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There's a difference between wrong and bad. I can definitely see that the Wii U's 2D outings are competent efforts. I can see why some people would be sad if they were never developed.

But they couldn't boost the Wii U's sales.


How so?

I think they're both very similar, the main difference being that 3D World's control scheme isn't FUBAR.

Seriously, both games have a top-down view, worlds very obviously built from tiles and are built around the technical limitations of older, inferior hardware instead of being what could be expected for the system. For those reasons, both games feel cheap and rushed.


It's not different in any way whatsoever. Today, to an even bigger extent than 20 years ago, all the big hitters are 3D games. Sure, 2D games exist, but they're mostly developed by indies or for portable platforms. Naturally there are exceptions, like Little Big Planet and Mario Maker, but as mentioned before, they are exceptions.

I mean, just look at which games receive the most hype. Because hyped games sell consoles.


Ummm... no, I'm watching what games get hyped and what games sell. Check the top lists of the 360, PS3, PS4 and Xbox One. Like it or not, you won't find many top selling 2D games there.





Wrong. Bad. Either way it's a bizarre things to say. Also regarding your comparison to the "succesful" games of ps4. Fact is, these wrong, bad games. These games that ps4/xb1 got so so right that I presume nint3ndo should be aping. Wii u has some incredibly succesful software, outselling those games on the ps4 and xb1 have, the big games that everyone chats about. Do they sell loads better than numb u? 3d world? SplatoOn? Mario maker? Mario kart? Smash? Not really.


Also, my point wasn't just success. My point is how the industry and gamers think. When 3D first came that's what everyone wanted, 2d was old, 3D was new. Making 2d in that time is completely different to making 2d games now when all genres and styles are acceptable.


YOU don't like 2d games. YOU want a Nintendo serious racer (you've been banging that drum for 10 years now surely) so declare that thats what will save Nintendo.

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In regards to a home console I don't think anything can save Nintendo anymore. They'll just slowly decline into obscurity.

Obscurity? They have priceless world-renowned IP that Sony and Microsoft would kill for. They'll be fine.


Sony and Microsoft would kil for their IP... but the thing is, it's Nintendo that are doing the killing... they're killing themselves.

I hope it soon comes to be that Nintendo go 3rd Party and that Sony and Microsoft have those IP on their platforms! At least we'll be able to enjoy their online games whilst having fun talking with each other then, instead of it feeling soulless and empty as it does now.

Posted (edited)
Wrong. Bad. Either way it's a bizarre things to say. Also regarding your comparison to the "succesful" games of ps4. Fact is, these wrong, bad games. These games that ps4/xb1 got so so right that I presume nint3ndo should be aping. Wii u has some incredibly succesful software, outselling those games on the ps4 and xb1 have, the big games that everyone chats about. Do they sell loads better than numb u? 3d world? SplatoOn? Mario maker? Mario kart? Smash? Not really.

You seem to be accusing me of thinking every single game that Nintendo release is wrong. And that's not true. The games you mentioned in this post were correct. OF COURSE Nintendo should release new Smash Bros, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Zelda, Splatoon, Mario Maker etc. There is NOTHING wrong with those. Those are all games that received plenty of hype from the media and from gamers.


I'm talking about the other half of the Wii U's lineup. About the abundant 2D platformers and minigame compilations which did more harm than good in the eyes of the press. Which looked laughable when compared to what other companies were hyping at time.

Also, my point wasn't just success. My point is how the industry and gamers think. When 3D first came that's what everyone wanted, 2d was old, 3D was new. Making 2d in that time is completely different to making 2d games now when all genres and styles are acceptable.

My claim remains. 2D are not console sellers.

Very few people feel the urge to pay the price for a brand new console, only to play sidescrollers.

They are drawn in by things they could not experience on previous hardware. By worlds that are immersive, by graphics that are clearly and obviously supperior to previous offerings. By gorgeous animations, immaculate attention to detail, amazing physics and endless horizons. Generally 2D games don't offer any of that.

YOU don't like 2d games. YOU want a Nintendo serious racer (you've been banging that drum for 10 years now surely) so declare that thats what will save Nintendo.

Oh, for god's sake man, I can say the same about you. YOU are fine with Nintendo's emphasis on 2D and minigame compilations and see no flaw with it. YOU sat through last years E3 and thought it was fine. YOU probably thought E3 2012 was good too. An unknown portion of the 10 million people who actually bought Wii U's agree with you. However 36 million PS4 owners, 18 million Xbox One owners and an unknown portion of the 10 million Wii U owners don't.


