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Fire Emblem: Three Houses (26th July 2019)


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21 minutes ago, Grazza said:

Now I really want to reach Chapter 16! :laughing:

If you didn't pick the Blue Lions then you won't see it. :( 

I didn't realise the little avatar icon on the loading screens is motion controlled. I was moving my pro controller around during a loading screen and noticed he was running along the bottom as I turned the controller. :D 

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On 01/08/2019 at 9:06 PM, Tales said:

When I recruited Ingrid she came with the Pegasus Knight class equipped.


11 hours ago, Ike said:

I was considering making Flayn a Pegasus Knight.

I think I'll serriously consider Ingrid. Especially as she was the focus of the first paralogue I did, for some reason, together with Dorothea. I didn't know I'd actually get Flayne that soon, and I looked at her profile.. I noticed she could be a Pegasus Knight, but she's currently a priest, so I think I prefer 1] someone who starts out beefier (i.e. was a soldier before upgrading) and 2] for Flayne maybe to turn into a holy knight later on.


I think I got some minor spoilers somewhere.. I'm not sure if I get to keep her.

When I asked that question I didn't know it wouldn't be that hard to get some new recruits. Shamir was easy to recruit, and like I said, I didn't know I'd get Flayne that soon. From the normal students, I'm currently working on Lysithea.. Regarding class absolutely not someone I need, but she's too adorable to die on the battlefield on the losing side. But then again.. They are almost all too adorable, including most of the guys. This game's going to break my heart.

My adventures so far

So I got the game Tuesday, and only took a break from it yesterday.

I started a classic hard game. There was no other way than classic, but I wasn't sure whether I should go normal like I normally do, or hard. I consider myself a veteran, even though the last Fire Emblem game I played was Shadow Dragons, and I never finished that one. That said.. I've played plenty of other strategy games, I got offended by  the "beginners" mentioned on normal, and didn't think the game would be that different from what I remember (it's not). So hard it was.


This already started out hard. I mean, I would have easily won on first try, but I did have a casualty. Despite being a mock battle, and a casualty not resulting in the death of a student, I took the hard reset route (didn't know abnout the soft reset yet), and replayed it a few times until I won with zero casualties. It took me a few tries, as I tried to split up, which I'm sure works in normal, as it does have a benefit, but Dedue would catch up with whoever was retreating back and then absolutely destroy them. The (enemy) characters mention when you split up. I won when I didn't, and just had the full party go to the left and around those bushes with Claude and the other one waiting in ambush. Then wait for the rest to come.

Chapter 2 and 3 were ok. Had to redo chapter 1 once or twice I think. Dunno about chapter 3. But didn't find them hard. Chapter 4 on the other hand..


Chapter 4 caused quite a few hard resets. I noticed my guys were severely underleveled for this mission.. The recommendation was level 8, and only Byleth had reached that level. Edelgard was level 6, some were still level 4. That said, most things weren't a problem, but the mages were destroying everyone. They did massive damage. I stayed clear from that level 16 Death Knight.. I kept trying to split up in 1 teams, one on the right and one of the left (both to get the chests but also clear more enemies this way). Like I said, it wasn't a real problem.. Until that trio of mage reinforcements came to attack from behind. Those were too many mages, and only Byleth was able to somewhat comfortably tank them. I won when I rushed to clear the first part of the left and right side, roughly up to the height of that Death Knight), so that includes those initial few Miasma mages, then when the cue came, moved both parties back to the middle to meet the reinforcements and wipe them out with the full force (.. while still staying clear of that Death Knight).

So chapter 4 had me considering if I made the wrong choice of difficulty. I had a thing against those auxiliary battles, so I stayed clear of those. But you can only actually grind those on normal, so after this I was thinking maybe you were supposed to do those battles anyway, with the points you have available for it. I was thinking in general I should just make use of all the options the games gives me even in hard mode. I also used the Divine pulse for the first time in chapter 4, though it didn't help me in that particular mission. But as for extra missions.. It seemed the game would give me other stuff to do on its own starting chapter 5. To "free" missions to do in the form of quests. It seems my biggest gripe with this game are these extra missions, for various reasons. I did both. One gave me a useful reward, the extra merchants. Then I did the other one right after it. And it was the same. fucking. map. Unbelievable. It was a boring missions anyway, with no dialogue whatsoever, and a bunch of easy enemies. I did them both to clear the quests, and because one had a useful reward, but this was not fun, and the rewards (exp) felt undeserved. But my guys were now mostly caught up, and ready for the main mission?


