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Pokémon Sun/Moon


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I'm trying to find a Pikachu....Magnemite is extremely annoying


Beat the First Trial to unlock the SOS battle and use Munchlax's Holdback or find the False Swipe on the first island and use them on Pichu. Now you just need to let it call for helps until a Pikachu turn up.


Use Butterfree's compound eye to increase the chances of a wild pikachu to have a lightball from 5% to 20% and use thief to get it.

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Team update before the second trial, Pichu evolved (finally). Gave Dartrix the Shell Bell and moved the Quick Claw to my new Rockruff. Gave Pikachu Hidden Power and in a move of excellent convenience the same woman who gives you the TM also tells you what type Hidden Power is, so with Pikachu's showing up as Psychic I went ahead and taught it Hidden Power. So got a Psychic type move on the team until I can get a Thunderstone. Only two levels off getting Thunderbolt.


Kaepora/Dartrix Lv.22

Mickey/Pikachu Lv.22

Oki/Rockruff Lv. 22

Agro/Mudbray Lv.14

Carbink Lv.12





Absolutely no idea what this egg hatches into. Hopefully something cool.


EDIT: Oh, Thunderbolt isn't until Level 42, guessing it'll be a Pikachu for some time yet.

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Anyone notice the two different tunes for stone and normal evolution? This game is glorious. Im LOVING the Geodude line too - makes them a bit more viable without that x4 weakness to the usual stuff.


Also in love with Poke Pelago --- putting in groups with the same nature to get the same buffs and seeing what items my mon have dug up for me. You have to give it up for this game man. This is hands down the best classic pokemon adventure yet.

Edited by King_V
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Beat the First Trial to unlock the SOS battle and use Munchlax's Holdback or find the False Swipe on the first island and use them on Pichu. Now you just need to let it call for helps until a Pikachu turn up.


Use Butterfree's compound eye to increase the chances of a wild pikachu to have a lightball from 5% to 20% and use thief to get it.


I manged to find a Pichu and evolve it. I've currently done three trials, although I should probably use more than just my starter Pokémon (I somehow had little trouble with the water trial).





TBH, I'm still not entirely sure what I'm doing regarding the best Pokémon or moves or whatever.

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First trial done.



Here's my team.


Grubbin and Torracat, in case you're wondering. The other two starters are in the PC, where they will stay.

Thankfully, I don't have to look at Litten's stupid lame face anymore, now it looks slightly decent.


So far, it's pretty standard run-of-the-mill Pokemon. Not seeing why it's getting so much praise. Still, early days.


Here's my incredibly flattering Trainer Passport photo.



Really brings out my eyes.


Right, random things I like and dislike so far.


- I cannot figure out for the life of me how to find people from my friend list on this game. Online communications are a definite step-down as far as ease of access goes.

- Please tell me they didn't flat out get rid of Triple and Rotation Battles! Please tell me I'm overlooking something. PLEASE!

- Does the main trainer have a botox face? He constantly smiles at everything and it's really funny!

- I found 5 Pichus before I even met Team Skull, they're supposed to be rare, right? I killed every single one of them.

- I love everything about Team Skull and I've only met two grunts! More of them please!

- I've used Z-moves a total of 3 times and I'm already sick to death of them being unskippable. I get the feeling it's gonna be like Final Fantasy 8's summons, so annoying that I just don't bother.

- I absolutely loathe being told what moves are effective. I mean, why even bother learning a new Pokemon's type? Naturally, I blame Pokemon Go.

- I already miss being able to leave a menu completely by just pressing X. Instead, we're back to leaving stuff one page at a time like a chump.

- ARGH! THOSE FANFARES ARE STILL GOD-AWFUL! Only the "Item get" one is any good, the rest are just abrasive ear burn! Who greenlighted them? They a need a stern talking to!

- Can I seriously not buy blue clothes because I'm playing Sun!? What an utterly idiotic decision, it's not like I can trade clothes or anything... So instead I have to get a ridiculous amount of berries because I want blue clothes? Ugh...


So far I've spotted one Gen Wun reference and one from gen 3 in the form of the Wailmer Pail. If this keeps up, King_V might get that Shiny Golduck after all. Still very early days though.


Also, Alolan Diglett might just be the laziest Alolan Pokemon I've seen so far. I mean, REALLY!?

Hopefully Dugtrio's more interesting (Don't actually tell me if it is, I've not seen it)

Edited by Glen-i
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- I cannot figure out for the life of me how to find people from my friend list on this game. Online communications are a definite step-down as far as ease of access goes.


Festival Plaza then select what you want to do, then it'll bring the list of online friends etc. for you to do it with

- Please tell me they didn't flat out get rid of Triple and Rotation Battles! Please tell me I'm overlooking something. PLEASE!


No they did


- Does the main trainer have a botox face? He constantly smiles at everything and it's really funny!


- I found 5 Pichus before I even met Team Skull, they're supposed to be rare, right? I killed every single one of them.


They are rare, but if you had a Pokémon with Static as your lead...

- I've used Z-moves a total of 3 times and I'm already sick to death of them being unskippable. I get the feeling it's gonna be like Final Fantasy 8's summons, so annoying that I just don't bother.

Meh :p

- I absolutely loathe being told what moves are effective. I mean, why even bother learning a new Pokemon's type? Naturally, I blame Pokemon Go.


With over 800 Pokémon, it's a lot to learn. QoL improvements are nice. Just ignore it if you don't want it

- Can I seriously not buy blue clothes because I'm playing Sun!? What an utterly idiotic decision, it's not like I can trade clothes or anything... So instead I have to get a ridiculous amount of berries because I want blue clothes? Ugh..


