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Weight Loss & Fitness 2017


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Because of my mental health issues I became pretty sedentary over the last couple of years and my weight went up to about 13 stone at one point because eating too much junk and a lack of exercise. I'm down to just below 12 stone now but looking to get back to around 10 1/2. I'm getting out for walks a couple of hours a day and my Dad has set up his bike in the garage on a Tacx smart trainer so I'm getting about 20mins of cycling in a day too and for the first time in my life actually logging my calorie intake and weighing myself weekly. Really cutting back on the junk has been pretty hard as I would generally eat a couple of bars of chocolate a day, and I'm trying to cut out carbs too so refraining from eating any bread for a few weeks. 

Like I say, just starting on the weight loss so don't have any results yet but looking forward to seeing the hard work pay off down the line.

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5 hours ago, killthenet said:

Because of my mental health issues I became pretty sedentary over the last couple of years and my weight went up to about 13 stone at one point because eating too much junk and a lack of exercise. I'm down to just below 12 stone now but looking to get back to around 10 1/2. I'm getting out for walks a couple of hours a day and my Dad has set up his bike in the garage on a Tacx smart trainer so I'm getting about 20mins of cycling in a day too and for the first time in my life actually logging my calorie intake and weighing myself weekly. Really cutting back on the junk has been pretty hard as I would generally eat a couple of bars of chocolate a day, and I'm trying to cut out carbs too so refraining from eating any bread for a few weeks. 

Like I say, just starting on the weight loss so don't have any results yet but looking forward to seeing the hard work pay off down the line.

Changing the diet will make all of the difference.

Chocolate and biscuits are my weakness. So, I try and space out exactly when I eat them. Once you see the weight fall off, that's motivation in itself and it'll encourage you to keep going.

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Weighing myself every Friday evening, lost 4 pounds this week so really happy with that. Another few weeks on this regimen and I should be at my target. It has been pretty tough not snacking at night but the fact that i've seen some results is going to make it easier over the next week.

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I'm switching my weight and rep ranges to low weight but moderate-higher reps. So, 8-12 reps. It's been a while since I've done that, but I fancied a change and decided to just switch over today. Doing bicep curls with low weight but really, reaaaally squeezing the muscle and slowing down the reps almost killed me. I thought my arms were going to explode. Very satisfying. My triceps got put through it, too. 

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Looks like I have a torn musclefiber in my chest...fuck me, can I not be injury free for more than two weeks?


I'll still try to work out. Probably won't be able to bench press and do barbell rows but squats, deadlifts and overhead presses might work.

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Had my first crossfit class after my son was born - so 7 weeks with next to little exercise and then bam! The class consisted of deadlift and three small workouts. The deadlifting was 7-7-6-5-4 and got up to 114 (could probably have taken a bit more but stopped there). I think that's quite alright after such a break.


The workout was evil cardio with kettlebells. It was a perfect start for me as it wasn't heavy and mainly attacked the lungs. 


I hope to be able to go twice a week in the future and then do some running every week as well. 

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9 hours ago, drahkon said:

Looks like I have a torn musclefiber in my chest...fuck me, can I not be injury free for more than two weeks?


I'll still try to work out. Probably won't be able to bench press and do barbell rows but squats, deadlifts and overhead presses might work.

I'd be tempted to rest it and let it recover for at least a week before doing anything other weight work. Your body will need time and energy to heal.

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18 minutes ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

I'd be tempted to rest it and let it recover for at least a week before doing anything other weight work. Your body will need time and energy to heal.

It's been more than week now...


Going to the gym tomorrow and just try it out slowly. I know when to stop.

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3 minutes ago, drahkon said:

It's been more than week now...


Going to the gym tomorrow and just try it out slowly. I know when to stop.

It might be worth looking into recovery exercise plans. 

Found this link earlier for an old thread. The fifth post is interesting about what to do with an injury (advice from Mark Rippetoe). Might be worth a go!


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ripptoe is pretty up there with useful information. I believe I watched a squat vid of his and it opened my eyes to so much.


I'm doing shit all exercise because im having a ROTTEN flare up of all the pains... my hip in particular is crippling. 


Being in your 30s is fucking great, that juvenile arthritis is really setting in now -_-

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  • 2 weeks later...

Getting close to squatting 80kg. If I don't stall I'll go for it in three workouts :)


Will try to do bench presses again on Saturday. My chest still hurts a little but it's gotten much better. Still struggling with overhead presses...30kg...I hate it :D

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27 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Getting close to squatting 80kg. If I don't stall I'll go for it in three workouts :)


Will try to do bench presses again on Saturday. My chest still hurts a little but it's gotten much better. Still struggling with overhead presses...30kg...I hate it :D

You could try adding in seated shoulder press stuff. I do it with a barbell and quite enjoy it. I do it as well as standing. 

