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Bit redundant on the Crossing though! Tbh I wasn't keen to even put 'New' in my idea given how much it's been rinsed by Nintendo as the new Super, but it fit for New Horizons. The more I'm thinking about it, the more I feel like an ACNX would be a good draw for me to the system; especially if it can hybrid so you can take your town(or some aspect of it) with you on the go.

I would wonder with that though - how will syncing between the two halves of the system work? Will it be an always online syncing sort of system, or a direct sync between systems, or even both? Obviously raises all the issues you'd get with diff versions of saves etc.


New Crossing. New Xing. NX...


I'm too smart for this place.

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But I guess the worry with doing a more realistic style 'Wii Sports Resort' would be the comparisons to the unfavourably received 'Kinect Sports' series.


It sounds a great idea and I'm sure Nintendo could manage to do it in a way that steered well clear of Kinect Sports. I think most people are trying to forget that Kinect ever existed


Let's not kid ourselves. From a technology POV Kinect is fantastic, it was just poorly implemented on the Xbox. It's usage on PC in many fields outside of gaming make it well worth its existence.

Posted (edited)
Out of interest (from people in general), do you think Nintendo would fare better if they released the Mario sports series without Mario? The underlying mechanics themselves are usually pretty good, but I wonder if the image alone of Mario puts some people off. And not helped by the power ups and all that which are fun, but take away from realism.


Mario Tennis, in particular, has been on a downward spiral ever since the exemplary N64 title and I would argue that the gameplay of the latest iteration is AWFUL :shakehead


Personally, I probably would like to see a 'Nintendo Sports' label that ignores the Mushroom Kingdom!


I'm a huge fan of games like 1080 Snowboarding, Wave Race, Excitebike 64 and even Pilotwings, if you wish to include this under the sports banner. I'd love to see new iterations in all of these franchises but also see the return of games like Super Tennis and a vastly improved Virtua Striker, with the help of SEGA, a company who has a history of developing arcade sports titles.


There's no reason why characters like Ricky Winterborn and Akari Hayami, amongst a larger roster, couldn't appear across all, or at least some, of the sports range. Unfortunately, it probably won't happen :heh:


It's weird that you mention that Sports MMO idea, I was reading through this thread yesterday and had been tempted to post something similar in regards to a new Wave Race. I think it'd be great if there was a Mario Power Tennis style RPG element with the game set on something like Wuhu Island. I used to love how Ricky Winterborn was a playable character in 1080 and Wave Race, so it seems pretty obvious to combine the 2 games and offer 'Wave Race' on the beach of Wuhu, '1080' in the mountains and 'Pilotwings' in the sky above.


This post partially touches on an idea I had ages ago about the interface for Nintendo's next home console where the main hub would in fact be Wuhu Island.


I've mentioned this all before but to have this as a place where you can meet up with friends and freely chat while you explore the island together would be amazing! There'd be sections like the tennis courts where you could go play tennis together, either for a 'rental' fee for an hour or you could purchase the game outright, or a baseball park, jet ski areas and loads of other activities :smile:


I can't be bothered going into detail again about how you'd purchase and unlock areas and how the games would load seemlessly from the hub area without ever needing to change games..


It would be awesome :love:


EDIT In fact, here is my original post for perhaps the 3rd time in this thread :red:


Not at all :smile: In fact, it's maybe one of the games I enjoy most from Nintendo Land!


Anyway, I was just posting in another thread about how I'd have loved another Pilotwings game set on Wu-Hu Island where the seasons change and what not. That led me onto thinking about how I'd just love to explore the island and have an entirely new experience there.


I've definitely posted about this before, but with NX I'd love for Wu-Hu Island to basically be the hub of the new console :hehe:


The Wara-Wara Plaza on Wii U is a small step in this direction but I think it would be amazing to be able to turn on the new console and be dropped onto Wu-Hu Island where all your friends who are online will be walking around and you can freely chat to each other, set up games together or just run around exploring the island and having fun! Perhaps there could be a few activities to do like hang-gliding or jet-skiing where there may not necessarily be set goals but you could all be like 'Hey.. let's race to see who can reach The Ninteenth Hole Gold Club first!' or whatever :hehe:


I've also mentioned before for this sort of idea that things like the tennis courts could be off limits unless you purchase it for a reasonable fee. Once that particular DLC is downloaded or unlocked, you'd be able to make use of the tennis facilities to play the CPU or friends, Wii Sports-style. You could even pay a smaller fee to rent the court for an hour, or the golf course, or wherever, like how you can purchase passes in Wii Sports Club :hehe:


Imagine just being able to explore this entire island whilst being able to communicate freely with your friends and having a laugh together? Your Mii could be dressed in outfits unlocked from particular games.


