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Bioshock: The Collection (PS4/One/PC)


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I bought this recently and played through some of the first one last night, just after we finished watching Have I Got News For You. :laughing:


By the time I turned around, it was 1:30! There's something addictive about this game. It's threatening and there's a definite survival horror element to it, but it's also eerily welcoming and simple to get into. For some reason, I'm getting the same sort of vibe in this game that I got when I played through the Arkham games earlier this year. That grungry-gothic type of feeling. Safe to say that I'm really enjoying it.


However, I won't be able to play any more until tomorrow night as we are going to Brighton this weekend!

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I've started Bioshock 2 today and am just powering through it. The game has clicked right away with me and I'm looking forward to playing more of it tomorrow.


I'm in love with the dystopian underwater world that has been created in this and the first game. I'm eager to see how Infinite follows on from this!

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Number 1 (Oddly I played twice last gen) never fully clicked as it felt like a rehash of System Shock 2 right down to the twist. But I was also a decade younger so certainly more a dumb teen. Hence why I didn't play 2. I felt a direct sequel was pointless. Still do.


Infinite though I found to be brilliant. There is a bit of a dissonance between gameplay and story, but that didn't bother me like others. I knew I was buying a FPS where I kill people. I think you'll quite enjoy it FLink. Or at least hope you will. Maybe take a short break between though because it is most definitely more bioshock and no need to burn out on the series?

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Graphically, I'm blown away.


The art style is beautiful, isn't it?


Oh and that story...mymy. It's one of my favourite stories in video game history. I'll definitely get the collection sometime. Mainly because I still have never finished the first two Bioshock games but also because I just want to experience Infinite's story again.

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The art style is beautiful, isn't it?


Oh and that story...mymy. It's one of my favourite stories in video game history. I'll definitely get the collection sometime. Mainly because I still have never finished the first two Bioshock games but also because I just want to experience Infinite's story again.


The art style is gorgeous. Different in feel to the other two Bioshock games, but there's a familiarity about the whole thing. I'm just struggling to stop playing because there's something addictive about each of the games. Whether it's getting the upgrades or learning more about the world and story, I just want to keep playing.


The collection was a steal. £32! Really happy with that. My only criticism is that it's a two disc collection, so you have the first two games on disc 1 and then Infinite on disc 2. There are two cases, too. Not a huge deal really, just a minor annoyance as I would've either preferred a separate box for each game with its own disc orrrr the whole thing on one.

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See, I'm the other way around with Bioshock as I started playing the games when they first came out (bought an HDMI Elite Xbox 360 to upgrade to as it came out on the same day) played the first game, was completely absorbed by it, loved every moment. :)


Bioshock 2 came out which I enjoyed almost as much as the original plus I liked the few things that they changed, the multiplayer was fun as well and I loved that they tried to give it context too (that hub area!) but ultimately the single-player campaign was the best part because it added even more to the engrossing tale told by the series while giving players more of what they... didn't really ask for but got anyway; I love it for that reason because it's the sequel we didn't really ask for but partly assumed would/could happen at some point so it was gratefully received. :D


Then along came Bioshock Infinite... oh my, such a grand scope for a game which essentially takes the best gameplay elements from the previous two titles, cranks it up to eleven in a brand new setting which ties into the series while adding so much more to it, that extra sense of freedom and exploration is glorious as well in addition to the location with some really nice weapons and setpieces...


...yet I never finished it! :hmm:


I wanted to as well, something must have prevented me from doing so at the time, I feel like I didn't have enough time to just sit down quietly for a few hours to dedicate to it which is a sad thing because I must have gotten at least 64% of the way in to it. ::shrug:


These days I feel like I can dedicate time to games, even though there's more of them... the timing just needs to be right so when that time comes, hopefully soon I'll be starting the collection in the lofty heights of Columbia with Bioshock Infinite and then continuing my journey into the depths of Rapture once more at a later date. : peace:


It's really heartening to see @Fierce_LiNk enjoying this series so much :) I had a feeling that you'd like these games, I'll erm... attempt to repay you by finally playing The Witcher III and both of it's dlc's in 2017... I know I said this year but alas :blush: so I'll try to make ammends there, after I finish Bioshock Infinite but before that I have Mass Effect 3 to finish but even before that I have titles to review but then, hopefully by Q2 2017 I'll be ready with the dlc installed and raring to go. :grin:


Anyway, enjoy Bioshock Infinite, the game which takes the series to new heights for it is such a great game belonging to a fantastic series by an exceptional developer who are sadly no more as they originally were but are apparently due to make a comeback with a new game at some point with a smaller team.