The mission for chapter 5 would have been easy actually, compared to the last one, if it weren't for 2 things. One is that Gilbert is an idiot. The second one.. See the end, but you probably know. Mostly small groups of easy enemies in narrow corridors. But Gilbert man.. I thought his death would be permanent, and was also hoping for a bonus if he survived, so I tried to protect him. But he just rushes forward like an idiot. Well except for at the start with the enemy reinforcements from the back, then he rushes backwards. He can't even tank that much, and protecting him is a hard thing to do. Keeping up with him was dangerous as I myself prefered not to rush into a group of enemies, luckily though, he does attract the most of them. Well luckily for me. He was able to tank the snipers with zero damage, but all the others were a bit too much. There was also this knight dude with a ring, I sent Edelgard after him. She was caught up level-wise, though that knight still proved to be troublesome so I sent some backup. The accuracy ring seems a good bet for a sniper, but with axe users having relatively low hitrate, I left the ring with her. I hope to get another one for Bernie though. Anyway. At that point, most of the remaining enemies including the boss rush to meet you, so it's a giant clusterfuck up there in the topleft corner. Somehow I managed to get most of them, with Gilbert surviving.. So the cutscene plays. I think: "cool, cutscene!". But after a few seconds: "wait, I don't like where this is going". Yeah I wasn't prepared for this.

Sothis explains everything hastily, but to put all that into practice straight away? I had 2 stragglers left from the previous battle, I wasn't expecting them since they ran away or got eaten in the cutscene. Two archers I left because it was too much of a risk and hassle to rush passed the former boss to get them. Not a threat in normal context, but with plenty characters still damaged and a huge beast intending to destroy me.. Also Gilbert. Does what he does best: rush in toward the beast to get killed. At that point I didn't care anymore. It's the first time I used the divine pulse to succes, after initially getting my Byleth killed to that thing (she could only take one hit), I tried again, and disposed of the 2 archers with less characters. Gilbert rushed towards his death again. I tried to get everyone else in there, while keeping them safe with batallion use. I think batallions are generally useful, and invested a bit in them, but most of them I lost during the course of battle. But I had enough for the second attempt, Byleth attracted its focus with one battalion attack, and tanked one hit, then I threw everything I had available in the turn after, and took it out. But man that was scary.

I love battalions by the way. I gave my first non-default battalion to Bernie of course.

Chapter 6: for roleplaying purposes I just started the mission after using all my activity points for the day. It didn't feel right to wait a whole month.. I think the damage is minimal, but still.


The main mission was a bit tricky, though not hard overall.. Apart from that scary Death Knight. It still took me a few tries, as I used a small relatively weak team to explore the right side. I also intended to try to go for the Death Knight, but ehh, didn't plan accordingly. I think I may have had a chance? Though it would have been easier if I had Edelgard with me, but she was unavailable for that mission. My Bernie could hit it right from the start.. and could do a decent amount of damage, but then she would get one-shotted in the counter attack twice over. So I just took the split up approach with the main team on the left, and a smaller team on the right. Though I don't know why, because the people I sent to the right had no chest keys, so I was unable to get those chests there, and wasted some time exploring the warp routes. However, I forgot to leave a straggler to try for the Death Knight. I wanted to kill him as at this point I was aware of the significance of the dark seal he was carrying, and I wanted it. But I killed everyone en route, and when I got to him, his accompanying soldiers just rushed to their deaths, so he escaped and the mission was over. I didn't feel like doing it over just for the dark seal, hopefully I'll get it next time.

More rants about extra missions: starting chapter 7, you get more extra missions but also paralogues. Now the paralogues are actually interesting. I'll happily do those. I don't how many there are, or what triggers them, but they offer a little bit of extra story plus a better reward than most of those extra missions. But all those extra missions pile up, and I'm beginning to wonder again if I'm supposed to do them. If this keeps up, I won't be able to do them all, including those quest missions which at least give me extra batallions to choose from. But I did the 2 paralogues available this month, and obviously had to do some exploring (I prefer to explore twice a month..), and then the main mission was upon me.


