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Weight Loss and Fitness 2015


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Intermittent Fasting is the best. I feel so fucking alert in the morning.





Do you do the leangains (fasting every day with small feeding window) or ADF/eat stop eat?


I fast 3 whole days a week (mon/wed/fri. Ain't go no time for fasting at the weekend, lol.


On the squats thing, I do high bar squats because of my oly training (it transfers better across) I tried low bar and it just didn't work with me. I don't really think there's right or wrong, just whatever you can lift most weight with =P

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I went shopping for shorts today and it was trickier than I expected. Large shorts were really tight around the quad region, so I ended up having to go xl.


The downside of being a manlet and weight training is that clothes shopping becomes a bitch. I now need to find shirts that are wide around my back and shoulders but don't look too long. I spent most of my life hearing from women that trouser shopping was terrible because the cuts are straight and don't allow for curvy thighs and shit, yet I do see their point now. Clothes are designed for skinny people who don't even lift.

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Skyr has just been released here. Alternatively, you could probably use 0% Total Greek Yoghurt, might be a little easier to find. They are almost literally the same nutritionally from what I can see although cannot confirm for taste/texture/etc. I eat Total quite a lot, with a dab of honey.


Skyr! Always had that in Norway. Danio is another good yog with high protein, sugars quite high though.


Loving this thread! Everyone striving for excellence!!


Are there any ketosis followers who swear by a high protein, zero to sub 30g carbs daily diet? Routinely get amazing results from it during the week, physically and mentally.... Until I f it up on the weekends..


I went shopping for shorts today and it was trickier than I expected. Large shorts were really tight around the quad region, so I ended up having to go xl.


The downside of being a manlet and weight training is that clothes shopping becomes a bitch. I now need to find shirts that are wide around my back and shoulders but don't look too long. I spent most of my life hearing from women that trouser shopping was terrible because the cuts are straight and don't allow for curvy thighs and shit, yet I do see their point now. Clothes are designed for skinny people who don't even lift.


Dem gainz doe.

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Do you do the leangains (fasting every day with small feeding window) or ADF/eat stop eat?


I fast 3 whole days a week (mon/wed/fri. Ain't go no time for fasting at the weekend, lol.


On the squats thing, I do high bar squats because of my oly training (it transfers better across) I tried low bar and it just didn't work with me. I don't really think there's right or wrong, just whatever you can lift most weight with =P


Leangains. I go to the gym at lunch fasted, after having some BCAAs. Then eat for the next 8 hours, but I'm not too strict about the window but I don't often eat after 10pm.


I did some high-bar on Friday. They felt so different to low bar, I realised I haven't done 'proper' squats in so long. Back on it now, though.


I went shopping for shorts today and it was trickier than I expected. Large shorts were really tight around the quad region, so I ended up having to go xl.


The downside of being a manlet and weight training is that clothes shopping becomes a bitch. I now need to find shirts that are wide around my back and shoulders but don't look too long. I spent most of my life hearing from women that trouser shopping was terrible because the cuts are straight and don't allow for curvy thighs and shit, yet I do see their point now. Clothes are designed for skinny people who don't even lift.


This is my life. I find slim cut shirts usually the best option.


Skyr! Always had that in Norway. Danio is another good yog with high protein, sugars quite high though.


Loving this thread! Everyone striving for excellence!!


Are there any ketosis followers who swear by a high protein, zero to sub 30g carbs daily diet? Routinely get amazing results from it during the week, physically and mentally.... Until I f it up on the weekends..


I don't think I could cut out carbs that much. I need my cake and all that stuff. I've probably been close to being ketogenic a few days in the week, maybe even hitting it, but i could never keep it up. I like pasta too much.

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I can go below parallel with high bar. :p


Your ass should be as close to the floor as possible. If it isn't there drop the weight until you can get it there.


As the huge bodybuilder guy who competes told me, "it's a squat, not a slight bend of the knees."

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Your ass should be as close to the floor as possible. If it isn't there drop the weight until you can get it there.


As the huge bodybuilder guy who competes told me, "it's a squat, not a slight bend of the knees."


Did you read what you actually quoted and I posted? I already squat below parallel. Save yo' preaching for somebody else, choirboy. ;)

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So I managed 90kg for 5x5 bench. Looks like I regressed. Which is annoying. I'm going to blame my cut, I must have cut too hard and too fast. It's slightly disappointing but 90kg is nothing to be disappointed with and what's 5kg anyway. Going to focus on maintaining that weight while I strengthen my triceps. Need to get my diet down, too. I'm pretty bad at tracking what I eat. I normally either bulk massively or cut massively, really bad at slow bulking.

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I don't think there is anything less relaxing than yoga, and i AM flexible lol.


I need to like, reverse my mobility. I'm hyperflexible, which is good in ways but not in others.


