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Has the confirmation of no voice chat altered your decision to purchase Splatoon?


Has the confirmation of no voice chat altered your decision to purchase Splatoon?  

55 members have voted

  1. 1. Has the confirmation of no voice chat altered your decision to purchase Splatoon?

    • Yes, I'm not going to buy it now.
    • No, I'll still be getting the game.
    • Undecided

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Don't know if I want the game period. The fact it doesn't have voice chat doesn't ever factor into a decision to buy a game for me. It's a Nintendo game, so I kinda knew it was never gonna happen. But I eill wait for reviews and hands ons before I decide if I want it.

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I'm not happy about the lack of voice chat but i'm still in for a day 1 purchase.


Part of me feels dirty for still buying the game as i'm essentially sending the message to Nintendo that i'm fine with their decision to voice chat out. The other part of me is looking forward to playing what looks to be a fun filled game that oozes the Nintendo charm. Plus, its seems to have ton unlockables, which is totally my kinda thing. :D

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wasn't getting it anyway. Why play COD for kids with squids, when you can just play COD? It concerns me how Nintendo seem to be targeting an even younger audience of late.


Because it plays nothing like any other shooter out there?


In a sea of samey COD clones and Gears alikes, Splatoon is a genuinely unique take on the genre.

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wasn't getting it anyway. Why play COD for kids with squids, when you can just play COD? It concerns me how Nintendo seem to be targeting an even younger audience of late.




You want to play COD, Playstation has a million samey shooters for you. I'll refer back to Eurogamer's headline:


"Nintendo might be making the most exciting online shooter in years"


Huge credit to Nintendo for doing something different in a sea of sameness. As for the COD for kids comment, no need to dignify that with a response.

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One thing that bothers me about the attitude toward this game is that it is both a new IP and a new genre for Nintendo.


People whine and cry that Nintendo do too many platformers, and here they are with a third person shooter and one that looks completely different to anything on any system and people are talking of a boycott over voice chat?


If anything we should all be getting behind new releases like this.

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If anything we should all be getting behind new releases like this.


Judging by the reaction on GAF, everyone's really excited for this game. This site just seems to exist in a voice chat bubble.


We should only get behind something if it's satisfying our needs and we feel it deserves a push from us. We shouldn't have to get behind something that isn't giving us what we want.


Voice chat voice chat voice chat. It's all about voice chat. That's what gaming is about. Talking to your mates. Just in case three threads hasn't made it clear yet, THIS GAME NEEDS VOICE CHAT!!!! it's nothing without it.

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Judging by the reaction on GAF, everyone's really excited for this game. This site just seems to exist in a voice chat bubble.




Voice chat voice chat voice chat. It's all about voice chat. That's what gaming is about. Talking to your mates. Just in case three threads hasn't made it clear yet, THIS GAME NEEDS VOICE CHAT!!!! it's nothing without it.


It does need voice chat.

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I'm not happy about the lack of voice chat but i'm still in for a day 1 purchase.


Part of me feels dirty for still buying the game as i'm essentially sending the message to Nintendo that i'm fine with their decision to voice chat out. The other part of me is looking forward to playing what looks to be a fun filled game that oozes the Nintendo charm. Plus, its seems to have ton unlockables, which is totally my kinda thing. :D


That's a huge part of it for me. Nintendo need to get with the times. Nintendo don't care what we think as long as they get our money. I'm making a stand this time, they'll listen if people don't buy it. I sent an e-mail to Nintendo after MK8 released and didn't get a proper response and sent an e-mail this morning and expect the same response. They're too slow and I don't think they'll change until the old guard leaves or is forced out. This is developed by the young talent at Nintendo, they wanted voice chat but obviously were shot down by the dinosaurs.

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A game like Splatoon needs voice chat, even if it's "friends only". I'm sure even Nintendo could have managed that, but alas no. It's not affected my decision to get the game, i wasn't planning on getting it anyway. But this does put Nintendo in a spot, they do need to catch-up to the 21st century.

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I agree. I think we need a fourth topic on the subject. Maybe we could call it "Splatoon needs voice chat!"


I'm thinking more along the lines of "Let's create another voice-chat thread to piss Ronnie off".


This thread was created just to see how voice chat effected people's decision on buying the game by way of poll. It wasn't to just create another discussion.


@RedShell had every right to create the thread as he was interested in the figures.

If you just voted and gave your answer then that'a all that was needed... but no, you just have to bitch and moan that we've another thread that isn't actually what you're claiming it to be.


Just think though, if Nintendo had just said from the beginning that there'd be no voice chat then every time they posted new info the thread would've just been talk about the game... but because they didn't, those of us that wanted to know would bring it up as we were frustrated.

It's all Nintendo's fault. ;)

Edited by Kav
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Judging by the reaction on GAF, everyone's really excited for this game. This site just seems to exist in a voice chat bubble.