The whole thing just sounds too awesome to me and it almost hurts to know that something like this just isn't likely, even if it is, in some ways, a very Nintendo-like take on things!

Edited by nekunando
Let's not kid ourselves. From a technology POV Kinect is fantastic, it was just poorly implemented on the Xbox. It's usage on PC in many fields outside of gaming make it well worth its existence.


When I first saw kinect I was blown away. Technology was so impressive. It just doesn't work in gaming when the majority of developers don't have any desire to make games for it.

Let's not kid ourselves. From a technology POV Kinect is fantastic, it was just poorly implemented on the Xbox. It's usage on PC in many fields outside of gaming make it well worth its existence.


To be clear, the technology is impressive like you say. I was only referring to the fact it's become a running joke in the gaming industry.

@nekunando I really hope Nintendo do something like that with the NX. The idea of Playstation Home was always cool, and it's a really Nintendo thing to do to have a hub world as part of the firmware. I'm expecting them to at least do something similar to 'Tomodachi Life' with the NX firmware, that can then link to the Miitomo app.
Out of interest (from people in general), do you think Nintendo would fare better if they released the Mario sports series without Mario? The underlying mechanics themselves are usually pretty good, but I wonder if the image alone of Mario puts some people off. And not helped by the power ups and all that which are fun, but take away from realism.


Now, absolutely. The realistic Nintendo characters have been tucked away for many years now, with 'Mario' being stamped on every sports game.


Like @nekunando says, a Nintendo Sports series with the likes of Ricky Winterborn, Deon Blaster etc as the main characters will be very welcomed and the 'realistic' sports department for the NX would kind of be sorted. At least a thirst will be quenched.


I can't remember playing any Fifa games on the N64, but I didn't care that much because of the likes of 1080, Waverace (and Konami's ISS 64 and 98).


Really don't know why these games have been side-lined so much - In todays world: Realism/High-end graphics and competitive online sells. Can only hope these games are in the pipeline.

Posted (edited)

I hate the idea of a Wuhu Island hub, or any hub for that matter.


I don't want to have to go and find my friends on the island, I just want to see a friends list... much quicker, much cleaner.

Edited by Kav
New Crossing. New Xing. NX...


I'm too smart for this place.


You do realise my objection there was more to the 'New' and redundancy of crossing, right? - I totally got the X aspect of the Crossing!! Unless you were going for just Animal New Crossing. That sounds weird.


I hate the idea of a Wuhu Island hub, or any hub for that matter.


I don't want to have to go and find my from ex's on the island, I just want to see a friends list... much quicker, much cleaner.


Yeah there's fun and gimmicks, but they have their place. I can see the idea for this whole ecosystem, but let's get something functional and practical at its core that can then be built upon later and optionally. In fact, I was under the impression I actually posted something earlier which it seems I never did; so I post it now - albeit it a few days outdated. I think I was a bit drunker when I wrote it, though.




Perfect post there @Rummy, at the end you've summed up my feelings & thoughts perfectly too!


Thanks Kav. I'd been meaning to reply to this post as I do find myself identifying with similar sentiments to yourself recently - whilst I'd say we probably still game differently, it seems what we actually want out of our systems is rather similar! I think a separation of hardware and software is important when thinking about new systems and companies etc.


I believe there's many different facets to selling - salesmanship, marketing/advertising, the product itself etc. I think if you can nail the product itself with it being something that people want - you don't have to worry as much about the other bits. If you have a great product, a product that people want, they will buy it! It will start to sell itself because the people who have it will be satisfied, and talk, and essentially market it for free etc(one reason social media integration has another layer to it) and the bandwagon beings. Marketing and salesmanship etc can go a way to selling a product people don't necessarily want(and I'm sure we've all been there) - but if you have a product that's doing the job it's gonna sell itself, and everything else on top is just added extra and meeting the gaps. The Wii did the bandwagon well, but it didn't last, because the product+add-ons(in terms of software) just wasn't appreciated by enough people who bought it as a product where the add-ons matter. Its success was the gimmick, rather than as a gaming machine, and I think that damaged it in the long-term. I think consoles are somewhat unique in the sense that they're longer term products, of sorts.


