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Technically it's not really an analogy because making games IS actually their job, so what you're saying is actually literally happening in this case here ;)


Aren't pitches handled by the marketing boffins? Who represent the gaming division of a third party game designer? (This post got more complex than I expected it to)


But can we all agree its a fair analogy/comparison/simile/whatever to make? :heh:

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I'm sure I read recently from the new CEO/President of Nintendo that he never found out what NX stood for... to me it's always been fairly obvious that it's Nintendo 10 as in their 10th console. Am I missing something?


I'm pretty confident he was joking (besides, this is probably only a code name). Huh, never thought of it being the Nintendo 10. I actually quite like that idea (also Nintendo historically suck at names, I mean the NEW 3DS?! The Wii U? No wonder sales have gone down...)


But can we all agree its a fair analogy/comparison/simile/whatever to make? :heh:
Yeah, I'll take that even if it's only because I like Jake from AT Edited by Julius Caesar
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I'm pretty confident he was joking (besides, this is probably only a code name). Huh, never thought of it being the Nintendo 10. I actually quite like that idea (also Nintendo historically suck at names, I mean the NEW 3DS?! The Wii U? No wonder sales have gone down...)


Nintendo 10 seemed so blatantly obvious to me that I'm second guessing myself that nobody has else made the same assumption

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Exactly. Whether it's pitching a game for the Gamecube or the PS4, it's the same process. Obviously consoles like the Wii throw that out of the window because the core concept is so different, but gameplay is gameplay at the end of the day.


But if you want them to pitch for the console, let them know some details. If you don't want them to know the details, just tell them to come back later.


Gameplay is gameplay yes. But given the last four consoles (including handhelds) have had unique gameplay interfaces you would be able to provide a better pitch if you know what these are. Hell, you might have a better idea because of it.

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We could always call it the Nintendo Dolphin. I did always like that name! (And hey! At least people won't think it's another version of the Wii ;) )


do not get me started on the terrible naming habits of Nintendo


What are everyone's stances on the NX reveal? Will we get something before E3, or are they saving it for then? And will it be released this year?


I personally think they've got a lot to cover at their next Direct (including Miitomo and My Nintendo), and a lot of people are saying that they wouldn't make a reveal at a Direct. Pokémon used to make its big reveals either in a leaked magazine or on a Japanese TV Show...


But if you want them to pitch for the console, let them know some details. If you don't want them to know the details, just tell them to come back later.


Gameplay is gameplay yes. But given the last four consoles (including handhelds) have had unique gameplay interfaces you would be able to provide a better pitch if you know what these are. Hell, you might have a better idea because of it.


I agree wholeheartedly. There's always been something...gimmicky about new Nintendo consoles. They always have something unexpected. I expect some motion control to be added in, but I don't expect the system to rely on it. From what we've heard all I can imagine being the off thing this time is the compatibility between the consoles and peripherals, and possibly another screen on the controller? Please Nintendo...make this console great.

Edited by Julius Caesar
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Nintendo 10 seemed so blatantly obvious to me that I'm second guessing myself that nobody has else made the same assumption








wii u


so surely NVII?







makes NX!.. so which consoles am I missing/needing to ignore? I've already cut out DSi, VB and GBC

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do not get me started on the terrible naming habits of Nintendo


What are everyone's stances on the NX reveal? Will we get something before E3, or are they saving it for then? And will it be released this year?


I personally think they've got a lot to cover at their next Direct (including Miitomo and My Nintendo), and a lot of people are saying that they wouldn't make a reveal at a Direct. Pokémon used to make its big reveals either in a leaked magazine or on a Japanese TV Show...


In terms of what people think about the NX, check out the NX predictions thread.




Feel free to post yours!

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do not get me started on the terrible naming habits of Nintendo


What are everyone's stances on the NX reveal? Will we get something before E3, or are they saving it for then? And will it be released this year?


I personally think they've got a lot to cover at their next Direct (including Miitomo and My Nintendo), and a lot of people are saying that they wouldn't make a reveal at a Direct. Pokémon used to make its big reveals either in a leaked magazine or on a Japanese TV Show...


Increasingly I'm coming round to the idea of the Wii U having it's last year this one.. looking at pricing across the board.. it could just be generally dropping the Wii (which has happened before) but it does look.. suspicious. A 4 year life span for the Wii U though? just seems a bit "ouch" to me


But yeah, I would say nothing till E3, then announce it. For the Wii U I hope the NX comes out a few months into 2017 at least, but I don't have a clue - 4 years is short for the Wii U, and releasing this early into PS4/X1 lifespans seems silly.. but can the Wii U last into 2017?