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My weight loss has evened out and I now lose between 1-2 pounds a week, down to 11st 4lbs as of today. I've been keeping up with the 20mins of cycling a day and have been doing between 1hr 30 and 2hrs of walking everyday which I feel is pretty manageable for me and I can still have a few sweet things a week. I'm hoping to maintain this progress until Xmas and see where I'm at then and if I need to change anything. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone else on Strava? Add me: https://www.strava.com/athletes/2541691

I've entered a Tatton 10K on November 11th so I'm training for that at the moment, loosely following a plan by a guy called Pfitzinger. I've also stuck myself in a calorie deficit for the last couple of weeks to get down to race weight, which makes me miserable. Checked this morning and I'm at 10st2lbs and my goal is 10st so I'm not far off.

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3 hours ago, Mr_Odwin said:

Anyone else on Strava? Add me: https://www.strava.com/athletes/2541691

I've entered a Tatton 10K on November 11th so I'm training for that at the moment, loosely following a plan by a guy called Pfitzinger. I've also stuck myself in a calorie deficit for the last couple of weeks to get down to race weight, which makes me miserable. Checked this morning and I'm at 10st2lbs and my goal is 10st so I'm not far off.

Me! Although I actually follow you already. Can't say I've been out on the bike much recently...

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I've lost 3lb! I'm so happy with this!

For the last few weeks, I've been in a real funk where some of my old demons started to resurface and I was kind of eating loads again and sometimes just subconsciously doing it. I was going through stresses at work and stresses with other people, stressing about my excess skin and fat and it was also my Grandad's Birthday coming up so I wasn't ever going to be in the best place.

I'm fine now and I'm back on it. I've started doing more weights and doing less cardio but more intense. It's paying off at the moment. I'm on my third week and I'm on 1800 calories. I'm actually feeling really good. I'm not starving, I'm more awake and conscious about everything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still doing StrongLift. Took a week off from training, so I had to de-load.

Working my way back up to 80kg squats. :)

Squats are at 75kg
Bench Press - 42.5kg
Barbell Row - 37.5kg
Overhead Press - 30kg
Deadlift - 60kg


I intend to start eating less soon and try to lose some fat. Not sure if I'll give keto another go or simply cut down on the calories.

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10 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Still doing StrongLift. Took a week off from training, so I had to de-load.

Working my way back up to 80kg squats. :)

Squats are at 75kg
Bench Press - 42.5kg
Barbell Row - 37.5kg
Overhead Press - 30kg
Deadlift - 60kg


I intend to start eating less soon and try to lose some fat. Not sure if I'll give keto another go or simply cut down on the calories.

You may find you take a fitness stall if you try keto, in the first month or so before you become fat adapted your performance can be affected.  Not everyone gets it but a lot do. Just worth thinking about if you are weighing up the options.  A lot of gym rats I know would couple lifting and IF if thats up your street :)

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12 minutes ago, Raining_again said:

You may find you take a fitness stall if you try keto, in the first month or so before you become fat adapted your performance can be affected.  Not everyone gets it but a lot do. Just worth thinking about if you are weighing up the options.  A lot of gym rats I know would couple lifting and IF if thats up your street :)

IF is intermittent fasting?

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Dr Michael Moseley did a Horizon documentary that's very interesting, goes into the science of it.


from my perspective: 

You can do IF whatever way you want, usually i fast from 9-5, every weekday.. you can also do entire day fasts.  (this obviously depends on job, lifestyle, and gym routine)

I used to do Mon-Wed-Fri every week, an entire 3 days of fasting, but this is not for the weak minded (and possibly not for gym performance at least on those days)

i've also done 5pm to 5pm, IE sunday have breakfast & lunch, fast, then have dinner on monday (this was 3x a week as well). I actually used to go to the gym after my sunday lunch, workout, have my protein shake, then fast from then til monday night, for some reason it was mentally the easiest, and when I made the most gym gains.  But its finding your own groove.

I read a book called the Alternate Day Diet, long before fasting became a thing and before LG became well known. and I just played around with it.  You can't really go wrong, just make corrections as you go if its not working as well as you'd like. 


edit: see it became SUPER popular and now everyone has an opinion on it.  And I fear the ketogenic diet is going the same way tbh!

Edited by Raining_again
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My weight has been fluctuating up and down. I'm sort of not taking much notice of it because I'm doing it to support my friend. He's doing Slimming World right now but hates the weigh-ins so I said I'd do my weekly weigh-ins on Tuesdays on the same day he does. I've put on 3lb but my measurements have lowered around my stomach and waist and gained on my chest (like, my chest is bigger but not like I have titties but actual pecs).

I've also hit a PB that I've been aiming to hit pretty much since I've started running. My new time to run a mile is 9.53. It used to be 10.25 or something. I can also dp 50 seconds of a static hang too!

I'm massively happy about this. Ever since doing weights and cardio, I've been stronger and faster. I might be heavier but it's something I've had to learn the hard way to live with. It's all fun and games for now but next year is going to be challenging if it happens. I'm planning on doing numerous things to raise money for the Brain Tumour Charity and I want to try things like Tough Mudder and Wolf Run and I think hope I'll be ready for it next year!

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