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Yeah Clownferret I'd like to see some examples as a lot of the stuff I've seen from you tends to be very single minded in your opinion of something and if it is explained to be something else, you disappear from the conversation entirely then pop up a few weeks later claiming the same thing again. One example being when you went on and on about Sony copying off tv play from Nintendo and when people explained that the PSP had done it for years you were nowhere to be found.


EDIT: I think I veered off there into some of my own issues with Clownferret rather than the actual point lol

Edited by Happenstance
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I haven't felt the need to read past the OP because I think Rummy hit onto it quite eloquently - I think people have a tendency to take it all too seriously/personally and lose sight of the fact that it's just an internet message board about video games.


If there are 'sides' to it then I think all sides are guilty of this.


You've got people on the one hand getting very eager to be defensive about things when it's probably best to just step away from the computer and go outside, and accept that not everyone shares your way of thinking about stuff - even if you think they're being narrow-minded or whatever.


But you've got people on the other side who seem to take an odd pleasure in targeting aforementioned defensive types like some unhealthy high school 'Mean Girls' mentality. Probably just down to what I like to call the 'Thanks-bait' mentality. Again, it's probably just reasonable to leave it be.


But I dunno. It's just a gaming forum and the internet can be like that. I don't really dwell on any of it that much because I know that if everyone was in the same room, everyone would be perfectly civil.


My advice to pretty much anyone: I used to post a lot more a few years ago and I got in to plenty of stupid fanboy squabbles. I decided that it wasn't very nice getting in to stupid fanboy squabbles so I decided not to post any more. There would even be long stretches of not visiting the boards. It was very liberating and when I started visiting again, it was just so much easier to BOTH not get into defensive arguments AND not post pointless provocative jabs. If you're worried that you tend to fall in to the same sort of negative spirals, I would recommend doing what I did.

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Generally most threads tend to be quite civil but I think there is the occasional thread which gets derailed by very opinionated people who refuse to accept that other people can have different opinions and so the thread ends up going in circles. I like it here but there are times where I just don't bother reading the last few pages in a thread before I post something related to the topic because I know it's just going to be the same argument over and over and over and over...


Ultimately this is a Nintendo fan site. If we weren't all fans of Nintendo at some point we wouldn't be here. Nobody is here to just hate on them for the sake of it. If you can't accept that someone else can have a different opinion to you, maybe just post your piece and then drop it? Rather than repeating the same thing.

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It's spilled over from other boards (other sites). People have been conditioned to respond in a certain way (Nintendo fan and others), and believe me; Nintendo fans got it bad out there in the widerness outside N-E. Nearly everywhere is filled with hate for the big N, some is correct critisism, but a huuuuuuge chunk is overzealous outright hate and trolls. Some places you can't even say a good game is good without a hoarde of trolls leaping on you with every insult under the sun (because Nintendo don't get good games, so you must be a Nintendrone, right?) You can't hype ANY game, or even mention when Nintendo as a company gets a sales boost or does well without the topic becoming a sewer of trolls, doom, and treating Nintendo fans as if they're delusional. These trolls who, to be honest aren't even trolls anymore, they're essentially bullies, who like all bullies get worse and fly off the handle whenever confronted back. You can imagine what that does to posters after a while, then, like any good internet meme...it spreads. Because those posters go elsewhere, people jump on bandwagons etc. Now, I hear you; every company/console gets this; they indeed do, but it seems to have ramped to around x1000 and has been this way esentially non-stop for ages now. It is sooooo draining and corruptive to a community. A community that extends beyond the boundaries of any one forum.


I think what people need to remember HERE though is; this is a Nintendo site first and foremost. Critisism is fine, but any post that is downright unreasonably hostile should go bye-bye. This ain't a site to let all your redirected angst out on, it's for Nintendo fans to get together and celebrate THE GOOD of Nintendo games. If this place ever gets as bad as any other site did over the MPFF issue...I'm gone. The game doesn't even look bad, but you're not allowed to say that anywhere else without getting a hatred dump on your very soul. Sure, we all like drama, and the MPFF drama was hilarious for a while, but soon it turned into...something just utter nasty. What's annoying is, if you listen to what has been said; there's clearly ANOTHER Metroid in the worst if you read between the lines, but the hate's so bad it's not even being discussed.

