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Mario Kart League 2016

The Mole

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Would it be a good idea to fix each league to a set amount of nights, say 20 or something like that. Then declare a winner of the league and start a new league? Just a suggestion... I don't get to play much but it would make things more interesting personally as a spectator.

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Character/part selection:


Steel Driver

Crimson Slim



GP1 - [150cc] - [All Items]:

Water Park

Sweet Sweet Canyon

Thowmp Ruins

Twisted Mansion


GP2 - [150cc] - [All Items]:

Dolphin Shoals

DS Cheep Cheep Beach

GCN Dry Dry Desert

SNES Donut Plains 3


GP3 - [150cc] - [Frantic Mode]:

3DS DK Jungle

DS Wario Stadium

GCN Sherbet Land

3DS Piranha Plant Pipeway

The IN! list:

= always IN!

  1. The Mole
  2. punio75
  3. Brian58
  4. BowserBasher
  5. Bullet Will
  6. RedShell
  7. Wii
  8. S.C.G
  9. nekunando
  10. Glen-i
  11. Dcubed
  12. ?


Who else is IN!?


: peace:


Would it be a good idea to fix each league to a set amount of nights, say 20 or something like that. Then declare a winner of the league and start a new league? Just a suggestion... I don't get to play much but it would make things more interesting personally as a spectator.
That's a great idea. icon14.gif

Actually, what is the schedule for the current league, @The Mole? :blank:

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That's a great idea. icon14.gif

Actually, what is the schedule for the current league, @The Mole? :blank:


I think it might be a good idea to do it in quarters (January-March, April-June, July-September and October-December) as it would keep things feeling fresh. I think it would need to have a rule that you need to have participated in at least 60% of the races, or perhaps more, for your final score to count, though :heh:


For months, it's been clear that I'd never get anywhere near the podium in the overall table and I've just been looking out for @RedShell's scores each week to make sure I stay ahead :grin: This did, however, make me consider suggesting some sort of 'Rivals' night where we'd race as usual but at the end your score would be compared to your closest rival in the table (i.e. 1st v 2nd, 3rd v 4th etc..) and if you happen to beat your rival that night, perhaps you get your own score plus 50% of their points for that particular night.

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I think it might be a good idea to do it in quarters (January-March, April-June, July-September and October-December) as it would keep things feeling fresh. I think it would need to have a rule that you need to have participated in at least 60% of the races, or perhaps more, for your final score to count, though :heh:


For months, it's been clear that I'd never get anywhere near the podium in the overall table and I've just been looking out for @RedShell's scores each week to make sure I stay ahead :grin: This did, however, make me consider suggesting some sort of 'Rivals' night where we'd race as usual but at the end your score would be compared to your closest rival in the table (i.e. 1st v 2nd, 3rd v 4th etc..) and if you happen to beat your rival that night, perhaps you get your own score plus 50% of their points for that particular night.


On the 60% thing... maybe 1st 2nd 3rd etc could be worked out on pts rather than avg. That would work as a natural way of stopping someone playing one week and then winning the league from that one off performance... Not so sure Glen-i would support that idea though... :D

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On the 60% thing... maybe 1st 2nd 3rd etc could be worked out on pts rather than avg. That would work as a natural way of stopping someone playing one week and then winning the league from that one off performance... Not so sure Glen-i would support that idea though... :D


You're damn right! What if someone is a bit late declaring themselves in and has to be put on the reserves but then the 16 players minimum quota isn't reached? That's a whole night of points gone. Not to mention nights when people can't join in for personal reasons. Amazingly enough, we do have lives. (Yes, including me)


I always thought people had to take part at least 50% of the time to have their scores counted at the end anyway? I mean, that's just common sense.


I'm OK with the quarterly leaderboards, but I still think averages are the best way to go. If someone only comes in for one night, then their score simply won't count.