I honestly believe the reason the PS4 has done so well is because Sony listened to what people wanted and what they were saying and made no illusions about what the PS4 was. Not just customers, but supporters/developers/publishers too. Not just the East as an eastern company, but the West too. They've really closed down the gaps which I think has made them come up with a really good product that's done the job for many people. I think they also combined it with some smart business sense in not being too ambitious, not going for something too proprietary, and essentially just doing what they could to keep costs down in case it didn't do what they hoped.


I think in that latter sense, Nintendo need to be careful with the NX and not be too ambitious or crazy - play it safe.




Basically, these hubs etc are all a nice idea but don't make it a core part of your system. By all means have it, but make it an optional extra. Some people don't want to go through all of that - they want something they can turn on and get into gaming with quickly. I'm not against extra content or polish - but I don't like something too unconventional being forced upon me when it isn't strictly necessary.

Posted (edited)
Mario Tennis, in particular, has been on a downward spiral ever since the exemplary N64 title and I would argue that the gameplay of the latest iteration is AWFUL :shakehead


Personally, I probably would like to see a 'Nintendo Sports' label that ignores the Mushroom Kingdom!


I'm a huge fan of games like 1080 Snowboarding, Wave Race, Excitebike 64 and even Pilotwings, if you wish to include this under the sports banner. I'd love to see new iterations in all of these franchises but also see the return of games like Super Tennis and a vastly improved Virtua Striker, with the help of SEGA, a company who has a history of developing arcade sports titles.


There's no reason why characters like Ricky Winterborn and Akari Hayami, amongst a larger roster, couldn't appear across all, or at least some, of the sports range. Unfortunately, it probably won't happen :heh:




This post partially touches on an idea I had ages ago about the interface for Nintendo's next home console where the main hub would in fact be Wuhu Island.


I've mentioned this all before but to have this as a place where you can meet up with friends and freely chat while you explore the island together would be amazing! There'd be sections like the tennis courts where you could go play tennis together, either for a 'rental' fee for an hour or you could purchase the game outright, or a baseball park, jet ski areas and loads of other activities :smile:


I can't be bothered going into detail again about how you'd purchase and unlock areas and how the games would load seemlessly from the hub area without ever needing to change games..


It would be awesome :love:


EDIT In fact, here is my original post for perhaps the 3rd time in this thread :red:


Yes, been making posts about this here, there and everywhere for years, too (and seen others mention it, too). I think the reason it's so popular is it's such a "Nintendo Magic" idea, and you just know Miyamoto etc. have ALREADY fiddled around with the idea behind the scenes. I think with all the integrated online stuff Nintendo is now pushing, there's a good chance of something like this appearing. I doubt it would ever be as indepth as we'd like it (it'd end up being "the basics/lite" version) but the core concept is sound.


People sometimes trash the idea saying that it would be a hassle interacting with others/going to games/attractions/hobbies/quests etc. BUT there'd be quick teleport feature to online players/main games etc. I imagine a quick select on touchscreen with a little warp pipe appearing under you, then again at your destination to pop you out. Maybe even a quick mode that's just options for those just looking to play games, and chat rooms/mansions for nattering, and house mode for just sorting out your house/clothes/pets etc.. Obviously stuff like exploration, Wuhu celebrations/weather/seasons, and certain island activities such as treasure hunts and that would require going full mode on the island. You have to remember; this is Nintendo so they'll make it accessible to all.


Servers might be a problem considering how indepth it'd be and the fact Nintendo would want it to be free, but I could see micro-transactions coming into play. While there'd be an actual ingame island currency, I could see certain things requiring "real money," like say Nintendo having the island celebrate "Mario Day" where there's huge parades, games and celebrations Mario based and you get a chance to buy unique items for a limited time. Look at Badge Arcade, when people see the chance they may miss a badge...money! Imagine entire themed sets (clothes, beds, curtains, pet goomba etc.). Not just Mario, but Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero etc. Just chuck some limited chance special versions of them in and watch people buy the shit out of them!


This is the sort of idea that just wouldn't work for Sony or Microsoft, but would be magic for Nintendo.

