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I think @Sheikah has it spot on.


If that is the controller then it is likely the same problems Nintendo had with the Wii U would arise.


I just want Nintendo to now reveal the thing though!

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To be fair, he never said StarFox was getting delayed. He said it was in discussion. Let's not attribute false claims to him.


Okay he said it was potentially in big trouble, then 2 days later it was in a direct (which would've been recored quite a bit before). Come on, the guy obviously talks cack.


Which was ridiculous in an age when TVs are in every room


This argument just doesn't make any sense, there may be tis in every room (which isn't even true, but let's say there is), how much of a pain in the arse is it to move the wii u and all its bits into a different room? Or what if you're playing on a tele and someone wants to use it - off tv or take everything somewhere else? What about if you want to watch something and casually play off tv? What, like I do, you actually prefer playing VC games off tv in a more relaxed less 50" screen way?


It seems Off TV is absolutely brilliant for a lot of people.


I adore the look of NES and Super NES games on my plasma, with colours that are vibrant! Glorious and much better than the washed out GamePad screen.


I'm undecided if i think this is legit. Though, I quite think the design, it don't want to call it "premium" but it seems to have a great finish and an improvement on all previous hardware from Nintendo. They need to come up with a suitable replacement for buttons and D-pad, whether that's possible with current technology is debatable.


It looks nice, but I agree it doesen'tseem comfortable.

Also, I think a screen with a round aspect ratio would be really weird to develop games for. If it's a hybrid, then the screen size alone is enough to scare away most third parties.


This is basically what I thought the handheld will be (and what the controller for the home system would look like) given the current state of the market place.


What I'm interested in is what the shoulder buttons look like...

This is basically what I thought the handheld will be (and what the controller for the home system would look like) given the current state of the market place.


What I'm interested in is what the shoulder buttons look like...


I'm getting a GameCube vibe (rounded with a ridge in the middle) from what very little we've seen of them. Maybe its wishful thinking!


I don't know if it's real or not. If it is, my first thought is that it looks expensive. My second thought is that it looks like a PS Vita – which I don't have a problem with at all.


I'm not going to pass judgment until we know more and I hear impressions.


I'm definitely ready to jump back in with a Nintendo handheld, in all honestly the 3DS left me a little cold. My one concern is its design; if I do get one it will be after the redesign it and iron out all the little design niggles; Nintendo might be excellent when it comes to comfort but they do often have too many design flaws for my liking on their first iterations.

I don't know if it's real or not. If it is, my first thought is that it looks expensive. My second thought is that it looks like a PS Vita – which I don't have a problem with at all.


I'm not going to pass judgment until we know more and I hear impressions.


I'm definitely ready to jump back in with a Nintendo handheld, in all honestly the 3DS left me a little cold. My one concern is its design; if I do get one it will be after the redesign it and iron out all the little design niggles; Nintendo might be excellent when it comes to comfort but they do often have too many design flaws for my liking on their first iterations.


Yeah I expect that the cost of the controller will be pretty expensive and like the Wii U, they'll have to trim down the power of the hardware as a compromise. That's the reason I don't expect the console to be more powerful than say the PS4.


If this is real then we need to face it. Us that grew up with Nintendo are no longer a focus of the company, we're not their target audience in the slightest anymore.


Their target audience is the generation that have been weened into gaming on mobiles and tablets and haven't yet invested hard in console gaming.

So the controller doesn't have buttons, those that love their mobile/tablet games won't really mind too much.


Nintendo are chasing this group to widen their reach again, they'll just hope that the renaming Nintendo die-hards buy the thing too.

Posted (edited)

More info from a leaker on Reddit



guys, im from the future. here to give you some details on the 'nx'.


first off, the leak is real, but that's not the final product. although the final product is very similar, it is slightly larger and feels more pleasing to hold, even on its own. what you could compare it to is like a cross between holding a wiimote, and holding a phone (horizontally, of course). i'd say it's more comfortable than the wii u gamepad, but that's my opinion - some prefer the gamepad, but that really doesn't matter for reasons i'm about to get into.


now let me just say, i'm with you if you think it's not a good design for a controller how it is and how you see it right now, but as for the final design, you will change your mind... why? when you purchase the "NX", it comes with the console, core gamepad, hdmi and cables, 2 games (one of them is basically just for showing off the features of the "NX" itself), and the classic controller attachment.


now you'll probably be excited to find out that the core gamepad's design is how it is for a reason. while it is perfectly fine to use how it is, it's also designed for attachments. the attachment is comes with, the classic controller att., is exactly what you'd expect, it has those hand grips and is incredibly comfortable. in case you're worried about it being too bulky, it's not. also, the way the attachments click in is super satisfying, like more satisfying than the sound of putting in cartridges into the NES.


so there are a few other attachments, a couple of them are just for the feel, but others have special functions. There is one attachment i'm not going to mention, but i'll give you a hint: it is something that has been called expensive and gimmicky in the past. (btw, that's not to say it is in this case, nintendo pulled it off pretty well)


as for the other attachments, they're all pretty awesome. there's this other one that adds a totally new set of controls, so if you really love physical buttons and shit, that'll be for you.


speaking of buttons, the way they are set up on the core gamepad is really intuitive, i wont go into it much, but i will say that after using it, you wont care much about physical buttons. the haptic feedback really does its part. as for the shoulder buttons/scroll wheels, they feel so satisfying to use... this is a very satisfying controller in general. oh also, the circle pads have haptic feedback as well.


im too lazy to write anymore here, i'll answer just one question, and 3 yes or no questions. edit: nevermind, i broke my own rules.




kind of think thjis is fake


Edited by Agent Gibbs
Posted (edited)

Reading the whole thread make him sound very dubious.

Particularly that he talks about release SKU's which surely would not have been decided yet.

