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Assassin's Creed: Syndicate


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Aiming to finish off this brilliant game before the turn of the year. Currently on Sequence 7.


I even like collecting all the treasure chests and stuff in this game...what is wrong with me?!


I collected all that stuff too. Was great fun. Kinda hope they do sequel to this one, with an extremely expanded London.

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Now that I'm done with the story mode, I've actually started the Jack the Ripper DLC and so far it's pretty decent. A few different mechanics compared to the bread and butter of the main quest but enjoyable regardless.


Invested a lot of time in this title over the festive period and I have to say that Assassins Creed Syndicate is one of my favourite games of last year.


Great, great game.

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Fuck Helix Glitches. That's all I have to say on that matter.


Started getting annoyed with Bounty Hunts now as well. With the removal of sleep darts it makes trying to get them later on a bit trickier without them being a complete pussy and running off when their men start attacking one another.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 3 months later...

Started playing this last night (got it for Christmas). Really good so far. Feels good to get back into a Creed game again.


Nice to have a game set in Croydon too, got to be a first.

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Maybe they get caught, and shipped off to Australia. New weapon: boomerang.


Or they hijack the ship, and end up in colonial India, that would be pretty good!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Progressing through this slowly - just cleared the second area and working on the Thames now. It's still really good, although i've had a couple of weird glitches. One time i was struggling to kill Spring Heeled Jack (he was a couple of levels above me, and i just couldn't wear him down), so i climbed out of the basement where he attacks you and went to find some dynamite or Rook members to help. When i got back, i looked down the hole to see him, and he just....died. Weird. Maybe the game felt sorry for me because i was too shit.


Still, it's really addictive - i love how much stuff there is to do.

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  • 1 month later...

Still progressing through this. I'm about 40% of the way through according to the title screen.


Just came to this thread to express my displeasure with the carriage racing mini game.


Fuck the carriage racing mini game.


Seriously, it's got the worst rubber banding enemy AI I have ever seen. One race, all the other competitors got into a pile up, and I was about two streets ahead, before the mysteriously all caught up on the final lap and overtook me. Infuriating.


Rest of the game still good though. My favourite mission so far was the Tower of London one. So good, that one.

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I've recently bought this (£12!) and been playing through it. Absolutely love it - a really great AC game. It brings some great ideas to the table like zip lines, a moving hideout and a pretty cool perk system. Naturally I'm biased, but Victorian London makes for an awesome setting.

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Started playing this yesterday, my first Assassin's Creed game, really enjoying it so far. The combat is a little button bashy for me though, but maybe I'm just not doing it right.


The characters are great, the banter between them is fun to watch. Personally prefer the stealthy route so I'm mostly using Evie. Do people usually switch characters? Does it make much difference? Surprised to see there isn't a good/bad reputation system like I was expecting.


What's this 'alarm bell' I found in Whitechapel? I did the mission without it being used, but when I go back to that location I can choose to 'sabotage' it?


But yeah, enjoying it a lot. I think these Ubisoft openworld games need spreading out, I wouldn't be able to play two of them in quick succession.

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What's this 'alarm bell' I found in Whitechapel? I did the mission without it being used, but when I go back to that location I can choose to 'sabotage' it?


But yeah, enjoying it a lot. I think these Ubisoft openworld games need spreading out, I wouldn't be able to play two of them in quick succession.


If you get spotted guards will run to the alarm bells and call for back up and alert everyone to your presence. If you sabotage them, and then do happen to get seen, the enemy lose the ability to call for help.

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Oh I see sabotaging it is only useful during the mission itself. I only asked because I'd finished that part, and was able to return to the factory and wander around freely, yet the alarm bell symbol was still on my map and I was still able to sabotage it.

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Yeah, it's a glitch I think. It's the same with my copy. The alarms should disappear once the mission is done, but they don't.


The combat is a bit button bashy, I agree. But it does get a bit better once you start to line up multiple multifinisher moves.

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Oh I see sabotaging it is only useful during the mission itself. I only asked because I'd finished that part, and was able to return to the factory and wander around freely, yet the alarm bell symbol was still on my map and I was still able to sabotage it.


Could sabotage it, and then people wouldn't ever know it's home time. And they work forever.

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A few more hours in and I've 100% cleared Whitechapel and started on the next one. I'm finding this game quite overwhelming to be honest, not so much in difficulty but more in terms of the progression system and structure of the game. It seems all over the place and is very confusing. Watch Dogs was much simpler, there were campaign checkpoints and then all the side missions clearly laid out. Here I'm not sure what's a campaign mission and what's a side mission and there's a dozen extra systems to worry about on top of that.

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