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Gaming Podcasts: A Thread about Listening to Others

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Stop Skeletons From Fighting have just put out a video titled YouTube: A Horror Story  about how the platform works or indeed doesn't work a lot of the time.

It's interesting because it gives a bit more insight into how everything operates or at least gives a vague idea.

I've always liked their channel for their odd gaming peripheral stuff and I really hope they continue to make those videos in the future.

I just found it interesting as it explains a lot and why a lot of channels maybe haven't been doing so well in recent times without proper support.

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Just watched the video now, @S.C.G.

It's a volatile and over saturated market, with very little help or communication. Personally, I would never rely on making YouTube videos for a living, which it sounds like they are trying to do. You have to be either extremely lucky or play to the algorithms and constantly spit out stuff like top 10 videos, as well as being very active on the various social network channels.

IMO, it's far better to have a job and do the YouTube thing on the side. At least then you have an income, you can make what videos you want to make, not worry about clicks and in doing so remain passionate about what you're doing. When you start having to jump through hoops and altering your content just to get hits, that's when you've got issues. You essentially have to sell out just to keep afloat, which seems to be what his happening here ( no swearing, no video game violence etc ). 

Jim Sterling tweeted some stuff (seen it on Era) the other day about YouTube and making videos. He was saying that negative content is where the money is at and how any positive stuff usually just gets buried. He also mentioned that people just want the same old stuff and if content creators stray from what they usually put out then their numbers plummet. I guess this is why he doesn't put out many impressions or reviews when compared to his Jimquistion shows. 

In the past, Colin from Sacred Symbols has also mentioned stuff like this, where he would make a good, well thought out video about a gaming subject but it would get far fewer views when compared to the regular stuff that he produces. 

Anyway, back to the video. At the end of it he sounds a little like he's just begging for subscribers. He mentions he has a couple hundred thousand subscribers already and also has a Patreon. A lot of YouTubers would kill for that kind of support. He keeps saying he's not begging but....yeah. The fact he says at the end that they have stuff that people are gonna want to watch in the future just sound like some dodgy sales pitch. Why not tell people ( do a road map :p ) what's on the cards?

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Thanks for watching the video @Hero-of-Time it's good to hear your view on it. :)

I hear you on how volatile and oversaturated it all is, ideally it's better to have a job and do YouTube or whatever on the side but I've often found it to be a catch 22 because all the time I was employed I would often think about wanting to make video content at some point, ideally for N-Europe and then nothing would ever actually get done in the end because I'd feel like I didn't really have the time but since leaving my job earlier in the year, things are gradually starting to feel more possible in some way.

Recently, thanks to @LazyBoy for having an excellent idea for a videocast/podcast and the fact that we've had a good bit of interest from staff and forum members, it's looking likely that we'll be able to put something together which has a good chance of working hopefully, so I'm excited to see where it all goes even if it just ends up being something that's fun to be a part of because that's rewarding in itself but you just never know until you give these things a try; I'm definitely feeling positive about it all though. :D

With regards to SSFF... I get it, it does kind of sound like that at the end but I really think that they are just genuinely confident and passionate about the oddball videos they are planning on putting out, so it just seems to be how they go about it, and it did take them a long time to get those subscribers I believe, but I've only been listening to them for a year or two but their videos are consistently very good, when they get into a subject they really go for it and I usually learn some interesting things that I didn't know before. :grin:

But yes, it would have been good if they'd given an idea of what videos might be coming up, though I'll probably appreciate it more when the video comes out and it's a complete surprise, I hope it's something which involves either an obscure peripheral, an impressive port or a relatively unsung hero of the games industry who I know nothing of. :peace:

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You're flat out never going to make enough money only living off your youtube revenues. Market is too saturated, and you have no leverage over youtube to negotiate rates. Its also highly precarious - you're videos could be taken down or your account blocked for a number of reasons, and that's you done.

That's not to say there isn't a career to be had from being a 'youtube celebrity', but you have to get your revenues from elsewhere. Personally I have always believed your best bet here is through live shows - it opens up multiple revenue streams (tickets, merch, corporate sponsorship), is easily controlled and repeated, and gives you a way to further nurture and connect with your audience.

Getting to the point where the audience is big enough is difficult though, so focus first on doing something either original, or doing existing stuff better than anyone else.

