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Dragon Quest VIII - 3DS

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41 minutes ago, Julius Caesar said:

Hey guys, sorry for bumping this thread, but I have a question to ask. 

I’ve never played a Dragon Quest game before, but after extensive research, I’ve decided to start with VIII (please chime in if you think I should start elsewhere?), and plan to play through it next year as I begin to plough my way through an enormous gaming bucket list. My current plan is to have played the game prior to XI’s western release so that I have some (albeit limited) context and history with the series, before circling back and playing IV - VI, and venturing off from there. 

Having a fully functional PS2 and New 3DS XL, my question is: which version of this game should I purchase and play through? 

As someone entirely new to the series, I’m a bit lost, in all honesty. For instance, the western 3DS version lacks an orchestral soundtrack (unless added with custom firmware) and, due to physical screen size, makes it much harder to appreciate Toriyama’s art style, in my completely uncertified opinion, and these are two things which I would love to enjoy in the game. However, on the other hand, the 3DS version features many quality of life improvements, such as quick saving, re-balancing, speed-up options and instant alchemy, as well as having new playable characters, scenarios, items, and dungeons. The portability aspect of the 3DS console is a moot one for myself, as I rarely ever use my 3DS outside of the comfort of my home.

Personally, I’m leaning towards the PS2 version of the game, but I would greatly appreciate any input and direction with regards to which version to get :)

I'm going to confuse matters and say the 3DS version, :p mostly for the reasons you've already given. The PS2 version is very slow to me. Although you can't go wrong either way,

VIII is fine to start off with, but I'd recommend making DQ I - III a priority after VIII, then IV - VI if you want the most context for DQXI. 

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the really late response, I never noticed the notification!

Thanks a lot for your insight @Ike and @Glen-i. Unless my TV situation drastically changes, I’ll probably pick up the 3DS version, but I might make a point to play the PS2 version of the game if I ever replay it, as I really want to hear the orchestral soundtrack and see the game in motion on a larger screen.

I think my main reason for choosing the 3DS version is just how long the game is - around 100 hours is probably much easier to chip away at on the go, even if it’s just when I’m moving around the house :p

@Ike, I think I’m probably going to reorder how I play the DQ games based on your advice. I won’t be able to get around to playing much of anything after the end of this month until summer (woo exams), and I’ve never played a game nearly as long as DQVIII before, so I think I’d like to work up to it with other games in my back log so that I don’t get overwhelmed or distracted when I do manage to get around to it. 

I think that I would to focus on playing I - III prior to XI, as they seem much shorter and, as you alluded to, are more relevant to understanding and enjoying XI than some of the other entries are. After that, I’ll probably go venturing off to play the other games. 

So, I have another question, if you don’t mind me asking: what’s the best way to play Dragon Quest I - III? I can’t seem to track down localised copies of the GBC version of the games (I’d be purchasing a Game Boy Advance to play those), and I don’t own the NES or any of the other systems which they might have seen rereleases from (at least in English). I’ve actually heard some pretty good things about the mobile versions of the games - would you happen to have any idea if these are any good? 

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If I recall correctly I, II and III all are sequels and follow right after each other. (Just looked it up III is a prequel). As I recall I is by far the hardest to get into, you have a party of 1. Both of the other games your party has multiple characters.

Maybe go 3,1,2 or 1,2,3.  I don’t really know and am far from an expert



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On 19/02/2018 at 11:36 PM, Ike said:

That's bit of a spoiler...

Play them in release order.

Would it be worth seeking out the GBC versions of these games, or are the iOS versions good enough to warrant playing the games on a smartphone instead? Or are there other versions of the games  which might be worth tracking down and playing instead?

Personally, I’d prefer to play them with buttons, but a quick nose around is showing me that they aren’t exactly cheap to hunt down...

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8 hours ago, Julius Caesar said:

Had that spoiled for me elsewhere on the Internet sadly :( 

Would it be worth seeking out the GBC versions of these games, or are the iOS versions good enough to warrant playing the games on a smartphone instead? Or are there other versions of the games  which might be worth tracking down and playing instead?

Personally, I’d prefer to play them with buttons, but a quick nose around is showing me that they aren’t exactly cheap to hunt down...

The mobile version is fine, it doesn't have as much content though, the Pachisi mini games are gone and you can't get the Monster Medals that were in the GBC game. It lacks the animated monster sprites from the SNES version but that would require importing the Japanese version and patching it.

If the mobile version is the most accessable version then go for it. Each version has its pros and cons.

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  • 4 years later...

Well, it took two years but Covid finally caught up with me. I was tucked up in bed all day yesterday and will no don't be remaining here for the next few days. That being the case, I decided to do some 3DS gaming whilst wrapped up in my quilt. Given the reactions in the DQIII thread in regards to me never finishing DQVIII, it felt right that I start playing this.

I've only played a few hours (kept knocking it off to go to sleep) but I've enjoyed what I've played so far.

I was worried the games visuals would take a hit in this version but it looks great. I think screenshots/videos don't do it justice and it's not until you see it running on actual hardware that you can appreciate it.

