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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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Nintendo are going all out, they're actually doing a Superbowl ad in the US...



(Pause at 0:04 and have a look what book he's reading)


Extended version is even better, if a tad too reliant on kids and 1, 2 Switch


Edited by Ronnie
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Online service rough Japanese price.


Not bad at all. On the adverts how refreshing to see Nintendo actually have commercial where the music isn't noise vomit. Those wii u ads and that techno music were horrific.


Guessing any VR is on future iterations of the Switch as currently the resolution is too low.

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That VR quote sounds like a mistranslation to me. I get the feeling that it's meant to say that VR is something Nintendo is looking at, but will not consider until they find ways to solve the issues surrounding comfort and the anti-social nature of it (basically the same thing as what they said before a couple of months back); not that they actually currently have plans to actually incorporate it into Switch.


As always, I advise waiting until the official translation of the investors' Q&A comes out in a few days.


That price is encouragingly low though. Good to see that Nintendo isn't daring to charge the same price as PSN/XBL; there's no way they'd come off favourably in that comparison.

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That wasn't part of the investors meeting (which has already been translated).


I just assumed they did mean Switch but we'll never see it.


It's part of the investor's Q&A that they always do the day after releasing their results. Serkan Toto usually attends it and offers early translations, but the official English translation usually differs a fair bit and doesn't come out for a few days after; hence the caution I'm giving.


You usually get a lot of sensationalist articles spun out of these early translations from places like GoNintendo, but they're often not really accurate...


Edit: Sumo Digital's Snake Pass is coming to Switch!





First I've heard of this game. Actually looks really fun! (and Sumo Digital are good peeps, I trust them to make a good game) Looking forward to it!


(1080p on TV, 720p on handheld BTW)

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I think those adverts are fantastic! It actually looks like a sequel to the Wii but with all the extras of being portable, Mario Kart near launch etc. It makes the Wii U ads seem even worse than I remember:



Haha. A real shocker. I think the real problem was the product and how to market it?


It can't be coincidence that the Wii u marketing never really improved. No marketing guru could come up with a decent marketing campaign.

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£25 or so sounds about the right yearly price for the online.


Let's just hope that there are a few surprises when it comes to being properly revealed nearer the time which will make playing online simpler and easier or at the very least a more open policy when it comes to third-parties implementing features within their games assuming you've already paid Nintendo for the privilege to play online. :)


A system similar to how MH3U worked on the Wii U will be fine for the next Monster Hunter game Capcom. ;)


I'm more intrigued about these monthly Virtual Console offerings which will have more features added such as online though, also I hope they get released at the same time as the other games, say week 1 of the paid service you get a set of say four or five games for that week (because it includes the monthly one) then for subsequent weeks we get two or three titles spread across a variety of formats, the same for weeks three to four and then rinse & repeat every month. : peace:


Please at least let us have a few new unreleased gems though Nintendo alonngside the re-released titles which regardless of them having new features or not such as online multiplayer, we will have seen up to four times over at that point. :heh:

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£25 or so sounds about the right yearly price for the online.


Let's just hope that there are a few surprises when it comes to being properly revealed nearer the time which will make playing online simpler and easier or at the very least a more open policy when it comes to third-parties implementing features within their games assuming you've already paid Nintendo for the privilege to play online. :)


£25 seems pretty good.


I dont know if I'll be bothering to pay for it until we get more details. It'll all depend on how necessary the mobile app ends up being and then of course if there are any games I actually want to play online. I'm not sure I actually ever played my Wii U online thinking about it.

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I can't help but feel the Switch is getting an overwhelming amount of Indie-like games... Is it an Indie?


Indies don't sell a system but it's all good. More games the better.


Indies obviously feel there is a market and Nintendo gamers buy indie games.

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