Yer doing a snatch of half your body weight and the bar goes waaaay behind you because your shoulders stretch so far, yea you be in mighty big trouble! Fell on top of my coach once :awesome:

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I actually also attended a yoga class yesterday. My gym doesn't charge extra for it so I'll be going more regularly as part of my weekly routine for the core. It was really good but I dislike all that meditation and relaxation crap. "Feel the unmeasurable compassion, let your heart out," etc. But the actual movements were nice. I think it is called vinyasa but we also have something called flow yoga at my gym, where it is more about the movements and less about sitting still. I also want to do pilates but all the classes are in the morning and about noon so can't go due to work.

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cross-posting from purchases thread :p


What have you got?


I can't wait until we get our own house. One room is going to be a designated lifting room. Going to kit it out properly. Possibly trade in my standard weights for an olympic set.

I actually just traded two of my plates for bumper plates.



High quality weight rack:



What happens when you drop 20kg on an original, painted wooden floor



Dat golden ratio doe...


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cross-posting from purchases thread :p



I actually just traded two of my plates for bumper plates.



High quality weight rack:



What happens when you drop 20kg on an original, painted wooden floor



Dat golden ratio doe...


*Home gym crew bro-fist*


I like your squat/bench rack. Any idea on what you'll be doing next?


I really, really recommend that you get a weight tree.




You can get them off Amazon and it'll be a wise purchase. I used to have my weights "stacked" on top of each other to save space and it was a pain trying to get to the ones you needed. I tried placing them against other objects and there's always that fear that they'll slide to the floor or cause damage of some sort.


It also looks tidy as fuck. I love mine. :D

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*Home gym crew bro-fist*


I like your squat/bench rack. Any idea on what you'll be doing next?


I really, really recommend that you get a weight tree.


Depends on if/where I move, in the future I might buy an Olympic set but keep the original, that way I can leave 20s on a bar all the time which would be pretty cool. Although depends how much I might get for the old set on ebay. I've thought about a weight tree but it's money I can't afford right now on luxuries like being organised :p The squat rack was a great purchase, easy to adjust, spotter catchers protect you on bench and squat, and it has handles on the back for dips too.

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fixed photo upsidedownliness
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I'm sure if we put our heads together we could think of something fun to do with it. :heh:




oooooh yeahhhhhhhhh :yay:


*Home gym crew bro-fist*


I like your squat/bench rack. Any idea on what you'll be doing next?


I really, really recommend that you get a weight tree.




You can get them off Amazon and it'll be a wise purchase. I used to have my weights "stacked" on top of each other to save space and it was a pain trying to get to the ones you needed. I tried placing them against other objects and there's always that fear that they'll slide to the floor or cause damage of some sort.


It also looks tidy as fuck. I love mine. :D


Me tooo i wanna join the home gym bro thang plox :yay::yay:


I wouldn't mind a weight tree but very limited on space, and bumpers are bigger as well... Hmmm. This will be a purchase for when my "weight space" becomes a "weight room"


Was gonna buy a stacking holder, or make one, but you think they're a pain yea?



Depends on if/where I move, in the future I might buy an Olympic set but keep the original, that way I can leave 20s on a bar all the time which would be pretty cool. Although depends how much I might get for the old set on ebay. I've thought about a weight tree but it's money I can't afford right now on luxuries like being organised :p The squat rack was a great purchase, easy to adjust, spotter catchers protect you on bench and squat, and it has handles on the back for dips too.


Oly oly oly oly oly ollllyyyy set! Buy eet naow.

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Depends on if/where I move, in the future I might buy an Olympic set but keep the original, that way I can leave 20s on a bar all the time which would be pretty cool. Although depends how much I might get for the old set on ebay. I've thought about a weight tree but it's money I can't afford right now on luxuries like being organised :p The squat rack was a great purchase, easy to adjust, spotter catchers protect you on bench and squat, and it has handles on the back for dips too.


I'm in a very, very similar boat to you. I've got a standard set and a shit tons of plates I've already collected. I'm ready to upgrade to Olympic and I regret not getting an Olympic set from the beginning. But, part of the reason why I haven't jumped yet is the possibility of moving out.


Yeah, that squat rack is great for lots of different reasons. I've got a very similar one to you (are we, like, brotheeers, maaaan?) except the two stands are independent of each other, whereas yours are connected at the bottom together. It's actually slightly better for me because I can move them away easily when I don't need them.


When you get the money (win the lottery, rob a bank, that kinda thing), get a weight tree. The amount of times I've stepped on a plate by mistakes or caught my fingers getting them out is urrrrghhh.


I wouldn't mind a weight tree but very limited on space, and bumpers are bigger as well... Hmmm. This will be a purchase for when my "weight space" becomes a "weight room"


Was gonna buy a stacking holder, or make one, but you think they're a pain yea?