As is normal for me, I've spent most of my time so far just farming exp and cash. Both the Hero and Yagus are level 10 and I've bought all the best equipment I can for them at the first town. I've been putting my skill points into Axes for Yagus and Swords and Boomerangs for Adam/Hero. Adam is able to sweep away most groups of enemies in a single hit when using a boomerang. Lovely stuff.

I was shocked when fighting my first real battle of the game. I ran into 4 Bunicorns who went on to wipeout Adam. Yagus brought home the W but I certainly wasn't expecting that. Needless to say I haven't allowed it to happen since. :p 

I've just finished the Waterfall Cave. Due to me being over levelled, the boss didn't take much time to defeat. Doing 3 rounds of attacking was enough to bring it to it knees. I'm now just about to head off to Alexandria.

I love how cozy the game is, as is the series in general. Just what you need when you are feeling under the weather.

Oh, I tried connecting to the servers to check out the online goodies but I kept getting an error. I take it whatever was there is no longer available. :( 

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42 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Oh, I tried connecting to the servers to check out the online goodies but I kept getting an error. I take it whatever was there is no longer available. :( 

Eh, it was just random consumables, you're not missing much.

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Hope you feel better @Hero-of-Time, DQ sounds like a great and cosy antidote to COVID :peace:

I've also actually recently gone back to Dragon Quest VIII too, seems like it's good timing - obligatory Cor blimey! After picking it up on 3DS once I finished XI a few years back I made it up until what I guessed was the climactic midway point (which I semi-confirmed as I checked which step I was up to in the IGN walkthrough before diving back in, and it was slap-bang in the middle), and I kind of just fizzled out on it - not because it was a poor game, but there were other things going on at the time I think and by the time I was ready to game again, I didn't know how I felt about picking the game back up. I do wonder if part of the reason I put down the game might have just been the game being a little too open at the point I had got to, it might have taken a bit of urgency away to "go to the village over yonder!" when that village is a slow and busy 5 minutes away, but I think I had some transport methods by then...so who knows? ::shrug:

Anyways, that meant restarting the game this time around and deleting my old save, which is never a fun thing to do. I've slowly been chipping away at it over the last couple of weeks, as the game is fresh enough in my mind where I know what's going on and so longer playing sessions haven't been the way to go for me so far, but I want to finish this game, and so naturally work and life has started getting hectic again - swear my experience with this game is cursed. 

Wait, my journey with this game is cursed, hmmmm...



So far I've been investing my skill points into Swords/Courage for Edward (my MC, figured I'd stick with the old English names of kings after Arthur was my MC in XI! Also A = 1, so Arthur for my first DQ, and E for Eight, so Edward for VIII...yeah I put too much thought into that), Axes/Humanity for Yangus, Whips/Sex Appeal for Jessica (I did also pick up the first few spells from Staves too, due to them having such a low cost and being so helpful), and Bows/Charisma for Angelo. The Boomerang like you say H-o-T is super helpful, but from what I remember I didn't get too much use out of it by the point I put the game down the first time I tried to play it (think it was just more effective to attack an individual enemy by that point), so I haven't invested any skill points in it so far, but it's still done a good job of flattening enemies. Also, sure you've figured this out by now but thought I'd mention it: when you come across an area with Metal Slimes, once you've taken one out, just start whipping that camera nub around until more turn up, it's a lot of fun to farm those things early on and taking advantage of the memory (or lack thereof) for enemies appearing in the overworld :D

But yeah, not much to report on my end other than that I love the risk and reward of the tension system, the Dragon Quest vibes, the enemy designs, the NPCs and voice acting have been as charming and funny as I remember them being, the world is a pleasure to explore, alchemy and the way it works with the world's economy is brilliant, battles are nice and snappy - especially at 2x speed! - and the party is brilliant too. It's fascinating too that this was the first mainline Dragon Quest designed truly with 3D in mind, and Level 5 kind of just nailed it, from the way alleyways are tight to sweeping staircases curve around, to the design of dungeons and puzzles, to the way having 3D enemies has them doing fun stuff like an enemy which is a frog but when attacked flips around to the ugly face on its back, which does more damage, and reverts back to the frog side when attacked again, and there's also the mini-bosses if you're not careful enough with some enemy groups and don't manage to wipe them out fast enough. 

Okay, maybe I had more to say than I thought I did. 

Lastly, though, the music - yes, even limited by the tinny 3DS speakers and not having the full orchestra of the PS2 - has been brilliant, the overworld theme especially (and yes I'm linking the orchestral versions where possible even though I know it's not in the version I'm playing, I'm trying to do you guys a kindness :p)

And probably the silliest, which I think has been in some of the earlier games: the casino theme in this game sounds like there's a few drunk guys having too much fun on the brass, and it's perfect! 

Undeniably a very special game from where I'm up to so far, and from what I remember from the last time I tried to play through it. I probably won't give too many updates, but looking forward to reading your thoughts as you play through H-o-T! 

Edited by Julius
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Than goodness for Covid. It finally made you play the game @Hero-of-Time
Just kidding :p Hope you'll feel better soon :peace: 

Enjoy the game. It was my first Dragon Quest back when I played it on my PS2 and it made me fall in love with the series.