So tell me, what do you think Nintendo should change to make the NX a solid competitor against the other consoles.


Obscurity? They have priceless world-renowned IP that Sony and Microsoft would kill for. They'll be fine.

They'd be fine if they'd use their IP's properly.

Edited by Hogge
Posted (edited)


...I've got a good feeling here, man.


With the 'good relations' Sakurai apparently made with Capcom & S-E, I really want to hope that SFV and some sort of Final Fantasy makes the NX.

Edited by King_V
I hope it soon comes to be that Nintendo go 3rd Party and that Sony and Microsoft have those IP on their platforms! At least we'll be able to enjoy their online games whilst having fun talking with each other then, instead of it feeling soulless and empty as it does now.


You want Nintendo to go third party because you want voice chat in their games. Gotcha.

Sony and Microsoft would kil for their IP... but the thing is, it's Nintendo that are doing the killing... they're killing themselves.

I hope it soon comes to be that Nintendo go 3rd Party and that Sony and Microsoft have those IP on their platforms! At least we'll be able to enjoy their online games whilst having fun talking with each other then, instead of it feeling soulless and empty as it does now.


If I hear you going on in my ear while I'm playing Zelda I won't be happy!


Don't forget they still have a lucrative business in hand helds. They will likely go hand held only I reckon, which I think would be even worse than no home console personally.

You want Nintendo to go third party because you want voice chat in their games. Gotcha.


Not entirely. The main reason I want them to go 3rd Party are because their consoles are tripe.


Their games aren't, but their consoles are. They're old tech with a severe lack of features that make the systems just feel old and archaic.


Their consoles, in turn, make their games less fun.

Not entirely. The main reason I want them to go 3rd Party are because their consoles are tripe.


Their games aren't, but their consoles are. They're old tech with a severe lack of features that make the systems just feel old and archaic.


Their consoles, in turn, make their games less fun.


You mean their last two consoles are outdated tech. The first of which sold 100+ million units. Who's to say what NX is going to be.


3DS is outdated tech compared to the Vita, but the 3DS has sold nearly 60 million and the Vita is a laughing stock.


I know it's customary to bash Nintendo for pretty much everything on here, but how about we wait and see what NX is before we suggest that Nintendo are "killing themselves", when they just won the previous gen.

You mean their last two consoles are outdated tech. The first of which sold 100+ million units. Who's to say what NX is going to be.


3DS is outdated tech compared to the Vita, but the 3DS has sold nearly 60 million and the Vita is a laughing stock.


I know it's customary to bash Nintendo for pretty much everything on here, but how about we wait and see what NX is before we suggest that Nintendo are "killing themselves", when they just won the previous gen.


I think we can all agree it would be dumb for Nintendo to go third party considering its consoles are some of the best selling EVERY gen. Yes, I'm talking about their handhelds, something most "go third party doomsayers" ALWAYS leave out of their Nintendo sales equasions. Thankfully Nintendo doesn't.

That wasn't the sole reason. But from what I heard, EA decided to boycot Sega because of the early discontinuation of the Saturn (they announced the console wasn't Segas future less than two years after release). Basically, EA felt they had invested a lot into getting Saturn dev kits and then invested even more to make their teams familiar with the new console and they didn't want to do that again. No EA meant no Fifa, no NHL and no Madden, which scared off a majority of consumers, even back then.


Of course the Saturn suffered from the same problem as the Wii U: wrong games. Sure, Virtua Fighter and Sega Rally were great and all, but... While Sony got Final Fantasy VII, Sega decided not to release any RPG's in the west. When the N64 and PSOne received Mario 64 and Crash Bandicoot, Sega answered with... well... a slightly enhanced version of Sonic 3D blast (IMO, the parallells to Mario 3D World are more than striking). When Sony received Gran Turismo, Sega released Sega Touring Cars.

When everyone else was embracing 3D, Sega persisted in making way to many 2D games. Yet again, almost scary parallells to the Wii U.


The final scary thing is that Sega did SO many things right with the Dreamcast. The lineup of exclusive games was sublime, the online was great and some developers claim that given time, we could've seen games with PS2 level visuals. But the sins of the Saturn were just too many and to severe for the majority of consumers to actually care.


Your knowledge of the Saturn's failure is really rather poor and frankly this post suggests that you're just trying to draw parallels between two markedly different situations.