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I've been stepping off posting too much but I've still been reading and keeping up with it all and just wanted to say thanks to everyone who's been participating in the discussion. I'm taking it all on board and I think some of this has been quite productive and useful and hopefully the same for some of you to so...uh...yeah, good on N-E!! It's really appreciated.

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I've never once seen Ashley be all "I run this place, so I am right, you are wrong".


On the other hand I agree with this part


Members here who are Nintendo only, don't tend to visit 'Other Consoles' board to explain - daily - what's wrong with Sony/MS games and consoles, why they don't buy them, and what they need to change before they will.


On the other hand, we have the Nintendo boards where primarily 'Other Consoles' board posters can wonder over and just stir the pot how ever they like, because they know they can get away with it.


I think the primarily Nintendo crowd do a great job in policing their own Nintenfandom without the extremist anti-Nintendo mosque cries blasted out on the PA system on the 'Other' section.


This is a Nintendo board where people who like Nintendo gather. I can't actually believe you have to be reminded that you're going to have to put up with people who actually LIKE Nintendo!!!!!!

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But once again thats the whole point. We all joined here because we were Nintendo fans so despite our current feelings on them, its very likely that we will still be interested in talking about them whereas others might not want to talk about the other consoles.


The complaint has never been that we have to put up with people who like Nintendo. Loads of people here still love Nintendo and have proper discussions just fine. The problem here is the fact that there are people who feel the need to "defend" Nintendo against any negative comments and it always devolves into an argument.

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You can't say that this is a Nintendo board first and foremost, then complain when people who don't share your opinion decide they want to discuss Nintendo.


On an unrelated note, I really hate the term "Ninty". It's all a bit twee and chummy. As if they're somehow a friend.

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I've never once seen Ashley be all "I run this place, so I am right, you are wrong".


On the other hand I agree with this part


To be fair you don't even bother going onto the "other consoles" board to slag off the competition. You just do it wherever you want.

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On an unrelated note, I really hate the term "Ninty". It's all a bit twee and chummy. As if they're somehow a friend.


Shiggy is the same for me. Can't deal with it - actually drives me mad. Ally Pally in London is another. Agh, now I'm really annoyed...

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I think the main issue on the forum that causes all the problems we have been talking about is the Nintendo defense. Those who feel the need to defend Nintendo seem to think that the people complaining are doing it to troll and are getting some kind of pleasure in seeing Nintendo struggling. I dont think anyone on this forum wants to see Nintendo fail and go away completely otherwise we wouldnt have joined to begin with. The PS4 owners get talked about sometimes like they all just one day decided to join NE from some other Playstation forum to cause trouble. We all loved Nintendo and joined here to talk about them. Some are happy with their output still, some arent but we should still all be able to talk about it.


I've said it a couple of times now in this thread but never get a response from those doing it. If you stop "defending" Nintendo and just try to "discuss" Nintendo then 90% of these problems we talk about would just go away. Stop viewing every negative post as an attack or a troll post because if thats your default view then of course the conversation will go straight to crap every time.

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I think the main issue on the forum that causes all the problems we have been talking about is the Nintendo defense. Those who feel the need to defend Nintendo seem to think that the people complaining are doing it to troll and are getting some kind of pleasure in seeing Nintendo struggling. I dont think anyone on this forum wants to see Nintendo fail and go away completely otherwise we wouldnt have joined to begin with. The PS4 owners get talked about sometimes like they all just one day decided to join NE from some other Playstation forum to cause trouble. We all loved Nintendo and joined here to talk about them. Some are happy with their output still, some arent but we should still all be able to talk about it.


I've said it a couple of times now in this thread but never get a response from those doing it. If you stop "defending" Nintendo and just try to "discuss" Nintendo then 90% of these problems we talk about would just go away. Stop viewing every negative post as an attack or a troll post because if thats your default view then of course the conversation will go straight to crap every time.