Edited by Mr_Master_X2

Yes, I've thought a lot about a sport label too, though I DO think mario sort should be in it, then the other one being extremes ports label or something. They could release a sports game every 3 months for years - Mario Tennis, Golf, Strikers, basketball, baseball, 1080, F Zero, Wave Race, Excitebike, Olympics etc Would be amazing. I think them being Mario branded is a good thing, but just cut back on the crazy gimmicks like the old versions of the sports. Hopefully EA and 2K will come back with their 'real' versions of the sports so it's good to have an arcade style alternative.

Ah okay, it just wasn't clear. I guess the absolute extremity you speak in is what makes it slightly odd. Not that i disagree with what you're saying would be great for the system But just Nintendo have NEVET shown off a console with just mini games and 2d platformers so why would they now? If that's all they showed then yeah, it'd do disastrously.

Isn't it pretty much all Nintendo showed off during the E3's prior to the Wii U launch? Apart from trailers from third party ports, half of which never materialised, other half being inferior ports with less content and worse framerate?

As for proving its power, that's if it IS powerful. But why couldn't mario do that?

However powerful it'll be, Nintendo will have to show it. Even if it'll just be slightly sub-par when compared to PS4, Nintendo WILL have to show that it is at least that powerful. Or else we'll end up with a similar situation to the Wii U, where journalists claimed the system was weaker than the Xbox 360.


Mario quite simply can't do that because yet again, like it or not, the gaming press and average gamers are impressed by realistic graphics. Stylised graphics are difficult to compare.

However, I want a new pilot wings and Wave Race (definitely this) more than most games, I just don't think they'll have the impact you say. It feels like you're confusing personal opinion/desires with what would make the NX a surefire winner. For me I'd take Pikmin 4, Advance Wars, Wave Race F Zero, Metroid prime and 3D Mario; but I don't think it'd be the games to sell NX to the masses.

Not really.

I'm talking about games that would sell well in the west. Games that would spark enough interrest to sell consoles. I'm not claiming that Waverace alone would be enough to make the NX sell out for months after release. I'm saying it would probably have a an at the very least equally positive impact on hardware sales as DKC:TF, Yoshi, Kirby, Super Luigi, Nintendoland, Warioware and Animal Crossing Boardgame Bollocks combined. But that isn't enough.


There is a reason Sony and Microsoft keep on launching their consoles with certain types of exclusive games. And there's a reason Nintendo have been failing to win over the core gamer for almost two decades now.


Iwata is gone and now is the time to drop his ideas of lower budgets and smaller games. If Nintendo are to become serious competitors in the business and get the third party support they need, they have to target the core gamers from the very start. And that requires a will to develop games with AAA budgets.

You do realise my objection there was more to the 'New' and redundancy of crossing, right? - I totally got the X aspect of the Crossing!! Unless you were going for just Animal New Crossing. That sounds weird.


Animal Crossing New Crossing. It's no more clunky than Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing with Banjo-Kazooie :heh:


To be clear, the technology is impressive like you say. I was only referring to the fact it's become a running joke in the gaming industry.


I have seen no reputable source claiming it's a joke. Sure, the implementation/forceful approach to it on the One drew criticism, but at no point have I seen anyone whose opinion I'd put any weight in refer to it as a joke. From what I recall most people seemed disappointed that Microsoft essentially killed it off by trying to force it to everyone and then changing their mind. Had they made it optional (like the Eye) it may not have gotten much support but would have had some good experiments, but unfortunately Kinect is now pretty much dead for video games.


I think the problem with the Kinect was that the most widely known games that used it, implemented it in clunky ways that required a lot of motion but the technology actually allows for very subtle control because it maps things so well. It's a shame that it seems to have died in the games industry, because it would be the perfect accompaniment to VR headsets.

I think the problem with the Kinect was that the most widely known games that used it, implemented it in clunky ways that required a lot of motion but the technology actually allows for very subtle control because it maps things so well. It's a shame that it seems to have died in the games industry, because it would be the perfect accompaniment to VR headsets.


Thank you.


VR is great and all, but using controllers breaks the immersion that they're trying to hard to achieve. Kinect would be amazing with it.


Each their own. I think having a fixed point (the controller) would help with grounding you while you can't see the world around you. If you were visually immersed and also moving your body in a natural environment (your home) it could lead to accidents!

Each their own. I think having a fixed point (the controller) would help with grounding you while you can't see the world around you. If you were visually immersed and also moving your body in a natural environment (your home) it could lead to accidents!

I'd say you're quite correct on that.

