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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Official Thread: A Brotherhood Reunited


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Cracking session on this yesterday with lostmario, my nephew and a random who knew what he was doing! We blitzed through most of the G3 quests ( only got 2 left now ) and I got my gold crown.


I unlocked the final quest of the game and we had a crack at it. I won't spoil it but it's certainly a toughy and requires everyone to be working together.


I'm just on working my way through the remaining single plauer quests now. I finished the main story off on Friday and I think the final fight was absolute garbage. It's essentially a tutorial for the Gog fight but if you don't play online then it's an awful battle.


I've been having some funny moments with my cats.


I was fighting a Gendrome and they mounted the beastie with their little rocket pack. I jumped on the thing as well and there were 3 of us clinging on to it, pounding away.


I've named one of my cats Fi and it has the ability to see where monsters are. It keeps telling me that there's a certain percent chance that the monster is where it says it is. Seems kinda fitting that this cat is giving percentages out, given the name of it. :)


Sorry @kav82 but we were calling it a night when you joined. We had been on it the best part of the day. You have terrible timing/play at weird times. :D

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@Hero\-of\-Time, I had been on all day, I kept trying to join but the room was always full, haha.


After seeing you and lostmario briefly, I noticed you both had 2 Wystones so I looked into what I needed to do to get 2 also and did that when you guys went off. It's such a pain that you can message or invite in the game, I've played with randoms all the way through really when there may have been room with you guys at times but we can't let each other know.

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@Hero\-of\-Time, I had been on all day, I kept trying to join but the room was always full, haha.


After seeing you and lostmario briefly, I noticed you both had 2 Wystones so I looked into what I needed to do to get 2 also and did that when you guys went off. It's such a pain that you can message or invite in the game, I've played with randoms all the way through really when there may have been room with you guys at times but we can't let each other know.


Yup. You really need to have some form of other communication to get things sorted on the game. It's a shocking oversight but seeing as Capcom favour the Japanese players style of local co-op, I guess they just couldn't give a toss about what the western needs are.


Luckily voice chat on the PS4 and texting via our phones sorts these issues out.


*raises middle finger at Capcom*

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Cheers for the help on those hunts tonight @Hero\-of\-Time and @lostmario :D it feels good to finally get up to HR5, I'll try and be on more during the start of the week when I can, I've still been playing the single player each day so as to try and not fall too far behind.


I'll reach the higher ranks yet I'm sure. : peace:

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Cheers for the help on those hunts tonight @Hero\-of\-Time and @lostmario :D it feels good to finally get up to HR5, I'll try and be on more during the start of the week when I can, I've still been playing the single player each day so as to try and not fall too far behind.


I'll reach the higher ranks yet I'm sure. : peace:


Any time, bud. Shame you weren't on a little earlier as we could have done a few more with you.


I encountered some truly terrible players yesterday.


First up was when me and my nephew were fighting Crimson Fatalis for the first time. There were two randoms with us and neither were very good. One guy tried his best and got stuck in. I like to see this as I would rather a person try and fail ( how else will you learn ) than just sit back and watch, which is exactly what the 4th player did.


We kept eyes on him during the whole quest and all he was doing was running around and trying to look like he was doing something. We managed to finish the quest and then he got a booting straight away, not before my nephew gave him a piece of his mind. Good job there isn't voice chat on here or he would have got an earful!


The second incident as when fighting an Apex Rajang. I was with a team of randoms and none of them brought lifepowders. One guy had the wystones but didn't even use them once and to top it off they kept trying to trap the beast while he was in Apex mode. Needless to say the team got butchered.


I decided to attempt it again with them and told them to bring lifepowders and use their stones. One guy ( HR 70 odd ) asked me how to make lifepowders! HR 70 and he didn't know how to make them and clearly hadn't been using them on his way up the ranks! Shocking.


We attempted it again but once again the quest failed. It was mainly due to some guy not eating and then carting 2 times in a row in the space of a couple of minutes. I left that town.


220 hours into it and i've nearly cleared all the quests ( both single and online )in the game now. I have 2 left in the online mode and just need to finish off 10* in the offline one.

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I fought a Rajang for the first time yesterday... yes, the first time, after almost 150hrs.