To be fair, when people go into threads and trash a game calling it things like "Captain Turd", that's someone who is not doing it to discuss but rather troll

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To be fair, when people go into threads and trash a game calling it things like "Captain Turd", that's someone who is not doing it to discuss but rather troll


To be honest, I've not been including Wii when I've been talking about this. I dont see him as a troll in the same way that I think others have been called on here but I do think he posts stuff like that to rile people up which obviously doesnt help things at all.

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The problem here is the fact that there are people who feel the need to "defend" Nintendo against any negative comments and it always devolves into an argument.


The other problem is ultra sensitive PS4 fans who feel the need to defend and kick off at the slightest amount of criticism towards their beloved console. No negative comments of any kind are allowed, unless they're against Nintendo obviously.

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The other problem is ultra sensitive PS4 fans who feel the need to defend and kick off at the slightest amount of criticism towards their beloved console. No negative comments of any kind are allowed, unless they're against Nintendo obviously.


But thats the point. So many of your PS4 comments are just in reply to someones comment about Nintendo. Instead of just replying to someones complaint you just try to deflect onto another console.


The screenshots post is a perfect example of that. Me saying they were gorgeous but I could see how people could say it lacked variety was immediately responded to by you saying that the PS4 doesnt either, instead of discussing the actual screenshots at hand.

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Comparing the Wii U to the competition is just another way of discussing the issue. The point I was making was pretty clear I thought. Discussion doesn't need to be so insular, the Wii U has had hundreds of pages of criticism, comparing it to the rest of the big name gaming landscape doesn't deserve the flack I received. It wasn't an attack on PS4, it was a comparison.

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The other problem is ultra sensitive PS4 fans who feel the need to defend and kick off at the slightest amount of criticism towards their beloved console. No negative comments of any kind are allowed, unless they're against Nintendo obviously.


That's bollocks - we criticise it, when deserved.

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This thread's existence is paradoxical.


It's very existence shows there's a problem with moderation. :blank:


I don't know how to do this in any other way other than to just point the finger.


Rummy, I've never seen such a case of little-Hitler syndrome in someone after becoming a moderator. Your opportunistic nature to 'lord it' over members and flaunt your 'power' to ban is tasteless - you've even done it in this thread. It goes a long way in proving the issue with staff runs deeper when no one has seemingly pulled you up over it.


I think you take far too much pleasure in your role as a moderator instead of seeing it as an opportunity to facilitate smooth running of discussion and peace. Force met with force creates friction.


Ashley also; very condescending & obnoxious to opinions that don't meet his own, with the notion added: 'I run this place, so I am right, you are wrong'. Again, stonewall force only ever creating friction.


Please take the time to consider you may actually be part of the problem, because like the rest of us, you aren't perfect either.


Lessons in being impartial from management would go a long way - understand your role as staff, not seeing staff role as an opportunity to bend your will over others just because you can.


Mismanagement then trickles down to the boards themselves. I could sum this up quite easily:


Members here who are Nintendo only, don't tend to visit 'Other Consoles' board to explain - daily - what's wrong with Sony/MS games and consoles, why they don't buy them, and what they need to change before they will.


On the other hand, we have the Nintendo boards where primarily 'Other Consoles' board posters can wonder over and just stir the pot how ever they like, because they know they can get away with it.


I think the primarily Nintendo crowd do a great job in policing their own Nintenfandom without the extremist anti-Nintendo mosque cries blasted out on the PA system on the 'Other' section.


This is a Nintendo board where people who like Nintendo gather. I can't actually believe you have to be reminded that you're going to have to put up with people who actually LIKE Nintendo!!!!!!


I didn't mention Serebii because all this attention is going to his head. :heh:


What a fecking coward this person is - making a new account because they're too scared to post what they really think. Pretty darn pathetic!


No clue how anyone could call Ashley obnoxious, and Rummy is obviously trying to help here (props to whoever predicted Godwin's Law a few pages back though). As far as I know, multiple accounts are not allowed anyway. They're probably proxying but it would be great to find out who made this post as they're clearly part of the problem here. People are clearly so bitter about this place to go to the extent of multi-accounting.

