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Westworld (TV series)

The Cape

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  • 5 months later...

Got my blu-rays yesterday, and watched it all in one go.

In short: I liked the ending, and I'm still very much invested in the overall story and the characters, and can't wait to see where it goes next season. But there was lopts of stuff that felt kind of meh during the season. Pacing problems, narrative and motivational problems.. Lots of little things that annoyed me. Two mention two big things I didn't like: the whole episode following that native American, that was boring, and I also really didn't see the point of showing Shogun world. That was pretty boring as well.

But yeah. I'm rooting for hosts, and am glad they made it out there, and hope to see more of them in the real world next season. Also that hidden digital "heaven" reminded me of the Ark in Soma.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Good timing on the thread bump, as I've just started watching season 1. Never watched it before, but I've always had a background interest in it. I've watched 5 episodes so far and I'm quite enjoying it. I think it requires some suspension of disbelief, but overall I think it's a pretty interesting concept. It's actually got me thinking about how games are getting more and more AI based and the ethics of it all. Obviously there's a huge chasm between current gen games and Westworld, but still, it's an interesting topic.

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Both the first and second episodes were pretty intriguing. So far, season 3 is better than 2, but nowhere near 1.

I can see it getting all too confusing by the end though, what with robots who are copies of people, people who have always been robots, people who were people but are now just in robots' imagination, people who are just holograms, robots that are in their own imagination, and perhaps also people who have robot parts?

They seemed to have cooled it with the ridiculous timelines at least.

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Damnit, i really shouldn't go and read fan theories on the internet. I was browsing the Westworld subreddit and read a theory that I'm pretty sure is going to happen, so it kind of feels like a spoiler, even though it hasn't happened yet.

Still, episode 3 was really good!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Episode 5 felt a lot like filler. They had a bit of Serac's backstory, but so much of it just seemed to be following Aaron Paul around while he was tripping.

Episode 6 was much better. I'm really enjoying this season!

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Watched episode 7 last night, but my wife and I got a bit confused (par for the course with this show)


So what actually happened with Caleb? 

I thought i was following, but then lost it.

1) He was actually in Crimea, fighting the Russians, and then got blown up with Francis. They get honourably discharged and come home to the USA.

2) Then, they get picked up by Serac for being 'deviants' and put into the AR goggles to brainwash them.

3) At this point, Caleb is brainwashed into thinking the lie that Francis died in Crimea during the insurgent ambush? So how did he end up in the USA rounding up other deviants with Francis? Did he go in for a second round of brainwashing after he killed Francis? The timeline doesn't really add up.

Also, where did Clementine come from? How did she get out of the park?

Anywho the rest of the episode was pretty good. I don't know if that means the end for Maeve and Delores. Presumably they can retrieve Maeve's pearl and reboot it, but no-one is going to do that for Delores. Does an EMP actually destroy a host? Not sure if that's come up before.

Bit annoyed that they keep forgetting about Maeve's host-controlling power. Sometimes she has it, other times she conveniently doesn't have it - it's a bit weird.


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