That is one awkward bugger to fight! We beat him but man he was all over the show, so quick. We hunted him a second time and this time brought more traps, the hunt went well. Then we tried the Apex Rajang and he butchered us... same problem as Hero had, nobody using lifepowders and trying to trap him whilst Apex. Urgh, randoms!

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What are peoples opinions on Felyne and Melynx dual blades (112dmg 100 para)? i made a set of them, and added a paraylsis skll boost decoration and tried them out on ....the big snake (mind bland Nar something) and it worked really well, before that i was using a sleep sword and shield (140dmg 150sleep) with a sleep decoration, which seemed to kill things slightly faster

But paralysis was very useful and seemed to hit them more than sleep (which only put them to sleep until you hit them)


On paper they seem a good trade off....but they only upgrade once and look frankly silly, like i'm hitting things with sock puppets

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I fought a Rajang for the first time yesterday... yes, the first time, after almost 150hrs.


That is one awkward bugger to fight! We beat him but man he was all over the show, so quick. We hunted him a second time and this time brought more traps, the hunt went well. Then we tried the Apex Rajang and he butchered us... same problem as Hero had, nobody using lifepowders and trying to trap him whilst Apex. Urgh, randoms!


Yeah, Rajang is a right pain in the butt. Easily one of my most hated monsters in the game due to the amount of damage he dishes out and how crazy his movements are. I don't like how he goes into rage without even hitting him. :mad:


What are peoples opinions on Felyne and Melynx dual blades (112dmg 100 para)? i made a set of them, and added a paraylsis skll boost decoration and tried them out on ....the big snake (mind bland Nar something) and it worked really well, before that i was using a sleep sword and shield (140dmg 150sleep) with a sleep decoration, which seemed to kill things slightly faster

But paralysis was very useful and seemed to hit them more than sleep (which only put them to sleep until you hit them)


On paper they seem a good trade off....but they only upgrade once and look frankly silly, like i'm hitting things with sock puppets


Para, or any status effect, are great on the dual blades or longsword weapons due to the speed of them. They work especially well in a team situation.


Make sure your skill boost is Status and not Paralysis. The latter just makes you immune from when you yourself get hit with paralysis.


Here's a skill chart to show you what does what, just in case you got a bit mixed up.



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Para, or any status effect, are great on the dual blades or longsword weapons due to the speed of them. They work especially well in a team situation.


I personally prefer elements on my Sword and Shield. It requires more effort to keep on track of 5 different weapons, sure, but if I know a monsters weakness, then I'm suddenly doing crazy amounts of damage!


For example, I got the Kirin SnS and it's got a pitiful 140 power, despite being a Rarity 4 weapon. Against most monsters, it's garbage, but put it up against a Zamtrios, and I can beat the high rank one in around 7 minutes!

350 Lightning is a big deal when you attack 6 times in 3 seconds.


And I'm certainly not lacking in the other elements either. And just in case I'm up against multiple monsters with several different weaknesses, I can fall back on my trusty Dios Edge. (Blast status effect)


So yeah, status effects are great if you don't know a monsters weakness or have to contend multiple ones, but Dual Blades and SnS really shines if you use the right element for the right monster.


Anyway, I'm up to HR4 now! (One step closer to the Master Sword!) I'm also on 8 star caravan quests. Currently farming High Rank Zamtrios to improve my Ice Sword and get some new armour.

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@Glen\-i whereas using elemental weaknesses does good damage, in a team situation Para/Sleep will always be preferred on these weapons. Reason being is that once paralysed and the monster stops moving then real damage can be done with the heavy hitting weapons, making quick work of breaking monster parts, KO'ing etc. more damage than just DB or SnS will do using an element.

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@Glen\-i whereas using elemental weaknesses does good damage, in a team situation Para/Sleep will always be preferred on these weapons. Reason being is that once paralysed and the monster stops moving then real damage can be done with the heavy hitting weapons, making quick work of breaking monster parts, KO'ing etc. more damage than just DB or SnS will do using an element.


I see your point, but the majority of my hunting is by myself, so elements are more beneficial for me.


And given the quality of the randoms I've done any multiplayer hunting with, I honestly believe I'm doing more good in general using elements.

(I should point out that I do have a Paralysing weapon as well, but it's very rare I actually use it, but you know, just in case)


Also, you can't deny that elements are the way to go on certain monsters that can't be paralysed. (Dhen Moh'ran springs to mind) So I'm certainly not wasting my time getting these weapons.