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That's what the always in list is for ;) I am well aware that we have lives and that life throws things up, it's why I only raced 18 times this year and can't play this thursday - it's about the only night I can't play! :P


It was a quick suggestion, I hadn't considered it in depth, but more seriously I do think that once the league is complete it could be nice to have a final points leader board as well as an average leader board, even if only the averages actually count...

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I agree it has got a bit stale. What do we all think to making this the last night before starting again in August.


I do think the best way to carry forward is still base the league on averages but an idea to add might be multipliers. For example, if you get 1st in a GP, your points are increased by x2, 2nd x1.5 and 3rd x1.25, the rest don't change


If you have any ideas I am open to more sugguestions

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I agree it has got a bit stale. What do we all think to making this the last night before starting again in August.


I do think the best way to carry forward is still base the league on averages but an idea to add might be multipliers. For example, if you get 1st in a GP, your points are increased by x2, 2nd x1.5 and 3rd x1.25, the rest don't change


If you have any ideas I am open to more sugguestions


I could see something that causing the top guys to just take even more of a commanding lead though. Worth a look at to see if something like that is doable though.

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Great GP 1 and 2 for me. Failed miserably in GP 3.

@RedShell could you check these out for the highlight vid.

Haunted Mansion. I avoided a butt load of fireflower throws going through the last masion bit. Past the jump.

Yoshi Valley. I got hit by a blue she'll in first then bombarded by everyone as they passed.

Piranha Plant Pipeway. I activated a Pirhana flower on the big jump at the end and hit some one with it by the side of me.

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I agree it has got a bit stale. What do we all think to making this the last night before starting again in August.


I do think the best way to carry forward is still base the league on averages but an idea to add might be multipliers. For example, if you get 1st in a GP, your points are increased by x2, 2nd x1.5 and 3rd x1.25, the rest don't change


If you have any ideas I am open to more sugguestions


That would just increase the gap between top of the table and the bottom.


I'm tired so I hope my idea makes sense... At the moment, in a hypothetical race with just 4 racers, myself and another 3... if I win all 3 gps... points wise it makes no difference if the three players were will, glen i, the mole or if they were punio, brian58, KouNan. Personally I know which set I would fancy my chances with the most.

Obviously with the nature of the league we don't know who is racing, but maybe it would be possible to make a formula to account for the challenge of the night? so for example, take the average column, add all the averages up and that is the difficulty of that group.


say 336 is the level of the group, there are 12 players. Let's say Will (top of league)comes first in the grand prix (big surprise) and bowser basher (in 8th) comes third.


Will gets 60 points (league avg of 42) and

Bb gets 40 (league avg of 28.5).

336/12 = 28.

group level/no.players = mean player level


so 60/42 * 28 = 40 for Will

points/avrage*mean player level for the night = handicap adjusted score.

and 40/28.5 *28 = 39 (rounded from 39.2 ) for Bb


That would reduce the gap between top and bottom, it would also place a bit more pressure on players at the top. Basically it would be a handicap. I still think raw points and average should exist, but maybe rank people according to the adjusted score? I appreciate such a formula could add a little extra work, depending on how the score board is currently updated.


ok so a quick idea probably full of holes.. as I said I am tired. And as I'm not really able to take part most thursdays maybe I'm not as entitled to so much of a say :P

Edited by Pestneb
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My suggestion is quite simple and borrows mainly from what someone said before.


Have a new league starting every 3 or 4 months. Minimum of somewhere between 40 and 60% attendance (decided by all of us democratically) to be included in the final results. Working off the same average we do now - Points / GPs = average points.


My only concern is when we have two groups running when we have 16 or more players. I'm all for divding it by top 8 / bottom 8 etc. but I think the points earned should ideally reflect the league table standings, i.e. group one's points are multiplied by 1.25 and group two's by 0.75 or something like that, so there are no huge unfair jumps or drops in the standings. Those that don't meet the minimum attendence requirements would automatically be in group 2.


I've been working the past few weeks on a Thursday and will continue to do so until the end of August, so that's me out for the time being.

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My suggestion is quite simple and borrows mainly from what someone said before.


