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Assassin's Creed: Syndicate


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I quite like the jump between Jacob and Evie, both characters have their own traits. Evie is more like Ezio and Jacob more like Edward Kenway. So far, i'm quite impressed. It's like so far Ubisoft have learned from Unity and the botch up that was.


Edit: Expect a decent length game-install, first mission or two then it's playing the waiting game.

Edited by Jimbob
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Started playing this morning and I've enjoyed what I've seen so far. The game is very quick to get you into the action and I love the banter between the two twins. I :heart: Evie.


I'm currently just collecting stuff around Whitechapel. Gotta get those chests and rack up some cash. :D


For those who have a Uplay account it's worth checking it out. I signed in to find I had a bunch of new outfits with different skills, one of which is an Ezio suit for Jacob. There's also a bonus given to you that permanently increases the amount of £ earned on everything you do. Very nice.

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Just finished Alexander Bells mission of rigging Big Ben with telephone boxes (and chapter 3 in that matter), and got the rope launcher for both Evie and Jacob. Boy that's a lot of fun to use. So far, experienced no slowdown or anything.


And yes, you go to Edward Kenway's house in London as Evie.


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Platinumed this on Thursday with a 97% completion rate. Great game overall. London was a fun city to explore, missions were overall good, and although it could need more story scenes I liked the protagonists, Evie in particular. Already looking forward to next October!

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Just started this yday and enjoying it so far! Echoing others' comments, the characters actually have character. Both lead protagonists are interesting and the 'bantz' between the two are genuine and enjoyable.


Need to get my teeth into it properly but from a couple of hours gameplay, thumbs up Ubi!: peace:

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Platinumed this on Thursday with a 97% completion rate. Great game overall. London was a fun city to explore, missions were overall good, and although it could need more story scenes I liked the protagonists, Evie in particular. Already looking forward to next October!


Nabbed the platinum on this myself last night.


Great game. The setting was awesome, the characters were lovable, the grappling hook/zipline made shooting around the city nice and simple and the story was great.


I think the last boss was one of the more enjoyable ones in the series.


The way you keep switching between brother and sister to have a crack at him was great, as was the final blow.



Switching between Jacob and Evie between missions was a great inclusion. With Jacob you're missions tend to be very hands on, while with Evie it's all about the stealth.


I love the idea of building up your gang and taking over London. It felt very much like Brotherhood in that you could have them as backup or send them to do your dirty work. Great stuff.


The only real negative about the game I have is the loading times. Fast travelling between viewpoints ain't so fast when the loading can take over a minute. I often just used a horse and carriage to just get around, rather than sit waiting on a loading screen to finish.


Great game that sadly will not reach the sales it deserves. Unity killed the franchise for a lot of people ( I personally loved it but then I played it once all the patches had been released ) and I think the majority of the market are getting tired of the yearly updates to the series.

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I actually think it is the fact that the games come out yearly that puts me off getting them.


Nintendo gets too much flak for releasing a couple of Mario platformers a generation, surely AC is a bit stale after so many games within a short period of time?

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I actually think it is the fact that the games come out yearly that puts me off getting them.


Nintendo gets too much flak for releasing a couple of Mario platformers a generation, surely AC is a bit stale after so many games within a short period of time?


The difference is though that the AC games have a story to them. It keeps the players engaged enough to continue to play them year in and year out.

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I actually think it is the fact that the games come out yearly that puts me off getting them.


Nintendo gets too much flak for releasing a couple of Mario platformers a generation, surely AC is a bit stale after so many games within a short period of time?


AC is third-party though; it's their to bulk up release schedules. If Sony released an Uncharted game every November, I can guarantee that it would get stale and lead to disappointed fans.

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I don't understand why people moan about yearly AC games. You don't have to get them all. I took a break after Black Flag and came back for this one. (Luckily I appear to have skipped the shit ones.)


And the settings are always quite different, even if the gameplay isn't miles apart.

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Fifa is also the same, providing yearly updates that sells every year. I just don't get it, surely you can patch in an update rather than create a new game every year. EA doesn't get as much slack as Nintendo do


Interesting review from the Guardian: in short, game looks lovely but we have seen the gameplay lots of times before http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/oct/23/assassins-creed-syndicate-review-failure

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Fifa is also the same, providing yearly updates that sells every year. I just don't get it, surely you can patch in an update rather than create a new game every year. EA doesn't get as much slack as Nintendo do.


You could but if the consumers are willing to pay for a new one each year, why would you?


Third parties will continue to keep their annual games going as long as people are willing to buy them. Eventually most people will move on and become tired of the franchise ( sports games are probably the exception here) and only then will the company look to either slow releases down or cancel them altogether.

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I think the community events in-game are broken


I saw a community event to hijack a cart, managed to nab the cart. But everytime i started to head to the drop-off point, the line and dot would vanish and another cart would appear where i just took it from.


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Enjoying this so far, just started sequence 4. Never made it all the way through an Assassin's Creed game having played about half each of 1 and 2 before my brother traded them in, and played the start of 3 when it was on PS+ and it didn't really grab me, so hopefully I'll make it all the way through this time!


Liking the protagonists and their banter, and love the zip-line gun, really makes it feel like the Arkham games!

I also love London as a setting - they've done a great job with the world. Making me feel a lot more invested in it that the middle east/Italy in the previous ones I've played.

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I think the community events in-game are broken


I saw a community event to hijack a cart, managed to nab the cart. But everytime i started to head to the drop-off point, the line and dot would vanish and another cart would appear where i just took it from.


Probably just a dud event. I was farming for the Guardian Angel trophy last night and used nothing but community events and had zero issues. I also done a few community train robberies for the No Ticket trophy. Oh, and make sure to press square rather than X if you are going for this. I spent a good hour trying to get it only to find out it has to be done with a certain button, despite the animations being exactly the same. :shakehead

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Doesn't Ubisoft have different studios working on each years incarnation of Assassin's Creed?


Anywho, just finished Syndicate. Full thoughts in the game diary thread, but i thought the game was brilliant. Ok, there are a few gliches and bugs. In comparison to Unity, very minor though. I enjoyed switching between Jacob and Evie in the freeroam.

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Doesn't Ubisoft have different studios working on each years incarnation of Assassin's Creed?


Ubisoft Montreal are the main team and sometimes get help from other Ubisoft studios. Ubisoft Quebec were the ones who made this one, though. They also helped make the awesome Assassin's Creed Rogue, as well. I think the main team behind that was Ubisoft Sofia.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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  • 3 weeks later...

Only about 20% into the game but have spent ages just unlocking perks and running around. Has made my PS4 purchase justifiable- even though I bought one for PES16.

Now at level 6 and really enjoying the game. I really need to get back into Black Flag (was enjoying it then just stopped after one too many follow-sneak missions). This is much better. Feels like the most refined AC - even better than AC2 for me!


Don't want this one to end. More Jacob/Evie would be great in the future please!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Found this on Gamefaqs. Does it answer your question?


The U-Play stuff should just be available in your inventory as soon as you can access your inventory (memory sequence 3)


In the menu, go to the E-STORE and select the BROWSE MY BONUS CONTENT to see if the other DLC outfits you downloaded installed properly. It will show you a list of all your available DLC.

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