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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (2017)


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Treehouse just announced that the "Challenge Mode" portion of the expansion pack is coming out today.

Progressing in it gets you a few new Blades.




Surprised they went with normal Fiora, don't see enough of that.

There's also alternate outfits for Rex and crew.


Edited by Glen-i
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I'm currently at chapter 9 and just play through all my side quests. I love the game and I don't want it to end quite yet. But seeing the DLC-trailer at the E3 Direct made me really interested in the Expansion, so now I think I'll buy it and give the game another go. Just need to get through Zenobia's skill tree. But fuck Ursula. That's the worst grind fest I've ever seen.

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  • 4 weeks later...

FINALLY done with this game. 192 hours, so I feel I got my moneys worth out of it. It took some time but I really loved all the different systems in the game, like blade skill strees, core chips, weapon chips, and especially the blades and their quests.

Didn't like Tiger Tiger though, that was just stupid. I think I'll get the DLC at some point, but now I need a long break :P.

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50 minutes ago, ArtMediocre said:

Didn't like Tiger Tiger though, that was just stupid. I think I'll get the DLC at some point, but now I need a long break :P.

Thankfully, in New Game Plus, you can just use Bonus EXP to buy Ether Crystals and the incredibly rare Master Mods. They're expensive but can make Tora the best character in the game. As much as I hate the little perv, he did carry me through the LV 130 superboss with little difficulty thanks to his 700-ish Agility.

I'm still missing one rare blade... I understand @Kav's pain...

...Except mine's WAY WORSE because Kos-Mos is the last one I need. At least he got it before Perun. Lucky Bugger. I'm having the worst luck...

I want to get it before buying the DLC, but it's looking more and more unlikely that I'll be able to pull it off.

Edited by Glen-i
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13 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

As much as I hate the little perv...


well, that's a relief. I wanna start a new game plus at some point, but now I need to cool down on the Xeno for a bit. I think I'm missing five or six rare blades, but when I hit lvl 100 I'll do the Legendary core-farming with the Ardun in Torigoth

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1 minute ago, ArtMediocre said:


Funnily enough, it's not his voice that bugs me. I've heard many way worse voices over the years. But it's just his defining trait of being a total sleazebag. It put me off him right away with the whole "sex doll" joke. And every time I started to get over it, I'd stumble upon a conversation with him that reminded me of that all over again.

I was physically uncomfortable going through the "Blushy-Crushy" heart to heart. Nia should have smacked him upside the head for that.

What makes it even worse is that Poppi is a really good character. But suffers purely from being associated with Tora.


Nothing illustrates this more than the later Poppi forms you can get.

Poppi starts off pretty cool. It's a good design. And this game desperately needs some good design Blades.

But then you get Poppi... *massive sigh* QT...


The maid outfit is a little creepy, but I can overlook it.

And then there's...



Accurate depiction of me when I first saw that right there.

Poppi QTpi? Really? And she's only half dressed, because Tora designed it and Tora ruins everything he touches.


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  • 3 weeks later...

A big update for the owners of the expansion pass will arrive tomorrow.

  • - Final quest pack includes 5 new quests, 3 of them involve a number of rare blades, the last one involves KOS-MOS and Shiki (Adenine).
  • - New Rare Blade quest for Hibana, designed by Atto
  • - New items to exchange for in the Challenge Arena, costumes as well as items to increase Tora's Idea
  • - Extreme and Custom difficulties added
  • - New Setting option will change the Unique Monster BGM to "You Will Know Our Names" (XB1 UM Theme) when Shulk and Fiora is in your party


Best thing about this update is...

I wonder if they increase the chance of obtaining KOS-MOS now that there is a new quest that requires her?

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Yes! As good as the soundtrack in XB2 is, none of the battle music comes close to stuff like "You Will Know Our Names" and "Mechanical Rhythm"

Once that Torna Story DLC comes out, I don't think I'll be able to resist it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
12 hours ago, Nicktendo said:

Wrong! XCX has the BEST soundtrack of all the Xenoblade games.

New L.A alone completely invalidates that entire statement.

And don't get me started on that horrendous rapping during some battles.

The music when you're not in a fight and exploring the world is nice enough, but that's about it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The trailers won me over, I have now bought the season pass :P. God damn this time sink of a game, why do I love it so much!? Has anyone downloaded the Torna DLC yet? First impressions? Is it as much to do as in the original game?

I need help. I've started the infamous Ursula lvl 5 skill tree... I'm going to complete her. I use my days at work to get her items with merc missions. It's such a drag. But if I finish her quests I will also get Merc lvl 5, as well as Roc's lvl 5 skill tree unlocked. Then, maybe, I will start a new game plus, if I'm not going in for the Torna DLC straight away. 

Got the first three DLC blades unlocked yesterday, and I must say the design of these is pretty great. God, I just can't get myself to put this game down.

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59 minutes ago, Rob3008 said:

So I haven't played Xenoblade 2 but am considering the expansion due to its more manageable size. Does it have tutorials in it like the main game?

I don't know, but the battle system in Torna isn't the exact same as XB2. So it'll definitely have to explain some things.

Considering that they're selling this separate from the game, I have to imagine that there are, for the people who only buy Torna.

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Just finished Torna The Golden Country, DLC.




Damn that was epic! The fight vs Malos, the 2nd part with Siren, the epicness of the cutscene after with Mythra unlocking her true sword but not becoming Pneuma, losing control of her powers.

...but what was with her seeing Rex? Was she glimpsing the future?

Her seeing Milton dead and becoming Pyra because of it, locking herself away...shame there was no mention of Milton in main story, granted they may not have written the character at the time. Would have been nice to have had a scene that hinted at him then to see it in Torna to tie it up.

Seeing how Mikhal reacted was great showing how he would become who we see in the main game...but again I don't think there was any dialogue in main game showing that him and Mythra knew each other previously.

Hugo dying was a surprise though I should have seen it coming when they introduced that one character whose job it was to retrieve Bridgid and Ageons cores.

The bit with Gort took me by surprise as I had almost forgotten bout him but nice that they reminded us and tied it up.

I liked Jin and Lora (though I mainly controlled Addam) and I understand more now Jin's decision to become a Flesheater so he would not forget Lora.
Just wish the main game did more with her at the end, she just vanishes when the ship goes down. I always expected she would somehow be revived.

I still don't quite get why Jin would side with Malos after it though :p . If he wanted to keep Lora's memory alive helping Malos wipe out humanity in vengeance for Indol killing her is not something she would want him to do.

And what was with Addams (evil) brother showing up in Indol at the end....was he working with Amalthues all along? Or is he that founds Tantal and lies about coming from Addams bloodline?

Speaking of which I was hoping for something a little more concrete to show Rex is from Addams bloodline than they have the same eyes....Lora's eyes are pretty much same also :p

Great game overall...my most played on Switch.... 305 hours main game and Torna combined.....and Torna has a NG+!!! So I am not done yet!

I might also sit down and just watch all the cuts scenes as if it was an anime one day :)

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