First and foremost - the Saturn was a success in Japan, at least initially. It sold very strongly on launch and even continued to sell well (actually outselling the Play Station) after the Play Station's launch.


What killed the Saturn wasn't the game content but several factors which were far more prevalent in the West. Fist and foremost Sony did exactly to Sega what it did to MS this gen - it had the later press conference at E3 and Sega announced the launch of the Saturn first including the price of $399. Later that day Sony blew everyone away by offering their console for $299.


Secondly the marketing budget between the companies differed greatly. Sony spent roughly 5 times as much marketing the Play Station in some territories than Sega did with the Saturn.


Thirdly, in the US Sega were panicked into releasing the console early in a poor attempt to give themselves a head start. They moved forward their release date by several months and couldn't actually satisfy retail demand, which lead to them making the disastrous choice to neglect some retailers entirely, which in turn caused Sega to be black listed by some of those retailers who refused to stock the Saturn in the future.


The combination of an expensive console, poor marketing and a botched launch damaged the Saturn too heavily for it to ever recover. Finally when the Saturn was on shelves, it found itself competing with the 32x which served only to confuse consumers who had already been burnt by the Sega CD.


The games weren't really an issue. You of RPGs in the West, but at the beginning of the 32 bit era it was all about arcade ports. Sony really had nothing in terms of software and partnered with Namco who supported the PS with Tekken and Ridge Racer which competed with Virtua Fighter, Sega Rally and Daytona.


Sega competed well with Virtua Fighter 2 being very well received - the big 'playground' argument of the day had switched from Mario and Sonic to Tekken and Virtua Fighter.


You then criticise the Saturn for it's poor technical performance - again a half truth. The Saturn had complicated architecture which did indeed hold back developers - however it ended up with superior versions of Quake and Duke Nukem which were the big 3D shooters of the day. I don't think the PS ever even received a port of Quake.


As for the 2D games - 2D games were huge in the 32 bit era with the Street Fighter Alpha series and the Capcom fighting games being more examples of games that ran far better on the Saturn than they did on the PS.


As for the issue of Sonic 3D Blast - comparing it to Super Mario 3D World is just embarrassing, the game had more in common with Snake Rattle and Roll on the NES than it does with SM3DW. The nonsense that a great 3D Sonic could have saved the Saturn is simply wishful thinking, by the time Sonic Xtreme as it was to be called would have been due for release the Saturn was already dead due to Sega's own mismanagement of their brand and Sony's much better marketing and pricing.


And as for the drivel that a 3D Mario like Mario 64 would be some big console seller, more so than a new 2D Mario insinuates that you haven't even researched the issue. Every single time a console is released with both a 2D and 3D Mario title, the 2D Mario title outsells the 3D one by a wide margin.


Mario Galaxy is widely regarded as one of the best, if not the best, game ever made. Yet NSMBWii outsold it by a factor of 2 to 1.

Your knowledge of the Saturn's failure is really rather poor and frankly this post suggests that you're just trying to draw parallels between two markedly different situations.


First and foremost - the Saturn was a success in Japan, at least initially. It sold very strongly on launch and even continued to sell well (actually outselling the Play Station) after the Play Station's launch.


What killed the Saturn wasn't the game content but several factors which were far more prevalent in the West. Fist and foremost Sony did exactly to Sega what it did to MS this gen - it had the later press conference at E3 and Sega announced the launch of the Saturn first including the price of $399. Later that day Sony blew everyone away by offering their console for $299.


Secondly the marketing budget between the companies differed greatly. Sony spent roughly 5 times as much marketing the Play Station in some territories than Sega did with the Saturn.


Thirdly, in the US Sega were panicked into releasing the console early in a poor attempt to give themselves a head start. They moved forward their release date by several months and couldn't actually satisfy retail demand, which lead to them making the disastrous choice to neglect some retailers entirely, which in turn caused Sega to be black listed by some of those retailers who refused to stock the Saturn in the future.


The combination of an expensive console, poor marketing and a botched launch damaged the Saturn too heavily for it to ever recover. Finally when the Saturn was on shelves, it found itself competing with the 32x which served only to confuse consumers who had already been burnt by the Sega CD.


The games weren't really an issue. You of RPGs in the West, but at the beginning of the 32 bit era it was all about arcade ports. Sony really had nothing in terms of software and partnered with Namco who supported the PS with Tekken and Ridge Racer which competed with Virtua Fighter, Sega Rally and Daytona.


Sega competed well with Virtua Fighter 2 being very well received - the big 'playground' argument of the day had switched from Mario and Sonic to Tekken and Virtua Fighter.


