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What if the NX is actually short for Neo Xbox and Nintendo announces they're becoming third party? :blank:


I joked about that the other day. Would be glorious if it happened.


Sony end the conference by saying they have a special guest to show off before they leave. Miyamoto walks on stage and says that Nintendo will make console games for the Neo in an effort to revitalize the console market in Japan. Neo will work with the NX, which is a handheld machine/controller that has been rumored.


*HoT wakes up disappointed*


This is what dreams are made of!

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Unfortunately I'm also on the side saying that they did turn it around. 2:1 in sales against a console like the PS4 is still good. I'm sure someone posted the other day that the Xbox One's sales are still above the 360s at its point in the cycle.


Also the perception of the Xbox One when it was first announced and then launched was so low compared to now. It can easily be seen as turning things around.


I may not like the Xbox One but I definitely think they've sorted things out.


No matter what a great job Microsoft have done in 'turning around their image', It hasn't helped them turn around the situation...that's the point I'm getting at.


Everyone who hated the X1 after that presentation went and got a PS4. Then their friends got a PS4 to play with them on the same network. It was a very damaging cycle.


Now it doesn't matter what Microsoft are doing with X1, like adding BC and better games on GWG than Plus, because they are still being outsold 2:1.


My point is it's very important for Nintendo to get it right. I'm sure they wouldn't like the idea of years of 'making it right' with sales much lower than they should be because they fluffed it at this stage.

Edited by Sheikah
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Well this is a first. I agree with @Sheikah. XB1 & PS4 are direct rivals and Sony are smashing them. I'm sure last gen they did similar numbers so this is a failure. I mainly bought a PS4 for FIFA and I had a 360 last gen, so the fact I shunned xbox despite having a superior version of FIFA speaks volumes for the damage they did with their reveal.

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I don't think any console maker has ever really held onto or increased their market share in the console generation immediately following their most successful one though. Nintendo numbers dropped significantly from SNES to N64 and again from Wii to Wii U, Sony dropped significantly from PS2 to PS3 and so it was only natural that Microsoft's numbers (at least in terms of market share) would drop from Xbox 360 to Xbox One. There seems to be something about being in the lead that makes companies fuck up.

Edited by killthenet
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I don't think any console maker has ever really held onto or increased their market share in the console generation immediately following their most successful one though. Nintendo numbers dropped significantly from SNES to N64 and again from Wii to Wii U, Sony dropped significantly from PS2 to PS3 and so it was only natural that Microsoft's numbers (at least in terms of market share) would drop from Xbox 360 to Xbox One. There seems to be something about being in the lead that makes companies fuck up.


PSOne to PS2?


EDIT: Wait you said MOST successful. My bad.

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PSOne to PS2?


EDIT: Wait you said MOST successful. My bad.


I think it's a bit different with PS1 and NES too as the companies didn't start the generation in the lead so they took some of that enthusiasm and momentum into the next generation, then the bureaucracy and hubris of being on top for a few years starts to eat away at the company and they fall off the cliff somewhat. In terms of raw numbers Microsoft have probably had the best transition to the next generation that a market leader has ever had, especially in a time when people doubted that dedicated gaming hardware was still viable.

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I don't think any console maker has ever really held onto or increased their market share in the console generation immediately following their most successful one though. Nintendo numbers dropped significantly from SNES to N64 and again from Wii to Wii U, Sony dropped significantly from PS2 to PS3 and so it was only natural that Microsoft's numbers (at least in terms of market share) would drop from Xbox 360 to Xbox One. There seems to be something about being in the lead that makes companies fuck up.



Third console curse. N64, PS3, Xb1.


MS amaze me. 360 was hit but that was without the 360 even really being majorly successful in Europe (outside the uk). They continue to ignore western europe and Northern Europe letting Sony have free reign. It's ridiculous how they have ignored those markets.

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Third console curse. N64, PS3, Xb1.


MS amaze me. 360 was hit but that was without the 360 even really being majorly successful in Europe (outside the uk). They continue to ignore western europe and Northern Europe letting Sony have free reign. It's ridiculous how they have ignored those markets.


In a way it's quite impressive. The numbers they pull in are from pretty much the US and the U.K. Japan wants nothing to do with them ( or any home console for that matter ) and the rest of Europe gets treated like a red headed step child by Microsoft. To get the numbers they do from just a couple of regions is very well played.


I still think Microsoft will be the first of the big 3 to leave the hardware market. Investors and executives have been against the gaming division for a long time now. Methinks the Scorpio will be the last roll of the dice for them and if it isn't market leader I can see them calling it a day, especially if it's a big investment.

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Well that's nonsense. They didn't turn it around, the damage was already done. They gave Sony the lead in one sitting and they have never managed to reverse that lead.


Microsoft did turn things around somewhat in terms of consumer perception


Thank you. That was the topic we were discussing, fixing issues from the initial reveal, which Microsoft did. Obviously it wasn't enough.

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Thank you. That was the topic we were discussing, fixing issues from the initial reveal, which Microsoft did. Obviously it wasn't enough.

