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Nintendo Direct (3DS Only) - September 1st - 15:00


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Just giving a date, without mentioning the NX or anything, wouldn't be a "disaster". Also, they often reference consoles and time periods other than what is set in the Direct's title.


"Fucking disaster" is a massive overstatement


Granted "bloody stupid" would be better but if you have the industry interested in your next console don't slip in a mention of when it's going to happen at the end of a Direct that is watched primarily by a core audience when you've said it won't be discussed.


You make a song and dance of the announcement date, you don't say "we're not going to say it" then say it.

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Was just saying it as if it was an ominous tease, not about them outright saying "HEY THIS IS THE NX". Come on. You're taking that to huge extremes.


Also, you highly underestimate the reach of Nintendo Directs

Edited by Serebii
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Was just saying it as if it was an ominous tease, not about them outright saying "HEY THIS IS THE NX". Come on. You're taking that to huge extremes.


Also, you highly underestimate the reach of Nintendo Directs


The majority of people are not going to tune in to a direct to glimpse a date at the end. They'll wait until it gets reported elsewhere. If they want to get more people watching the direct say "We'll discuss the Nintendo 3DS and give details about when you will hear more about the NX".


To do the opposite is just poor marketing.


At their best NDs get ~2 million viewers. It's a lot, sure, but it's pittance compared to the collective audiences of social media and news outlets.


Surely them announcing it at the end of the direct is no different to them announcing it on twitter or via press release?! Except it'll make that direct more exciting.


I never considered it, but now I think they could announce the date! Please!!!


Yeah most people will hear about it one way or another, but if it's the only thing you announce it will get sole attention whereas this way the 3DS stuff may become second-tier and if they say "we're only showing 3DS!" and then announce an NX announcement date it's a bit of a dick move.


And do we really need to get to the usual pre-E3 hype levels where people expect the world and don't get it? :heh:


All I'm saying is:


1) If it did get announced meh whatever, but it would be a huge way to undersell the third biggest thing Nintendo will do this year (E3, announce the NX being the other two) that would potentially bury the other news

2) If you're going to do something don't outright say you're not going to, it's a bad tactic

3) If you're expecting the NX date...




Not that I'm saying it definitely won't happen, but just don't spend the next 48 hours hyped up for something that they've said they won't announce. Twice.

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The majority of people are not going to tune in to a direct to glimpse a date at the end. They'll wait until it gets reported elsewhere. If they want to get more people watching the direct say "We'll discuss the Nintendo 3DS and give details about when you will hear more about the NX".


To do the opposite is just poor marketing.


At their best NDs get ~2 million viewers. It's a lot, sure, but it's pittance compared to the collective audiences of social media and news outlets.


How is it poor marketing?


First, it's not being advertised as being in it, I just hypothesised they could do it to begin the hype dragon. Just the date, not them telling people to watch to get the reveal date, just for it to be there unexpected and mysterious to start the hype, then they can do what you seem to want and put it on social media.


You're also acting like the contents of Nintendo Directs don't get spread out to social media and news outlets.


Your argument against this is illogical and flawed.

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How is it poor marketing?


First, it's not being advertised as being in it, I just hypothesised they could do it to begin the hype dragon.


You're also acting like the contents of Nintendo Directs don't get spread out to social media and news outlets.


Your argument against this is illogical and flawed.


"We won't do this, psych we did!" is poor marketing. You bring an audience (of people interested in the NX) in. You don't say "that thing you're interested in, nope" and then show it. That's poor marketing.


I am absolutely not suggesting the contents don't get spread out. I made that very point in my last post. What I am saying is lying about something is just bad practice. If they want to show it but not say directly do their usual "we do not respond to speculation" line. People will then read between the lines and even if they don't announce it they have a backup. Now if they do announce it, it seems like they intentionally misled the audience.


My argument is not illogical and flawed and you need to stop using that line. I know you don't mean it, but it comes across as snide and patronising. You don't agree, fine. Doesn't mean I'm not following a logic that deceiving your audience is not good practice. I'm not saying it can't work, just that it's not great.

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"We won't do this, psych we did!" is poor marketing. You bring an audience (of people interested in the NX) in. You don't say "that thing you're interested in, nope" and then show it. That's poor marketing.


I am absolutely not suggesting the contents don't get spread out. I made that very point in my last post. What I am saying is lying about something is just bad practice. If they want to show it but not say directly do their usual "we do not respond to speculation" line. People will then read between the lines and even if they don't announce it they have a backup. Now if they do announce it, it seems like they intentionally misled the audience.


