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Nintendo Direct - April 1st - 11pm BST


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Just got in from work, didn't see the direct. 200cc MarioKart sounds good, I will have to get back into it :) is it free DLC? N64 and DS on VC is good too, I'll have to see what games are up.


Nothing else that I've read on the last page has piqued my interest though :p

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Just got in from work, didn't see the direct. 200cc MarioKart sounds good, I will have to get back into it :) is it free DLC? N64 and DS on VC is good too, I'll have to see what games are up.


Nothing else that I've read on the last page has piqued my interest though :p

Yep, 200cc is free!

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Best. Direct. Ever. :bouncy::yay::bowdown::love:


Good to see someone else enjoyed it.


Agreed, lots of good stuff. Downloading Box Boy now.


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Also managed to finally get the first post on a Miiverse board. :D


Been wanting to replay SM64 and here's my excuse!


Didn't see a single mole suplexing a bowling ball into the sun 0/10 would not watch again :mad:




I'm actually super-glad to see Lucas and Mewtwo.


Also, I love that Fire Emblem is such a big franchise these days to warrant two spots on this direct. Fire Emblem If sounds pretty good, and assured me that the series will have a steady future.


Loved this Direct. No big-budget games were announced (technically), but fuck it, that's what E3 is for.


By the sounds of the info from the Japanese version FE:IF is getting 2 versions for the different stories. You can play the other story via DLC but that wasn't how it sounded in the EU Direct.

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Personally for me I would like to see the following tonight...


  • N64 VC games

  • GC VC games

  • DS VC games

  • Next amiibo wave (available to pre-order straight after the direct)

  • Compensation for expired VIP points (just extend the dates on the recent game pins somehow)

  • Mario Kart 8 dlc (Available right now)

  • Xenoblade Chronicles X release date (end of June please Nintendo or early July)

  • Yoshi's Wooly World release date (significantly before Xenoblade please)

  • Mewtwo DLC (available... right now!)

  • Splatoon amiibo details, release dates, bundles etc

  • And one more thing... we have a new trailer, please take a look... (Starfox reveal plus N64 Lylat Wars VC game and Starfox Assault either Coming Soon or available right now)


That'd do! : peace:


Well that's more than half the stuff on my list so I'm pretty happy. :)


I wasn't expecting Donkey Kong 64 so soon as a VC title either, plus the Mario Kart 200cc mode! :bowdown:


Also, that woollen Yoshi amiibo... damnit! Instant purchase. :heart:


Some decent Fire Emblem representation there too. :awesome:

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Just read that new Fire Emblem is being released as two different games in Japan - from the sounds of our Direct, it's just the one, and it sounded like choices you made would influence the story path, rather than one good plot and one bad plot. Very interesting indeed.

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Nothing else that I've read on the last page has piqued my interest though :p


They also announced an Attack on Titan game for the 3DS (unsure on who's developing it).


Just thought I'd mention it, with your avatar and all :heh:


By the sounds of the info from the Japanese version FE:IF is getting 2 versions for the different stories. You can play the other story via DLC but that wasn't how it sounded in the EU Direct.


The thought crossed my mind when watching the trailer (the aesthetic direction of black and white gave it away), but since the trailer didn't say anything, I thought it was just me.


I guess that's interesting, too. An Oracles type of thing, where owning both games unlocks extra content?

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Only just watched the Nintendo Direct, without knowing any of the announcements, after coming home from work.. and I'm happy with what I saw :yay:


There was plenty of stuff there that didn't interest me but I think Yoshi's Woolly World looks pretty good and I'm delighted that Project Zero is coming to Europe :grin:


It's also awesome to see that Mario Kart 8 is gradually becoming F-Zero for Wii U with the 200cc class :hehe: The extra speed should be great fun and I can't wait to try it out in a future league night with some of you guys! The Animal Crossing course also looks BRILLIANT and the changing seasons is something I'd love to see more of in games.


