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Will you stick with Nintendo in the future?

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I said in the WiiU General Thread, I don't think I'll be buying the next Nintendo Console on day 1, I'll wait until either Zelda or Metroid us released for it and then pick it up.


I've been losing faith in Nintendo the last couple years. I don't believe they have it in them to create a decent piece of hardware anymore.

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I probably won't get their next machine at launch. For me they need to prove that they are serious about online gaming and they have to actually listen to what developers want out of the machine.


I was thinking about this very subject the other day. I've found that I actually want more out of my games on various levels. I really enjoy a good narrative to go alongside some good gameplay. I enjoy things like achievements and trophies that give the game some legs and make you try new things. I enjoy being able to socialise with my friends via voice chat whilst I play. Most of these things ( possibly all as it depends what you think makes a good story ) I simply can't get on a Nintendo platform.

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Of course. They always deliver.


Sure, there may be some superficial things like lack of "cloud saves", or transfer abilities, or have weaker numbers but I don't play games for that stuff. I play games for games and Nintendo deliver, always.

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It will be interesting to see just how many people they have lost on this very forum and what they have to do or prove to show that they are worthy of people's hard earned money.


The thing is, how can we trust them again? They said no droughts, yet they happened. They said third parties were in board, yet they weren't. So if they were to come out and say that stuff again, as far as I'm concerned, they have zero credibility.

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It will be interesting to see just how many people they have lost on this very forum and what they have to do or prove to show that they are worthy of people's hard earned money.


The thing is, how can we trust them again? They said no droughts, yet they happened. They said third parties were in board, yet they weren't. So if they were to come out and say that stuff again, as far as I'm concerned, they have zero credibility.

No different to the others. Microsoft who backpedalled hard on their features which were horrific, but keep hinting that aspects can come back and Sony who also promised no droughts, and look at the PS4 now. I'm honestly surprised it's selling, considering its lineup from launch to the end of this year.


They're all as bad as each other.

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It will be interesting to see just how many people they have lost on this very forum and what they have to do or prove to show that they are worthy of people's hard earned money.


The thing is, how can we trust them again? They said no droughts, yet they happened. They said third parties were in board, yet they weren't. So if they were to come out and say that stuff again, as far as I'm concerned, they have zero credibility.


I need to be seeing third party developers actually coming out and telling us that they are behind the platform and excited by the platform.


I enjoy Nintendo games but I need more. My son lives with his mum and I took the Wii U to his home last weekend so he could play MK8. I left it there simply cos I realised I didn't really need the Wii U right now. Don't think I'll ever do such a thing with my PS4 even though I have had drought periods with it.


Sony who also promised no droughts, and look at the PS4 now. I'm honestly surprised it's selling, considering its lineup from launch to the end of this year.


The PS4 isn't even a year old and has nowhere near the droughts the Wii U has had. The PS4 release schedule has been more frequent even though the Wii U is a year older.


Not the same scenario at all.

Edited by liger05
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I need to be seeing third party developers actually coming out and telling us that they are behind the platform and excited by the platform.


I enjoy Nintendo games but I need more. My son lives with his mum and I took the Wii U to his home last weekend so he could play MK8. I left it there simply cos I realised I didn't really need the Wii U right now. Don't think I'll ever do such a thing with my PS4 even though I have had drought periods with it.


Thing is they had developers come out and say the usual garbage before about how the console is unique and they are excited to develop for it.


Yeah, it's another reason why I boxed my Wii U up last night. It just wasn't going to be used at all.


The PS4 and One droughts ain't half as bad as the ones Nintendo experience as a lot of games have online multiplayer, which gives the games legs. Same as if you enjoy getting achievements and trophies. All of these things add up to make the games longer.


It's like when MH hit the Wii U. There was sod all else out for ages but I didn't mind as I had a great online game to play.

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Thing is they had developers come out and say the usual garbage before about how the console is unique and they are excited to develop for it.


True but there were also a fair share who pretty early on were saying how the Wii U wasn't on their radar.


I cant remember who it was talking about the Wii U before launch and when asked about power he said something like 'it's at least as powerful as the 360'.


Next time round I cant be hearing things like that.

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No different to the others. Microsoft who backpedalled hard on their features which were horrific, but keep hinting that aspects can come back and Sony who also promised no droughts, and look at the PS4 now. I'm honestly surprised it's selling, considering its lineup from launch to the end of this year.


They're all as bad as each other.


The fundamental difference there is that Microsoft have the means to fix their self-inflicted problems, Nintendo seemingly don't. And the PS4 has shown time and time again that it is the platform of choice for third party releases.


