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What Happens NX?


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Hybrid with x86 architecture and cross-platform play and it'll sell.


I actually don't see any other way it will (just a hybrid would) ::shrug:

I agree that going the hybrid route would make most sense given that their handheld systems sell well. That said, I'm not sure a game like FIFA would fare much better.


Interesting times. :)

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That would create some parity, but here's a musing. Let's say that the NX launches early next year - 2017. The PS4 and X1 will have been out about 3.5 years or so - probably about mid generation. Many people who like their FIFA and COD games have jumped on board by that point.


Now, the people who really love Nintendo games will buy the NX anyway, but as we've seen with the Wii U, those people alone are not enough to keep third parties putting out their games on the console. Probably in part as well because they love Nintendo games, and less so non-Nintendo games, which they buy less of.


My question is this: do you think there is a huge third subset of people who like FIFA/COD that have not bought another console already to buy their game, who were not already going to buy a Nintendo console but might be swayed to? Because to me, at this point in the generation, that is all the extra people having FIFA will bring in. Maybe some people who really love Nintendo will not have another console but dip into FIFA. Maybe cheaper porting costs mean it will get some extra games due to cheaper dev costs. But...unless there is another Wii-esque innovation that we don't know about, I just don't see how many extra systems it will shift by having these games. By people's own confession, Wii U had highly rated games (even if they felt mostly unambitious to me). But, that wasn't enough. Will having third parties be the answer?


I honestly don't think so, personally. Many people will argue what defines success and if for you, the console having great games means it will be successful, then you will probably be delighted. But unless this console does something crazy, I just don't see multiplatform third parties like FIFA saving it from a similar Wii U fate.



Yeah, because that's exactly what I said.


I honestly have no clue how to respond to someone so blatantly disrespectful, continuing to accuse people of being autistic as an insult - because, yes, it very clearly is an insult to say to someone you don't like when you're having an argument with them. You are vile.


You started the abuse by saying he was talking utter bullocks, if you don't want to get insulted then don't be so provoking.

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I agree that going the hybrid route would make most sense given that their handheld systems sell well. That said, I'm not sure a game like FIFA would fare much better.


Interesting times. :)


I reckon it'd fair well enough to justify the costs of porting it over, that's if it is also x86 architecture... if not then the time and cost of retooling the engine etc, paying another team to oversee its development... it's just not cost-effective.


For me, the x86 architecture is the most appealing of all the NX rumours so far!

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Circa a dozen? I count you and Dazzy.


Others may have picked it up for that amongst other things (such as Flink) but I don't see a dozen people buying a PS4 for FIFA. I don't even as a dozen people discussing it at all :heh:


Dazzybee his friend and his nephew = 3 plus me and half a dozen of my sons friends all jumped on board at Christmas. This has already been discussed earlier in the thread.

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You started the abuse by saying he was talking utter bullocks, if you don't want to get insulted then don't be so provoking.

Well no, that's not actually true, is it?


And no we don't have to speak with caution when it comes to our opinions, but you're stating things as fact when it's utter bull.


Either way, this is fucking stupid. Let the mods clean this up.

Edited by Sheikah
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@Sheikah who knows! Interesting to discuss.

If the power jump is obvious more existing FIFA/CoD gamers may jump platform for an improved experience. There is hunger for a PS4k/XBone 1.5 so maybe that would be enough to allow Nintendo a slice of the pie? Just how big that is, is impossible to tell but will be interesting to see.

The home console market is very volatile as a new IP can change the market massively. I would say Nintendo are still able to pull masterstrokes now and then.


I think the overarching message is that Nintendo cannot afford to miss out on whatever is the current 'blockbuster' title(s) that draws player interest. Just look at how GTA crippled the GameCube in the eyes of the consumer.

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Urgh, third parties on the NX...they need more EA more than they like to make out.


Have Nintendo taken EA's Monday morning spot at E3 yet?


EDIT; never mind, Microsoft got there first. Yay?

Edited by Julius Caesar
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Dazzybee his friend and his nephew = 3 plus me and half a dozen of my sons friends all jumped on board at Christmas. This has already been discussed earlier in the thread.


Sorry I thought you were talking about members only


But yeah, let's move on.

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It also shows that you haven't got even a hint of a clue about the mannerisms and behavioural traits associated with autism.


That's funny, because I've only worked with autistic people for over 10 years.... I was being genuinely serious, and it isn't an insult


But yeah, let's leave it because it's getting a bit gross.

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Ok, here's what I've done. I've taken a bit out of that last post, because you both agreed to drop this debacle, however agreeing to drop something whilst also posting something intentionally inflammatory is never, ever going to work and only leads to more heated debates. Anything else like that, flamebaiting etc, and infractions will be given.


