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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Official Thread: A Brotherhood Reunited


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You have to do the DLC quest and this should net you some special tickets so you can make the Zelda stuff. At least that's how it's worked in the past.


Yep, you're right. You have to do the high rank Akantor quest in the gathering hall.

Which means I won't get until everyone else is bored of it. Still HR3

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Have the Mario/Luigi costumes get released? Did I miss them?


Go to your house and access Downloadable Content from the Felyne on the right.

If you do that, you can access the Gift area section.


You'll get some Super Mushrooms there, enough to make the hammer weapon and one full outfit. You can't have both Mario and Luigi costumes and each one differs slightly. (Mario targets big monsters while Luigi goes for small ones first)


Any of you checked out the new Guild Card pose and wallpaper yet? It made me smile.

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Pro tip in regards to the Mario stuff. Don't use them straight away. Wait until you hit G Rank and you can then use the material to make G versions of the armour or weapons. Using them before hand is a bit of a waste.




Then again, I'm sure we'll get more mushrooms in the future.

After all, that trailer showed both costumes being used, which is completely impossible at the moment.


I'm sure there'll be some sort of quest to get more in the future.

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'in MH4 they were originally part of an Event quest involving two Congala that eat mushrooms and become super big, we will have to wait for that quest to be released to get more.'


So it's just a matter of waiting for that quest to be released, I used mine straight away but I'm not too fussed.

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Ok, I've finally got the Desert Seltas Queen armour set. What an awesome set for Charge Blades and Gunlances it is! The skills I've gone for with my Charge Blade are:


Load Up

Part Breaker

Artillery Novice (gemmed in)

Guard Up (gemmed in)

Focus (talisman and gemmed in)

Stamina Recovery Up


First things first, I gemmed out Blunt Edge so that I lose sharpness at the normal rate.

Load Up gives me an additional Charge Phial, Focus charges the phials quicker than normal and then Artillery Novice increases the damage done by the phials... sweet!

Guard Up will allow me to block previously unblockable attacks and Part Breaker and Stamina Recovery Up are nice little bonuses to have of course.

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I enjoyed the few quests we done yesterday, @kav82. I had to laugh at the guy you kept putting up quests, despite you saying you were taking turns.


I'm close to 200 hours into this now and some of the things in game are starting to really grate on me.


The online system is a mess. It really is. Once you reach G3+ rank you have no way of searching for towns that have these quests. This means you have to create a G3 town and then you get G3 ranks in who don't actually qualify for the G3+ quests.


The searching system is terrible. The fact that it only brings up 5 pages of results is terrible, especially when most of these are probably on a quest already.


Looking at the friends list is pointless as it doesn't tell you anything about what they are doing. I jumped into a town with Kav only to find him doing guild quests, which I had no interest in doing, so I had to instantly leave.


I've said this numerous times but finding a good set of randoms is hard as hell on this game. If you do get a good group you feel like you've won the lottery or something. Trying to find players who are good and want to hunt for a good few hours is a nightmare. With the community on here not playing half as much as they did on the Wii U version, i'm forced to put rely on randoms to make any kind of progress, who are most garbage.


The single player is far too bloated. The amount of quests in the single player section is just stupid and not remotely fun. 20+ quests for a single HR is beyond a joke.


The excavation quests are awful. What's worse is that you have to do these if you want to fully level up your armour and get the best weapons in the game. The problem is that you have to level these quests up and that's if you even get the quests you want. Getting an easy monster to fight AND getting the weapon bias to be in your favour is just nuts. It's like they done this stuff to flesh the game out but when you need to rely on the RNG god, it just isn't fun.


Some of the end game enemies are cheap as hell and have been made hard just for the sake of it. You have myself and lostmario rocking armour with close to 800 def, yet we can get one shotted of monsters at higher levels. This was never the case in the older games. Once you put in the time and effort to create a good armour set then that would last you and you could at least take a few hits from the end game beasties. On this they have just made the whole experience very cheap.


In some ways the game does many things right but in other ways I think the game is possibly one of the worst in the series.

