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The 'Other' Switch Thread


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@dazzybee no, *I* wasn't using it seriously :p


@King_V - what agenda? I wrote that paragraph to flip the generalisation of those dismissing aspects of the console simply because it's Nintendo to suggest the same from the other point of view - to try and illustrate that that approach has no merit regardless of what side it comes from


@Happenstance - literally all I'm trying to do is discuss the voice chat app and its limitations. So far the argument I've had put to me that I can fathom is '...but it COULD be good' which really isn't much of an argument nor discussion. The best follow up was a generalised 'portable online gaming'(which I feel is a rather broad category) and 'Switch battery life. This is rather frustrating as whilst I'm trying to discuss the thing - nobody seems to have any sort of response to my points! Are they ridiculous or unreasonable scenarios that I'm proposing, here?


Maybe next time I should walk into the thread, say 'Switch is terrible/amazing' without giving any sort of support to my argument, and expect it to be accepted by all as gospel.


Like seriously - I don't understand why this thread is here if we aren't going to actually discuss the Switch.

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@dazzybee no, *I* wasn't using it seriously :p


@King_V - what agenda? I wrote that paragraph to flip the generalisation of those dismissing aspects of the console simply because it's Nintendo to suggest the same from the other point of view - to try and illustrate that that approach has no merit regardless of what side it comes from


@Happenstance - literally all I'm trying to do is discuss the voice chat app and its limitations. So far the argument I've had put to me that I can fathom is '...but it COULD be good' which really isn't much of an argument nor discussion. The best follow up was a generalised 'portable online gaming'(which I feel is a rather broad category) and 'Switch battery life. This is rather frustrating as whilst I'm trying to discuss the thing - nobody seems to have any sort of response to my points! Are they ridiculous or unreasonable scenarios that I'm proposing, here?


Maybe next time I should walk into the thread, say 'Switch is terrible/amazing' without giving any sort of support to my argument, and expect it to be accepted by all as gospel.


Like seriously - I don't understand why this thread is here if we aren't going to actually discuss the Switch.


Thought so, just making sure :)


To be honest, I think the inly thing people have is that it COULD be good because it's hard to see how to be honest, though all the talk about headsets is reassuring at least.


The app in some context could be awesome, if I take photos/videos on the switch and they are in the cloud and I could access them through the app, that'd be amazing. Messaging people through the app, setting a game session and it tapping into your phones calendar, out and about, it could be an incredible supplementary app.


The only thing? Sounds bad; but fingers crossed Nintendo have some superb ideas!!

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Another thing I thought about with the phone app - what about levels of support? What about different software versions? My two old(broken but limited functionality) phones I believe are JellyBean(custom ROM flashed to upgrade from KitKat) and KitKat(stock HTC I think). Pokemon Go was not officially supported on my android phone that recently broke(can't recall android version or check) and so I had to try it via APK downloads. Ofc the former are two phones that I don't actively use as my main device - but what about people who have kept their device for a number of years simply because it's functioning? The only reason I've changed any of these phones is because they weren't working so well anymore; many out there might be fine with what they have though. What if the app won't support KitKat when it comes out? Or even JellyBean(likely they would though)? What if things move and change with the app over time that they update it in such a way it stops working with certain or older versions of Android? What about people with rather specific issues?


I want to hope none of that would happen - but none of us can truly say yet, can we? Nor can we fully expect Nintendo to account for every device out there. If it was at a system level however, then I'd feel much more reassured.

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To avoid other peoples opinion? In that case, this thread should be renamed to clarify this. The reasoning behind this thread is actually quite hilarious.


I don't think it's hilarious at all. The fact that members felt the need for another Wii U/Switch thread because their views were seen as too negative and were been tore apart for such views is quite sad. There are people on here that think Nintendo can do no wrong and it's hard to engage in a decent conversation with said people, which is why this thread was created.

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Thought so, just making sure :)


To be honest, I think the inly thing people have is that it COULD be good because it's hard to see how to be honest, though all the talk about headsets is reassuring at least.