You then criticise the Saturn for it's poor technical performance - again a half truth. The Saturn had complicated architecture which did indeed hold back developers - however it ended up with superior versions of Quake and Duke Nukem which were the big 3D shooters of the day. I don't think the PS ever even received a port of Quake.


As for the 2D games - 2D games were huge in the 32 bit era with the Street Fighter Alpha series and the Capcom fighting games being more examples of games that ran far better on the Saturn than they did on the PS.


As for the issue of Sonic 3D Blast - comparing it to Super Mario 3D World is just embarrassing, the game had more in common with Snake Rattle and Roll on the NES than it does with SM3DW. The nonsense that a great 3D Sonic could have saved the Saturn is simply wishful thinking, by the time Sonic Xtreme as it was to be called would have been due for release the Saturn was already dead due to Sega's own mismanagement of their brand and Sony's much better marketing and pricing.


And as for the drivel that a 3D Mario like Mario 64 would be some big console seller, more so than a new 2D Mario insinuates that you haven't even researched the issue. Every single time a console is released with both a 2D and 3D Mario title, the 2D Mario title outsells the 3D one by a wide margin.


Mario Galaxy is widely regarded as one of the best, if not the best, game ever made. Yet NSMBWii outsold it by a factor of 2 to 1.


He wasn't talking about the total unit sales of a game, he was talking about their system selling capability. Completely different.

Posted (edited)
I think we can all agree it would be dumb for Nintendo to go third party considering its consoles are some of the best selling EVERY gen. Yes, I'm talking about their handhelds, something most "go third party doomsayers" ALWAYS leave out of their Nintendo sales equasions. Thankfully Nintendo doesn't.


This is a BIG thing that annoys me. People in the west treat the home console market as the only thing that matters. Nintendo does ridiculously well in handhelds. Hell, they managed to release a handheld that has sold almost 60m units in the age of smartphone gaming. Yes, it's down and probably their worst selling handheld since the GameBoy was almost dead (Back in 1996, people were asking when their next handheld was coming as sales had flatlined and it was old, then Pokémon game). This shows that, contrary to belief, Nintendo does know what the hell they're doing. Who else would be able to sell a handheld successful in a toxic market? Sony? Yeah, that went well.


Yes, the Wii U was a mis-step, but people equating it to Nintendo not being relevant anymore or knowing what they're doing is just plain retarded.

Edited by Serebii
Posted (edited)
I think we can all agree it would be dumb for Nintendo to go third party considering its consoles are some of the best selling EVERY gen. Yes, I'm talking about their handhelds, something most "go third party doomsayers" ALWAYS leave out of their Nintendo sales equasions. Thankfully Nintendo doesn't.


This is a BIG thing that annoys me. People in the west treat the home console market as the only thing that matters. Nintendo does ridiculously well in handhelds. Hell, they managed to release a handheld that has sold almost 60m units in the age of smartphone gaming. Yes, it's down and probably their worst selling handheld since the GameBoy was almost dead (Back in 1996, people were asking when their next handheld was coming as sales had flatlined and it was old, then Pokémon game). This shows that, contrary to belief, Nintendo does know what the hell they're doing. Who else would be able to sell a handheld successful in a toxic market? Sony? Yeah, that went well.


Yes, the Wii U was a mis-step, but people equating it to Nintendo not being relevant anymore or knowing what they're doing is just plain retarded.


But I was talking specifically, as I did state, about their home consoles.



In an ideal world, Nintendo would make a console that does what the 3rd Parties want as well as give us the features that we want (that have been industry standard since 2005)! I would love this!!!


I just don't have faith that they will anymore and so I want them to go 3rd Party in the home console space. This is all I'm saying. I'm not saying I think they will.



You guys see "Nintendo" and "3rd Party" in the same sentence and just automatically think we're saying that's what will happen..?!

Edited by Kav
Your knowledge of the Saturn's failure is really rather poor and frankly this post suggests that you're just trying to draw parallels between two markedly different situations.


First and foremost - the Saturn was a success in Japan, at least initially. It sold very strongly on launch and even continued to sell well (actually outselling the Play Station) after the Play Station's launch.


What killed the Saturn wasn't the game content but several factors which were far more prevalent in the West. Fist and foremost Sony did exactly to Sega what it did to MS this gen - it had the later press conference at E3 and Sega announced the launch of the Saturn first including the price of $399. Later that day Sony blew everyone away by offering their console for $299.