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But yeah, I would say nothing till E3, then announce it. For the Wii U I hope the NX comes out a few months into 2017 at least, but I don't have a clue - 4 years is short for the Wii U, and releasing this early into PS4/X1 lifespans seems silly.. but can the Wii U last into 2017?


Given the sales figures of the console I don't think they should even attempt to keep it alive for another year. They've been truly awful recently.


Not only that, the longer they wait, the more mindshare they lose to their competitors. They've already lost a crazy amount of that this generation as it is.

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Given the sales figures of the console I don't think they should even attempt to keep it alive for another year. They've been truly awful recently.


Not only that, the longer they wait, the more mindshare they lose to their competitors. They've already lost a crazy amount of that this generation as it is.


Agreed. I'm hoping they do something similar to what Sony did with the PS4, showing off the controller and graphics in a Direct (appeals to fans like you and I and the press) and then let loose with games and the console at E3.


Sales figures have been dismal. Though, we've had 3DS and variants of it since 2010. If the NX releases this year, do you think the next handheld will next year?

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Sales figures have been dismal. Though, we've had 3DS and variants of it since 2010. If the NX releases this year, do you think the next handheld will next year?


To be honest I've never really thought about the handheld side of things too much. I think most of my predictions were based around either the home console version launching this year or thing NX being a hybrid of sorts, with the home controller being used as the handheld.


If the handheld is a separate device then a release next year would make sense in the west, if the home console releases this year. Many across various forums have speculated that these releases may be switched for Japan, seeing as they favour handhelds over home consoles. I'm inclined to agree with this prediction.

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To be honest I've never really thought about the handheld side of things too much. I think most of my predictions were based around either the home console version launching this year or thing NX being a hybrid of sorts, with the home controller being used as the handheld.


If the handheld is a separate device then a release next year would make sense in the west, if the home console releases this year. Many across various forums have speculated that these releases may be switched for Japan, seeing as they favour handhelds over home consoles. I'm inclined to agree with this prediction.


That prediction seems to make more sense.


I'm really hoping the console releases Q4 this year...shouldn't have to wait too long until we get some solid info.

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Given the sales figures of the console I don't think they should even attempt to keep it alive for another year. They've been truly awful recently.


Not only that, the longer they wait, the more mindshare they lose to their competitors. They've already lost a crazy amount of that this generation as it is.


part of me would like to see a good send off for the Wii U, but I can't see next year being more fruitful than this (or even last year) so.. my hopes for a worthwhile 2017 (even maybe as little as 2 games) are gone now so.. I think I would accept the NX launching at the end of the year. Got a lot of stuff going on at the end of the year though, so if it does launch this year I won't be getting it for sure

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part of me would like to see a good send off for the Wii U, but I can't see next year being more fruitful than this (or even last year) so.. my hopes for a worthwhile 2017 (even maybe as little as 2 games) are gone now so.. I think I would accept the NX launching at the end of the year. Got a lot of stuff going on at the end of the year though, so if it does launch this year I won't be getting it for sure


See, I'd like it to get a good send off too. However...I don't really think it deserves one. Poor sales due to poor brand communication, having third parties walk out left and right, the Wii U has been a sorry home console for Nintendo.


I'm sorry to hear you'll be unable to get the console if it does release in the latter stages of this year, but that could turn out to be a good thing, what with game consoles seemingly loving poor launch lineups.


Still holding out for Zelda/Metroid/Mario though.

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See, I'd like it to get a good send off too. However...I don't really think it deserves one. Poor sales due to poor brand communication, having third parties walk out left and right, the Wii U has been a sorry home console for Nintendo.


I'm sorry to hear you'll be unable to get the console if it does release in the latter stages of this year, but that could turn out to be a good thing, what with game consoles seemingly loving poor launch lineups.


Still holding out for Zelda/Metroid/Mario though.


Yeah.. the Wii U doesn't deserve it, but I do :P


But agreed, I got the Wii U after launch and it seems to have worked out well for me. I guess I can have a faux 5th year for the Wii U and pick up good games I've missed (and yeah I have missed a fair few - I think enough to create a full years worth of games!

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But if you want them to pitch for the console, let them know some details. If you don't want them to know the details, just tell them to come back later.


Gameplay is gameplay yes. But given the last four consoles (including handhelds) have had unique gameplay interfaces you would be able to provide a better pitch if you know what these are. Hell, you might have a better idea because of it.