With again most of the gang caught up thanks to all the extra missions, after chapter 4.. I'm not feeling things are very hard actually. This mission included. Apart from one mishap I'll eleborate on in a sec.. I was steamrolling this mission on first attempt. Well maybe 2nd attempt, I forgot.. Now I think of it, I think Caspar, one of my weaker characters, still being a bit underleveled, "died", but I'm not sure. Took a small team to the left bridge, with Byleth, Flayne, and Ferdinand who was now at last a Cavalier so had more movement at his disposal. This to take care of the small group of Golden Deer enemies in that area. Them I took the rest led by Edelgard towards the balista. In hindsight I think i should have changed the compostions of both teams, but it worked out in the end. Biggest threat for me were the trio of Pegasus Knights on the right, which were heading towards me. The balista was also gunning for me, but other than that I had no real opposition. Blue Lions were, apart from that Pegasus trio, making an half assed attempt to defend the balista. The Golden Deer were making an half assed attempt to steal it away from me under my nose. But when I was close to securing it, they decided to just go for each other. I only had to deal with a few of them directly. The few Golden Deer on the left side, the few that were making that half assed attempt to also take the balista, and the few blue lions who were defending it. Here's the only mishap: obviously the pegasus knights were powerful and covered a lot of area. Edelgard was rushing to get to the balista, but most of the others were a bit squishier than her. Bernie could comfortably take out one, but not three at once. One pegasus knight looked like it was going for a "fatal" attack on Dorothea.. I might have reset at that point, but something weird happened, and she survived. Took it out in the turn after with Dorothea and Hubert (the rest was doing something else). I'm not sure what happened, but I think it involved the Prayer ring I gave her, and I'll elaborate in the spoiler below this one. After that, the balista was fine, and the main enemy forces were going for each other. I had the balista, so my Bernie just took out all the damaged ones before they defeated each other. Kill stealing in a strategy game. My small team on the left continued upwards, defeating Claude so the Golden Deer were no more. Edelgard and gang were regrouping to clean up, but few Blue Lions were left, and some were happy to just hang back until I started to rain balista arrows upon them. Apart from the mishap, a very easy victory, and obviously achieved the bonus objective.

I can't find some info directly related to Three Houses regarding this, but with the info I did found.. As I said, Dorothea seemed to survive to what I believed should have been fatal. I think that's what happened, should have made a video.


I gave her the prayer ring. Forgot where I got it. It allows her to automatically heal on each turn. I gave it to her as it synergizes with her personal ability. Now what happened was this: like I said, a Pegasus Knight attacked her, and I believe this should have been fatal. But there was some effect, the word "guard" popped up, and she survived with 1 HP remaining. I looked at all her abilities but she has nothing that could have caused this. I couldn't find any info directly related to Three Houses on this, but after googling "guard" and "prayer ring", I believe it was the prayer ring which caused it. In a previous game, the prayer ring also enabled the miracle ability, something I also saw in use in this very mission, as I think Mercedes triggered it at some point, while in battle with the Golden Deer. My Dorothea also knows white magic, but is currently not a priest. The in-game description makes no mention of this, so I guess I found a hidden ability. I would have steamrolled this mission regardless of this almost sacrifice, as I didn't use Dorothea much after this, but it was a nice bonus.

Small miscellaneous notes:

  • I wish there were more subtitles. Some things don't get subtitles, like the first thing guests say at tea parties.
  • I wish there was an easy way to check up on characters (profile) outside of your class.
  • Music is good.
  • After chapter 4, I don't feel hard is that hard actually.. Maybe that will come later again. They really should have done a better job at balancing those extra missions. And make them more interesting while you're at it. They're my biggest gripe with the game so far.
  • I absolutely love the school part between missions. In essence it has the exact same function as the convoy between missions.. Manage your supports and do battle preparations. It's just 1000 times more elaborate, and I don't mind the long downtime between missions. I love the setting, characters and dialogue and story bits you get.
  • I do miss having surprises and secrets on the map. Maybe they'll return on later missions? I'm talking about NPC's and recruitable secret characters appearing.
  • For some reason (I forgot) I invited Flayne to my first tea party. I aced that one haha.
  • Gilbert, dude.. <sigh>
  • Like I said, I find battalions generally useful.. I should try to give most of my units batallions. I gave my 2nd non-default Batallion to Ferdinand, I think that's also a good fit.
  • I absolutely adore Bernie.