You can buy other version's clothes through other players in Festival Plaza

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Very surprised that they showed off the entire Pikipek evolution line in one of the newest anime episodes.


Also, Gladeon's battle theme is probably my favourite battle theme in the game so far. Spoiler tagging it in case spoilers show up in the related videos at the end of the video.




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In the biggest stroke of luck ever, I found a female Salandit on my first treck into the first patch of grass where they are found.




I heard only Female Salandit evolve and it has an 87% male ratio, so it's basically like Combee with a unique typing.




Also has a decent nature even if it gets cut in speed. I think Salandit is one of the faster new Pokemon though so that might be a bad thing.


Temporarily raising a Gyarados on my team so that I have a Water type but I've got my eye on a certain Pokemon that rhymes with a planet to take over that spot and my Rockruff has just evolved into Lycanroc.

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Beat Mallows trial, so just the Big Kahuna left. It may just be me but I've had trouble with the more recent Totem Pokemon, what with the allies they summon actually using support moves. The hours I sunk into finding a female Eevee was brutal, at least 3 hours wandering in the tall grass, Glaceon is my favourite Eeveelution but with the Alolan Vulpix I was thinking of getting Umbreon instead. I got it's happiness high enough so I could go to a cave and rare candy it.


My team:









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Yeah, Totem Wishiwashi was brutal, especially when he called in an Alomomola which used Heal Pulse on it a lot. On top of this there was a Sitrus Berry on the Wishiwashi too. Still, it's nice that they have tried to make a single Wild Pokemon encounter that much more challenging.


Didn't help that my main strategy was using Dartrix's Razor Leaf to clear out both opponents which didn't help much due to the Defence Aura.

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OH MY GOODNESS! COLRESS IS IN THIS GAME! Was not expecting that, pretty cool to see him in 3D



Completed the third trial, was particular easy, the Totem got one shotted by my new Lycanroc's Rock Tomb and the differences in dances were not particularly noticeable.


I don't have a screenshot for my team before the third trial, but it was as follows:


Kaepora/Dartrix Lv.25

Mickey/Pikachu Lv.25

Oki/Lycanroc Lv.25

Otohime/Gyarados Lv.24

Biolizard/Salandit Lv.24


Should be getting my next team member not too soon afterwards but the introduction of a certain character has made me quite excited...

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I was having trouble with the second Grand Trial. Didn't really have any Pokémon that worked well against her Pokémon. So I took a risk and used the disobedient Ash-Greninja. He actually pulled though for me. I used him for the first attack, then switched to a Polywhirl (whose only water attack was Bubble, which is really weak even against rock). After defeating the first Pokémon, I went back to Greninja as I knew a Z-move was happening so it was pretty much to absorb that.


He survived and actually did his attack (one-hit-KO) and then effortlessly killed the final one.


And now I can properly use Pokémon of its level.

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Got my team of 6 now. Unable to post any screenshots of it but from what I'm hearing, someone who is in the latter portion of the game doesn't have Type:Null yet, so I was looking for something else. I wasn't particularly keen on any of the Water types revealed and I did have a Gyarados as one of the Pokemon I was using...


Solved my lack of a Water type (not entirely necessary since I already have the Rock type Lycanroc and the Grass type Dartrix) but always good to double up on your type coverage and get some extra resistances in, especially since my team has a huge weakness to Ground. So I caught this guy:




Dewpider, Bug/Water type. Nicknamed it Blue Tektite, because hey, it's a water based Bug. I caught it at Level 17, trained it up a few levels... and to my surprise it evolved at Level 22 into this thing:




Araquanid... the nickname really worked out in the end. This thing looks awesome.




I also caught a Stufful so finally have a full team of 6 Pokemon I want to use. Currently training up Stufful and the Pokemon that I've spoilered so that they catch up to the rest of the team.

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Just done the fourth trial. Still not amazingly impressed, but I certainly appreciate Alolan Marowak a lot more now.


Started giggling like mad when that hiker showed up. It got even better when the Salazzle photobombed the last moment, single-handedly validating my decision to catch a Salandit!



Speaking of, I now have half a team.




I've not had much trouble with totem Pokemon so far, bit of a close shave with Wishiwashi, but Charjabug is a beast! Took that Alolomola and extra Wishiwashi without breaking a buggy sweat! Learns great moves and has great defensive stats and typing. Definitely the surprise star of my team so far. Was totally expecting a Metapod situation but it evolves at Lv. 20 and still is able to evolve.

Also looks absolutely hilarious when it uses Acrobatics.

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Got my team of 6 now. Unable to post any screenshots of it but from what I'm hearing, someone who is in the latter portion of the game doesn't have Type:Null yet, so I was looking for something else. I wasn't particularly keen on any of the Water types revealed and I did have a Gyarados as one of the Pokemon I was using...


Solved my lack of a Water type (not entirely necessary since I already have the Rock type Lycanroc and the Grass type Dartrix) but always good to double up on your type coverage and get some extra resistances in, especially since my team has a huge weakness to Ground. So I caught this guy:




Dewpider, Bug/Water type. Nicknamed it Blue Tektite, because hey, it's a water based Bug. I caught it at Level 17, trained it up a few levels... and to my surprise it evolved at Level 22 into this thing:




Araquanid... the nickname really worked out in the end. This thing looks awesome.




I also caught a Stufful so finally have a full team of 6 Pokemon I want to use. Currently training up Stufful and the Pokemon that I've spoilered so that they catch up to the rest of the team.

Actually, the Pokémon hidden in that spoiler tag have been officially revealed. Pretty sure all the non-legendary Pokémon have been.

Edited by FireMeowth
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