The app in some context could be awesome, if I take photos/videos on the switch and they are in the cloud and I could access them through the app, that'd be amazing. Messaging people through the app, setting a game session and it tapping into your phones calendar, out and about, it could be an incredible supplementary app.


The only thing? Sounds bad; but fingers crossed Nintendo have some superb ideas!!


Ah! some counter points and qualifications at last! It has been interesting seeing the stuff about the headphone jack taking mics(as I said a page back I think) - I'm hoping it gives potential that Nintendo might utilise the app for matchmaking or initiating voice chat; but then letting it be done through the console(after all if the phone app does matchmaking, then it surely has to have some tie in to the console).


I take the point on the pics/videos front too. I take a lot of vids and occasional pics with my PS4 but a lot of them languish in my capture gallery. Ease of getting photos uploaded somewhere I want isn't great - and I'm not too keen having my PS4 stuff splashed publicly all over my facebook or in a specific facebook album. It's not so bad for video clips as it's an easy youtube upload(not that I ever did many of those anyway) but Facebook and picture sharing isn't typically that simple; the interfacing of the PS4 to FB imo isn't that great for it at all. Having the ease of access to the photos/videos on a phone to then work with would be really useful - especially as a lot of people's content discovery/sharing is done via their phones already.


I like the idea of using it for setting up a game session on a calendar level too. I've enjoyed the PS Message's app as it's allowed me to get in touch with PS4 friends/keep up with messages even when out and away from my PS4, but afaik I don't think you can use that to tap into organising a later session or calendars etc. I'm aware the PS4 does have events and whatnot, but it's not something I've touched so much so do correct me if I'm wrong. I could see myself using the same features I use on PS4 much more with a Switch though, I think.

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I don't think it's hilarious at all. The fact that members felt the need for another Wii U/Switch thread because their views were seen as too negative and were been tore apart for such views is quite sad. There are people on here that think Nintendo can do no wrong and it's hard to engage in a decent conversation with said people, which is why this thread was created.


Frank discussion is good, I also supported the creation of this thread - for the purpose of a frank discussion (not the understandably annoying circular arguments of "but the PS4 does this....").


But for you to say you don't feel 'safe' posting here supposedly because of my opposing opinion with regards to the video you posted and its rebuttal - and Rummy's apparent train of thought that anyone with a slightly positive opinion with regards to Nintendo's choices are "blindly following" them, tells me that this thread is turning into more of a shelter for one-sided opinions.


Its healthy to have certain points of view challanged, especially from someone who isn't a fanboy.


But again I digress, I'll leave this thread and just post in the main.

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I wanted to quote this because I think it's kinda of relevant to the generalisations made about the varying sides or 'fans'. I think a number of us here have probably been fanboys at some point in their lives(I certainly was as a young'un) as well as critics too. Why is it always put across that we have to apparently be one or the other? That we can't critically look at the system but still want it? It seems to too often come down to the idea that if you criticise it you hate it, and if you praise it you love it; when surely nothing is so black and white as to that?


I mean sure, I do fall on the more critical side of Nintendo at the moment - but it's because I used to love so much of what they did and feel they've lost that. Despite being on the critical side of them - me, and many others, still had a WiiU and supported that. It gets tiresome to be told that because you're critical you have no place in talking about them, or that you don't like them etc. It's one of the big reasons a thread like this came about.


So...yeah. I lost myself in this post a bit but just kinda wanted to make those loose points. I think.


A "fan" is a person. A "fanboy" is a strawman, a form of ad hominem (a.k.a. insulting and discrediting the person behind the argument). I should clarify that before I type up the rest of the post.


So, I think it's fair to say fans can be critical. Kav is critical, but I also think he's usually coming from a fair place (as do plenty others). And even in my teenage years (you know, back when I could only own one console, and as such, had to act defensive, that is, like a fanboy), I was critical of Nintendo for quite a few of their decisions (usually to do with European releases). This does not mean that critics are mindless bashers, or PS4 fanboys.


