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Weight Loss & Fitness 2017


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4 Are you getting enough nutrition and rest in there in between workouts? Are you doing any cardio at all? On the rest days, are you walking around and using those muscles?


Yes. No. Yes.


I don't need recovery time this long after every workout, though. Before my last workout I increased the weight 6 times in a row without getting sore muscles.


I'll try to do some stretching on rest days. And I'll also try to stretch more before workouts.


Anybody here got some advice/recommendations for stretching? I stumbled upon this guide and it seems like a good starting point?

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Yes. No. Yes.


I don't need recovery time this long after every workout, though. Before my last workout I increased the weight 6 times in a row without getting sore muscles.


I'll try to do some stretching on rest days. And I'll also try to stretch more before workouts.


Anybody here got some advice/recommendations for stretching? I stumbled upon this guide and it seems like a good starting point?


You really don't need to stretch before a workout, in fact most "experts" will say it can actually harm you. You want to dynamic moves, nothing static. After a workout is different, static stretching when you're muscles are activated is good and will vastly improve your flexibility.

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You really don't need to stretch before a workout, in fact most "experts" will say it can actually harm you. You want to dynamic moves, nothing static. After a workout is different, static stretching when you're muscles are activated is good and will vastly improve your flexibility.


Good to know. I'll keep that in mind. :)

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ALWAYS do a set with just the bar to get the blood flowing and muscles moving without undue stress


I always do :) I also add a little weight after the "bar only set" and do 1 or 2 more sets for warming up.


Have followed that stretching program I've mentioned in an earlier post. Too early to tell if it's working, of course, but it feels good to stretch :D First workout tomorrow after starting the program. Probably won't feel any change, though. Hope it'll have an impact after a couple of weeks.


Started reading Becoming a Supple Leopard and it looks like I have to do some serious traning when it comes to proper form and bracing...I really need to practice the bracing sequence mentioned in that book. My back is a mess without it.

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If you have hyperflexible joints/muscles anywhere i would advise against stretching them. i have a lot of hyperflex and i made the mistake of wasting half an hour stretching these parts, all they need is a good strong blood flow and a warm up set which you seem to be doing right. (my coach always got me to do 2 sets of 10 kettlebell swings - with a 24kg bell for me)


If i recall the general consensus in the stronglifts IC was doing 5 sets, start with bar, & increasing in 10s or 20s (depending on how heavy you went, anything above 60kg you generally go for 20s or you'd be there all day. If my weight was 62.5kg, i would do bar x5, 40kg x5, then working weight 5x5.)




I have been on ketoIF for 11 days and i've lost 4.7kg (just over 10lbs!) although i fully expect to start hitting the wall. Once i get my imminent holiday done and dusted and back on ketoIF I want to start getting into SL properly myself. Need to get squat stands though. This year has been the biggest bag of shit (lost my lovely kitty and my 61 year old dad is hanging on by a thread) so I really need to get some positive mojo my way

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Get back on those squats, Raineeeeng.


I pulled a muscle in my back last week when squatting. Was pretty pissed off that it happened, but it all appears to be fine now and I've been able to exercise the last few days with no issues. Phew. You always have that thought of, "shit, I wonder if it's serious!"


Destroyed my triceps earlier. Need them fuckers to grow.

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I'm looking into getting myself some squat stands and starting SL again. Dem gains.


Although my spare room is packed with junk........ :bouncy:


They'll be very useful if you get them! Jim used his stands a lot!

We have something similar to this:

Squat stands


If you lived closer you could have ours, we actually need to get rid of them now that we have the cage. :P



I desperately need to lose weight again. Using the crosstrainer 5 times per week and trying to watch my food, but so far it's not working yet. Need to work harder somehow!

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Get back on those squats, Raineeeeng.


I pulled a muscle in my back last week when squatting. Was pretty pissed off that it happened, but it all appears to be fine now and I've been able to exercise the last few days with no issues. Phew. You always have that thought of, "shit, I wonder if it's serious!"


Destroyed my triceps earlier. Need them fuckers to grow.


Have been out of the game too fucking long and my body is suffering so badly :woops: Never felt as good as when I did SL, exactly as its "prescribed" no changes or mods.


Every time I pull something I'm always like shheeeeet i did it this time lol :bouncy:


And the back is the worst too - i have arthritis in my neck and lower back so i have to be uber careful. Despite the risk i usually find squatting/dl's give me a strong as hell back and reduces all my pain too... so theres that

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It's been 502 days since I've started and I'm feeling amazing! I'm loving every second of it and I've started doing German Volume Training.