Haven't read anyone else's comments yet because I wanted to express my joy before being brought down by the haters that are gonna hate :heh:


BRING ON E3 :bouncy:

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Yeah. It's a whole 3 minutes shorter. Clearly the tone is different, it'll be nothing but Japan only titles and we'll get nothing.


The Japanese Direct was 51 minutes. Our disappointing Direct was under 41 minutes. A little more than 3 minutes and as I said before, point proven.

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Fantastic Direct, especially given the proximity to E3. Loads of content and especially surprises there. The Splatoon amiibo look fantastic, though not as fantastic as those amazing Yoshi ones!!! Woolly World looks a lot better now than the E3 build. Loved the Mario Maker segment too. Forgot about Fatal Frame, looked good. Really liked the MK8 updates too.


The Japanese Direct was 51 minutes. Our disappointing Direct was under 41 minutes. A little more than 3 minutes and as I said before, point proven.


Ours was 48 minutes. Try again.


Jesus, ffs, giving time to Affordable Space Adventure. Scraping the barrel much? It's a ridiculous price at €20. Prepare for failure. Affordable my @rse.


Such a tedious tight ar5e. Affordable Space Adventures looks great, I'm really hyped for it. How is £14 a ridiculous price? You have no idea how much work went into the game, how much content is there. Stop being so f-ing tight all the time and loosen the purse strings occasionally.


So that leak was fake? They got a tonne right so far. They probably were threatened that their balls would be cut off if they didn't deny it. Ridiculous pricing again for the VC titles.


Why is it ridiculous pricing for the VC titles?


Nintendo Direct Presentation - 14.01.2015 (UK)




Learn to read. That's January's Direct


EDIT: Ah, you've realised your mistake and deleted your post. Good thinking.

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Wasn't my mistake. You're pathetic. I've reported you AGAIN. Directly quoted me 3 times in 20 minutes. You were warned about this. Deleting my name changes nothing which you've done on countless other posts. You've spent the last hour attacking every one of my posts. To whom it may concern, wherever you see a post of mine followed by this stalker you know what it contains.




The Yanks write their dates opposite to us so that's where mynintendonews got confused, easily done. 01/04 is what we write as opposed to 04/01 which is what they write.

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Any online/local multiplayer support for Mario Kart DS? I'm grabbing Wario Ware as soon as I get home, but may hold off on Mario Kart until it's discounted if there's no multiplayer.


I thought that was a pretty good direct to be honest, I don't care much for Amiibo though. SMT x Fire Emblem gameplay was a very good surprise! I'm not exactly sure why there's so much discontent, the only disappointing thing is that there's no blowout for the VC offerings which is really needed in my opinion.

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Actaully whats peeing me off now is all the Amiibo stuff. Not because they aren't fun/cool and stuff, but because you just can't actually frigging buy them!


My daughter would love a Rosalina one (especially now she'll have an MK Mii suit). but thy're like £40 on eBay because Nintendo released about 7 in the UK.... Seriously if Skylanders or Disney Infinity had such ridiculously low releases I'm sure they wouldn't be as popular! It makes no sense, it's like they've turned them into collectables not useful gaming additions... and that has pee'd me right off! :mad:


/end rant

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Man, i'm shattered this morning. I was so tired that when I had a shower my eyes were stinging. I really shouldn't have stayed up. :D




So, here's what I predicted/wanted from the Direct.


Splatoon date/info/trailer

Puzzle & Dragon date/info/trailer

Yoshi date/info/trailer

Mario Kart DLC date/info/trailer

Smash Bros DLC date/info/trailer

Pokemon Rumble World date/info/trailer

New Amiibo

Cheeky surprise or two ( hopefully one being my VC wish )


Most of these seem highly likely and will make for some good viewing. :yay:


I got everything I wanted and then some. :D


I honestly thought it was the best Direct in a long time.




Whether people like them or not, Amiibo seems to be an important part of Nintendo's strategy going forward. They are obviously successful for the company and seeing them implement them across most of their games means that they aren't going anywhere anytime soon.