Basically, I don't trust most players as far as my Sword reaches. So I'll stick with my tactics for now. It served me just fine on 3U.

Edited by Glen-i
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I see your point, but the majority of my hunting is by myself, so elements are more beneficial for me.


And given the quality of the randoms I've done any multiplayer hunting with, I honestly believe I'm doing more good in general using elements.

(I should point out that I do have a Paralysing weapon as well, but it's very rare I actually use it, but you know, just in case)


Also, you can't deny that elements are the way to go on certain monsters that can't be paralysed. (Dhen Moh'ran springs to mind) So I'm certainly not wasting my time getting these weapons.


Basically, I don't trust most players as far as my Sword reaches. So I'll stick with my tactics for now. It served me just fine on 3U.


There's so much truth to this about the randoms of 4U it's unreal! Haha

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Thanks again to Hero and Lost for the hunts tonight helping me get up to HR6 as I couldn't have done it without you both. :D


It turns out that when Gravios uses Fire Blast against a HR5 hunter with minimally upgraded armour that it's super effective! :laughing:


Aside from being temporarily turned into a pile of burnt meat on that quest, I'd say it went pretty well. : peace:


I'll get back to powering through single player for a bit now. :heh:

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Thanks again to Hero and Lost for the hunts tonight helping me get up to HR6 as I couldn't have done it without you both. :D


You could have done it without us, it just would have taken slightly longer. :D


It was such a laugh. That moment where lostmario jumped for the mount, missed but then got caught in my upswing before he could hit the ground, only for him to fly back up to the monster and land the mount! Epic!


Good hunts and good banter. That's what it's all about.

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I'm looking for Teostra Horn+ but no matter how much I hunt the bugger he keeps dying before his horns break. Granted I'm doing it with randoms and it'd be easier to manage just attacking the head on my own, but I'd rather play in a group.


I got so many carves from him that I'm not in need of so I sold a load and now I'm swimming in almost 900,000z.


Those damn horns!!!

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Well what a dumbass I was! I was farming G Rank Teostra when I needed to farm High Rank! Haha


I got it done and now have a fully upgraded Teostra Charge Blade. Need to hunt some Apex monsters to Hone that with Power now.

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Its taken 5-6 weeks and 220 hours of game time but I am burnt out with Monster Hunter.


All but one of the single players quests are done, the last one is incredibily hard and I doubt I can do it with me being a long sword user.


I've got my gold crown and all the online quests are done.


I think this will be a monster hunter free weekend and its now time to get back to my PS4.

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Its taken 5-6 weeks and 220 hours of game time but I am burnt out with Monster Hunter.


All but one of the single players quests are done, the last one is incredibily hard and I doubt I can do it with me being a long sword user.


I've got my gold crown and all the online quests are done.


I think this will be a monster hunter free weekend and its now time to get back to my PS4.


This is the reason why im not bothering with single player. I can't be arsed with randoms, so whats the point.


I ought to have done single player when you guys did it.


I've been playing other games for the majority of the week.

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I've had a fantastic weekend on this! Figured I'd finally make a Bow set, went for the Kushala armour and I've got the skills:



Load Up


Critical Element Up

Heat Cancel


I'm thinking of maybe taking Evasion down to +2 and maybe adding another skill though.

I've got myself a nice selection of Bows too, just need to get to upgrading them.


I've not used the set just yet mind, I'm still thoroughly enjoying the Charge Blade. I'm starting to really nail those Guard Points now and I'm KO'ing monsters by just blocking! This might well be my new favourite weapon!

Now I'm getting used to GP'ing I've made myself another set with skills more suited to advanced Charge Blading... the G-Rank Seregios set and with a Talisman and decorations I have the following skills:


Edge Lore

Sharpness +1

Constitution +2

Negate Bleeding


Having Edge Lore AND Sharpness +1 is simply fantastic, along with Constitution +2 it is a perfect set for using Guard Points! Weapon at maximum sharpness, it loses that sharpness at half the normal rate and my stamina depletion is greatly reduced when blocking... Charge Blade heaven!

Just need to increase it's defence stats now.

Edited by Kav
Woke up and can't sleep.
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