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Exploring twice a month seems like a waste, I don't think anything new tends to happen apart from maybe some events, like the meals. I always seem to find it hard to find time to use the rest option.

I think I made Flayn my dancer by accident, I wanted Dorothea to be the dancer. Didn't feel like resetting. I unlocked the Pegasus Knight class on her though so a dancing Pegasus Knight might be good. I've kept her as a priest for the time being but you can switch anytime. Although her rescue spell came in handy as the green units rushed the boss and could have killed him. Wish you could command ally units like in Path of Radiance and Radiance Dawn.

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17 minutes ago, Ike said:

Exploring twice a month seems like a waste, I don't think anything new tends to happen apart from maybe some events, like the meals. I always seem to find it hard to find time to use the rest option.

Useful for getting motivation back up for when you tutor later in the week, doing gardening (which usually gives you a stat enhancing item), getting your own skill levels up, and getting supports. Edit: Oh and getting your professor level up, which will get you more money in the long run, and more stuff to do.

I intended to do rest once a month for roleplaying purposes, right before or after the main mission, but it doesn't seem too useful with all the options available.

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6 hours ago, Ike said:

Exploring twice a month seems like a waste, I don't think anything new tends to happen apart from maybe some events, like the meals. I always seem to find it hard to find time to use the rest option.

I tend to just use the explore option if I want to top up my teams motivation or gain some professor points. By the end of the game though you end up with more activity points than you know what to do with and I started using the Seminar option more and more.

I noticed that the further I got into the game the lower the percentage was for the Explore option, at least after the first week of the month. It seems either people got board of running around the school the further they got into the game or that they weren't getting the benefits like they were early on in their adventure.

I've not used the Rest option once. Like Smeagol said, there are better options available for the benefits that it gives.

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I've now maxed my professor level  and all but one of my team has their Master job rank. This means there's not much left for me to do in the monastery area. This seems to be the case with most people because the percentage on others doing Seminars is going up and up the further I get into the game.

With my team fully learnt what they needed for their final job class I've now got everyone just learning the Faith and Reason skills. This means everyone should have at least the basic healing and black magic spells at their disposal.

Im currently on chapter 20 and we are all around the level 45 level at the moment. I may do a spot of grinding to get to level 50 before I move on.


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55 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

With my team fully learnt what they needed for their final job class I've now got everyone just learning the Faith and Reason skills. This means everyone should have at least the basic healing and black magic spells at their disposal.

But they won't be able to use it unless they actually change to a magic using class. Consider something more generally useful. Authority is useful for anyone, if you hire some batallions. If you teach them lance and horse riding skills, you can turn some classes in their horse riding variants (or flying skills instead).

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32 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

But they won't be able to use it unless they actually change to a magic using class. Consider something more generally useful. Authority is useful for anyone, if you hire some batallions. If you teach them lance and horse riding skills, you can turn some classes in their horse riding variants (or flying skills instead).

To be honest there's really no need. I'm just putting points into something because I have to. I'm WAY over levelled to the point where I'm steamrolling maps and I must have only used the battalion  option 2-3 times tops.

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20 minutes ago, Tim B said:

I don't suppose anyone has seen TV adverts for this in the UK? I'm just wondering if that's partially behind the surprisingly high sales for this title.

I think the Switch being a thing is behind the high sales tbh, it's the same with every first party game.

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My adventure is over.



What a game. It's taken 14 years but Path of Radiance has finally been toppled as my favourite ever Fire Emblem game.