Similarly, fans can also be optimistic, and praise what they think is worthy of being praised. This does not make them fanboys.


It's when one of these sides/demeanors (the "cynical" and the "optimistic" side) starts getting shut down in discussion that we run into a toxic environment. And discussion can be shut down in many ways, Ad Hominem being the most common.


What I criticised was precisely an instance of that. Kav entertained the idea of certain ports being possible on the Switch (so, he was hopeful, one could even say cautiously optimistic), Choze responded with why that wouldn't be the case and then added the absolutely unneeded "Nintendo fans these days, man". In other words, he took the one person he was talking to and painted him as a general "Nintendo fans" (a generalization and a strawman at the same time), as if Kav's suggestion didn't come from him as an individual, or as if other Nintendo fans shared his opinion homogeneously.


I wrote that post the way I did precisely to draw attention to the fact that he wasn't respecting Kav's opinion/suggestion as an individual. And the fact that people felt that way is why this "other" thread was created in the first place.




To stay on-topic, I'll leave an argument in the defence of the voice-chat app: delegating that function to a cell phone means that people will not need to carry a bulky headset to wherever is it that they bring the Switch (which will often be used as a portable), they can just use whatever headphones they already have, and talk using a familiar device.


Furthermore, it can also be a matter of efficiency, like King_V suggested, it might save on precious battery life. The omission of a bundled headset should also bring the cost of the physical console down.


I'm not sure if those are true, but I'm guessing the logistical problems inherent within a portable device played a big role in that decision regardless, even if the key factors weren't the ones I suggested.

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But for you to say you don't feel 'safe' posting here supposedly because of my opposing opinion with regards to the video you posted and its rebuttal - and Rummy's apparent train of thought that anyone with a slightly positive opinion with regards to Nintendo's choices are "blindly following" them, tells me that this thread is turning into more of a shelter for one-sided opinions.


Can I just explicitly point out once more that that is not a view I hold nor something I actually believe in? I was using the paragraph to illustrate that I feel it is of no use to generalise regardless of what side it comes from.

That includes suggesting that people dismiss features of the system simply because it's Nintendo and they are down on Nintendo.

It also includes suggesting that people blindly buy the system because it's Nintendo and they are up on Nintendo.

I, Rummy, do NOT believe everyone buying a Switch is doing so because they blindly love Nintendo.


I am not 'down' on Nintendo. I bought a WiiU, and I still have it, and whilst I don't intend to get a Switch on launch - I'm certainly still thinking about it for when I have more details to answer the questions/concerns I have.


I do want to discuss the system and the concerns I have over the potentials of the app, voice chat, and the fact it relies on a second device. Doesn't mean I hate the whole thing, just that I have a number of potential concerns/issues that I can't see answers to. Having said that - there's also possibly some great upsides that I can't see answers to either - and that's why discussions and examples are needed! Tbh I didn't consider about photo/video sharing from the app with ease until dazzy said it - that's certainly something that, afaik, would be something pretty darn positive that the others don't offer.

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To stay on-topic, I'll leave an argument in the defence of the voice-chat app: delegating that function to a cell phone means that people will not need to carry a bulky headset to wherever is it that they bring the Switch (which will often be used as a portable), they can just use whatever headphones they already have, and talk using a familiar device.


Furthermore, it can also be a matter of efficiency, like King_V suggested, it might save on precious battery life. The omission of a bundled headset should also bring the cost of the physical console down.


I'm not sure if those are true, but I'm guessing the logistical problems inherent within a portable device played a big role in that decision regardless, even if the key factors weren't the ones I suggested.


Fair arguments but why does a cellphone eliminate the bulky headset? Or are you suggesting the phone would be used without a headset at all? We know now the Switch has a 3.5mm in with microphone support now I believe. Also does everyone have headphones/a headset for their phone?! The only headset I have is my PS4 one! I do think Switch should have bundled a nice cheap one like that in with it for users without - because again it's an extra expense to that user.