That's funny. Like NeoGAF is representative of reality.


This game is going to bomb sales wise, just like nearly every other Wii U game. If everyone was as enthusiastic about Wii U games as NeoGAF apparently are, Nintendo would have no problems at all!


I dare say there's probably a lot more people thinking negatively about it, and Nintendo's other games in general, for so many to pass by their latest console.

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That's funny. Like NeoGAF is representative of reality.


This game is going to bomb sales wise, just like nearly every other Wii U game. If everyone was as enthusiastic about Wii U games as NeoGAF apparently are, Nintendo would have no problems at all!


I dare say there's probably a lot more people thinking negatively about it, and Nintendo's other games in general, for so many to pass by their latest console.



It's a pretty good representation of the gaming community, being the online gaming message board. Doesn't include all the kids who buy PS4s for COD and the like but that's definitely a good thing.

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It's a pretty good representation of the gaming community


It's not representative of reality, or the true 'gaming community' (ie. ALL gamers), which is the only thing you should be concerning yourself with.


Like I said, Wii U games typically bomb in sales. This will almost certainly bomb in sales (in the charts for a week or few then gone)


If what you're saying about GAF is true, this place is more representative of reality as people are far more critical about Nintendo. Just like people in real life who shun the thing.

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It's a pretty good representation of the gaming community, being the online gaming message board. Doesn't include all the kids who buy PS4s for COD and the like but that's definitely a good thing.


Given Nintendo's WiiU and WiiU game sales, GAF's positivity towards Nintendo only proves it is not representative of the gaming community. @Sheikah is completely right here.

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Just think though, if Nintendo had just said from the beginning that there'd be no voice chat then every time they posted new info the thread would've just been talk about the game... but because they didn't, those of us that wanted to know would bring it up as we were frustrated.

It's all Nintendo's fault. ;)


The next time Nintendo release more information about this game I guarantee you the threads will be filled with "This game looks great but it really needs voice chat". You yourself will be responsible for about 9 of said posts. Going in circles, always saying the same thing.

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It's not representative of reality, or the true 'gaming community' (ie. ALL gamers), which is the only thing you should be concerning yourself with.


Like I said, Wii U games typically bomb in sales. This will almost certainly bomb in sales (in the charts for a week or few then gone)


If what you're saying about GAF is true, this place is more representative of reality as people are far more critical about Nintendo. Just like people in real life who shun the thing.


The Wii U's sales are a separate issue. It's failing not because of a quality issue, Nintendo games are well loved. If it was a graphical powerhouse filled to the brim with grey and gritty shooters then I'm sure it's do quite well. Sadly that's what gaming is about these days. Splatoon with voice chat would have made barely a dent in sales.

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The next time Nintendo release more information about this game I guarantee you the threads will be filled with "This game looks great but it really needs voice chat". You yourself will be responsible for about 9 of said posts. Going in circles, always saying the same thing.


I'll not now that they've confirmed it. I've lost interest in the title so I'll not bother posting unless I see someone posting something I disagree with and feel I want to reply.


You're as bad as those who post about the lack of voice chat. You keep posting how it doesn't need it. You'll find that you post complaining more than I do.

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The Wii U's sales are a separate issue. It's failing not because of a quality issue, Nintendo games are well loved. If it was a graphical powerhouse filled to the brim with grey and gritty shooters then I'm sure it's do quite well. Sadly that's what gaming is about these days. Splatoon with voice chat would have made barely a dent in sales.


In which case, GAF is still not representative of all gamers. Regardless of the reasons, Wii U is not a popular games console within the gaming community, as only the minority own one to buy games for it. To have a place with so much praise for these games and the inevitable "I'm getting this" type comments is not reflective of reality.


Also, I think you'll find that if people were generally as positive about Nintendo's games as you imply GAF are then they'd go out and buy a Wii U regardless of whether it played COD or not. Truth is, that ain't happening.


No, and I don't believe it genuinely has moved anyone who was going to get the game to do otherwise. Let's be real.


I don't think you've seen any posts by @kav82. Some people do care about that feature you know.

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No, and I don't believe it genuinely has moved anyone who was going to get the game to do otherwise. Let's be real.


It's moved me. When it was first announced at E3 it went to the top of my list of games I was interested in... the lack of voice chat has absolutely ruined that, simply because I was excited over the game for the reason of playing it with my friends and chatting, laughing and strategising with them.


Now that I know I can't do that then I'm not interested in it anymore. How's that hard to understand?

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That's a really surprising result. I thought there were more than 8 knobs here?


Come on guys, its a disappointment for sure. But this is big new IP, it looks great fun and that's why you should give it a go. For those who, like me, want voice chat we'll find some cumbersome way to communicate but the lack of chat is not a reason to boycott this game. Having scenes of beastiality would be. Perspective, please.

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