I am still leaning to the side that the controller leak is real (unfortunately) but I am very skeptical of this guy.


He mentions a Google Cardboard style VR viewer as well in later comments!


Comment is now hidden for downvotes but:


oh it's certainly on par. what's exceeding is the controller's capability. i guess i may as well just say that it has vr. support, there's a vr headset attachment for the core gamepad. unlike the current vr. headsets, this one is probably the smallest out there, even more so than the google cardboard. of course that's not all, there are plenty other attachments and motion controls. but yeah, it's definitely on par with the xbone.


How would vr work with the thumbsticks in front of your eyes?


lmao, i see what you're saying. it just splits the screen in the middle, and the vr headset only allows you to see the split screen area, which is within the area of the thumbsticks. that may sound like a small screen area, but while using the vr headset, you can't even tell; and there is no loss in quality other than a drop in fps sometimes.


But you have thumbsticks right in the middle of each eye's vision


No, you don't.

/u/scurvix just explained it, but he skipped some technical detail that should elucidate the matter for you:

Such VR viewers contain optics that direct the L/R images to the L/R eyes respectively.

I.e.: you don't look at the screen directly, but you're looking through some kind of periscope, if you will, circumventing the sticks.


I think he's saying the VR setup only uses the screen real estate between thumbsticks and splits that space in two.

Edited by peterl0
Posted (edited)
Have we really got over 2 months more of all this...? :)



I'm kind of thinking were all getting suckered in to some sort of desert oasis mirage effect

the complete lack of nitnendo Nx related info has us all dying of thrist and the first reasonable looking fake to come along and were all dancing round the water hole drinking it in

Edited by Agent Gibbs

I'm kind of thinking were al getting suckered in to some sort of desert oasis mirage effect

the complete lack of nitnendo Nx related info has us all dying of thrist and the first reasonable looking fake to come along and were all dancing round the water hole drinking it in


Yep, I do actually really enjoy it all, but it could get exhausting quick. Just hope nintendo really do reveal early. If these leaks are true, or close to truth, surely that plays nintendo hands.


I'm kind of thinking were al getting suckered in to some sort of desert oasis mirage effect

the complete lack of nitnendo Nx related info has us all dying of thrist and the first reasonable looking fake to come along and were all dancing round the water hole drinking it in


I have to say, i'm pretty meh about the whole thing. Not just the pad but the situation and apparent leak. It's pointless getting all worked up about something that may not even be real. I'm quite happy to sit back and wait until Nintendo decide to show us the goods. In the meantime I get to watch people freak out and have meltdowns. :D


I refuse to believe this is real, even if some of the ideas sound quite positive, from my perspective.... Generally agree with HoT, it's pointless thinking about it until we know for sure, but man those fireworks on the Gaf are so, so beautiful.



This argument just doesn't make any sense, there may be tis in every room (which isn't even true, but let's say there is), how much of a pain in the arse is it to move the wii u and all its bits into a different room? Or what if you're playing on a tele and someone wants to use it - off tv or take everything somewhere else? What about if you want to watch something and casually play off tv? What, like I do, you actually prefer playing VC games off tv in a more relaxed less 50" screen way?


It seems Off TV is absolutely brilliant for a lot of people.


I still don't buy that this feature is THAT important, important enough to want to create an overly expensive controller that ultimately hiked the price of the whole unit.


If it really is brilliant for many people how come many people haven't bought the console?


It's convenient, but the things you mentioned can easily be solved without the Wii U - If i miss a programme due to wanting to play, in this day and age we have BBC iplayer and 4onDemand to catch up on stuff. These channels also tend to have repeat channels that show programmes an hour later.


Personally, I find console gaming to be (or should be) too engaging to want to watch tv and go back and forth with playing - I'd usually just pause or save the game and focus on tv and vice versa. That's one of the main features of a handheld and feel a home console should differentiate from it.


Like I say it's convenient- but IMO the game pad should have been an accessory of choice.


There are some really interesting ideas on GAF and they look good. Just, I need to feel like I have pressed something and it has to be more real than the vibrating on my phone. If the can do that and apply some of the ideas we see on GAF it could be a good concept at the end.


This is not bad: https://vine.co/v/ipgFFbXMQAU

Posted (edited)
Okay he said it was potentially in big trouble, then 2 days later it was in a direct (which would've been recored quite a bit before). Come on, the guy obviously talks cack.




This argument just doesn't make any sense, there may be tis in every room (which isn't even true, but let's say there is), how much of a pain in the arse is it to move the wii u and all its bits into a different room? Or what if you're playing on a tele and someone wants to use it - off tv or take everything somewhere else? What about if you want to watch something and casually play off tv? What, like I do, you actually prefer playing VC games off tv in a more relaxed less 50" screen way?


It seems Off TV is absolutely brilliant for a lot of people.


The market responded with a resounding no.


Off TV PS4/vita compatibility did nothing for Vita sales either. The amount of people wanting to play console games on tiny screens compared to large screen TVs are small.


The game pad wasnt even really an alternative to taking the console to a different room considering its limited range.

Edited by liger05

Please, don't take off tv play away if there is a chance to keep it. Just make the distance you can be away from the main machine longer.


Btw. I was looking at the calculated size of the latest rumored devices and that thing is to small to use without real buttons as it requires to check the button set up and for that you would need to move your fingers. Or maybe not....

Very good. It really does open up a whole world of UI potential.


But my concern is it shuts a door (or at least...makes it a heavy door*) to porting from elsewhere as UI is typically in the corners and this thing doesn't have corners.


Plus if the controller does mirror the TV screen (ala GamePad) would that Zelda UI be curved on the TV too or would there be some (hopefully built in) thing that changes the UI based on where it's outputting to?


*that metaphor was over-extended

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