I think it's a poor design choice relying on a user's 3rd party device that they'll be wholly responsible for in addressing your own potential issues with battery life - but that will likely be a point of agreeing to disagree as I guess it comes down to an opinion.


I must admit I may be mixing up my understanding of your points here - as I'm not sure what's doing what. Are you chatting through the phone's in built mic or a headset? Are you listening through the phone's inbuilt speaker, or a headset, or earphones? Whenever I've said headset in this post I refer to something that has a microphone+earpiece.


Still - I am certainly intrigued/excited by the prospect of the 3.5mm in with microphone support. What would it be there for? If they get the console handling the voice chat aspects that will be a lot less messy for me I think.



For those more in the know about apps and smartdevices etc - would it be possible for them to have the smartphone app essentially create a local wifi spot for the Switch; skipping the faff of actually doing so out for the user? I did just consider one aspect of an app over the manual wifi hotspot is streamlining that for the user.

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Can I just explicitly point out once more that that is not a view I hold nor something I actually believe in? I was using the paragraph to illustrate that I feel it is of no use to generalise regardless of what side it comes from.

That includes suggesting that people dismiss features of the system simply because it's Nintendo and they are down on Nintendo.

It also includes suggesting that people blindly buy the system because it's Nintendo and they are up on Nintendo.

I, Rummy, do NOT believe everyone buying a Switch is doing so because they blindly love Nintendo.


I am not 'down' on Nintendo. I bought a WiiU, and I still have it, and whilst I don't intend to get a Switch on launch - I'm certainly still thinking about it for when I have more details to answer the questions/concerns I have.


I do want to discuss the system and the concerns I have over the potentials of the app, voice chat, and the fact it relies on a second device. Doesn't mean I hate the whole thing, just that I have a number of potential concerns/issues that I can't see answers to. Having said that - there's also possibly some great upsides that I can't see answers to either - and that's why discussions and examples are needed! Tbh I didn't consider about photo/video sharing from the app with ease until dazzy said it - that's certainly something that, afaik, would be something pretty darn positive that the others don't offer.


Thats fine - BUT the best disclaimer is to not actually type out something you don't actually believe in, especially in the midst of a debate. Saves the trouble of having to go back and edit what you say.

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Thats fine - BUT the best disclaimer is to not actually type out something you don't actually believe in, especially in the midst of a debate. Saves the trouble of having to go back and edit what you say.


Hopefully it's helped get my point over regardless though. Tbh we've both been around the forum long enough I didn't realise you'd ever actually genuinely believe I'd hold that view, plus I thought the smiley solidified it. Add to that discussions recently over those who criticise the system yet still want to buy it or even Day1 it, which I've certainly been present in and argued for the non black&white nature of it.


One thing I would like to know is how much is this app supposed to actually do. I mean if when out and about its going to be using my phone's data for anything then why would I ever pay a fee to Nintendo for something they aren't even doing?


I'd considered the data aspect before - but I've been more worried about other aspects so hadn't brought it up. Seeing as you have though! - does anyone know how much data say an online match of Splatwoon would likely use? It's not something I can imagine I'd be doing tons, but I only have 1GB data a month and wouldn't want Switch eating too much of that! I can accept the fee from Nintendo if it's sufficiently low to account for aspects like that though. If you're using your own data and own device etc without being able to do it through the system I see the absolute annual upper limit for their paid service cost to be around £20, and that's possibly still being a bit generous.



I'm also still hoping they might do something like the WiFi teamups they did back in the day with the DS(and 3DS iirc?) - that'd make quite a big difference to the portable gaming aspect imo.

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Going off what we know about the state of the Switch in undocked / docked mode, perhaps the smartphone app is required for voice chat in undocked mode and when the console is docked, it is handled through the device. Though considering the audio / mic jack is located on the system itself that could be unlikely.


Having everything to do with online in one official app is kind of exciting. The ability to send messages and arrange "play dates" while the console is turned off is intriguing, and while it would certainly free up some space on the OS itself, I can see the complaints people would have if these features were removed from the system. The ability to go online with the console anywhere through 3/4G Wi-Fi tethering means the vast majority of people will have their phones with them when out and about and I feel phone based voice-chat is a good solution for this particular method of playing, even if it is simply to conserve battery. For use at home, it obviously makes much less sense.