At trade shows and lectures, I've seen many different means of controlling VR games.

These include wiimote-esque options, as well as gloves and even complete suits.


I love my Mii but I actually prefer the Avatars, they're pretty cute and the customisations are /amazing/. I got a Space Channel 5 tshirt and a damn Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg hat



System sellers or not, Pilotwings, Wave Race and a new 3D Mario would basically be a dream launch for me :love:


Same here, I loved PilotWings Resort SO much and I think a big 3D Mario is a must. I LOVE the Galaxy games but a return to the 64/Sunshine worlds would be amazing. In Sunshine you can always see another island from another part of the game, geographically relating to the whole of Delphino. I've heard Miyamoto wanted all the levels to be connected but couldn't due to technical limitations. I would personally LOVE to see that come to life, a massive Mario world with things to explore and do.


Out of interest (from people in general), do you think Nintendo would fare better if they released the Mario sports series without Mario? The underlying mechanics themselves are usually pretty good, but I wonder if the image alone of Mario puts some people off. And not helped by the power ups and all that which are fun, but take away from realism.


I think it would, the Mario brand on titles used to work wonders but I think it can be a bit off-putting now. I love the fact Boom Street had Dragon Quest characters in it too and it's what caught my eye. Had it been just another full Mario cast I wouldn't have been so intrigued to check it out.




And finally, WE NEED A NEW EXCITE GAME. Excite Truck is so much fun, it's a tragedy that it's been 10 years and we still haven't got an Excite Truck 2. Excite Bots was also crazy fun but I think the tricks and stunts went a bit far and took away from the racing too much. Truck was the perfect mix. That game online, holy crap, I can't begin to imagine. :bouncy:


But was that entirely how the Dreamcast died though? My belief is that the Dreamcast came out too soon before its time and developers weren't really ready for the '128mb gen'. I get the impression Sega fans still bought the console regardless of squashing the Saturn to soon, myself included.


I like your GTAV idea.

That wasn't the sole reason. But from what I heard, EA decided to boycot Sega because of the early discontinuation of the Saturn (they announced the console wasn't Segas future less than two years after release). Basically, EA felt they had invested a lot into getting Saturn dev kits and then invested even more to make their teams familiar with the new console and they didn't want to do that again. No EA meant no Fifa, no NHL and no Madden, which scared off a majority of consumers, even back then.


Of course the Saturn suffered from the same problem as the Wii U: wrong games. Sure, Virtua Fighter and Sega Rally were great and all, but... While Sony got Final Fantasy VII, Sega decided not to release any RPG's in the west. When the N64 and PSOne received Mario 64 and Crash Bandicoot, Sega answered with... well... a slightly enhanced version of Sonic 3D blast (IMO, the parallells to Mario 3D World are more than striking). When Sony received Gran Turismo, Sega released Sega Touring Cars.

When everyone else was embracing 3D, Sega persisted in making way to many 2D games. Yet again, almost scary parallells to the Wii U.


The final scary thing is that Sega did SO many things right with the Dreamcast. The lineup of exclusive games was sublime, the online was great and some developers claim that given time, we could've seen games with PS2 level visuals. But the sins of the Saturn were just too many and to severe for the majority of consumers to actually care.

That wasn't the sole reason. But from what I heard, EA decided to boycot Sega because of the early discontinuation of the Saturn (they announced the console wasn't Segas future less than two years after release). Basically, EA felt they had invested a lot into getting Saturn dev kits and then invested even more to make their teams familiar with the new console and they didn't want to do that again. No EA meant no Fifa, no NHL and no Madden, which scared off a majority of consumers, even back then.


Of course the Saturn suffered from the same problem as the Wii U: wrong games. Sure, Virtua Fighter and Sega Rally were great and all, but... While Sony got Final Fantasy VII, Sega decided not to release any RPG's in the west. When the N64 and PSOne received Mario 64 and Crash Bandicoot, Sega answered with... well... a slightly enhanced version of Sonic 3D blast (IMO, the parallells to Mario 3D World are more than striking). When Sony received Gran Turismo, Sega released Sega Touring Cars.

When everyone else was embracing 3D, Sega persisted in making way to many 2D games. Yet again, almost scary parallells to the Wii U.


The final scary thing is that Sega did SO many things right with the Dreamcast. The lineup of exclusive games was sublime, the online was great and some developers claim that given time, we could've seen games with PS2 level visuals. But the sins of the Saturn were just too many and to severe for the majority of consumers to actually care.