What I loved about this game was how it allowed me to play it how I like to play my RPGs. Being able to grind levels was a game changer for me and it really enhanced my enjoyment of the game. I like nothing better than to grind experience points, become super powerful and then decimate everything in my path. The last battle was very satisfying due to me being over levelled. I could completely ignore the enemies to the right and left of me and I just carved a path down the middle with sheer brute force. Love it. :D 

I didn't bother recruiting anyone from any of the other houses on to my squad. I never felt the need to and I always hate it in FE games when I have far too many units to use. Most just end up being tossed to the wayside and then becoming completely useless. With me just focusing on what the game originally gives you, my journey with them felt more personal and intimate. Had I recruited someone from another house then I feel some of that would have been lost.

The story of the Blue Lion house and the journey Dimitri goes through is absolutely fantastic. Just look at him. What a guy!



I've been reading impressions from those who have already finished all 3 story arcs and it seems that the Blue Lion's story comes out on top, so i'm glad I got to experience that first because i'm not too sure if I will play through the game another 2 times, at least not for a while. Given the events of the story, I do wonder how the Black Eagle story actually plays out though? I'm very intrigued to see if you do indeed play as...


...the bad guys. If that is the case then i'm even happier that I picked a different route.

I was happy to see that the whole marriage/dating aspect of the game was kept to the bare minimum, so much so that it's honestly not worth putting in. I ended up choosing Ingrid. I was originally going to choose Mercedes but I hated her voice and she just seemed a bit annoying. Ingrid really grew on me and I liked how she wanted a husband but without giving up on her dream to become a knight.







Thankfully those screens are pretty much the whole aspect of the dating part of the game. Although i'm not sure what everyone thinks of a professor dating a student. They probably have to keep it a secret...

Related image

I really enjoyed the credits song and was mostly satisfied with all the endings I got for each of my team. 












Beautiful stuff. :heart:

When I started playing this last week I said that the game really surprised me, especially how much I was enjoying all of the school stuff. Thankfully, I never came to hate that aspect of the game, which is what I feared would happen. While it did get a little long in the tooth towards the end of the game ( mainly because I had maxed out the things I wanted to achieve ) I never really found it to be intrusive and with me having such a small set of students to interact with, it never felt like a chore to speak with them and participate in various activities with the whole of my class.

Fantastic game and easily the best Switch game i've played this year. :bowdown:

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5 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

My adventure is over.


5 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

What a game. It's taken 14 years but Path of Radiance has finally been toppled as my favourite ever Fire Emblem game.


5 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Fantastic game and easily the best Switch game i've played this year. :bowdown:

That's all i needed to read :D I'm gonna buy it as soon as I can get out of the house (so maybe in a month or three...) 

Glad you all seem to enjoy the game so much, seems to be a proper good "reboot" for the series :D

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Yeah so I just reached chapter 12.. I mean, I read some minor spoilers, but I still wasn't prepared for it. I love it story-wise.. But I really hate how this just wrecks my roster.

Is there any good reason for Byleth / Sothis to join Edelgard? They don't give you very much to go on, but Edelgards company and their methods are just creepy. Give me some slight spoilers.. What is the story progression like on Edelgards route.. How does Sothis feel about joining her? Is there a "good" ending?

I'm inclined to stick with church, feels the most natural. But I don't like the new characters, and I hate losing Edelgard and Hubert.

I'll post about the other chapters later.

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4 hours ago, Sméagol said:

Yeah so I just reached chapter 12.. I mean, I read some minor spoilers, but I still wasn't prepared for it. I love it story-wise.. But I really hate how this just wrecks my roster.


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Is there any good reason for Byleth / Sothis to join Edelgard? They don't give you very much to go on, but Edelgards company and their methods are just creepy. Give me some slight spoilers.. What is the story progression like on Edelgards route.. How does Sothis feel about joining her? Is there a "good" ending?

I'm inclined to stick with church, feels the most natural. But I don't like the new characters, and I hate losing Edelgard and Hubert.

I'll post about the other chapters later.



I chose to follow Edelgard and I enjoyed the story if that's enough for you to go on. I have finished the game. I also followed her to the capitol prior to the chapter as well(game said it was an important decision). Sothis didn't say much.


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So where is everybody up to?

I’m on Chapter 10 of The Golden Deer, at just over 25 hours.

Someone I follow on Twitter claims to have completed two of the Houses already (and said he had finished the first after three days).

Someone else said they finished The Black Eagles (I think) in 36 hours.

This is the first game in a long time that’s made me think I’m *really* playing something special, so that’s nice.