The collection was a steal. £32! Really happy with that. My only criticism is that it's a two disc collection, so you have the first two games on disc 1 and then Infinite on disc 2. There are two cases, too. Not a huge deal really, just a minor annoyance as I would've either preferred a separate box for each game with its own disc orrrr the whole thing on one.


Oh... so they are! I just took a closer look at mine (still sealed) I kind of thought it was one big case... oh well, not a deal-breaker for the amount of content you get. :)

Edited by S.C.G
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It's really heartening to see @Fierce_LiNk enjoying this series so much :) I had a feeling that you'd like these games, I'll erm... attempt to repay you by finally playing The Witcher III and both of it's dlc's in 2017... I know I said this year but alas :blush: so I'll try to make ammends there, after I finish Bioshock Infinite but before that I have Mass Effect 3 to finish but even before that I have titles to review but then, hopefully by Q2 2017 I'll be ready with the dlc installed and raring to go. :grin:



The Witcher 3 is excellent value for money. I got so much play time out of that. Both DLCs are better than a lot of other games out there, Blood and Wine in particular. :D


It's my favourite game of all time. I'll day one anything CDProjektRed make in the future.

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I finished Bioshock Infinite yesterday morning and, again, it's just been a thoroughly enjoyable experience. 10/10 ending, too. One of the finest gaming stories/endings that I've ever witnessed. I've been thinking about it a lot over the past day and I'm completely sucked in. Wow.


I only paid something around £30 for the collection. A complete steal considering the quality of these games!

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I finished Bioshock Infinite yesterday morning and, again, it's just been a thoroughly enjoyable experience. 10/10 ending, too. One of the finest gaming stories/endings that I've ever witnessed. I've been thinking about it a lot over the past day and I'm completely sucked in. Wow.


I only paid something around £30 for the collection. A complete steal considering the quality of these games!


When you have thirty minutes free, do yourself a favour and watch this:



I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts once you've given that a watch because that video has completely put me off ever playing Infinite, especially when he explains the story plot holes. The first game is a classic though.

Edited by Goron_3
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When you have thirty minutes free, do yourself a favour and watch this:



I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts once you've given that a watch because that video has completely put me off ever playing Infinite, especially when he explains the story plot holes. The first game is a classic though.


I'll try and squeeze it in when I have time.


Have you not played Infinite? Just curious why you'd watch a critique of it before playing it yourself.

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I finished Bioshock Infinite yesterday morning and, again, it's just been a thoroughly enjoyable experience. 10/10 ending, too. One of the finest gaming stories/endings that I've ever witnessed. I've been thinking about it a lot over the past day and I'm completely sucked in. Wow.


I only paid something around £30 for the collection. A complete steal considering the quality of these games!


I need to try and get back into the first game. I'm part way through it and finding the whole thing creepy, weird and difficult to follow. I have no idea why the main protagonist is doing what he is doing or why he is there.

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I throughly enjoyed the game and have read some of the various nitpicking and complaints about it. (Including the guy who refused to play because of the baptism scene in the beginning).


To me none of it really impacts my enjoyment. So what if there are plot holes. Given the dimension hopping shit, I can suspend a bit of disbelief.

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I'll try and squeeze it in when I have time.


Have you not played Infinite? Just curious why you'd watch a critique of it before playing it yourself.


My 360 called it quits around the time that Infinite came out and whilst I could have purchased the PS3 version, I just never liked the Dualshock for first person shooters. Shortly after its release I noticed a lot of people expressing their disappointment over the game, mainly due to the narrative and the gameplay so I decided not to invest my money in the game.


I adored the first game for its atmosphere and story telling but I have to admit that there is simply no reason for it to be a FPS. I actually thought the combat and shooting mechanics were dreadful but I was willing to put up with it because I was in love with Rapture. I gave Bioshock 2 a go but I found myself fighting the controls too much and Rapture lacked the impact the second time round.


I think my Bioshock experience is best left to that of the first game (which was also the first time I had ever played a game in HD) - I adored those few days and remember them well, especially Fort Frolic. When I saw the critique I didn't hesitate to watch it, not only because I had decided against buying Infinite but also because it autoplayed after his Mario 64 video :D

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