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Story collaboration - discussion and sign up


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I was thinking about how this forum has changed over the years. One thing that sprung to mind was that we seem to be less creative. We used to constantly share stories we'd written, or pieces we'd drawn, even songs that we'd written. Yet now the creative board seems to stumble forward, barely alive.


So I thought I'd give this a try (I'm sure we've done something similar in the past). Basically we each write a small part of a story, taking it in turns. There's no plan, no goals, no dictating where it should go. We just each ejaculate our own creative juices, in turn, one paragraph at a time.


That's the idea anyway. I thought I'd get a few people to sign up beforehand, so we can hit the ground running, also to get some basic rules sorted out before hand. Use this thread to sign up, discuss any ideas for rules (bear in mind I want to keep the rules as minimal as possible), and once we've gotten going then we can use this thread to discuss the story (and keep a separate thread just for the story).


Anyone want to join in?




- Each person takes it in turn to add a paragraph to the story (I'm defining a paragraph as a short section. If you're writing dialogue then I don't want you to feel like you have to change to the next person as soon as somebody speaks; I think ~200 words is a good guide. As long as you don't take the piss it should be OK).

- I will decide the order of who writes next, as I want people to have a reasonable amount of time to work on it, not just have to rush something in before anybody else progresses it

-- On the above note, anyone taking too long will be skipped (I will be judge, jury and executioner)

- You must keep the flow of the story, and try to keep it in keeping with the rest of the entries. Obviously I want people to be free to add there own stamp onto it, but if I feel that you are not taking it seriously or just trying to wreck it then I will remove your entry

- Do not ignore, go against or retcon anybody's previous entry


Feel free to discuss, disagree with, add or change any of the above




- MoogleViper

- Ashley

- S.C.G

- The Peeps

- Sméagol

- Jimbob

- Animal

- Aneres11

- drahkon

Edited by MoogleViper
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Right, that's enough to get started for now, I'll get the first paragraph up this evening.


The initial order will be:


1 Me

2 @S\.C\.G

4 @The Peeps

5 @Sméagol


Moving forwards I'll try to have an ever changing order, so people aren't always going after the same person. I'm hoping that people will be able to do their entries quite quickly, to keep things fresh and moving forwards. Ideally within 24 hours (or much less), but I'll give up to 48 hours. If you know that you're going to be busy or away then let me know and I'll adjust the order accordingly.


People can feel free to sign up at any time along the way. Additionally if further down the line you need to drop out then let me know.


I've started the story. Ashley will write the next paragraph.

Edited by MoogleViper
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Right, that's enough to get started for now, I'll get the first paragraph up this evening.


The initial order will be:


1 Me

2 @S\.C\.G

4 @The Peeps

5 @Sméagol


Moving forwards I'll try to have an ever changing order, so people aren't always going after the same person. I'm hoping that people will be able to do their entries quite quickly, to keep things fresh and moving forwards. Ideally within 24 hours (or much less), but I'll give up to 48 hours. If you know that you're going to be busy or away then let me know and I'll adjust the order accordingly.


People can feel free to sign up at any time along the way. Additionally if further down the line you need to drop out then let me know.


I've started the story. Ashley will write the next paragraph.


You links are currently set to this thread, not the story thread :p

Edited by Ashley
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Finally done my piece. Sorry for the delay. I blame the Tories (because I'm ill and I can't get an appointment with my doctor's and thus...)


This is the best story ever.


Have I ever told you the story of how I met your mother?

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Is that a good or a bad thing? :p

I was considering running it by you first, since you're the editor-in-chief and all. Don't want to give others a hard time!


Somebody has to do it, we can't keep being vague all the way through.


And people definitely should be afraid to take the story in a particular direction, or feel they need to run anything by me.

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