Also (all of this is aimed at everyone) please don't bring up unnecessary things related to peoples behaviour, mannerisms etc in a debate. No matter your intentions, think honestly of the way people will receive your statements and whether there's any reason to touch that topic at all. In a discussion about a game or whatever, try and stick to the facts and not focus on why people have the opinion they do or express it the way they do.


Now, back on topic :)

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Only read the article now. I've got to say, it's pretty good. When raw data is brought into the mix, it's apparent that much of the issue is related with image.


I'm surprised people were surprised over the N64's numbers :heh: Most successful titles on the console were by 1st or 2nd parties, the PS1 was all the rage among the vast majority of developers (both young and new), and it was downright impossible to port to (or from). Nintendo didn't just lose Final Fantasy back then, it also lost franchises like Street Fighter and Mega Man.


Your son and his friends are very much in the minority if they are literally the only worthwhile games those systems provide.


I don't think they're a minority at all. They're not buying the PS4 because they're videogame fans, they're buying it because they're football fans. This is a thing that goes back to the PS2 days, Playstations with FIFA + a couple others is the most common set-up I've seen throughout my life (Heck, I've spent this year's Easter on a German household that had a PS4 for FIFA only. No other consoles, either).


Just saying, FIFA is a system seller.

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I don't think they're a minority at all. They're not buying the PS4 because they're videogame fans, they're buying it because they're football fans. This is a thing that goes back to the PS2 days, Playstations with FIFA + a couple others is the most common set-up I've seen throughout my life (Heck, I've spent this year's Easter on a German household that had a PS4 for FIFA only. No other consoles, either).


Just saying, FIFA is a system seller.


True. I don't like FIFA games or football, I'll never buy a PS4. I see it as a COD and FIFA machine. That's why my brother bought one for those 2 games.

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True. I don't like FIFA games or football, I'll never buy a PS4. I see it as a COD and FIFA machine. That's why my brother bought one for those 2 games.


Its so much more than a CoD or FIFA machine. I don't own either game.


Same as the Wii U is more than a colourful platformer machine.

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Only read the article now. I've got to say, it's pretty good. When raw data is brought into the mix, it's apparent that much of the issue is related with image.


I'm surprised people were surprised over the N64's numbers :heh: Most successful titles on the console were by 1st or 2nd parties, the PS1 was all the rage among the vast majority of developers (both young and new), and it was downright impossible to port to (or from). Nintendo didn't just lose Final Fantasy back then, it also lost franchises like Street Fighter and Mega Man.




I don't think they're a minority at all. They're not buying the PS4 because they're videogame fans, they're buying it because they're football fans. This is a thing that goes back to the PS2 days, Playstations with FIFA + a couple others is the most common set-up I've seen throughout my life (Heck, I've spent this year's Easter on a German household that had a PS4 for FIFA only. No other consoles, either).


Just saying, FIFA is a system seller.

They're definitely a minority - think about it, if you're saying they're the majority (ie. not a minority) then what you're saying is that 51% of people or more buy a PS4 and only COD and FIFA; and nothing else. That is clearly not the case.


Note that nobody said FIFA was not a system seller (something you argued against) - the point was that most people do not just see the PS4 as something that must be bought and then go on to just buy those two games.

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Its so much more than a CoD or FIFA machine. I don't own either game.


Same as the Wii U is more than a colourful platformer machine.


I don't think anyone is saying it is in't more than that in general times, just saying that for quite a lot of people it is. Or at least a tipping point.

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Buying a console is more than just a couple of games and would suggest that FIFA, COD etc are a factor, and together, they would be a tipping point but individually - for the a vast majority of people won't convince them either way.


My experience of console buying this generation is that of social, more accurately viral purchasing. Most people i've spoken to have purchased a PS4 because mates have one and they want to play online, ignoring factors like exclusives, backwards compatibility etc. This is probably where Nintendo need to aim for; and their mobile efforts should give them the potential to drive that viral purchasing we're seeing; for example if Miitomo were to give gaming updates or challenges they could encourage users of free apps to join the community on the dedicated hardware.

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They're definitely a minority - think about it, if you're saying they're the majority (ie. not a minority) then what you're saying is that 51% of people or more buy a PS4 and only COD and FIFA; and nothing else. That is clearly not the case.


Note that nobody said FIFA was not a system seller (something you argued against) - the point was that most people do not just see the PS4 as something that must be bought and then go on to just buy those two games.


Literally nobody on here has said they only play FIFA and COD on PS4, what quite a few people have said is they bought a PS4 because of FIFA or COD. You not only misinterpreted what people are saying but then despite the fact that more people have said they did buy A PS4 so they could play FIFA you then say they are definitely in the minority. Your assumptions are incorrect, your sweeping statements are incorrect. To put it succinctly, a lot of people when purchasing their latest console chose PS4 or XB1 over Wii U because of the ability to play FIFA and COD. And what is being argued is that unless NX has these games and to a lesser extent other 3rd party games then it can't recapture that audience. Nobody has said that if NX has FIFA nobody will buy another PS4.