11 minutes ago, Julius said:

Wait, my journey with this game is cursed, hmmmm...


I hate you. 

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11 minutes ago, drahkon said:

I hate you. 

You hate that which you cannot possibly comprehend. 

And my name is Julian, so I guess we've also got the King part covered...



yes I know the character's name is spelt Julien in the show don't @ me

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I carried on my adventure this morning. I spent a while just farming exp again, whilst watching Defintely, Maybe (love that movie) and got both Adam and Yagus to level 15. The enemies around Port Prospect gave a decent amount of exp but I was starting to see diminishing returns and decided to move the story on.

Jessica is now part of the party. It's hilarious that, despite running on weaker hardware, they still made sure that jiggle physics were in the game. Disappointed that she's joined at level 9. I much prefer when JRPGs have new party members join at the same level as you. 

On the skill tree I'm trying to make my way to moves that are going to help me when it comes to fighting Metal Slimes. I want to be prepared for when I first encounter them.

I love the scene where you and your party set sail for Peregrin Quay. The way the camera sweeps as the DQ theme plays is magical. The boss on the way there was a pushover. Again, my levels being what they are meant I made short work of the giant squid.

Time to see what I can upgrade in the Quay and then start exploring the surrounding area. Oh, and the alchemy pot has just been unlocked as well. Plenty to keep me busy.

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4 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Well, it took two years but Covid finally caught up with me. I was tucked up in bed all day yesterday and will no don't be remaining here for the next few days. That being the case, I decided to do some 3DS gaming whilst wrapped up in my quilt. Given the reactions in the DQIII thread in regards to me never finishing DQVIII, it felt right that I start playing this.

A perfect choice. Dragon Quest is broth for the soul.

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Sucks about COVID, I got it around a month ago, and it was brutal. Couldn't even play games because of the massive migraine I developed.


I found the two 3DS characters made me barely use Yangus. He kinda gets outshone in that regard. He still has some use with Metal Slimes, at least. Jessica mostly took a back seat as well.


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13 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Sucks about COVID, I got it around a month ago, and it was brutal. Couldn't even play games because of the massive migraine I developed.

  Somewhat spoilers (Reveal hidden contents)

I found the two 3DS characters made me barely use Yangus. He kinda gets outshone in that regard. He still has some use with Metal Slimes, at least. Jessica mostly took a back seat as well.


Yeah, I was the same way, struggled to look at a screen for too long and games in particular made me feel very motion sick. Doesn't help that the first game I chose to play was Captain Toad, that game's camera and isometric view will mess you up if you're not feeling great! 


I don't know if it is spoilers, I remember them advertising Red and Morrie as being new party members added for this version of the game, so...eh? Better safe than sorry though I guess ::shrug:

My simple solution is going to be to just not use them. The game definitely seems balanced with the original four of Hero, Yangus, Jessica and Angelo in mind, and I always prefer when a JRPG has only enough party members to fill your party up, so I'm making sure to use only them :p


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45 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I'm doing the same as you, @Julius. I'll be sticking to the original 4 and benching the others.


34 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Geez, that's like playing Final Fantasy VI and willingly using Cyan.

Why would you do that!?

Joke's on you, I did willingly use Cyan a lot in Final Fantasy VI. 


(to be fair, I'm also the one who was under-levelled on Storm Dragon and rather than grinding levels spent a few hours trying with my party at their current levels)

Given the opportunity I'll always prefer a fixed party to a varied one in a JRPG, and will almost always choose a character for their story relevance over their stats (unless there's a serious overlap in stats, then there's a tough decision involved).

Definitely nothing wrong with going the other way, though - JRPG's can be long, and I can definitely respect what is probably a sensible decision to go with party members with better stats! But you'll never catch me doing that :p

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I'm the same. I much prefer a small, fixed party and I tend to favour characters that arrive early on in the story, rather than using ones that show up later in the game.

Finally found my first Metal Slime area! I need a level or two more to unlock Metal Slash but I have unlocked Thunder Thrust. Hatchet Man is proving useless. It's yet to land a hit on a thing.

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4 minutes ago, Julius said:

Definitely nothing wrong with going the other way, though - JRPG's can be long, and I can definitely respect what is probably a sensible decision to go with party members with better stats! But you'll never catch me doing that :p

See, I'm the kind of guy who tries to keep everyone in an RPG balanced. It's helpful in games like Chrono Trigger and Octopath Traveler, where everyone is useful, even if Tressa is by far the best in the latter.

But Final Fantasy VI's balance is all over the place with the characters. Some, like Terra and Celes, are multitude times better then most of the other characters. And unfortunately, you get Cyan, who has mediocre stats, a dreadful skill, and an absolutely woeful endgame weapon selection. Tempest Sword is the best he can equip, but that's best used to make Gau an utter monster.

So he just has nothing going for him. It's so bad, that freaking Gogo is more viable for the final dungeon three party run, thanks to him copying better skills from better characters.

Shame too, Cyan has a great plot.

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