Stop trying to justify Nintendo's disasters at every twist and turn.

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I was a Nintendo only gamer until about 3 years ago when I buckled and got a PS3 as I felt like I was missing out on stuff. Since then I haven't looked back and now have a Vita and PS4 as well and they are now my go to consoles.

I still have a WiiU and 3DS and will be there for big releases like Xenoblade and Zelda, but unless they win back some third party support and gain some parity with Sony and Microsoft in many areas any new Nintendo console in the future will just be a secondary console to me now, meaning no day one for me.

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I don't have a Wii U and haven't yet picked up any other console, more because I can't currently afford to with and (somewhat less so) I'm still getting bits and pieces of out of the last generation of games that I either missed completely or didn't finish.


That being said, Nintendo left me feeling burnt with the 3DS. I gave up on it after I finished Kingdom Hearts 3D (which I loved) but they were lucky I held on that long. They may have resolved the problems with it now, and I'll admit there are titles I'd love to play, but I don't really get much time to play games anymore and when I do, I'd like to just sit and play them on the TV rather than strain away at a small screen at night.


But that initial burn with the 3DS completely put me off of the Wii U. I loved the Wii and played some fantastic games and unique experiences on there but I wasn't going to let myself feel burned again with a home console I felt that was vastly overpriced for what it was (and still is. Note: This is my opinion so please don't bitch and moan about it not being. I personally feel it is when it comes to the possibility of me spending my earnings, that's all). And having watched over the near 2 years since release, I've yet to see anything from Nintendo that would put me at ease to purchase a Wii U now or in the future (as much as I want to play Bayonetta 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles X, I'm not buying a console for 2 games).


So I've not really stuck to Nintendo even with this generation. They're lacking in many of the areas that I consider important for owning a console so moving forward, with their next console, unless they can seriously address issues such as a complete lack of 3rd party support (beyond "indie" devs), missing online functionality and sorting out their own house of titles (new IPs such as Splatoon and Codename STEAM are all good but they're pillars, your Marios and Zeldas aren't the pinnacle of gaming as they once were and feel significantly dated in comparison to other titles on other consoles) then I'm already out.


So no, I won't stick with Nintendo unless they can really get their shit together and everything so far suggests that they're only willing to take baby steps towards that.

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The fundamental difference there is that Microsoft have the means to fix their self-inflicted problems, Nintendo seemingly don't. And the PS4 has shown time and time again that it is the platform of choice for third party releases.


Stop trying to justify Nintendo's disasters at every twist and turn.

lolok. Sorry for pointing out the foibles in your beloved console. I won't do it again ^_^


Was just saying that they all make promises they don't keep. I wasn't trying to "justify" Nintendo's "failures". I was just stating a fact.

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lolok. Sorry for pointing out the foibles in your beloved console. I won't do it again ^_^


So does this mean you accept my point? It's just that your post didn't actually have any comeback, so I'm guessing that's all you had to say.


They're not comparable, and you know it. Hell, everyone here knows it.


Was just saying that they all make promises they don't keep. I wasn't trying to "justify" Nintendo's "failures". I was just stating a fact.


What promise has Sony broken this gen? They currently have the fastest selling console in the UK and the lineup is immense. Their first year will have had way more A+ content than the Wii U's...so, what was your point again?

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So does this mean you accept my point? It's just that your post didn't actually have any comeback, so I'm guessing that's all you had to say.


They're not comparable, and you know it. Hell, everyone here knows it.




What promise has Sony broken this gen? They currently have the fastest selling console in the UK and the lineup is immense. Their first year will have had way more A+ content than the Wii U's...so, what was your point again?

"Immense". Ok.. Tons of remakes and third party games that play better on PC is not my idea of a good lineup.


We're kind of deviating from the point of this topic now, anyway

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To me Nintendo is a brilliant developer - of games, that is.

Since the generation Wii, PS3 and XBOX360 I have converted to being a multiplatform gamer, as a Nintendo console alone is not enough anymore. And we all know why: Even though Nintendo themselves are making some decent titles every year, they have lost their good third party support since the times of the Wii. And they are always one step behind, grahically at least, and many modern developers tend to make their games to graphic-wonders.


So in my opinion it would be a wise step for Nintendo to stop making hardware and to start being a software-only developer. And I say that as a lifetime Nintendo fan. Heck, they could net millions of dollars if they'd make an exclusivity agreement with either Sony or Microsoft (I'd prefer Sony though). And they could put all their hardware development teams on software development and we could get even more of this brilliant Nintendo software!


