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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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I just feel its an easy win to grab a few million casuals with motion control tech demo/party games, whilst keeping it firmly hardcore. (I felt the most criminal thing about the Wii was forcing motion control philosophy on their core games).


Yeah, that's a really good point. The likes of Wii Sports might have been viewed more favourably if we hadn't had to grapple with the accelerometers for things like Zelda and Metroid Prime 3. Maybe it's snobbish, but I often wonder how many of the "casual" audience bought, but didn't manage to complete Twilight Princess. I know that's a horribly elitist thing to say, but at the time I did see many of the people lured by Wii Sports try, but not get anywhere, with Zelda. One-size-fits-all is not particularly good for either audience - the Switch approach is at least fair.

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Yeah, that's a really good point. The likes of Wii Sports might have been viewed more favourably if we hadn't had to grapple with the accelerometers for things like Zelda and Metroid Prime 3. Maybe it's snobbish, but I often wonder how many of the "casual" audience bought, but didn't manage to complete Twilight Princess. I know that's a horribly elitist thing to say, but at the time I did see many of the people lured by Wii Sports try, but not get anywhere, with Zelda. One-size-fits-all is not particularly good for either audience - the Switch approach is at least fair.


Exactly. I guess the only barrier for the casuals this time around, as Ashley stated, is the price point. But I am convinced the Switch can lure the casuals in with the right marketing - and it's a good way to treat them [the casuals], few and cheaply made waggle games, for that unloyal lot. ;)

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I'm usually quite positive about Nintendo but not saying anything has me worried. If they had GCN VC or a fantastic eShop approach nailed down, surely they'd be showing it off to encourage more pre-orders/sales.


In regards to motion - can't wait to experience this new experience. I'm loving the look of 1-2-Switch. Being able to bring the Switch into work and set it up for students to play in college will be awesome. Can't wait to have some 'quick-draw' knockout games and encourage non gamers to feel amused and humoured experiencing milking cows and finding marbles etc. Titles such as this demonstrate Nintendo executing mobile tech in its purest form - bringing people together in new ways.


It's just a shame the system doesn't sit in the impulse- it territory. By Christmas maybe Mario and a fuller library will appeal to those seeking a family-friendly party machine that also appeals to the typically solo/core gamer.


But with it selling out everywhere maybe they don't need too many reasons for people to want one :) Maybe they'll ramp things up throughout the year to give regular reasons for people to buy.


As for news, same as other - the UI and it's features; Virtual Console and accounts; precisely what that launch line up is and more details on games like ARMS and 1-2 switch.

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This keeps cropping up on my instagram feed and it's giving me life.

Obviously never gonna happen (probably) but imagine if a third party did a GameCube style one. Do you reckon it would actually work? Be an absolute dream to have that with a GC virtual console!

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Not sure if already posted, I did a quick search and couldn't see... but anyhoo, it would be a total and utter piss-take charging again for VC games we've already bought, especially if these are practices Nintendo undertake.

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I agree with what he says with regards to, even if third party ports on the Switch won't be as visually impressive - having games like GTA 5 on the go is still a MASSIVE draw.


I travel about 3x times a year to Norway, so my Switch relationship while traveling will go like this:

Coach to airport - portable 45mins

Airplane - portable 1h30mins

Drive to home - 20 mins

(assuming 3 hour charge)


Very good with me.

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I agree with what he says with regards to, even if third party ports on the Switch won't be as visually impressive - having games like GTA 5 on the go is still a MASSIVE draw.


I travel about 3x times a year to Norway, so my Switch relationship while traveling will go like this:

Coach to airport - portable 45mins

Airplane - portable 1h30mins

Drive to home - 20 mins

(assuming 3 hour charge)


Very good with me.


It's insane how people are setting themselves up for disappointment. Be happy if this thing ever gets the support the WiiU did. The WiiU was far more capable at its launch than this thing is. Unless those £100 controllers are hiding something...


Nintendo seem to want another Wii, this is that hardware wise.

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It's insane how people are setting themselves up for disappointment. Be happy if this thing ever gets the support the WiiU did. The WiiU was far more capable at its launch than this thing is. Unless those £100 controllers are hiding something...