My argument is not illogical and flawed and you need to stop using that line. I know you don't mean it, but it comes across as snide and patronising. You don't agree, fine. Doesn't mean I'm not following a logic that deceiving your audience is not good practice. I'm not saying it can't work, just that it's not great.


If it's a tease of the reveal date, you don't bring that audience in because then they'd be pissed that is all it gives. That would be poor marketing.


You're really taking it to extremes. It's a hypothetical situation that can happen to build hype. It is in no way "deceiving the audience". You also absolutely were implying that Direct contents don't spread. The way you worded it was implying that Directs are a pittance of what the other outlets get and thus the reach of Directs is small, when in fact the contents of the Direct get sent through those outlets.


You are taking it massively to extremes. A small tease of nothing more than a date would most certainly not be deceiving the audience.

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If it's a tease of the reveal date, you don't bring that audience in because then they'd be pissed that is all it gives. That would be poor marketing.


You're really taking it to extremes. It's a hypothetical situation that can happen to build hype. It is in no way "deceiving the audience". You also absolutely were implying that Direct contents don't spread. The way you worded it was implying that Directs are a pittance of what the other outlets get and thus the reach of Directs is small, when in fact the contents of the Direct get sent through those outlets.


You are taking it massively to extremes. A small tease of nothing more than a date would most certainly not be deceiving the audience.


If you make it clear that's all you're getting? No, they wouldn't be pissed (or wouldn't have any justifiable reason to be anyway).


"We are not doing this" and then doing it is deceiving the audience. It is literally lying to them.


The actual audience of a direct is small compared to the wider reach. That is logical. The contents of Direct do get spread out. Also logical. If you want more people to watch something in which you announce something big, you advertise that point, you don't lie about it. That is logical. If you announce a ton of news at once some of it will get lost. Likely to be the 3DS stuff, but you're shooting yourself in the foot. That is logical.


If you think I'm taking it to extremes ignore me then. I'm not sure why you're so concerned with my reaction. Although I do stand by saying "we're not doing this" and then doing it would be deceiving the audience. It is the definition of deceive.


If only they'd already shown the bloody thing eh? We'd be in a better place :heh:

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At their best NDs get ~2 million viewers. It's a lot, sure, but it's pittance compared to the collective audiences of social media and news outlets.


The directs get 2m watching? That's ridiculous! (unless you were just saying a random figure)


Yeah most people will hear about it one way or another, but if it's the only thing you announce it will get sole attention whereas this way the 3DS stuff may become second-tier and if they say "we're only showing 3DS!" and then announce an NX announcement date it's a bit of a dick move.


In terms of undermining their 3DS message I guess it would overshadow everything else!



it would be a huge way to undersell the third biggest thing Nintendo will do this year (E3, announce the NX being the other two) that would potentially bury the other news


You seem to be forgetting the classic NES. Or is that so far out in front of the other three it isn't worth mentioning? :)

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If you make it clear that's all you're getting? No, they wouldn't be pissed (or wouldn't have any justifiable reason to be anyway).


"We are not doing this" and then doing it is deceiving the audience. It is literally lying to them.


The actual audience of a direct is small compared to the wider reach. That is logical. The contents of Direct do get spread out. Also logical. If you want more people to watch something in which you announce something big, you advertise that point, you don't lie about it. That is logical. If you announce a ton of news at once some of it will get lost. Likely to be the 3DS stuff, but you're shooting yourself in the foot. That is logical.


If you think I'm taking it to extremes ignore me then. I'm not sure why you're so concerned with my reaction. Although I do stand by saying "we're not doing this" and then doing it would be deceiving the audience. It is the definition of deceive.


If only they'd already shown the bloody thing eh? We'd be in a better place :heh:

So you think it's bad marketing for them to just give a tease to the hardcore fans of a date, not saying what it is for, then doing the public stuff?


You actually think that's bad marketing?


Good thing you don't work in a marketing department.

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The directs get 2m watching? That's ridiculous! (unless you were just saying a random figure)


In terms of undermining their 3DS message I guess it would overshadow everything else!


You seem to be forgetting the classic NES. Or is that so far out in front of the other three it isn't worth mentioning? :)


Best figure I could find. AFAIK Nintendo don't release the figures so I'm going off tweets mentioning Twitch/YouTube numbers!


I had actually completely forgotten about the classic NES :heh:

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Was just saying it as if it was an ominous tease, not about them outright saying "HEY THIS IS THE NX". Come on. You're taking that to huge extremes.


Also, you highly underestimate the reach of Nintendo Directs


Oh look, some random off the internet who has no experience with social media tooks like Brandwatch or Simply Measured is claiming that he knows the 'reach' of Nintendo Directs.