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I think there is a level of objectivity that is often missed though. When emotive language is used excessively it evokes an emotive response. I'm not saying everyone should be robotic and emotionless, but perhaps people need to reflect a bit more and remove a bit of the emotion out of their posts.


As an example, I've got into astronomy a little and am a member on a forum to do with that. People will say "I'm not so keen on this because.." They are quite accepting that others will love the exact same thing they hate, perhaps for a different quality or even that same quality.


The problem gaming seems to have is that it has a tribe mentality which is quite of putting.


I mean, I only own nintendo consoles. A number of people here have multiple consoles and some of them can be quite condescending at times towards those of us who own only one console. They basically discount any opinion we have regarding Sony and Microsoft because we haven't tried them (although personally I have.. I simply don't own the corresponding consoles).


there is a fairly reasonable parallel to gaming I think... 3 main types of telescope. Each has it's own strengths and weaknesses. Each has it's supporters who love it, and it's detractors. But the way people address those differences is much more chilled... perhaps because those weaknesses and strengths are largely tied in by the laws of physics so people feel more able to accept the weaknesses?


Who knows, but regardless, I never felt part of the reflector tribe who had to put down the refractor tribe, or might get put down by the catadioptric grouping.


I think for example with the Wii U, criticising it directly is a fairly futile exercise... no matter how much we shout it needs this, or that, the Wii U will not be changed.

A more intelligent approach, in my opinion, would be to discuss those perceived weaknesses in regards to a successor console, things you would like to see. I mean.. the endless voice chat thing... it doesn't exist, won't exist. So the conversation is mind numbingly dull. If the conversation took place in a more constructive manner I wouldn't mind it.


In fact, I'm in two minds as to whether it should be flagged or not, but today there was what I would call a healthy vc discussion.

To summarise:

Kounan: VC wouldn't benefit splatoon because...

Kav: Vc would because...

Kounan: maybe, but I think...

kav: I still disagree, it would help (explanation)


That conversation actually didn't hurt to read, and I think it's because

1) reasoning was involved, not just an unsupported opinion

2) responses were countered intelligently and considerately.


that "chat" ended after 6 posts, at which discussion moved on to connection woes. It wasn't sickly sweet, no one was shouted down AND I was shocked to find I was interested to read it.


There was emotion, but it was kept in check, as a result ideas were clearly communicated.


It's the kind of exchange I come to read, and actually I felt able to contribute. It made a very pleasant change considering the topic! And it reminded me of why I used to come here.

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I'm not the most active forum person around here, but I remember joining because of the really intelligent conversations going on. It was so interesting to read about people's different opinions and analyse games in such detailed ways!

And for many parts that still feels true! It's a shame sometimes things get into a fight, but I guess that just happens when people are passionate about something. And being passionate about something is good! I don't think the "blame" for a bad atmosphere sometimes can be put onto one person in specific, but at the same time I think that faster (temporary) bans might help. (But I've never been a moderator, so what do I know!)


This isn't the most usefull post, it's also not the most intelligent one and it probably doesn't add much to the thread. I just wanted to take the time to say that even though there are some low points some times, I still really enjoy coming to this place and reading what everybody has to think! I hope it can stay that way!

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BillyBobJimBob is viewing along with me and Aneres11 so that rules two people out. It's like Scooby Doo, let's solve this!!!


Also, just a tiny note on people condemning the ps4 references in Nintendo boards, in the other boards there are loads of random snarky wii u jokes, all harmless, but usually when a 3rd party game gets announced there's a little - not for the Wii U? Surprise! laughing emoticon.... And lots of digs. Doesn't bother me. It doesn't break out into a fight. But let's not be hypocrites and attack when people mention other consoles.


Also, i think it is healthy to compare consoles, they're all in the same industry, direct competitors, people want nintendo on ps4, som people want the social services on the ps4/one on wii u, there's always a direct comparison so I think it's reasonable to chat about them. Again, it's not the content as such as the way things are discussed.

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