My personal bests are 155kg deadlifts, 150kg squats, 75kg clean and press and 90kg chest press. I'm not doing bad at the moment but I'm hoping I'll smash these as the weeks go on. I'm training for 7 more weeks on this so wish me luck.4fe461d10df0f5e1af486e98e7e83ff4.jpg


Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

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I have been on ketoIF


Coincidentally I want to give this a go, too.


Keto is basically high fat, low carb (low protein, too?), right?


I've tried intermittent fasting once and it was ok. Don't think it worked for me, but that was mainly because I ate very much without exercising :D


Think I'll go for

eating phase - 8 hours

fasting - 16 hours.


Edit: Back from the gym.


Next time: my first 70kg squats. Looking forward to it. I managed to improve my form quite a lot. I do, however, lose tension in my abs occasionally which I immediately register in my back during squats. Just need a little more focus.


Next for Bench Press: 47.5kg. Need to read up on the technique again because my left shoulder starts to hurt after every 4th set.


And for Barbell Row: 40kg. Dreading it already :D

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Progress from February to Mid-May. Bodyfat, as measured by 4-point skin fold calipers, has decreased from 15% - 12.8%. Not entirely convinced by the measurements BUT my waist has gone from 87cm to 81cm in the same time period.


Weight - 78.1kg - 79.5kg

Chest - 100cm - 103cm

Waist - 87cm - 81cm

Neck - 37cm - 35cm

Bodyfat - 15% - 12.8%


I've been hammering a PPL routine with some added accessories for shoulders as I'm trying to push them. Also been doing plenty of HIIT (my gym has great 30 minute classes for this). Over the last month I've been doing 10-15 minutes of 30s sprints followed by 30s abs which is very effective.


2 weeks until I go on holiday so the final push now...

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Progress from February to Mid-May. Bodyfat, as measured by 4-point skin fold calipers, has decreased from 15% - 12.8%. Not entirely convinced by the measurements BUT my waist has gone from 87cm to 81cm in the same time period.


2 weeks until I go on holiday so the final push now...


Sounds convincing to me. What exactly do you think you're losing off your waist if it ain't body fat?

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Coincidentally I want to give this a go, too.


Keto is basically high fat, low carb (low protein, too?), right?


I've tried intermittent fasting once and it was ok. Don't think it worked for me, but that was mainly because I ate very much without exercising :D


Think I'll go for

eating phase - 8 hours

fasting - 16 hours.


Edit: Back from the gym.


Next time: my first 70kg squats. Looking forward to it. I managed to improve my form quite a lot. I do, however, lose tension in my abs occasionally which I immediately register in my back during squats. Just need a little more focus.


Next for Bench Press: 47.5kg. Need to read up on the technique again because my left shoulder starts to hurt after every 4th set.


And for Barbell Row: 40kg. Dreading it already :D


It is uberlow carbs, moderate protein, and high fats.


https://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/ is the calculator we all use at /r/keto. Carbs are a LIMIT. Protein is a goal (ie get as close to as possible, not under and not too much over). Fat is variable. If you're wanting to create a calorie deficit you don't have to eat all of the fat allowance.


I just lazy keto, the only thing I strictly count is carbs. But then i'm trying to lose weight so that works. I might count macros more strictly if I feel I need to.


One note: keep on top of your electrolytes. Lots of salt and potassium (lo salt) and magnesium (supplement/electrolyte drinks) If you feel tired and shit its usually the cause. And expect your performance to drop slightly until your body becomes "fat adapted" ie used to using fat for energy. (takes a month or two)


I'm already accustomed to IF, its actually a million times easier on keto.


I'm doing strict keto until my holiday in sept, then ill likely be off for holiday, and I think I might either go back to keto or try cyclic keto.


I got a set of squat stands from a lovely guy on gumtree, 80 quid for a real quality set. Yeeehoooo.

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https://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/ is the calculator we all use at /r/keto. Carbs are a LIMIT. Protein is a goal (ie get as close to as possible, not under and not too much over). Fat is variable. If you're wanting to create a calorie deficit you don't have to eat all of the fat allowance.


Thanks. This is what I'm going for:


1666 kcal Daily Calorie Intake


30g Carbs (7%, 120 kcal)

80g Protein (19%, 320 kcal)

136g Fat (74%, 1226 kcal)


Quite a big deficit (526 kcal). We'll see if I can do it :D


I'm not one to cook big meals. My diet will most likely contain of meatballs, can tuna, cheese, eggs and vegetables. :laughing: But I guess there are ways to make this a little diverse.


One note: keep on top of your electrolytes. Lots of salt and potassium (lo salt) and magnesium (supplement/electrolyte drinks) If you feel tired and shit its usually the cause. And expect your performance to drop slightly until your body becomes "fat adapted" ie used to using fat for energy. (takes a month or two)


Good to know. I might also need some vitamin supplements as I don't really like fruits and you're not allowed to eat many anyway.