...but since all this will never happen, I will always buy the next Nintendo consoles, even day one. It's all about the games!

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"Immense". Ok.. Tons of remakes and third party games that play better on PC is not my idea of a good lineup.


Wow, this is fucking hilarious.


What do you think basically constituted the Wii U's first year? Yet do you ever complain about that? Nope, you make some pot shots about the other consoles, but absolutely NEVER have I heard you complain about that on the Wii U.



And "plays better on PC". HA! What an extraordinarily dim-witted comment. Just about EVERY game plays better on PC! Don't you think people choose console because they prefer the social aspects, ease and longevity associated with them over whatever it is you're grasping at?



Anyway, the first year has been great so far for me - Infamous, Watch Dogs, AC4, FFXIV: ARR, Resogun, remasters such as Oddworld and Tomb Raider and then other games that will release within the first year look amazing: Destiny, AC Unity, Dragon Age, TLOU Remastered (and no doubt GTA V will be as great). Compared to Wii U's first year it destroys it.

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"Immense". Ok.. Tons of remakes and third party games that play better on PC is not my idea of a good lineup.


We're kind of deviating from the point of this topic now, anyway


Hyperbole and misrepresentation seem to be the name of the game for you, so let's get our fact on:


Fact - noun: Something empirically verifiable; known to exist or to have happened.


Let's start with the first assertion in that bilious pile of hot street trash you typed up there; there are no "remakes" on PS4 to my knowledge - upping the resolution, framerate and some physics effects on Tomb Raider doesn't count as either a "remake" or "tons," but more just extending the lifespan of a recently released game by making it available to people who want to play a console equivalent of the way the game was being played on PC anyway. Tomb Raider was an aside in the next gen release schedule. Compare that to Nintendo reaching into their increasingly shallow pocket for a game released in 2002, upscaling and adding a bunch of hideous lighting effects to the last good game in one of their mainline series, and presenting it as pretty much the biggest release that year for their flagship console.


The second point; the idea that either third party games aren't worthwhile or that they play better on PC is dishonest and moot, and I suspect that the only reason you're begrudging the fact that those games actually make up a large part of the next gen release schedule is because the current Nintendo console won't be sharing in any of that gravy.


The fact that by "superior" you seem to mean basically nothing other than graphical improvements pretty much undermines your entire rationale for owning a Wii U in the first place. Every game on Wii U would play better elsewhere but that hypothetical possibility isn't making you not play those games is it? In the same way, between Console and PC, there's a give and take; sure if you're willing to spend the money you'll likely get a graphically better experience on PC, but there are qualitative differences between it and console; PC doesn't have the same system and network infrastructure, your friends might not be on PC, you might like the way it integrates your other media and leisure activities, you might prefer a console's ease of use or the fact that exclusive games actually come out for it that aren't the same shit you've been playing since you were three. Those qualitative differences are there and almost none of them are shared by the Wii U. If you say "the gamepad" even that, as facetious and embarrassing a point as it is, is still available on the other consoles.


Nobody cares that you like the Wii U, I'm sure there are lots of legitimate reasons to, but your arguments are genuinely appalling and it seems so obvious that you'll say literally anything to ease the psychological burden of having chosen an almost political allegiance to a fucking console manufacturer.

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Hyperbole and misrepresentation seem to be the name of the game for you, so let's get our fact on:


Fact - noun: Something empirically verifiable; known to exist or to have happened.


Let's start with the first assertion in that bilious pile of hot street trash you typed up there; there are no "remakes" on PS4 to my knowledge - upping the resolution, framerate and some physics effects on Tomb Raider doesn't count as either a "remake" or "tons," but more just extending the lifespan of a recently released game by making it available to people who want to play a console equivalent of the way the game was being played on PC anyway. Tomb Raider was an aside in the next gen release schedule. Compare that to Nintendo reaching into their increasingly shallow pocket for a game released in 2002, upscaling and adding a bunch of hideous lighting effects to the last good game in one of their mainline series, and presenting it as pretty much the biggest release that year for their flagship console.


The second point; the idea that either third party games aren't worthwhile or that they play better on PC is dishonest and moot, and I suspect that the only reason you're begrudging the fact that those games actually make up a large part of the next gen release schedule is because the current Nintendo console won't be sharing in any of that gravy.