Developers could have pitched Splatoon, Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime, Mario Kart 8, A Link Between Worlds, Bravely Default, Captain Toad, Sonic Lost World and Rogue Squadron without knowing much about the four consoles they appeared on.


An original, first meeting pitch for a game doesn't require details of the console. It's nothing like going into a job interview without knowing what job you're applying for. If NX was so drastically revolutionary or different that Nintendo HAD to tell the dev, then they would have, otherwise the pitch would have been a waste of time.

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wii u


so surely NVII?







makes NX!.. so which consoles am I missing/needing to ignore? I've already cut out DSi, VB and GBC


1: NES


3: N64

4: Gamecube

5: Wii

6: Wii U

7: Virtual Boy

8: Game Boy (GB, GBC, GBA)

9: DS (DS, 3DS, 2DS)

10: NX

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1: NES


3: N64

4: Gamecube

5: Wii

6: Wii U

7: Virtual Boy

8: Game Boy (GB, GBC, GBA)

9: DS (DS, 3DS, 2DS)

10: NX


Bit of a stretch bundling the Gameboy and Advance together. Same goes for the DS and 3DS. They are 2 completely different generations. If it's a branding thing then surely Wii and Wii U would be bundled together?

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I always just assumed its the NX because it sounds kind of cool, or sounds like of like 'next' or for some play on the word 'Cross' for the shared OS thing they're going for.


Developers could have pitched Splatoon, Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime, Mario Kart 8, A Link Between Worlds, Bravely Default, Captain Toad, Sonic Lost World and Rogue Squadron without knowing much about the four consoles they appeared on.


An original, first meeting pitch for a game doesn't require details of the console. It's nothing like going into a job interview without knowing what job you're applying for. If NX was so drastically revolutionary or different that Nintendo HAD to tell the dev, then they would have, otherwise the pitch would have been a waste of time.


Bold = all made by Nintendo or a second party so they would have been privy to some, if not all, details. BD, SLW and RS all came well into the consoles' life-cycle so likewise, they would have known.


I agree, it doesn't require in-depth knowledge but why did Nintendo seem keen to hear what they had to say if they weren't willing to give any details on our end. It does seem to have been a waste of time from a business POV (I'm sure the devs enjoyed it nonetheless).

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Developers could have pitched Splatoon, Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime, Mario Kart 8, A Link Between Worlds, Bravely Default, Captain Toad, Sonic Lost World and Rogue Squadron without knowing much about the four consoles they appeared on.


An original, first meeting pitch for a game doesn't require details of the console. It's nothing like going into a job interview without knowing what job you're applying for. If NX was so drastically revolutionary or different that Nintendo HAD to tell the dev, then they would have, otherwise the pitch would have been a waste of time.

I think it makes a big difference. Companies like EA left Wii U development because of the kind of spec console it was (low power, online capabilities, expensive because of gamepad, the gamepad itself; and the effect these had on its image). If Nintendo have not met certain standards this time then it stands to reason that developers might be less enthusiastic about pitching a new idea to them. Nintendo should let them known more about their new consoles as an advertisement for themselves, if anything.

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Developers could have pitched Splatoon, Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime, Mario Kart 8, A Link Between Worlds, Bravely Default, Captain Toad, Sonic Lost World and Rogue Squadron without knowing much about the four consoles they appeared on.


An original, first meeting pitch for a game doesn't require details of the console. It's nothing like going into a job interview without knowing what job you're applying for. If NX was so drastically revolutionary or different that Nintendo HAD to tell the dev, then they would have, otherwise the pitch would have been a waste of time.

Maybe... But maybe this kind of behaviour - lack of details - is why at launch, for the Wii and Wii U, when games that truly show off the console are most needed, there's been such poor offerings. When developers only find out with time to throw a minigame compilation together, basic waggle, or the gamepad as a map, what kind of way to launch your console is that?...


Nintendo should be openly collaborating to give their consoles the best possibly start, especially given their situation. Otherwise it will be the Wii and Wii U launch and lack of support all over again.

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Although I think it's a word situation, I think you're all over blowing the need for it - like pitching for a job interview you don't know what the job is? EA left nintendo because of Specs? These are all really tenuous excuses for why a small indie couldn't pitch a game.


I could pitch a film idea without knowing what cameras or budget I was working with... Just to get some ideas out in the air.


Like I say, I think it's a bit of a weird thing for nintendo to say/do; but let's not make out it's an unpitchable situation.

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