the middle will be all the games."

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I think it's a bit of a shame that they're cutting back on some of the chatter. I quite liked being able to put names and faces to the execs over the years. No way I'd know who people like Shawn Layden, Andrew House or Shu Yoshida were without those conferences.

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It sounds to me like Sony are going more and more towards what Nintendo do at E3. I can easily imagine in a year or two they'll just pre-record their E3 show and broadcast it at a conference. It's the best of both worlds really, they can produce a nice video with no awkward moments or bugs and also get the audience reaction.

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So, what do people expect from Nintendo with the apparent news that their Spotlight will be 30 minutes long?


  • new trailer for UltraSun/UltraMoon (which I would fucking hate...don't waste time on that)
  • Splatoon 2; quite a lot of coverage
  • ARMS; same as Splatoon 2
  • Mario Odyssey; gets the most screen time
  • Indie reel
  • Mario & Rabbids Kingdom Battle; please don't but it will be looooooooooong
  • 3DS stuff
  • two or three surprises


Depending on what those surprises are, this setup would be horrible :laughing:


Here's hoping I'm wrong (I'm most likely wrong).

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So, what do people expect from Nintendo with the apparent news that their Spotlight will be 30 minutes long?


  • new trailer for UltraSun/UltraMoon (which I would fucking hate...don't waste time on that)
  • Splatoon 2; quite a lot of coverage
  • ARMS; same as Splatoon 2
  • Mario Odyssey; gets the most screen time
  • Indie reel
  • Mario & Rabbids Kingdom Battle; please don't but it will be looooooooooong
  • 3DS stuff
  • two or three surprises


Depending on what those surprises are, this setup would be horrible :laughing:


Here's hoping I'm wrong (I'm most likely wrong).


I don't want to hear anything about Splatoon or Arms, especially Arms since it's out the week after! Please don't waste time on stuff we'll have in a month that has already had their own Directs!!


Would love to hear about Xenoblade 2, still clinging on to the hope that it'll be out this year, even if it isn't I'd still much rather a segment on it ahead of Splatoon and Arms.


Mario Odyssey will obviously get some time, as well as Rabbids Kingdom Battle which actually has me slightly intrigued, could be brilliant if they get the humour right.


Really don't want to see any 3DS stuff, certainly nothing new. The games they have already announced for it should be the last the console gets (from first/second party developers at least) and everything really needs to start heading to the Switch.


Maybe a trailer for the Breath of the Wild story DLC?


To be honest I don't really care, unless there are surprises I'm not particularly interested in Nintendo's E3 this year!

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So, what do people expect from Nintendo with the apparent news that their Spotlight will be 30 minutes long?


  • new trailer for UltraSun/UltraMoon (which I would fucking hate...don't waste time on that)
  • Splatoon 2; quite a lot of coverage
  • ARMS; same as Splatoon 2
  • Mario Odyssey; gets the most screen time
  • Indie reel
  • Mario & Rabbids Kingdom Battle; please don't but it will be looooooooooong
  • 3DS stuff
  • two or three surprises


Depending on what those surprises are, this setup would be horrible :laughing:


Here's hoping I'm wrong (I'm most likely wrong).


Part of me feels like the Spotlight will be entirely Switch-focused, but that's just based on the wording I'm remembering when the Spotlight was first announced. Though, I do feel like the 3DS stuff would be best served in the Treehouse Livestream...


I think we could get something like this:

• Starts up top with Super Mario Odyssey. This would be a new trailer incorporating some more gameplay; I think this would be a smart move as I think they'll do some more important teases towards the end of the Spotlight. This would confirm a release date too.


This is followed shortly thereafter by a plethora of new trailers for previously announced first party titles, such as ARMS and Splatoon 2, including release dates for games without them, such as Fire Emblem Warriors and Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Could also see a trailer for Breath of the Wild DLC here, too.


• Following this would be trailers and release dates for previously announced third party titles, such as FIFA 18, NBA 2K18, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle and Project Octopath Traveller, followed by further third party announcements for this fiscal year.


After this, the announcement and launch date for the Switch's Virtual Console and the confirmation of GameCube VC games (such as Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Mario Sunshine) via a VC trailer, which could very well include a montage (perhaps some hinting at some Wii ports further on, but perhaps next year? Metroid Prime Trilogy or Skyward Sword, anyone?). This could even end with two or three seconds of Mother 3 gameplay...


• Finally, to close out, they say goodbye and we are given a montage of games to be released within the next 18 months, with no release dates confirmed, including Fire Emblem Switch, Animal Crossing Switch and further titles, with spine-tingling Smash Bros. theme-esque music whisking is through. The montage hits its peak and then...hard cut to black. Silence. Wow, wasn't that great!. And then we hear a sound, slowly getting closer. Huh, what's going on? Did you hear that? What is that, a lowering platform?. We hear the platform come to rest. Cold air wafts to the sides of this unfurling image as a sci-fi door fwoosh is heard, metal doors sliding apart, before the darkness is suddenly illuminated by the green of Samus' helmet! Hard cut into the Switch logo animation and noise, and thanks for watching!* :D


I fully expect Super Mario Odyssey, indie and 3DS titles to be the backbone of their livestream, and to see the third party games I highlighted show up too.


*I also expect to see a similar Spotlight come about in January 2018, with these Spotlights being where tentpole first and third party games are announced, so we won't have to wait too long for more news - and Directs can come in handy for these, too, when it comes to confirming release dates of Q1 2018 games.

Edited by Julius Caesar
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Microsoft should tease games and not stuff like "feel the power".

We all know the specs, we all know it's powerful. We need to know what we can play on that thing.


Yup I agreed with you. It's ridiculous that Microsoft got less exclusive games than Sony does for this year and their new IP games like Scalebounds, Phantom Dust remake, Project Spark and Fable Legends got cancelled as well.


In fact, I just saw a comment today that said "How crappy is it owning Xbox and watching PS4 get game after game after game after game..." It's gonna be interesting to see the feedback after their E3 press conference.

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