The fact that by "superior" you seem to mean basically nothing other than graphical improvements pretty much undermines your entire rationale for owning a Wii U in the first place. Every game on Wii U would play better elsewhere but that hypothetical possibility isn't making you not play those games is it? In the same way, between Console and PC, there's a give and take; sure if you're willing to spend the money you'll likely get a graphically better experience on PC, but there are qualitative differences between it and console; PC doesn't have the same system and network infrastructure, your friends might not be on PC, you might like the way it integrates your other media and leisure activities, you might prefer a console's ease of use or the fact that exclusive games actually come out for it that aren't the same shit you've been playing since you were three. Those qualitative differences are there and almost none of them are shared by the Wii U. If you say "the gamepad" even that, as facetious and embarrassing a point as it is, is still available on the other consoles.


Nobody cares that you like the Wii U, I'm sure there are lots of legitimate reasons to, but your arguments are genuinely appalling and it seems so obvious that you'll say literally anything to ease the psychological burden of having chosen an almost political allegiance to a fucking console manufacturer.

For one, Nintendo didn't dig into their pockets to make Wind Waker HD. They made that on a whim just because they were testing out styles for Zelda U. They also most certainly did not put it as their biggest release in that year. Where the hell are you pulling that from?


Also, these remakes are shameless. They're just put out to fill holes. Yeah you could say Wind Waker HD is too, and I wouldn't fight you on it. You say it's to "elongate" the game. That's bull. Look at the major releases on XBO and PS4 in the second half of this year. Halo remakes. GTA remake. Last of Us Remake. If it wasn't for Destiny, it'd be catastrophic. Other titles are still cross gen, or like I said, better on PC.


And you say "well of course they are, and Nintendo's would be too". How is that a comeback? Nintendo's games aren't. These games are. Ergo they're better on PC

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Nintendo would have to show some vague form of competence. If they moved from being utterly introverted and culturally inbred, then perhapse.


See, I lost faith in Microsoft half way through the 360's life. Sony, after an abysmal launch, started to turn things around. I had already had enoug of being treated like a second class citizen by Nintendo a month after I picked up a Wii at launch (ironic since Tamadachi Life literally does treat me as a second class citizen), so Microsoft wooed me with the 360, then Sony wooed me and with the PS3 eventually - in the later half of the PS3's life I found a feeling similar to the one I had with the N64 - cutting edge graphics and gameplay, willing to try new things, versatile, new IPs to be expected as standard. A second Golden Age of gaming for me.


So I thought I was pretty set, the PS4 is my home console. It's double team with the PS3 and Plus is actually unbeatable. But the Microsoft are doing what any good company does, they react to their mistakes. They're changing things and now they've changed the proposition of Xbox Live Gold and dropped the price of their console...well SHIT, an Xbox One looks pretty tempting. Not now, but definitely in time. And they're only going to get more attractive.


But with Nintendo, sometimes I forget they still exists - they certainly aren't a viable attentive. They have become a sideshow. There's this bizarre paradox that while their software is brilliant and their hardware is incredibly weak, people refuse to want to entertain e idea of Nintendo going Third Party. It's laughable. Nintendo sell games inspite of their crappy hardware, not because of it.


Will I ever go back to Nintendo? After Sony turn to shit, after Microsoft go out of business, after PCs and Steam...


Yeah, not a chance. Nostalgia only goes so far.

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Also, these remakes are shameless. They're just put out to fill holes. Yeah you could say Wind Waker HD is too, and I wouldn't fight you on it. You say it's to "elongate" the game. That's bull. Look at the major releases on XBO and PS4 in the second half of this year. Halo remakes. GTA remake. Last of Us Remake. If it wasn't for Destiny, it'd be catastrophic. Other titles are still cross gen, or like I said, better on PC.


Regarding 'shameless remakes' - what's worse than a remake where at least a measurable degree of effort has been put into making the game look and run much better?


A> games which have had graphically very little done to them, that are almost straight ported quite some time after the game has been released, yet are being priced at full.


For instance:


Assassin's Creed 3

Darksiders II

Call of Duty: Black Ops II

Mass Effect 3

Batman Arkham City

Ninja Gaiden III



How you can call remakes with more effort put in shameless, while ignoring the above titles on the Wii U is beyond me.


And you say "well of course they are, and Nintendo's would be too". How is that a comeback? Nintendo's games aren't. These games are. Ergo they're better on PC


Your comment is absolutely stupid and the more you make it, the more everyone knows it.


You're knocking a console's library because there are graphically superior titles available on PC, while letting another console's library go (despite their output being far graphically inferior) simply because they refuse to let their games go on another format. Just an absurd argument really.

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