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No Clownferret, you're totally not remembering how this discussion went down. This whole thing about 'people don't buy the system for FIFA' was never the issue I raised. Here is what you said:



The "key thing" is my sons friends were forced to buy a PS4 and pay £40 a year so their sons can play Fifa. If they had the choice they would have bought a Wii U.


As you said, they felt 'forced' to buy this system to play those games. I then said that they are very clearly in the minority with this viewpoint - most people do not feel 'forced' to buy the console in the sense that there are other games that they want to buy the system for as well, and that they value those systems anyway for the features they have (parties, voice chat, developed online).


I accept that is your opinion but I was presenting to you the other side - that I think FIFA will not do as much for the NX as you think because I think a lot of people do like playing these on other consoles for the features they have. Most people don't feel 'forced'.

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They're definitely a minority - think about it, if you're saying they're the majority (ie. not a minority) then what you're saying is that 51% of people or more buy a PS4 and only COD and FIFA; and nothing else. That is clearly not the case.


Well yeah, under the strict literal definition of the sentence, it doesn't hold up. Many of the people who buy Playstations for those games will eventually buy a few other titles, but that doesn't detract from the main point: that FIFA (or PES) was the reason they got a console. The other games are a nifty extra, but they didn't really factor into the choice of making that purchase.


I am willing to believe that people who buy the PS4 pretty much only for COD and FIFA are the majority. If you include "and then proceed to buy nothing else" in the sentence, yeah, we're suddenly talking about a minority, since it's such a narrow definition.




Note that nobody said FIFA was not a system seller (something you argued against)


Are you saying I argued against FIFA being a system seller? Or am I misunderstanding you, here?


I may have said in the past something about how FIFA may not necessarily help Nintendo that much, but that's a different issue: people buy consoles for football games, but there's no guarantee that they'll see Nintendo as the go-to console for those, even if they have them (considering Sony and Microsoft still advertise sports games heavily, whereas Nintendo doesn't).

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Well yeah, under the strict literal definition of the sentence, it doesn't hold up. Many of the people who buy Playstations for those games will eventually buy a few other titles, but that doesn't detract from the main point: that FIFA (or PES) was the reason they got a console. The other games are a nifty extra, but they didn't really factor into the choice of making that purchase.


I am willing to believe that people who buy the PS4 pretty much only for COD and FIFA are the majority. If you include "and then proceed to buy nothing else" in the sentence, yeah, we're suddenly talking about a minority, since it's such a narrow definition.






Are you saying I argued against FIFA being a system seller? Or am I misunderstanding you, here?


I may have said in the past something about how FIFA may not necessarily help Nintendo that much, but that's a different issue: people buy consoles for football games, but there's no guarantee that they'll see Nintendo as the go-to console for those, even if they have them (considering Sony and Microsoft still advertise sports games heavily, whereas Nintendo doesn't).


See I don't know if it's crossed wires or what but I'm not saying what you're arguing against...so I'm not sure why you're saying it? Like you said, probably FIFA or COD is the first game a lot of people have in mind when buying a next gen system, and maybe that's all they get with it at launch. But Clownferret's post clearly said that if those games were on Wii U then that's the console his son's friends would have got - as if they were the only games to get the other consoles for and they were (in his own words) 'forced' to get those consoles.


My point was only that such a viewpoint is not going to be a popular one - most people want other games on those systems too and aren't just buying those consoles as they felt 'forced' to if they wanted FIFA. A lot of people like the social, voice chat and online aspects the other consoles afford. That's why I believe that if FIFA did go to Nintendo's console I can't suddenly see many people thinking "oh great, now there's no need to get a PS4".

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Well just to throe this out there but I did not buy a PS4 so I could play either Fifa or Cod. I hate football, therefore hate Fifa and have never been interested in Cod. Counting digital only and indie titles I own well over a hundred games for the system, neither of which are Fifa or Cod so this idea that the PS4 is just a Fifa/Cod machine is unwarranted.


I moved away from the WiiU because it was getting hardly any releases, and those games that were being released either didn't interest me or were simply sequels to games I'd already been playing for decades. That and it always feels like a mission to get the thing on - the OS feels slow and clunky.

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Nintendo definitely need to receive the essentials. They have to pay third parties to port those games if necessary. The sports games need to be there, as do the FPS games and so do basically all AAA games.


And of course, Nintendo need to release the right exclusives. The ones that, when the system hits, show off all the power in a way that is easily comparable to other systems. And then continue by releasing both all the essentials, as well as a wide variety of other games. And regardless of how lucrative it may seem: don't launch with any 2D games or minigame compilations. Launch with games that look, feel and play like AAA instead!

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