Great post there!


Of course the Saturn suffered from the same problem as the Wii U: wrong games. Sure, Virtua Fighter and Sega Rally were great and all, but... While Sony got Final Fantasy VII, Sega decided not to release any RPG's in the west. When the N64 and PSOne received Mario 64 and Crash Bandicoot, Sega answered with... well... a slightly enhanced version of Sonic 3D blast (IMO, the parallells to Mario 3D World are more than striking). When Sony received Gran Turismo, Sega released Sega Touring Cars.

When everyone else was embracing 3D, Sega persisted in making way to many 2D games. Yet again, almost scary parallells to the Wii U.


How dare you, good sir!








The final scary thing is that Sega did SO many things right with the Dreamcast. The lineup of exclusive games was sublime, the online was great and some developers claim that given time, we could've seen games with PS2 level visuals. But the sins of the Saturn were just too many and to severe for the majority of consumers to actually care.


I don't think the Saturn was the biggest reason for the fall of the Dreamcast, it was this...




Before the Dreamcast had even made a name for itself Sony was pushing the PS2 in peoples faces, well before it was even out. The promise of better graphics along with DVD capabilities were far too much of a hook for many and Sony kept telling people the wait would be worth it. The DVD hook was massive in Japan as the format still hadn't taken off yet. The PS2 was a cheaper DVD machine than a lot of stand alone DVD machines on the market at the time.




Wrong games? How are the Wii U games wrong? There's a lot of successful game there. Not enough is the problem.


Comparing Sonic Blast with 3D world is mental.


Also, the 2D thing COMPLETELY COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!!!!!!! Fact is, 3D was new and shiny and that's everyone wanted, now, all styles and genres are appreciated, completely different time and place and a relevant comparison at all.


I agree with a lot of you desires, but you're trying to claim your personal preferences are facts.



Wrong games? How are the Wii U games wrong? There's a lot of successful game there. Not enough is the problem.

There's a difference between wrong and bad. I can definitely see that the Wii U's 2D outings are competent efforts. I can see why some people would be sad if they were never developed.

But they couldn't boost the Wii U's sales.

Comparing Sonic Blast with 3D world is mental.

How so?

I think they're both very similar, the main difference being that 3D World's control scheme isn't FUBAR.

Seriously, both games have a top-down view, worlds very obviously built from tiles and are built around the technical limitations of older, inferior hardware instead of being what could be expected for the system. For those reasons, both games feel cheap and rushed.

Also, the 2D thing COMPLETELY COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!!!!!!! Fact is, 3D was new and shiny and that's everyone wanted, now, all styles and genres are appreciated, completely different time and place and a relevant comparison at all.

It's not different in any way whatsoever. Today, to an even bigger extent than 20 years ago, all the big hitters are 3D games. Sure, 2D games exist, but they're mostly developed by indies or for portable platforms. Naturally there are exceptions, like Little Big Planet and Mario Maker, but as mentioned before, they are exceptions.

I mean, just look at which games receive the most hype. Because hyped games sell consoles.

I agree with a lot of you desires, but you're trying to claim your personal preferences are facts.

Ummm... no, I'm watching what games get hyped and what games sell. Check the top lists of the 360, PS3, PS4 and Xbox One. Like it or not, you won't find many top selling 2D games there.


How dare you, good sir!










I don't think the Saturn was the biggest reason for the fall of the Dreamcast, it was this...




Before the Dreamcast had even made a name for itself Sony was pushing the PS2 in peoples faces, well before it was even out. The promise of better graphics along with DVD capabilities were far too much of a hook for many and Sony kept telling people the wait would be worth it. The DVD hook was massive in Japan as the format still hadn't taken off yet. The PS2 was a cheaper DVD machine than a lot of stand alone DVD machines on the market at the time.



Ummm... no, I'm watching what games get hyped and what games sell. Check the top lists of the 360, PS3, PS4 and Xbox One. Like it or not, you won't find many top selling 2D games there.


If Unravel is any indication, it's because no one can do 2D platformers like Nintendo can.


Mario quite simply can't do that because yet again, like it or not, the gaming press and average gamers are impressed by realistic graphics.


What a sad state of affairs. Give me Nintendo's art style over Witcher 3/Tomb Raider visuals any day. The former are more often than not timeless, the latter will look outdated in 10 years

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