Go with whatever makes it easier for you and suits you. For me, part of the reason why I did the whole home gym thing is because I wanted to save time. If a stacking holder will help with that (and organisation, etc), go with that.

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What shizzle would you guys recommend for just flab loss? I know it's gotta be something cardio but which would be better, cross trainer or treadmill?


When I go to the gym I try to do the following, maybe having a go on another machine along the way:


Cross trainer for 10 mins - now remixed into 200 calories in under 15 minutes [according to the display]

Abdominal crunch bench - 100 crunches [or if I'm feeling cheeky, however many I can get in two-three songs]

Rope thingy - 3 minutes straight [strength 4]

Then a bit of a mix of some of:


Arm Curl

Seated Dip

Triceps Extension

Converging Chest Press

Converging Shoulder Press

Leg Extension

Leg Press


From my gym page - http://www.puregym.com/fitness/equipment


Maybe 20-50 a couple of them until I get bored, so usually between 30-45 minutes a session.


Should I give the stair machine a go?

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Flab loss?


Squats. Followed by more squats. Followed by a day of deadlifts. Followed by bench.


Cardio is great and all but weights will have you burn a crap load of calories, keep your metabolism buzzing for way longer and give you some definition which is just as important as flab loss when it comes to looking good.


That's my opinion anyway.


Chuck in a 10 minutes run on randomised hills twice a week on the treadmill and you'll be golden.


Also, your diet. Watch out for sugar. 3 grams is equal to about one cube of sugar.


ONE FUCKING CUBE. so when you see a can of Coke has like 31g of sugar, that's 10 fucking cubes.

So avoid fruit juices at all cast. And avoid sugar whenever possible. Unless you want cake, because sometimes everyone needs cake.

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I agree with Daft, keep the intensity high on the cardio and hit the weights to add some muscle. That'll keep your metabolism up for several hours after working out plus more muscle mass implies higher calorie burn rate implies fast shedding of fat.


By high intensity I mean 15 minutes three times a week, using as many groups of muscles at a time as possible. Burpees, squats, jumping squats, kettlebell swings, thrusters, "englehop" (I can't seem to find what these are called in English - bend the knees to touch the ground then jump to the air, kinda like a deep lunge), etc. You can also do some interval training on hills, run up the hill and then walk down, 10 times. The hill should be about 200 meters long. And rowing is also great for this! Actually way better than running! Try to row 1000 meters as fast as you can (should be about 4 minutes or slightly less) - it'll kill you!


Of course this should be scaled to match your current level so you don't strain yourself and get injured!

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What shizzle would you guys recommend for just flab loss? I know it's gotta be something cardio but which would be better, cross trainer or treadmill?


When I go to the gym I try to do the following, maybe having a go on another machine along the way:


Cross trainer for 10 mins - now remixed into 200 calories in under 15 minutes [according to the display]

Abdominal crunch bench - 100 crunches [or if I'm feeling cheeky, however many I can get in two-three songs]

Rope thingy - 3 minutes straight [strength 4]

Then a bit of a mix of some of:


Arm Curl

Seated Dip

Triceps Extension

Converging Chest Press

Converging Shoulder Press

Leg Extension

Leg Press


From my gym page - http://www.puregym.com/fitness/equipment


Maybe 20-50 a couple of them until I get bored, so usually between 30-45 minutes a session.


Should I give the stair machine a go?


Do some plyometrics (the P90x routine is on youtube and it's intense as hell). It's basically a heavy leg/jump workout but without weights. Always leaves me massively sore!


Ps. What gym do you go to? I'm at the Virgin Active at the station (it's next to my flat) but man, my wallet cries :(

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After yo-yoing a little I did 90kg on the bench today doing 5x5. And it was EEEEEAAASY. I even had to double check the weight. Felt so happy. I was struggling on the final rep on Monday and I'd dropped from 95kg a few weeks prior. Looks like it was almost definitely me not eating enough causing the issues.


I could go up to 92.5kg (maybe even all the way to 95kg again) but I think I'm just going to stay at this weight, make sure my technique is really good, all while i sure up my triceps. Then I'm going to push for 100kg.



Me after bench today. Talking to the bench.



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Squats. Followed by more squats. Followed by a day of deadlifts. Followed by bench.

Never really done squats before, shall give it a go.


I'm not so great with the angle on bench, are the other weight pulling machines alright as well? I like the Diverging Seat Row and the Lat Pull.

Ps. What gym do you go to? I'm at the Virgin Active at the station (it's next to my flat) but man, my wallet cries :(

Pure Gym in Beeston, right next to Tesco and Bus/tram station.


I signed up paying (I think) £13.99 a month for the first year since it opened in February, then after that it'll go to normal price of £17.99 a month. All classes are free n' shit. I don't go to any at the moment, but if I did - no monies.


Nicely open 24/7 too, so if I cannae sleep at the weekend, 4am? fuck it, I can gym it up.

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