Nintendo seem to want another Wii, this is that hardware wise.


..? I'm not saying I'm expecting GTA5.


What I am saying is while third party ports will obviously be a technically inferior product - unlike the shoddy Wii U ports - what the Switch has going for it in the place of raw power is the uncanny portability aspect - no other console can give you that experience.

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It's insane how people are setting themselves up for disappointment. Be happy if this thing ever gets the support the WiiU did. The WiiU was far more capable at its launch than this thing is. Unless those £100 controllers are hiding something...


Nintendo seem to want another Wii, this is that hardware wise.


The Wii was two Gamecubes stuck together, in standard definition. The entire concept of the thing was motion gaming.


The Switch is a modern piece of kit with loads of tech in it with the option of motion gaming. An option that was present in a grand total of two games shown. And the controllers aren't £100.

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It's insane how people are setting themselves up for disappointment. Be happy if this thing ever gets the support the WiiU did. The WiiU was far more capable at its launch than this thing is. Unless those £100 controllers are hiding something...


Nintendo seem to want another Wii, this is that hardware wise.


Capable in what way?

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I have preordered a Switch, but I must say I'm having a hard time getting excited about any of the launch games.

1-2, Switch maybe, Zelda maybe (wow, first time I'm not hyped for Zelda).

Rest of the launch games, meh... Maybe Snippersnap or whatsitcalled.

The thing that puts me of the most is that I feel neglected as a Wii U backer. All those "ports" or reimaginations (Kart, Splatoon, Rayman, Skyrim, Smash). And no form of "you know what, we are so happy that you supported us during the hard times, here's some form of thank you". It gives me a bad feeling to be honest.

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I have preordered a Switch, but I must say I'm having a hard time getting excited about any of the launch games.

1-2, Switch maybe, Zelda maybe (wow, first time I'm not hyped for Zelda).

Rest of the launch games, meh... Maybe Snippersnap or whatsitcalled.

The thing that puts me of the most is that I feel neglected as a Wii U backer. All those "ports" or reimaginations (Kart, Splatoon, Rayman, Skyrim, Smash). And no form of "you know what, we are so happy that you supported us during the hard times, here's some form of thank you". It gives me a bad feeling to be honest.

Splatoon is a sequel. Why are you putting it in a category of port/reimagination?

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I have preordered a Switch, but I must say I'm having a hard time getting excited about any of the launch games.

1-2, Switch maybe, Zelda maybe (wow, first time I'm not hyped for Zelda).

Rest of the launch games, meh... Maybe Snippersnap or whatsitcalled.

The thing that puts me of the most is that I feel neglected as a Wii U backer. All those "ports" or reimaginations (Kart, Splatoon, Rayman, Skyrim, Smash). And no form of "you know what, we are so happy that you supported us during the hard times, here's some form of thank you". It gives me a bad feeling to be honest.


Splatoon is a brand new game. Rayman is a Ubisoft title. Skyrim is Bethesda. They haven't even announced Smash.


But more importantly than any of that... not hyped for Zelda?? :o it looks absolutely incredible.


I'm a Wii U owner and I had a great time with the console, one of my favourites. I don't think Nintendo owe me anything.

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I know Splatoon is a new game, but for me it comes too soon after the first game to feel fresh.

I know that Rayman and Skyrim aren't N games, but they add to my feeling: I'm getting served samish dishes.

My hope was that there would be a surprise game, maybe Arms can be that, but it's not a launch game.

Metroid or Mario at launch or soon after would've helped.


It's a feeling I just have guys, normaly I'm very hyped. This time just not as much. Too bad because I really like it from a hardware point of view.

I'm not presenting it as a fact, I'm very glad for everybody that is hyped for it

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Yeah sure, I just don't like the launch line up. I have a hard feeling deciding what game to buy while I can't wait to use the hardware. I think this is the first time I'm really gonna miss backwards compatibility on a new Nintendo system. And it makes it extra harsh that it's the first time in a really long time that we won't have bc...:(

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