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2 hours ago, LazyBoy said:

You're flat out never going to make enough money only living off your youtube revenues. Market is too saturated, and you have no leverage over youtube to negotiate rates. Its also highly precarious - you're videos could be taken down or your account blocked for a number of reasons, and that's you done.

That's not to say there isn't a career to be had from being a 'youtube celebrity', but you have to get your revenues from elsewhere. Personally I have always believed your best bet here is through live shows - it opens up multiple revenue streams (tickets, merch, corporate sponsorship), is easily controlled and repeated, and gives you a way to further nurture and connect with your audience.

Getting to the point where the audience is big enough is difficult though, so focus first on doing something either original, or doing existing stuff better than anyone else.

Oh I agree, personally if I was to make content on my own channel, I wouldn't even try and monetize from YouTube even if I eligible I don't think, I'd just put out some videos, see how they do and then if there was enough interest, start a Patreon and go from there, I wouldn't want to do it for the fame either, I think this is why your idea for the Untitled N-Europe Podcast is so great, no cameras involved on any of us so not so many video sources to capture, just game footage and members from an excellent community talking about their love of games while playing a few rounds of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. :D

I'm very interested to see how next week goes for us all. :peace:

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  • 2 weeks later...
12 hours ago, S.C.G said:

 Happy Console Gamer just put out a Halloween Special 2019 video.

Well, that wasn't what I thought it was going to be. I thought it was going to be a look at spooky games. :( I had to knock it off after a couple of minutes as I have trouble watching stuff like that. Too cringey for my tastes.

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1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Well, that wasn't what I thought it was going to be. I thought it was going to be a look at spooky games. :( I had to knock it off after a couple of minutes as I have trouble watching stuff like that. Too cringey for my tastes.

Ah yeah, it certainly was cringey but I thought he'd made an effort with the video so it was worth a watch I suppose.

Anyway, here's the other video which I nearly posted in addition to that one, this one does look at Spooky games...

It's from John Hancock and there are some really solid picks in there, not just your usual stuff. :smile:

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I was browsing Retronauts podcast this afternoon and seen that a few weeks ago they done an episode on Bloodstained. I haven't finished listening to it yet but I have enjoyed what i've heard so far. They talk about how Igarashi wanted to create a Castlevania game that was more accessible and that didn't have pits in it where players would instantly die if they fell into them. These ideas are what helped form Symphony of the Night. The guys were also saying how even though fans compared the game to Metroid it was actually Link to the Past that inspired Igarashi to make SOTN the way he did. Interesting stuff.

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I was feeling a little rough/tired after work yesterday so I just cabbaged in front of the TV and watched this.

It's VERY rare I watch people play through games and this was a stark reminder as to why that is the case. I can't believe how bad Huber is at playing games or at least this one. He seemed like he was constantly getting lost in Clock Town, wasn't paying attention to what was being told to him ( very important in this game ) and REALLY struggled with the boss in the Swamp Dungeon. It took him ages, as well as a few deaths, to finally figure out how to bring it down. Instead of being a nice relaxing viewing I ended up frustrated looking at what was happening on the screen in front of me.

It reminded me of a time when me and my friends used to have games nights every Friday night. One of the lads was sat playing Jak 2 on the PS2 and the rest of us were sat watching. Luke was never that great at games and it got so frustrating to watch that eventually one of the lads just took the pad from him and knocked the game off. :laughing:

You watch a lot of EZA content don't you, @S.C.G? Have you watched this yet?


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On 30/10/2019 at 7:29 AM, Hero-of-Time said:

I was feeling a little rough/tired after work yesterday so I just cabbaged in front of the TV and watched this.

It's VERY rare I watch people play through games and this was a stark reminder as to why that is the case. I can't believe how bad Huber is at playing games or at least this one. He seemed like he was constantly getting lost in Clock Town, wasn't paying attention to what was being told to him ( very important in this game ) and REALLY struggled with the boss in the Swamp Dungeon. It took him ages, as well as a few deaths, to finally figure out how to bring it down. Instead of being a nice relaxing viewing I ended up frustrated looking at what was happening on the screen in front of me.