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I don''t understand the progression to the master classes. For example, I made Ferdinand a Paladin which requires lances and riding skills. But the next class seems to either be Great Knight which requires axe, heavy armour, and riding, or a Holy Knight which requires lance, faith and riding, except faith needs to be B+???

Same with Petra, I made her an Assassin and it looks like the next logical upgrade would be Mortal Savant which needs reason? A lot of the Master classes are mounted so do I need to start pumping skill points into all these other skills that I haven't been focusing on?

I think I missed a gem that increases the class experience from the first paralogue as well as I didn't get the chest.

Just beat chapter 11. Things went down. :eek:

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13 hours ago, Ike said:

I don''t understand the progression to the master classes. For example, I made Ferdinand a Paladin which requires lances and riding skills. But the next class seems to either be Great Knight which requires axe, heavy armour, and riding, or a Holy Knight which requires lance, faith and riding, except faith needs to be B+???

Same with Petra, I made her an Assassin and it looks like the next logical upgrade would be Mortal Savant which needs reason? A lot of the Master classes are mounted so do I need to start pumping skill points into all these other skills that I haven't been focusing on?


Yeah, it's a bit odd.  For one thing, I don't think any of the horse-mounted Master classes are actually better than a Paladin, which if I recall correctly always used to be an equal choice between that and Great Knight.  Although I always thought Paladin was better, they were officially the same tier.  Now that Ferdinand is A-rank for Lance and Riding, I'm having him concentrate on Faith just in case I want him to be a Holy Knight eventually.


Also, is there no male Sage class?  From the classes that are visible at the moment, it seems Bishop (an Advanced class) is best for him, but again, if I feel compelled to give him a Master class I'll probably think about Holy Knight.  That said, he hasn't mastered all the magic classes yet - I'm still working on Dark Mage, so I'm half expecting a new Master class to be unlocked sometime.  In past games, I always thought Bishop was the best magic class, but here I might feel compelled to give everyone a Master class.


Personally, I prefer to have less choice.  If I recall correctly (thinking particularly of Sacred Stones), there were some characters where you got a choice of Warrior or Hero, for example.  And if someone's a flyer, I'd rather just choose between Wyvern and Pegasus.  I like a bit of choice, but think it's satisfying to have a bit more guidance.

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11 minutes ago, Ike said:

Welp, making Flayn dancer was a mistake. :blank:

Haha, why? I made Flayne a dancer as well (or to be precise, I entered her in the competition), but this was for roleplaying purposes and I took into account there was a chance I wasn't going to keep Flayne. I mean I can guess.. She's not good with a sword. I actually did get to keep Flayne, but I'm using her as a second priest right now.. So I'm not actually using the dancer class. Not quite sure what I want do do with her. Was considering making her a Holy knight or Pegasus Knight in the long run.

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9 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

Haha, why? I made Flayne a dancer as well (or to be precise, I entered her in the competition), but this was for roleplaying purposes and I took into account there was a chance I wasn't going to keep Flayne. I mean I can guess.. She's not good with a sword. I actually did get to keep Flayne, but I'm using her as a second priest right now.. So I'm not actually using the dancer class. Not quite sure what I want do do with her. Was considering making her a Holy knight or Pegasus Knight in the long run.

She left for me. Not sure if I can get her back, though I had a B support with her and Byleth so maybe I can re-recruit her but it doesn't seem likely the way the story has gone..?

She was a good unit though, she could still use White Magic when she was a dancer so never bothered using swords with her.

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Ah haha, yeah that's a problem. Like I said, I took it into account. I entered her into the competition, because she was the most enthousiastic about it when talking about it, and also the most disappointed when I initially declined.. I felt awful haha. Though funnily enough others were also disappointed. Dorothea took it quite well I believe.. But I think Edelgard was also very disappointed. She would have been my second choice. Again, for roleplaying purposes, as it doesn't make sense for gameplay purposes.

Speaking of supports though.. Apparently I missed my opportunity to get any supports with Catherine. Apparently I had to get at least C-support before the timeskip. That's so annoying.

I'm almost ready to do the main mission for chapter 16 now, capturing the bridge, church route. I'll still post about the other chapters later.

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