I'd like to see Nintendo team up with Wi-Fi hotspot providers to allow free connections to Switch gamers. Particularly if gaming online will eat a lot of data... Save The Cloud it amazes me how much the UK lacks free (or without lengthy registration) Wi-Fi hotsports in comparison with continental Europe and I hope they will strike a deal with someone in this regard.


I really don't buy this "bulky headset" argument from Reggie. I just assumed most people use a small bluetooth one for online gaming, no? Wither way, the fact the console has a mic-in audio jack tells me voice chat WILL be possible on the system itself, though how this will work is still anyone's guess.

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Having everything to do with online in one official app is kind of exciting. The ability to send messages and arrange "play dates" while the console is turned off is intriguing, and while it would certainly free up some space on the OS itself, I can see the complaints people would have if these features were removed from the system.


Thats the thing for me, as long as its an optional app then I have no issue with it. The PS4 for example has a pretty good mobile app which lets you do stuff like that but its not a necessary one. I am pretty much at the point where if Nintendo do try and shift this kind of stuff to app only then I would just not bother with that side of the system at all.


I really don't buy this "bulky headset" argument from Reggie. I just assumed most people use a small bluetooth one for online gaming, no? Wither way, the fact the console has a mic-in audio jack tells me voice chat WILL be possible on the system itself, though how this will work is still anyone's guess.


No I would say the majority do use a "bulky headset" for gaming. You get the better sound quality etc out of them.

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Having everything to do with online in one official app is kind of exciting. The ability to send messages and arrange "play dates" while the console is turned off is intriguing, and while it would certainly free up some space on the OS itself, I can see the complaints people would have if these features were removed from the system. The ability to go online with the console anywhere through 3/4G Wi-Fi tethering means the vast majority of people will have their phones with them when out and about and I feel phone based voice-chat is a good solution for this particular method of playing, even if it is simply to conserve battery. For use at home, it obviously makes much less sense.


I'd like to see Nintendo team up with Wi-Fi hotspot providers to allow free connections to Switch gamers. Particularly if gaming online will eat a lot of data... Save The Cloud it amazes me how much the UK lacks free (or without lengthy registration) Wi-Fi hotsports in comparison with continental Europe and I hope they will strike a deal with someone in this regard.


I really don't buy this "bulky headset" argument from Reggie. I just assumed most people use a small bluetooth one for online gaming, no? Wither way, the fact the console has a mic-in audio jack tells me voice chat WILL be possible on the system itself, though how this will work is still anyone's guess.


I am hoping the app does more than just the basic matchmaking/voice chatting stuff. I wonder if they might even incorporate its own little Switchverse into it? Miiverse was a pretty cool idea - a Switchverse of sorts through the app would be pretty cool! Ofc if they're still trying to avoid randoms voice chatting/becoming friends/pervs etc then that might make that trickier if it allowed any way to find/communicate with people(thinking back to Letterbox or whatever it was getting shut down). I do wish the app is an additional option sort of thing rather than an instead of sort of thing though - just an extension of what the system itself can do rather than instead of.


Deffo agree on the Wi-Fi hotspots thing(I know I already said it) - I remember thinking it was quite a cool/exciting idea when they did it with the DS - but then again WiFi wasn't quite as common back then. Demand for WiFi hotspots probably exist less these days because so many people just have mobile data options etc already!


Re: headsets for online gaming; atm I voice chat only through PS4 and use the standard headset/earpiece that comes with that. For 360 I used to use the official 360 headset backed up by a cheap unofficial one(so like an oldschool furry earphone+plastic overhead strut and stickey round mic if that descriptions makes any sense :p). I did get a dirty cheap bluetooth set to try at some point both with my PC and my PS3 - sound quality on it was super wank and I didn't play online enough on those systems to care. Possibly the fact it was harder to do made me less inclined(PS4+360 could plug into the pad, PS3 and PC were wireless/too far away).