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@Hero\-of\-Time I didn't even know that was a guild quest until we set off, I backed out at that point too, haha. Just think, I've played on this game entirely with randoms, frustrating isn't the word man!


One thing I love is hosting a room and booting players that don't adhere to quest etiquette... you keep putting up quests ignoring turns, you're getting booted. Enter the room and immediately put up a quest without asking or even saying hello, you're getting booted.

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@Hero\-of\-Time I didn't even know that was a guild quest until we set off, I backed out at that point too, haha. Just think, I've played on this game entirely with randoms, frustrating isn't the word man!


One thing I love is hosting a room and booting players that don't adhere to quest etiquette... you keep putting up quests ignoring turns, you're getting booted. Enter the room and immediately put up a quest without asking or even saying hello, you're getting booted.


My nephew boots them all the time. :D


You should play with us more often, especially now that you've pretty much caught up. I know Blade and lostmario were on the same time as you yesterday. I popped on to see what everyone was doing but just left as I couldn't be bothered with it all.

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My nephew boots them all the time. :D


You should play with us more often, especially now that you've pretty much caught up. I know Blade and lostmario were on the same time as you yesterday. I popped on to see what everyone was doing but just left as I couldn't be bothered with it all.


Your room generally tends to be full, I do always check. It would be handy given that I'm G3 Rank now... finding hunters with even average skill is becoming a pain now. Also, like you said, none seem to know what a lifepowder is!

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Your room generally tends to be full, I do always check. It would be handy given that I'm G3 Rank now... finding hunters with even average skill is becoming a pain now. Also, like you said, none seem to know what a lifepowder is!


Shocking isn't it! Me and you kept using it yesterday, yet these random muppets didn't bring a drop of it.

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Okay...embarrassingly noob question....how do you host/join online games? i discovered its not hunters for hire when trying that last night....(don't think it did anything)


I feel ready to try online with someone, anyone!


Just about finished HR1 in the guild hall (hunter rank 3 on single player), i think i've got dodging down with a great sword, and i'm alright with Sword/Shield too


I'm tempted to try some ranged weapons, any recommendations? Gun Lance, Bow Guns? Bow? Bow looks cool


Trying to get the materials for Velociraptor armour, i'm not convinced i like the Tetsubakabra armour, looking online its considered a defensive set, and i get the feeling i should go increased damage over defence

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@Agent Gibbs unless you're really good with blocking/evading, I'd always recommend going for defence over attack... as Hero said, some monsters can pack one hell of a punch the further you go in and they have slightly different attacks as you go further too.


If you have the armour skills Evasion +1/2/3, Evasion Distance Up, Guard +1/2 or Guard Up then going for attack is ok, although I do think other skills are more beneficial.



Also, the Gunlance is still a close-quarters weapon (the Seltas Z armour is great for the Gunlance).

Personally I love the Bow but it is very different (quite marmite), like a whole new way of playing the game.

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The excavation quests are awful. What's worse is that you have to do these if you want to fully level up your armour and get the best weapons in the game. The problem is that you have to level these quests up and that's if you even get the quests you want. Getting an easy monster to fight AND getting the weapon bias to be in your favour is just nuts. It's like they done this stuff to flesh the game out but when you need to rely on the RNG god, it just isn't fun.
Those quests can be sent and received via StreetPass right? I reckon that's probably the best/only way to get a good set, although it obviously doesn't help if you're in a bad location for SP hits, and still very much down to luck. :hmm:


You have myself and lostmario rocking armour with close to 800 def, yet we can get one shotted of monsters at higher levels.
Insanity. :o

My highest set is just over 300 def. :hehe:

Think I could probably make a better set for defense using random parts, but I'm liking Attack Up XL too much. :D


In some ways the game does many things right but in other ways I think the game is possibly one of the worst in the series.
For me the worst thing by far is still the fact it's on 3DS. So damn uncomfortable to play, and it'd just be a way better experience on a big screen. Not saying there shouldn't have been a portable version, but having the option like with MH3U would've been ideal.


Anyway, I think I'm at the penultimate 9★ story mode quest now, have to hunt a...


