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Pokken Tournament (Wii U Spring 2016)


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I ended up using multiple Pokemon throughout, switching back and forth, so around level 50 odd for my highest level one.


Personally I've been mostly using Cubone/Diglet I just love the speed and the pure Jerk factor involved :laughing:


So you were level 50 for the final tournament? Good stuff. I can stop grinding and just get on with it then. :D

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So is the same decent fun in single player then? And how is online? I don't particularly pokemon, I don't need more games and I'm happy with Smash as my beat em up, but I'm weirdly tempted by this...


Its fun but there's not much to it. It you aren't bothered about unlocking stuff for your avatar or more titles then the single player will be over pretty fast.


I only had the one game online but it ran very smooth, again though, there doesn't seem much to mode either.


Its a fun game, but bare bones on content.

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There's a demo out for those who want to try before they buy.


Well, that was unexpected. Without any warning, Nintendo has pushed a demo of Pokkén Tournament onto the European Wii U eShop, giving players the chance to sample the title for free.


The download went live last night, and weighs in at an impressive 1150MB. There's currently no sign of a similar demo on the North American eShop, sadly.

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Cubone/Diglett is definitely a popular choice.


Hell, look at the max amount of damage Diglett can inflict http://www.serebii.net/pokken/support/cubonediglett.shtml


Why don't you redesign the page? The letters are to small and it seems there is to much information on the main page? I would increase the letter size and put less posts per page.


Sorry for off topic.

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Why don't you redesign the page? The letters are to small and it seems there is to much information on the main page? I would increase the letter size and put less posts per page.


Sorry for off topic.

Less posts per page? I am not convoluting things like crazy by doing that.


As for font size and layout, it's in the works

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I reached A rank last night and have just unlocked Mewtwo this morning. The shine of the game is starting to wear off now. There's simply not much to the game.


I think I've had 80+ battles in the league and there's still a couple of tournaments to do. Having a large amount of battles is fine if there's plenty of variety but with only a small selection of fighters you end up repeating fights over and over again. It doesn't help when sometimes you'll fight the same Pokemon twice in a row.


The enemy AI seems to be really inconsistent. Sometimes you can just stand back and spam long range attacks and then in the next fight you will take a massive beating, only to then destroy the fighter after that. Usually in fighters there is a steady curve of progression which then ends with you fighting the last boss. In this game that curve doesn't seem to exist, especially when they throw Shadow Mewtwo fights at you throughout the campaign.


I'll still push on to see the credits but I'm not enjoying half as much as I was the other day.

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I reached A rank last night and have just unlocked Mewtwo this morning. The shine of the game is starting to wear off now. There's simply not much to the game.


I think I've had 80+ battles in the league and there's still a couple of tournaments to do. Having a large amount of battles is fine if there's plenty of variety but with only a small selection of fighters you end up repeating fights over and over again. It doesn't help when sometimes you'll fight the same Pokemon twice in a row.


The enemy AI seems to be really inconsistent. Sometimes you can just stand back and spam long range attacks and then in the next fight you will take a massive beating, only to then destroy the fighter after that. Usually in fighters there is a steady curve of progression which then ends with you fighting the last boss. In this game that curve doesn't seem to exist, especially when they throw Shadow Mewtwo fights at you throughout the campaign.


I'll still push on to see the credits but I'm not enjoying half as much as I was the other day.


Like I said before, it's a great multiplayer game, but single player? Eh...


We need to get some NE Matches going! Maybe even a little mini tourney :)

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Yeah, the multiplayer is definitely where it's at.


Speaking of, the netcode on this game is amazing. Played people from around the world with very few issues. I was stunned. It was almost like it was local when I was playing people in the US

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Yeah, the multiplayer is definitely where it's at.


Speaking of, the netcode on this game is amazing. Played people from around the world with very few issues. I was stunned. It was almost like it was local when I was playing people in the US


If there's anything you can count on with Namco fighters, it's fantastic netcode!


They're pretty much the best of the best in that regard :)

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Less posts per page? I am not convoluting things like crazy by doing that.


As for font size and layout, it's in the works


I have a feeling that I have to scroll to much down, but it could be because of the "long" news as you put the whole news on the home page and not only the first paragraph.


But good, you are working on the font and try putting the pics with links somewhere else (at least all the way up).


Please, don't get me wrong, I don't want to sound rude or something like that :). I can see there is a lot of information, which means that the site has the most important things, but it is not easy to read, especially for someone new.

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The credits have now rolled.


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@Dcubed do you get anything for finishing the Iron League? Seeing as I've seen the credits and Mewtwo is unlocked I'm wondering if it's even worth playing through.

Why ask him and not me? :( :p



Final costume for Nia.

Various titles



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Despite Dcubed's silence on the situation, I did have a crack at the Iron League.


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Was pretty easy, although I did finally lose a match on the way to the trophy. Charizard destroyed my 100% record! :(


I also got Pikachu to level 100.


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Anybody else getting no sound at all out of their rear speakers on this game?


I think this is another game that puts out blank audio for the rears unfortunately (makes sense though I suppose - nothing ever comes out from behind you in this game as the camera always faces towards your opponent).

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