Secondly the marketing budget between the companies differed greatly. Sony spent roughly 5 times as much marketing the Play Station in some territories than Sega did with the Saturn.


Thirdly, in the US Sega were panicked into releasing the console early in a poor attempt to give themselves a head start. They moved forward their release date by several months and couldn't actually satisfy retail demand, which lead to them making the disastrous choice to neglect some retailers entirely, which in turn caused Sega to be black listed by some of those retailers who refused to stock the Saturn in the future.


The combination of an expensive console, poor marketing and a botched launch damaged the Saturn too heavily for it to ever recover. Finally when the Saturn was on shelves, it found itself competing with the 32x which served only to confuse consumers who had already been burnt by the Sega CD.


The games weren't really an issue. You of RPGs in the West, but at the beginning of the 32 bit era it was all about arcade ports. Sony really had nothing in terms of software and partnered with Namco who supported the PS with Tekken and Ridge Racer which competed with Virtua Fighter, Sega Rally and Daytona.


Sega competed well with Virtua Fighter 2 being very well received - the big 'playground' argument of the day had switched from Mario and Sonic to Tekken and Virtua Fighter.


You then criticise the Saturn for it's poor technical performance - again a half truth. The Saturn had complicated architecture which did indeed hold back developers - however it ended up with superior versions of Quake and Duke Nukem which were the big 3D shooters of the day. I don't think the PS ever even received a port of Quake.


As for the 2D games - 2D games were huge in the 32 bit era with the Street Fighter Alpha series and the Capcom fighting games being more examples of games that ran far better on the Saturn than they did on the PS.


As for the issue of Sonic 3D Blast - comparing it to Super Mario 3D World is just embarrassing, the game had more in common with Snake Rattle and Roll on the NES than it does with SM3DW. The nonsense that a great 3D Sonic could have saved the Saturn is simply wishful thinking, by the time Sonic Xtreme as it was to be called would have been due for release the Saturn was already dead due to Sega's own mismanagement of their brand and Sony's much better marketing and pricing.


And as for the drivel that a 3D Mario like Mario 64 would be some big console seller, more so than a new 2D Mario insinuates that you haven't even researched the issue. Every single time a console is released with both a 2D and 3D Mario title, the 2D Mario title outsells the 3D one by a wide margin.


Mario Galaxy is widely regarded as one of the best, if not the best, game ever made. Yet NSMBWii outsold it by a factor of 2 to 1.





Why are you arguing about Sega on an NX thread on a Nintendo forum?

Why are you arguing about Sega on an NX thread on a Nintendo forum?


...because there's no actual Nintendo NX news to discuss and so people speculate and naturally try to draw comparisons with other consoles through speculation..?

Posted (edited)
Why are you arguing about Sega on an NX thread on a Nintendo forum?

*queue Inception music*


its the quarterly monthly weekly daily trip down the rabbit hole of our mind thats N-Europe





Is that spinning top still spinning?

Edited by Agent Gibbs
...because there's no actual Nintendo NX news to discuss and so people speculate and naturally try to draw comparisons with other consoles through speculation..?


Point scoring is the real reason :indeed:

Point scoring is the real reason :indeed:


I dunno, I'm just desperate for solid NX news. I do actually love chatting about a new console... I love the NX prediction thread but that didn't last very long.


I need news! Haha

You seem to be accusing me of thinking every single game that Nintendo release is wrong. And that's not true. The games you mentioned in this post were correct. OF COURSE Nintendo should release new Smash Bros, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Zelda, Splatoon, Mario Maker etc. There is NOTHING wrong with those. Those are all games that received plenty of hype from the media and from gamers.


I'm talking about the other half of the Wii U's lineup. About the abundant 2D platformers and minigame compilations which did more harm than good in the eyes of the press. Which looked laughable when compared to what other companies were hyping at time.


My claim remains. 2D are not console sellers.

Very few people feel the urge to pay the price for a brand new console, only to play sidescrollers.

They are drawn in by things they could not experience on previous hardware. By worlds that are immersive, by graphics that are clearly and obviously supperior to previous offerings. By gorgeous animations, immaculate attention to detail, amazing physics and endless horizons. Generally 2D games don't offer any of that.


Oh, for god's sake man, I can say the same about you. YOU are fine with Nintendo's emphasis on 2D and minigame compilations and see no flaw with it. YOU sat through last years E3 and thought it was fine. YOU probably thought E3 2012 was good too. An unknown portion of the 10 million people who actually bought Wii U's agree with you. However 36 million PS4 owners, 18 million Xbox One owners and an unknown portion of the 10 million Wii U owners don't.