No, you were specifically discussing 'turning things around', which they didn't. They didn't turn things around. Sony continue to outsell them massively, no matter what they have done since. Dat reveal was everything.

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No, you were specifically discussing 'turning things around', which they didn't. They didn't turn things around. Sony continue to outsell them massively, no matter what they have done since. Dat reveal was everything.


The topic Hero-of-Time and I were discussing was about having enough time to fix issues after an initial reveal and whether 6 months was enough. Nothing more, nothing less. Xbox DID fix their initial issues. No one is annoyed at Microsoft because of their no used games trading because they backtracked on that. Their console isn't a shambles after they did a 180 on the whole entertainment hub priority. Simple. It may not be selling as well as PS4 but their about turn and damage control was well done. They also won loads of positive buzz by bringing in backwards compatibility a year or two later, a win over Playstation. Sure it may not be used a huge amount, but it was positive messaging after a troubled initial reveal.


And it's not up to you to tell me what I was talking about with someone else, thanks.

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No one is saying they haven't done a decent job in bad circumstances. What I am saying is that I disagree with you saying that they have turned it around.


If a football team play like crap and are losing 5-0, but then start playing competently but are down 5-2, you wouldn't say they've turned it around, would you?

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I don't think any console maker has ever really held onto or increased their market share in the console generation immediately following their most successful one though. Nintendo numbers dropped significantly from SNES to N64 and again from Wii to Wii U, Sony dropped significantly from PS2 to PS3 and so it was only natural that Microsoft's numbers (at least in terms of market share) would drop from Xbox 360 to Xbox One. There seems to be something about being in the lead that makes companies fuck up.


I think part of it is arrogance through success. Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft all had successes and then made mistakes with their follow up consoles that hurt them.

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Tomorrow is going to see the announcement of the PS4 Neo and the iPhone 7, i'm hoping Nintendo pull a surprise NX announcement too for a triple threat of hyperbole.


Yeeeahhhh. Don't bet on that.


You don't unveil some sort of handheld at the same time Apple drop yet another iPhone. That's just asking to be lost to obscurity.

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If the ONE is tracking ahead of the 360, which was a really successful console, isn't that classed as a success? So from AWFUL publicity to tracking ahead of their succesful console is pretty good to me. I'm not a big fan of this awful American sensibility that unless you're number 1 you're a failure.

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The XBO situation has been turned around to some degree, fairly well too really considering how it initially started.


Sure, it's still getting outsold by PS4 overall, but it does sometimes outsell the PS4 in the States some months, which is quite the thing to do!

It's just that in Europe and Japan, especially, it's not competing.



I think Nintendo will be ok revealing the NX this late, as long as they market it as a handheld primarily.

If they market it as a home unit you can take with you, it'll be ignored somewhat in favour of the new consoles and VR, but if put-forward as a handheld you can play on the TV then people's mindset will see it separately somewhat to the other consoles.


I think it has to be judged against the DS & 3DS to be considered a success or not.

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I'm not a big fan of this awful American sensibility that unless you're number 1 you're a failure.




Microsoft clearly aren't that happy with it's performance, though. They stopped dishing out sales figures a while back and started to report on hours played by their customers or something stupid like that. I think they only report on sales numbers if they won the NPD in a given month, and the times that has happened can probably be counted on one hand.

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Unfortunately I'm also on the side saying that they did turn it around. 2:1 in sales against a console like the PS4 is still good. I'm sure someone posted the other day that the Xbox One's sales are still above the 360s at its point in the cycle.


Also the perception of the Xbox One when it was first announced and then launched was so low compared to now. It can easily be seen as turning things around.


I may not like the Xbox One but I definitely think they've sorted things out.


As you said, as was said, XBone apparently doing better than 360 was at this point is good. However on the whole there's definitely been a flip of balance between PS4/XBone this gen compared to 360/PS3 before. I think Microsoft have done well, but I don't know if I'd say turned it around - but they're by no means doing absolutely terribly or anything. Just Sony's doing exceptionally well(similarly, we wouldn't neccessarily have said PS3/360 were doing bad just because Wii was smashing it).


EDIT: Also, stop 'dictating' conversations @Ronnie. You've in the past told people to not post because a topic/discussion is gone, and you counter people's points by saying 'we were talking about this, not that!' - this is an open forum of open discussion; just because it isn't what suits YOU does not mean other people can't mention or talk about it. The main reason I say to stop doing this - it then becomes a back and forth of someone else telling you what you're talking about(yes, I've just recently done this myself, as a piece of advice clearly ignored) and then an argument of semantics of the discussion rather than an actual discussion and progression of the topic at hand.

Edited by Rummy
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Microsoft clearly aren't that happy with it's performance, though. They stopped dishing out sales figures a while back and started to report on hours played by their customers or something stupid like that. I think they only report on sales numbers if they won the NPD in a given month, and the times that has happened can probably be counted on one hand.



All hardware developers stopped reporting monthly numbers a long time ago.

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All hardware developers stopped reporting monthly numbers a long time ago.


Really? Thinking about it you are probably right. The hardware NPD numbers that arrive on Gaf are usually extrapolated by various members and Sony report numbers only when a milestone has been reached or an event is happening.

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