Luckily they don't seem to be going as nuts as they did with the Smash Bros line up. Having just 3-4 Amiibo per title is something my wallet welcomes.


I love how they broken away from the usual Amiibo style for the Yoshi Woolly World set. They look amazing.


There is an issue with the Amiibo though and that is that they need to get more made and shipped out. If more games are going to use them then they need to be widely available for the public. None of this waiting for the preorders to go up, you should be able to walk into a store and simply buy them.


Smash Bros


The Mewtwo reveal was always going to happen but the Lucas and costume stuff was a nice surprise. Yes, the costumes are microtransactions but this was to be expected and they are optional.


Mario Kart


The earlier date was a fantastic surprise and one that makes sense given that we will have Kirby and Splatoon in May already.


The Animal Crossing stage looks and sounds amazing. Having the seasons change between races in a nice touch and it's great to see some of the villagers cheering for you on the side lines.


The 200cc announcement makes me both happy and sad. On one hand it gives the game more replay value but on the other it kinda hammers home the point that this series is now taking over from F-Zero. :( There's still hope though because....


Virtual Console N64/DS Games


N64 & DS games were finally added to the VC!!! :yay::bowdown:


With the N64 games being added we should get F-Zero X at some point, which was an amazing game. If we are lucky they may throw us a bone and give us the 64DD expansion as well.


I love the N64 to bits and having the games looking and running smoother on the GamePad is a dream come true. There is an issue with the Home button though. When I posted to Miiverse last night and then came back into the game, there is a slight delay/pause before the game picks up again.


More Wii titles were given dates for the service and I noticed that they are launching at a reduced rate for a limited time. I wonder if it's because they seen a massive drop off in sales after the first batch went back to the normal pricing scheme?


Fire Emblem


I was very happy to see that the Fire Emblem X game was alive and well. I had my doubts whether it would ever see the light of day but that trailer hit all the right notes, even if I didn't have a clue what the hell was going on.


The new 3DS game has got me very excited. I'm loving the route they have taken with the different story paths. I quite like the setting they have gone with this time as well.


In closing...


So they were my highlights but there was so much more stuff going on. I didn't care much for the Animal Crossing or the Codename Steam stuff but they were welcome additions to the Direct. Yoshi and Splatoon looked amazing. The 3DS Mii stuff and Fatal Frame coming to the west was a nice surprise.


What I find great is that all of this stuff was announced and shown BEFORE E3. If they could afford to show all of this now, just what the hell have they got up their sleeve for that show? :D


This Direct solidified what Iwata set out to do a while back. He said he wanted people to play the games they have more and revisit them on a regular basis. We've already seen that effect Hyrule Warriors and Mario Kart, Smash Bros and imagine Splatoon will follow the same route.


Using the DLC model has helped give their games legs, which is exactly what they need to do to keep games invested in their console. While some may not like this move, Nintendo have shown to price the DLC for these games at a very reasonable price.


Brilliant Direct that i'm still not over and I can't wait to get home and play some N64 and DS classics on the GamePad. Well played, Nintendo. Well played. : peace:

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it was the best Direct in a long time.




Whether people like them or not, Amiibo seems to be an important part of Nintendo's strategy going forward. They are obviously successful for the company and seeing them implement them across most of their games means that they aren't going anywhere anytime soon.


Luckily they don't seem to be going as nuts as they did with the Smash Bros line up. Having just 3-4 Amiibo per title is something my wallet welcomes.


I love how they broken away from the usual Amiibo style for the Yoshi Woolly World set. They look amazing.


There is an issue with the Amiibo though and that is that they need to get more made and shipped out. If more games are going to use them then they need to be widely available for the public. None of this waiting for the preorders to go up, you should be able to walk into a store and simply buy them.


Completely agree here, and it doesn't help that Americans keep pre-ordering from our stores, and with them having delays now (Their next waves are May, July and September as opposed to our May, June and September, and many of their September ones are June for us), it's going to keep happening. That's going to give us even more issues. Thankfully most stores enforce the 1 per customer thing, but they NEED to sort it out.

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