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Fair arguments but why does a cellphone eliminate the bulky headset? Or are you suggesting the phone would be used without a headset at all? We know now the Switch has a 3.5mm in with microphone support now I believe. Also does everyone have headphones/a headset for their phone?! The only headset I have is my PS4 one! I do think Switch should have bundled a nice cheap one like that in with it for users without - because again it's an extra expense to that user.


I must admit I may be mixing up my understanding of your points here - as I'm not sure what's doing what. Are you chatting through the phone's in built mic or a headset? Are you listening through the phone's inbuilt speaker, or a headset, or earphones? Whenever I've said headset in this post I refer to something that has a microphone+earpiece.


Well, what I meant is that the headset's function for online chat is to, essentially, be able to talk to others at long distances, and do so comfortably.


It's fair to say that each consumer already does this via cellphone, and that they have a preferred (hands-free) method to use it that they already find comfortable, whether they be using a headset of their own, or putting the thing in loud voice.


I would imagine the app would allow you to use the phone on loud voice, or with headphones of your choosing, or whatever method you already prefer... without demanding that you bring a Switch Headset™ as well.


For example, I wouldn't use a headset regularly with my phone, I don't want to carry the thing wherever I go. Similarly, if I have to bring my laptop somewhere, my small headphones (that I already use for other devices, such as my phone, the DS or even public computers) are all I need. I'd be cross if my laptop forced me to use headphones exclusive to itself, especially if those exclusive headphones didn't fit in the small pocket I reserve for such things.


So, if your average consumer already mastered the use of their own long-distance-communication devices (a.k.a. the cellphone), encouraging to use those instead of carrying a new device could be the smoother solution.


(Do remember that this is all conjecture. The whole thing could just as easily go horribly wrong in practice)


I think it's a poor design choice relying on a user's 3rd party device that they'll be wholly responsible for in addressing your own potential issues with battery life - but that will likely be a point of agreeing to disagree as I guess it comes down to an opinion.


This is an interesting point, because you could say the same thing about the Television. Handhelds have their own screens, but consoles have to rely on a 3rd party device to display their games properly.


Still - I am certainly intrigued/excited by the prospect of the 3.5mm in with microphone support. What would it be there for? If they get the console handling the voice chat aspects that will be a lot less messy for me I think.


If the Switch does, in fact, carry support for a mic, I think it would have more to do with playing DS games on the VC that require it. Talking to the console/tablet itself doesn't sound more practical than doing it to your phone.


For those more in the know about apps and smartdevices etc - would it be possible for them to have the smartphone app essentially create a local wifi spot for the Switch; skipping the faff of actually doing so out for the user? I did just consider one aspect of an app over the manual wifi hotspot is streamlining that for the user.


This is also a neat possibility. Not just the thing you said, but the idea that Nintendo could then add more functionalities to the app. Maybe using it to organize online tournaments?

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One thing I would like to know is how much is this app supposed to actually do. I mean if when out and about its going to be using my phone's data for anything then why would I ever pay a fee to Nintendo for something they aren't even doing?


Not only that, Nintendo's apps are known to be battery life drainers. Is this another app that will drain battery life?


Nintendo just needs to put it as part of the UI, and release the app too. Xbox 360 could manage party chat. The Switch can too.

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This thread was started to avoid all this stuff. Can we get back to that?


Exactly. Feels like I can't even safely post in this thread now. Maybe we should create The Other Other Switch thread.


To avoid other peoples opinion? In that case, this thread should be renamed to clarify this. The reasoning behind this thread is actually quite hilarious.


Look Can we build A wall around this argument and make this thread great again?

Maybe we should make the original WiiU/Switch thread users pay for the wall too

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Look Can we build A wall around this argument and make this thread great again?

Maybe we should make the original WiiU/Switch thread users pay for the wall too


....we already had, you just brought it back up ::shrug:


Edit: Apparently I catch on slow. Still though, don't think it was particularly helping.

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