It reminded me of a time when me and my friends used to have games nights every Friday night. One of the lads was sat playing Jak 2 on the PS2 and the rest of us were sat watching. Luke was never that great at games and it got so frustrating to watch that eventually one of the lads just took the pad from him and knocked the game off. :laughing:

You watch a lot of EZA content don't you, @S.C.G? Have you watched this yet?


I planned to reply to this post and then just didn't... but I remembered this afternoon so no time like the present. :D

I'm the same when it comes to watching other people play games, it doesn't happen that often, mostly because I think to myself... I really should be playing games instead. :blush:

The one exception at the moment is Brandon & Kyle Play Pokémon Silver because those are just too good to miss out on and it even got me back into playing Pokémon. :)

But as for the huge wealth of streams etc on Easy Allies... I've barely watched any of them, I can understand though that if you're not feeling too good, it's nice to just watch something.

Maybe now that I know what to expect from it, I might actually watch it at some point :p when it comes to Majora's Mask I can remember the first time trying to stop the moon crashing down onto Termina and failing but it only happened the once for me, I've never failed it since so assuming that it wasn't Huber's first time playing the game or if it had been a very long time since playing it then I could understand, otherwise though... just how does that happen? :indeed: I has been quite the year for him though so there is that... but yeah, I can't imagine not being able to clear that opening part now knowing what I do about the game from subsequent playthroughs.

I do watch a lot of EZA content though, you're right... I'm a Patron of theirs and I feel like I get more than enough content early for the price. :peace:

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The latest episode of Retronauts is a look back at Metal Gear Solid. It's weird because it was clearly recorded last year ( they talk about the release of PS Classic ) but for whatever reason they've just sat on it. I guess they wanted to release it close to Death Stranding or something. ::shrug: Either way, it's a great listen. They talk about what a power house year 1998 was for gaming and how MGS pushed gaming forward in a new direction. I was getting pretty nostalgic just listening to the episode, especially when various bits of music from the game played throughout it. :heart: After listening to this, I think I would have fired the game up on my Vita had I not been bogged down with other games at the moment.

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11 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

The latest episode of Retronauts is a look back at Metal Gear Solid.

Just downloaded it, gonna give it a go. Always wanted to get into video game podcasts for news, but they're kind of useless to me as I tend to spend most of my internet time on gaming news sites :D 
Podcasts about retro games seem like a good alternative.

13 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

After listening to this, I think I would have fired the game up on my Vita had I not been bogged down with other games at the moment.

I have never played the original Metal Gear Solid on PlayStation. :blank: Only Twin Snakes on Game Cube. I was 9 when the game released in Germany and never heard of it back then (Crash Bandicoot and Final Fantasy IX were pretty much my only jam when I started my Sony console journey :laughing:). Access to the internet years later opened my eyes to all the wonders of video games. Way too late to experience what is now considered as Retro when it was relevant.
Have you played the MSX2/NES games?

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1 minute ago, drahkon said:

I have never played the original Metal Gear Solid on PlayStation. :blank: Only Twin Snakes on Game Cube. I was 9 when the game released in Germany and never heard of it back then (Crash Bandicoot and Final Fantasy IX were pretty much my only jam when I started my Sony console journey :laughing:). Access to the internet years later opened my eyes to all the wonders of video games. Way too late to experience what is now considered as Retro when it was relevant.
Have you played the MSX2/NES games?

I never owned the game when it was first released ( I had the N64 at the time for OoT ) but I did play it briefly at a friends house. A year later, I eventually bought a PlayStation and caught up with the games that I missed out on, this being one of them. I fell in love with the series from there.

Nah, I never played the MSX/NES games. A lot of stuff from that era is far too dated to be played now without any kind of nostalgia attached to them.

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2 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I never owned the game when it was first released ( I had the N64 at the time for OoT ) but I did play it briefly at a friends house. A year later, I eventually bought a PlayStation and caught up with the games that I missed out on, this being one of them. I fell in love with the series from there.

May I ask how old you were at that time? 

5 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

A lot of stuff from that era is far too dated to be played now without any kind of nostalgia attached to them.

True. Nostalgia is a heck of a power. I can't play through the NES Super Mario Bros. series because I have no nostalgic relationship with 'em (and because I don't like 'em). Even though they are timeless classics - in the way that they can actually hold their own without nostalgia - I can't get through them.

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1 minute ago, Hero-of-Time said:

When I bought and played Metal Gear Solid all the way through? 17.