...Apex Seregios!



I swear Seregios is the most annoying monster ever. That bleeding status effect is complete bullshit. I know you can just eat a steak to remove it, but in the heat of battle that's pretty much impossible, especially without being able to roll or run first. :indeed:


And it's funny how Seregios turns up on pretty much every one of the later 9★ quests too. As if taking on Frenzied Brachydios or Stygian Zinogre isn't enough of a pain in the arse. :heh:

Having said that, I actually think this version of MH might be a bit easier than Tri/3U. It's still a really tough game, especially when hunting on your own, but it just seems like the high rank monsters are slightly easier to kill this time. :blank:

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Rocking the Tetsu S armour at the moment, with a few gems to enhance stats and and add in speed sharpen. So useful. Nercsylla Charge Blade, swapping out for Gore/Rathalos Hammer when appropriate. Pretty much maining CB though, fun weapon. Probably gonna stick with this as long as I can before upgrading to Rath Soul, maybe. Or last it out and grab the mechalicious looking Desert Seltas Queen stuff.


Currently at 9* Caravan quests, and working my way through 5* Gathering Hall. An old friend has started to appear in unstable environments and it's only a matter of time before I'm gonna have to take his big spiky chinned cucumber ass out.


Few random thoughts...


- I can't go back to 3 after the climbing/mounting. An amazing addition to the gameplay.

- Khezu can go fuck itself, awful creature.

- Seregios too. His special attack status is probably the most annoying thing I have encountered, even with Auto-Guard on.

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So, those of you having issues with the bleeding status effect...


Have you tried just crouching? I remember the electronic manual saying that's how you get rid of it.


Anyway, I've reached 7 star caravan quests, high rank stuff is appearing, so time to farm some S gear! Going for Tetsucabra first. Speed Sharpening is very helpful for SnS and my 300 water weapon makes mincemeat out of them. (Thanks @kav82)


Also gonna have to get a Kirin quest so I can get a super lightning blade. It's gonna be a while before I carry on.

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So, those of you having issues with the bleeding status effect...


Have you tried just crouching? I remember the electronic manual saying that's how you get rid of it.

Ahahahahahahaha! That's a good one. :laughing::bowdown:


Yeah, crouching is effective at getting rid of it alright...

...because you'll be dead within seconds.





Just did the quest I mentioned earlier...


Apex Seregios wasn't actually as bad as I was expecting. Took him out in just over 15 minutes, and didn't even feint once! (unusual for me :heh:) Got myself the gold crown for largest Seregios in the process too. :awesome:

Looks like the "end" is in sight.

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Hunt wise I didn't have a particularly great night on this, a lot of fainting randoms... and a double faint by @Blade on the last hunt (noob) :p However, I did max out another couple weapons and got enough armour spheres to upgrade my defence from 570ish to 650ish.


I was looking at what armours to go for when I use a Bow, Kushala set for sure, it's got some awesome skills for the Bow! With a little gemming you could have:


Evasion +2

Load Up


Critical Element Up

Heat Resistance

...plus whatever a Talisman might add.



Also, I just have to say, I am LOVING my Seltas Z set, it's absolutely beastly!

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Hunt wise I didn't have a particularly great night on this, a lot of fainting randoms... and a double faint by @Blade on the last hunt (noob) :p However, I did max out another couple weapons and got enough armour spheres to upgrade my defence from 570ish to 650ish.


I was looking at what armours to go for when I use a Bow, Kushala set for sure, it's got some awesome skills for the Bow! With a little gemming you could have:


Evasion +2

Load Up


Critical Element Up

Heat Resistance

...plus whatever a Talisman might add.



Also, I just have to say, I am LOVING my Seltas Z set, it's absolutely beastly!


I helped lostmario farm Kushala yesterday for his blade armour. The beastie is a joke, thanks to my poison blade. You can take him down in less than 5 mins, with me doing the poison and then lostmario doing the para.


We tried hooking up with you yesterday but thanks to the shoddy online system we were unable to. The fact that you can't even send a message to someone telling them you're online or have set up a room is laughable at this point.

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