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im off school today, been in bed for ages and then decided to make this thread because of sheer boredom. i bashed my head in the sportshall during footie practice yesterday and came out with a massive lump.


anyway, just wondered what you guys do when you are ill and whether or not i shd just go beddie byes or get off my ass and do something useful


I usually enjoy a nice long lie, then listen to some music, then depending how I'm feeling I'll watch a film on the PC in my room, my monitor conveniately points right at my bed :)


Normally read magazines, watch a bit of TV, play DS, PSP, GBA (al depending on illness)


I don't go into my bed when i'm ill, well when i used to have days of school, strangely, because it makes me feel worse. I normally stay on the couch with a pillow and blanket and my mother looks after me brilliantly.




Usually drink lots of water/warm blackcurrant juice. Lie down in bed and thinking of ways how to overcome an obstacle in a game. This is how I figured how to get the last skulltula in OOT. Had a slight fever and it just suddenly hit me :)


And btw Owen, you're probably the first male the rasmus fan I have ever seen ;)

  Bogbas said:
Usually drink lots of water/warm blackcurrant juice. Lie down in bed and thinking of ways how to overcome an obstacle in a game. This is how I figured how to get the last skulltula in OOT. Had a slight fever and it just suddenly hit me :)


And btw Owen, you're probably the first male the rasmus fan I have ever seen ;)


Really? When i went to there concert at Norwich there were loads of males there? ;)


The band appeal to both genders in my opinion. :D


and i like the way you think about how to overcome a obstacle in a game! ;)


I used to rent out a game, I completed Mission: Impossible in an afternoon and another time I remember having quite a bit of fun with a wrestling game, WCW vs NWO it coulda been. Hulk Hogan anyway.


I cant remember the last sick day I had though. Nowadays I usually find myself with a free day or afternoon and depending on my mood/ the weather Id play something or read a bit or else go out for some of that fresh air stuff thats apparently out there...


I have to say that sleep does wonders to your health, but I usually try a mix of sleeping all morning and then lying in the sofa all warm and cosy and playing something. If you're awake keep yourself busy.

  Owen said:
Really? When i went to there concert at Norwich there were loads of males there? ;)


The band appeal to both genders in my opinion. :D


and i like the way you think about how to overcome a obstacle in a game! ;)


Well I suppose it's related to where I live. And the Rasmus as I remember first hearing their music about ten years ago. It was the girls's favourite and back then the girls were like; "yuck :heh: " ;)


Not really my favourite music, but a good band nonetheless. Liked the apocalyptica song Bittersweet where Lauri sings a bit.


And I'm not ill right now, but if this kind of weather (it's ~-30'C outside) continues, I'll probably be pretty soon. And it's not helping that my PC is in a room that has a temperature of 10-15'C because of poor 50 year old insulation.


I lvoe being off school ill, i usually get tonsilitis and cvan never felel the effects, something good always happens when im off ill too. Like last time, mario akrt arrived so i had the chance to play it all day

Ur lucky

  King Boo said:
maybe they were all benders? ;)


So what if they were?


and yes Bogpas i also like that song and 'life-burns' which Lauri sings. I'm also quite a big HIM fan.


I'm not gothic in the slightest so that thoery can be chucked out the window as well! I like mainly emo music, i suppose but i'm a fan of any music which i like the sound off, i have many bands i like. :smile:


Thats also what i do when i'm ill, i listen to music under my headphones, unless i have a ear-ache, then i won't! :smile:


Im starting to come down with a cold, just a bit of a runny nose but I knwo its going to get worse. So I've stocked up on pills and such in hope that it won't get worse because I'm supposed to be going shopping on monday which I so need to do.


Im ill, but i accidentally had my window wide open last night so i woke up, put my school uniform on and tried eating cereal but couldnt...


Got a blocked nose, a sore throat and felt like crap.

So no school for me today, i think im back tommorow.


I usually still go into work when im ill. Ive been at my work place for nearly 3 years and have only had 1 day off sick, and thats cos my mum made me go to the doctors cos i was so ill.


I just get bored if i stay at home and i think it makes me feel worse laying in bed.

  Platty said:
I usually still go into work when im ill. Ive been at my work place for nearly 3 years and have only had 1 day off sick, and thats cos my mum made me go to the doctors cos i was so ill.


I just get bored if i stay at home and i think it makes me feel worse laying in bed.


I'm kinda like that at the moment, get bored on my days off and want to go back to work, even if i'm feeling dodgy (think I need to get myself a hobby or something!). I've been ill for the last week and a half (bad headaches, stomach pains, suddenly feeling really hot, etc - not nice stuff and should probably go to the doctors!) but I've still been going into work. Although the fact that they only put one person on an early shift and that nearly always being me means that if I were to take a day off they'd be screwed!

  Mr_Odwin said:
And merrily infect everyone else that works there? Nice.


I tend to get better quicker whilst at work, i dose myself up with lemsips and covonia whilst working away and keeping busy.


If at home i would lay in bed feeling sorry for myself and feel even more rough than i am and thus taking it longer for me to get better.


I get ill from travelling on the packed trains everyday with all the other ill people breathing in my face. Also the air conditioning at work is the killer as germs travel around in that bad boy like its the big one at blackpool pleasure beach.


But since ive been taking a vitamin C tablet everyday i hardly ever get ill now.


*touches wood*

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