Interesting. I was 16 when I played through Twin Snakes. Great to see that no matter what version you played, there was a big chance of you becoming a MGS fan :D 

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As someone who enjoys hunting achievements and trophies, I'm really enjoying the EZA series called Achieve It Yourself! Because Nintendo refuse to add achievements/trophies to their systems, the guys accept made up achievements from Patreon subscribers for games across various Nintendo systems and then do their best to unlock them. Every episode so far has been a joy to watch but this weeks show was especially hilarious. 

"We ran out of screen.....WE RAN OUT OF SCREEN!" 

"We're out of time for theory. We need results!"

Hilarious stuff. :D 

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@Hero of Time yep that was a great episode of Achieve it Yourself :D I saw it about a week ago when it was an unlisted video so I couldn't share it but I loved watching it at the time. :)

I thought you'd probably like these videos, some of the achievements have been pretty inventive as well but yes... the Bonk Episode will go down in Easy Allies history I reckon. :grin:

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I haven't watched NVC in a few months, but did tune in for this absolute car crash...

"Am I being gaslit?" is the most 2019 response to any criticism, valid or no.

Amazing to witness how far IGN has fallen. Jose, Brian and Peer had great chemistry and always put on a great show, even if there was nothing of value to really discuss. I don't even know how these four got jobs. Clueless. I thought Zach went to work for Ubisoft? That was a quick return...

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49 minutes ago, Nicktendo said:

I haven't watched NVC in a few months, but did tune in for this absolute car crash...

"Am I being gaslit?" is the most 2019 response to any criticism, valid or no.

Amazing to witness how far IGN has fallen. Jose, Brian and Peer had great chemistry and always put on a great show, even if there was nothing of value to really discuss. I don't even know how these four got jobs. Clueless. I thought Zach went to work for Ubisoft? That was a quick return...

I dropped them not long after Casey took over as host. Her constant yammering on about Pokemon was annoying as hell. I just found that nobody on the show had anything new or interesting to bring to the table.

I've also reached that point with RadioFreeNintendo. I'm just finding their banter stale. James and Greg seem to be the only ones who play recent games, with Gui and John just kinda being there to fill in the numbers. When was the last time John actually finished a game? At this point he's just become a game collector. It's hard to contribute if he's not playing/finishing anything.

Frame Trap is my fav gaming podcast and has been for a while now. All of them are playing recent games and have thoughtful discussions about each of them. Ben also isn't afraid of bringing up industry wide happenings and getting a good discussion going on those as well. The fact that each episode is nearly 3 hours long is just icing on the cake.

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1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I've also reached that point with RadioFreeNintendo. I'm just finding their banter stale. James and Greg seem to be the only ones who play recent games, with Gui and John just kinda being there to fill in the numbers. When was the last time John actually finished a game? At this point he's just become a game collector. It's hard to contribute if he's not playing/finishing anything.

Admittedly I do enjoy their banter, especially John. He is a funny man.

I don't think I've even heard Gui speak about a game this year, always skip his bit. Just find him dry and uninteresting, and yes you're right, he rarely plays anything new. With John I don't mind that so much, his piece on Columns last week was gold. I like the chemistry he and James have. 

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  • 2 months later...

I finished listening to a couple of great podcast episodes today.

The recent RadioFreeNintendo episode was a great listen. I loved hearing what their picks were for games of the decade but I was also sad that they didn't allow for other console picks. James plays a bunch of games across multiple formats and John...well he collects games for multiple formats. :D I imagine the list James produced would have been far different if other consoles were allowed. Saying that, it probably would have just been made up of Yakuza games. :laughing: 

The other podcast I listened to was Frame Trap. The Kill Your Babies game they played to decide what game would win the game of the decade was absolutely hilarious. Ben's reactions to certain games being killed off early and then getting revenge on Bloodworth was priceless. I usually don't care for the silly games the EZA crew tend to play but this one was gold purely to listen to Ben's agony of what was happening before him. 

@Julius Any idea when the EZA 2019 GOTY show will be? Ben mentioned it briefly during Frame Trap but i'm not sure when it's scheduled for. I love it how the guys have this format. Rather than trying to rush out their awards like pretty much every other outlet, they give the games of last year, especially those released late on, time to breathe and then have a discussion about which were the best.

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