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Back into the weights room today for the first time in ages. Surprisingly managed a decent amount.


I was in the best shape of my life at the start of October but this new job and being in London screwed me over a fair amount. Back to it now. No more excuses.


I find myself in the same situation right now, but I managed to get to the gym at least once or twice a week. But at the same time it seems my wife gets to do her little venus factor stuff whenever she gets ready. I wish I had more time though, somebody has to pay the bills though.

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Thanks. This is what I'm going for:


1666 kcal Daily Calorie Intake


30g Carbs (7%, 120 kcal)

80g Protein (19%, 320 kcal)

136g Fat (74%, 1226 kcal)


Quite a big deficit (526 kcal). We'll see if I can do it :D


I'm not one to cook big meals. My diet will most likely contain of meatballs, can tuna, cheese, eggs and vegetables. :laughing: But I guess there are ways to make this a little diverse.




Good to know. I might also need some vitamin supplements as I don't really like fruits and you're not allowed to eat many anyway.


Thats pretty much what I do, lots of meat and at least try to have a portion of veg a day (it helps with toileting difficulties that can occur)


You don't *need* fruits in your diet, there are loads of veg that will give you the exact same nutrients.


More importantly you must drink lots (you will want to) you need salt, potassium and magnesium in your diet (lots of water flushes all these minerals out and you need to replenish or you can have big problems - "keto flu" being the best, palpitations and passing out being the worst).


Potassium & Salt can be found in LoSalt, and don't be scared to be liberal with it. Magnesium from a good health food shop (Holland and barrett for example). You can get some tabs to stick in water, SiS GO are the brand i've been using. You can get them in tesco/asda/even halfords.


I dont take them every day, just on days i'm feeling a bit yuck.


There are a few facebook groups on keto, and a few decent reddit pages, if you don't mind that there are a few elitist nobends floating around you'll be alright lol




On a slightly related note: most of my clothes are falling off, but the scales are being totally cray. I'm going to start working out when the initial keto weakness passes. (tomorrow puts me at 3 weeks down).

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Potassium & Salt can be found in LoSalt, and don't be scared to be liberal with it. Magnesium from a good health food shop (Holland and barrett for example). You can get some tabs to stick in water, SiS GO are the brand i've been using. You can get them in tesco/asda/even halfords.


Your UK brands are of no use to me. :p


I found some pills that provide a good amount of magnesium and potassium.


Will start the keto diet on Wednesday. Going to donate blood plasma tomorrow and want to ask them if there will be any issues with a high fat diet. I might have to stop donating for a while.

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I'd forgotten how nice it is to squat. It's been a while since I last did backsquats as I haven't been doing weights sessions for the past half a year or so - mainly going to classes that also had some weights in it. So I was pleasantly surprised when I actually managed to do 86 kg on backsquat for five reps the other day (did 5x5: 70-80-80-80-86) which apparently is a new record for 5 reps according to FitNotes which I've been updating since January 2016. I think I could have done 90 kg as well if it wasn't for my fear of the enxt part of the workout: every 6 minutes for four rounds we did 400 m rowing and 400 m running and then break until the next 6 minutes started. Did all rounds at about 3 minutes each.

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5 day since I've gone keto.


Don't feel any different, yet.


I try to eat enough, but have a feeling that I don't :D I count carbs but not fat/protein. I never exceed my carb limit but not sure whether I reach my fat/protein goal. Might need to count every macro now.


My meals aren't really varied...meatballs with veggies, eggs, bacon, peanuts, cheese. I made very basic chili con carne (canned tomato, garlic, onion, mincemeat). Delicious. This might become my go to meal now.

Also found a recipe for butter-tomato-sauce. Should go nicely with meatballs.


Had to skip workout yesterday because I've been having back problems for a couple of days now. Should be fine by Wednesday, though. Gonna be interesting if this diet has an impact on my performance this early.


I don't have bathroom scales so I have no idea if I lost weight. I usually have to step on some before I donate bloodplasma. Tomorrow I might know more.



One thing I know for sure: I miss pasta, rice, bread and everything...the cravings can be real bad. Especially when I'm not in the eating phase...


@Raining_again, a quick question: Have you had experience with alcohol during keto? There's a party coming up and I do like to get drunk from time to time.

I've been drinking Coke Zero with Rum for months now. Coke Zero has basically no carbs and Rum only in the form of alcohol. Could this cause any problems with keto?

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I'm determined to make my triceps grow. I feel like I've not paid as much direct attention to them as I should have over the past few years. I've been doing some tricep pushdowns with a bar and with a rope for variation and am finding it to be a lot of fun at the moment.

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