So tell me, what do you think Nintendo should change to make the NX a solid competitor against the other consoles.



They'd be fine if they'd use their IP's properly.


No, I'm not fine with that's all they're releasing. i want ` Wave Race more than anything, I want Advance Wars, F Zero etc. I want FIFA and Tomb Raider and Battlefront etc. My point is your equalling your desires with what nintendo must do, which I think is just a bit strange.


So you can't just throw my point of view right back at me (the first sign of someone struggling to debate). Because it isn't true, because I've never said I'm fine with it, I've criticised nintendo regularly. The difference being I'm not so solipsistic that i think my wants and needs are the key to nintendo fortune!


As for mini game complications... are there that many? It's not like the wii (which had loads of 2d games and mini game complications and was one of the most successful consoles of all time so how does that fit into your theory?).


Also you're changing your argument slightly, so now nintendo do have games which are great and successful, but some of their games aren't? Isn't that the case with all consoles?!?


Why are you arguing about Sega on an NX thread on a Nintendo forum?


Don't know, ask @Hogge

As for mini game complications... are there that many? It's not like the wii (which had loads of 2d games and mini game complications and was one of the most successful consoles of all time so how does that fit into your theory?).


That's almost a Freudian slip... ;)


From now on I shall refer to them as mini-game complications because at the very least it's a conceptually excellent term. :D


Even for something created by accident. :blush:


As for what i think will make nintendo successful again. Well it depends on what you think that means, as this forum as people who change their tune on what that is. When Wii was insanely successful they were bad because they made loads of mini games, didn't have 3rd party support, motion control was a fad and it was underpowered. Now Wii U isn't very successful then nintendo are dying because their console hasn't sold enough and mobile gaming has destroyed the handlheld market. People have such strong personal agendas they change their opinions just to prove themselves right. The one big thing that irritates me about this board. But anyways. What do i think equals success?


Well, I think nintendo make the best games by some distance, still. So I'm fine with their output. As one company they clearly can't support two consoles singlehandedly so having a hybrid or an iphone/ipad situation will solve that. I still think let's say the 3DS and Wii U was one machine. All this games. It would be incredible and be successful.


As for success in terms of numbers. I'm personally less bothered about this. I don;t have shares. And if "success" means making a console identical to the others and making games which are deemed successful then I don't want it. I'd rather a niche nintendo box where nintendo make the best games going thanks.


What will bring success... Maybe the hybrid one consoles. But in all honesty, this geo, I think they could struggle now, jumping in half way through seems like a disaster on a broad gamer sense. Why would ps4/xb1 jump shit if a cheap wii u didn't entice them?! But let's say timing won't play a factor, what would nintendo have to do to be successful in terms of numbers but fitting in to their ethos?


Voice chat. That's it.


I kid of course. But actually image is they biggest problem. And not having party chat and accounts and gimped online modes creates an image to the 'general gamer' that they shouldn't be taken seriously. I think it's a little ignorant but I think that's happening. They need to be taken seriously as an option; currently millions of gamers are struggling to do that. I think 3rd parties is a big big issue. I think they can make a powerful console, similar architecture to break down any barriers for people to port; and it'd start off with some great support I'd imagine, this COULD help, but I genuinely believe the same things will happen, those games won't get bought. Even the people on this forum who cry for 3rd party support, would probably still buy their 3rd party games on ps4/xb1 and just buy 1st/2nd party games on the NX. But, I think it sort of needs to happen to be really successful.


I think they need to sort their release schedules out, having one platform to develop for would help this, but a regular stream of games and non of these bullshit droughts they keep having.


I think they need a steady stream of sports games, hugely popular.


I think it would help giving the hardcore fans the games they want, even if they'll never be successful, but give them F Zero, Wave Race, 1080, Advance Wars etc. Keep them close to nintendo because they're going to need them.


I think new franchises like SPlatoon are incredible. I think revitalising old franchises could be good too.


Oh, and a 3D platformer starring Duck Hunt Duo would seal the deal.

Why are you arguing about Sega on an NX thread on a Nintendo forum?


Because someone likened the Wii U's situation to that of the Sega Saturn and claimed both failed because of their software. Without a doubt, that is not the case.


If you think discussing things on a discussion forum is 'point scoring' then I'm not sure if you understand why discussion forums exist!

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