Bloody hell. Armchair experts eh ;)

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Oh look, some random off the internet who has no experience with social media tooks like Brandwatch or Simply Measured is claiming that he knows the 'reach' of Nintendo Directs.


Bloody hell. Armchair experts eh ;)

Oh sure, you pick at me for saying that because I'm not the one trying to diminish the reach.

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I dont think they care all that much now.


I do get what you mean but having one in the same month all your fans have been pinning their hopes on getting NX news just seems off. @Hero\-of\-Time's response is how I expect a lot of responses to be.


Believe me they DO. I'd rather have new 3DS game news than NX news.

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For me mostly 3DS is somewhat dead, but that's me.


It's not just you, sadly:hmm: My 3DS library has been unlikely to grow for well over a year now and I only really have Rhythm Heaven in the pipeline.


While I adore Pilotwings Resort and Super Mario 3D Land, amongst a few other good titles, the 3DS has ultimately been a huge disappointment for me in the handheld space, particularly after the DS lite lured me in with superbly unique software.


I kept looking for a reason to upgrade to a New 3DS when the price is right but I honestly can't really see the point anymore. Just as with the Wii U, the eShop hasn't enticed me to download many VC titles as I seem to be waiting for NX to provide the content, functionality and portability in one device :hehe: If that happens, I may finally start re-buying a few of my old favourites!

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Different strokes. The 3DS has been incredible IMO


Animal Crossing, Smash Bros, Mario 3D Land, Zelda ALBW, Bravely Default, Fire Emblem, Luigi's Mansion, Mario Kart 7, Pokemon, Ocarina/Majora's Mask, Pilotwings, Monster Hunter, NSMB2, Kirby, Fantasy Life, Layton, Paper Mario, Mario and Luigi, Kid Icarus....


Yes please.

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Different strokes. The 3DS has been incredible IMO


Animal Crossing, Smash Bros, Mario 3D Land, Zelda ALBW, Bravely Default, Fire Emblem, Luigi's Mansion, Mario Kart 7, Pokemon, Ocarina/Majora's Mask, Pilotwings, Monster Hunter, NSMB2, Kirby, Fantasy Life, Layton, Paper Mario, Mario and Luigi, Kid Icarus....


Yes please.


The 3DS certainly has its merits such as the games I mentioned before, Pilotwings Resort and Super Mario 3D Land, as well as Mario Kart 7 and the definitive versions of Starfox 64 and both N64 Zelda titles, even if I still can't fully get on with Majora's Mask :heh:


My problem was that too many of the other big titles either weren't for me, like Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem, or were good rather than great with Luigi's Mansion 2 and Kid Icarus Uprising being perfect examples of this.


I was never entirely into handheld gaming but the original DS provided amazing experiences that weren't possible on home consoles at the time due to the touch screen. It was a perfect companion to the Wii :hehe: Unfortunately, the 3DS never gave me as many special moments.

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The 3DS certainly has its merits such as the games I mentioned before, Pilotwings Resort and Super Mario 3D Land, as well as Mario Kart 7 and the definitive versions of Starfox 64 and both N64 Zelda titles, even if I still can't fully get on with Majora's Mask :heh:


My problem was that too many of the other big titles either weren't for me, like Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem, or were good rather than great with Luigi's Mansion 2 and Kid Icarus Uprising being perfect examples of this.


I was never entirely into handheld gaming but the original DS provided amazing experiences that weren't possible on home consoles at the time due to the touch screen. It was a perfect companion to the Wii :hehe: Unfortunately, the 3DS never gave me as many special moments.


It was a big ask following up one of the best handheld devices of all time, and the common belief is the DS was probably better. Personally I think sofware wise the games on 3DS were of a higher quality than the DS offerings. And Luigi's Mansion 2 'good' not 'great', for shame! :nono:

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The thing with ds was that it had the first wave of touch gaming so was incredibly exciting, it's success then Made it have insane support and with it some genuinely unique games like nintendogs, elite beat agents, trauma centre and loads more. 3ds is more of a traditional gaming console. I love them both. The DS literally brought me back into gaming after thinking I was done after the cube gen so have great memories of that. But maybe think 3ds has the better games if you're thinking top ten.


Don't know actually, haven't thought about. Maybe DS would still win... 3DS never got an advance wars....

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The DS definitely had the novelty factor going for it at the time, but then the 3DS had Mario 3D Land in 3D....


Novelty sure but I still say that the DS has one of the best and most varied catalogues of any platform ever. Even the SNES...


The 3DS is a monster for high quality and substantial gaming but none of those experiences will stick with me and be cherished in the way they were with the DS. (Although I do love 3D Land too!)

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