Have a new league starting every 3 or 4 months. Minimum of somewhere between 40 and 60% attendance (decided by all of us democratically) to be included in the final results. Working off the same average we do now - Points / GPs = average points.


My only concern is when we have two groups running when we have 16 or more players. I'm all for divding it by top 8 / bottom 8 etc. but I think the points earned should ideally reflect the league table standings, i.e. group one's points are multiplied by 1.25 and group two's by 0.75 or something like that, so there are no huge unfair jumps or drops in the standings. Those that don't meet the minimum attendence requirements would automatically be in group 2.


I've been working the past few weeks on a Thursday and will continue to do so until the end of August, so that's me out for the time being.


I like that idea, it's simple and seems fair.


I don't think failing to meet attendance requirements should automatically drop players down into group 2. As it stands only 4/5 players actually meet those criteria.. and I think the handicap system would help fix the issue with players being bounced between group 2 and group 1.


Might be good, if there is a historic record of previous league nights, to use that handicap system and see if it is too harsh though - you don't want to make a glass ceiling.

45 (max) points for 1st in group 2 vs 75 in group 1 for first.


so in group 1 potentially you can have 6 players consistently scoring too highly to ever have a weekly score as low as a player achieving 1st places across the board in group 2 - 180 points a week in group 2... and a player in group 2 could come consistently in second each and every race and score less than up to 11 players in group 1... so the scope for moving up the table would be quite steep - once you've dropped to group 2 pretty much that is it... better to just drop out on weeks where you drop down to group 2. Perhaps the modifier could be applied to only group 1 getting 1.25, then if there is a group 2 they get no adjustment.. and a potential group 3 get 0.75. That would soften the slope and maybe increase scope for moving up while moderating the amount of movement a little?


having only .25 difference would mean 2 players (at most) would be able to outscore a player getting maximum points in group 2, and 6 would out compete a player getting 2nd (144 points) in group 2... it limits movement while not making it incredibly improbable.

Edited by Pestneb
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I agree it has got a bit stale. What do we all think to making this the last night before starting again in August.


I do think the best way to carry forward is still base the league on averages but an idea to add might be multipliers. For example, if you get 1st in a GP, your points are increased by x2, 2nd x1.5 and 3rd x1.25, the rest don't change


If you have any ideas I am open to more sugguestions

I think we should carry on with the current league until the end of September, and then go with @Pestneb's idea of dividing the league into sections, but using @nekunando's (January-March, April-June, July-September and October-December) schedule.

Giving us 4 MK league champions a year. icon14.gif

Or, just Will winning it 4 times. :heh:


As for improvements/modifications to the way scores are done, I'll leave that to the rest of you, seeing as my maths skills are terrible. :hehe:

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Not sure what the plan is for this week (whether we're starting a new league or carrying on) but we'll need a theme either way, and here it is: :)




Character/part selection:


Mr Scooty


Cloud Glider


GP1 - [50cc] - [Frantic Mode]:

SNES Donut Plains 3

GCN Baby Park

GBA Mario Circuit

SNES Rainbow Road


GP2 - [200cc] - [All Items]:

Toad Harbour

Cloudtop Cruise

Bowser's Castle

Rainbow Road


GP3 - [Mirror] - [All Items]:

N64 Toad's Turnpike

Ice Ice Outpost

DS Tick-Tock Clock

Wild Woods

Yep, for the first time in N-E League history (and no doubt the last time too :heh:) a GP at 50cc!

The combination of Frantic Mode and some of the shortest tracks in the game, will hopefully make it a slightly more enjoyable experience.

Should also be fun to jump to 200cc for the next GP. :grin:


The IN! list:

= always IN!

  1. The Mole
  2. punio75
  3. Brian58
  4. BowserBasher
  5. Bullet Will
  6. RedShell
  7. Wii
  8. S.C.G
  9. nekunando
  10. Glen-i
  11. ?
  12. ?





Who else is IN!?


: peace:

Edited by RedShell
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