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Callie and Marie. Like Calamari, y'see? It's hilarity.


I'll check them out next time I'm on. So far I've banned myself from Splatoon until I tidy this shitheap of a house up a bit though - otherwise it'll never get done!


But you're the only one who plays at night.... :(



Although all this late night Splatooning and getting up at 6am is seriously damaging my sleepy time.

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But you're the only one who plays at night.... :(



Although all this late night Splatooning and getting up at 6am is seriously damaging my sleepy time.


Haha yeah I know. I've got a deadline at work but I also go when I like. Splatoon+Treehouse made me verrrrry late today!


(on the plus side, it won't be for too long...I'm already setting myself up for a mini-splatoon rewarding in a bit!)


Didn't mean to leave you @Mokong - saw it queueing with you but started hanging at one to go(had intended for that to be my last match but was gonna stay for a few with you) - nothing happened in the end and I tried powering off my gamepad and it made my wii u freeze up and I just thought fuck it.

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To be clear, it's this stage. The above image is a little indiscernible.




It supposedly should go live at 3 A.M. BST going by previous updates. And there should be 6 more free maps after that.

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Nintendo must be doing the marketing well for this game. My nephew (6 years old) saw my Inkling Girl Amiibo and said that he wants that game (he doesn't have a Wii U, though). I'm surprised he recognised the character so easily.


(He also wants me to buy more Amiibo, he loves how they're used in Smash Bros).

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I think one of the things that makes this game popular is the fact that even if you are not really good, you feel like you are contributing to your team (it will be more important when they update the online play).


I remeber playing COD/Battlefield online and while the were good (I really don't have a complaint about the games as games), the expert players would take me down to easily, every one on one I would die and at the end most of the times I would not contribute at all. It would always become to frustrating and I would get bored to soon.


I know that it didn't help not playing the single player to get used to the controls, but even with the DEMO I felt like I am doing something.

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So I played a couple games at @Zechs Merquise's and my first impression is that the motion controls are dogshit. I'd love a Wiimote on this but how they've set it up with the pad is terrible.


I'd like to use the analogue sticks for full control of aim and motion control to fine-tune, but that you can only do it so you can only use the stick to look on the x-axis and then the motion control is for the y-axis isn't natural enough, it's jarring.


So I switched it to analogue (no way I'm using motion control when it's not done well) but the sensitivity was so insanely high it was terrible... I know I'll change the sensitivity... oh, I have to wait until the game ends.


Fuck this retarded game, cannot be arsed with these shitty design flaws! Cannot be arsed!

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So I played a couple games at @Zechs Merquise's and my first impression is that the motion controls are dogshit. I'd love a Wiimote on this but how they've set it up with the pad is terrible.


I'd like to use the analogue sticks for full control of aim and motion control to fine-tune, but that you can only do it so you can only use the stick to look on the x-axis and then the motion control is for the y-axis isn't natural enough, it's jarring.


So I switched it to analogue (no way I'm using motion control when it's not done well) but the sensitivity was so insanely high it was terrible... I know I'll change the sensitivity... oh, I have to wait until the game ends.


Fuck this retarded game, cannot be arsed with these shitty design flaws! Cannot be arsed!

So you'd want a game where you can change the sensitivity in the middle of a match, and thus screw your team over?

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So I played a couple games at @Zechs Merquise's and my first impression is that the motion controls are dogshit. I'd love a Wiimote on this but how they've set it up with the pad is terrible.


I'd like to use the analogue sticks for full control of aim and motion control to fine-tune, but that you can only do it so you can only use the stick to look on the x-axis and then the motion control is for the y-axis isn't natural enough, it's jarring.


So I switched it to analogue (no way I'm using motion control when it's not done well) but the sensitivity was so insanely high it was terrible... I know I'll change the sensitivity... oh, I have to wait until the game ends.


Fuck this retarded game, cannot be arsed with these shitty design flaws! Cannot be arsed!


Next time try going in with an open mind. The vast majority of people think the motion controls are great.


"Fuck this retarded game". Yeah fuck it and the 99% of people who love it and can't stop going on about how great it is. Real retarded.

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It's daft, it's infuriating, it's NEEDLESS!


@Serebii, if I can change sensitivity on the fly it'll take mere seconds, it's not screwing over the team. I'd change the sensitivity and then I'd contribute for the rest of the match, don't be silly!


@Ronnie, yes, fuck this game. I don't care that people enjoy it, I care if I enjoy it or not.

I'm sure I will when I eventually get it and set up the controls to how I like, but as a first impression it really is a backwards, unfinished and, as a result, an under-par game. CoD on the Wii had better motion controls (fully customisable).

I do think it will get better mind, come the August update I reckon it'd be worth buying.

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@kav82 I don't want to get into other discussions, but you can't say the motion controls are shit. You may not like it, but most people love and they are really done well. Maybe it can get even better, but this right now is also great.


OK, you don't like, but it's just your opinion (I think that GTA is a horrible game and should not even be allowed, but that's just me) and honestly, I think there is no way that you went in to this game open minded.


Btw. I have finished the 3rd boss just to get the new weapon and habe just realised that you get new clothes to choose when you level up.


I have played some rank battles and I like it as it gives something different.

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Splatoon's first North American Splatfest planned for this weekend has been cancelled. There was problems with matchmaking on the Japanese version so now it's on hold for the time being.


Also, Bluefin Depot goes live in less than five.

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Going in with an "open mind"..? What are you guys on about? I know motion controls, I used them for bloody years on the Wii and still on the WiiU, I can safely say that I think they're not done well here.


It's not about having an open mind, it's about knowing they could be better. It's about seeing how uncustomisable they are and wondering why Nintendo restrict you to their way and not let you adjust them to your preference.

It's about them not allowing you change them on the fly during matches to make sure you're playing as comfortably as you can be but forcing you to wai the whole 3 minutes until you can back out and adjust them. It's more bad design!


If a 3rd Party developer was doing that on the Wii but Nintendo themselves don't do that on the WiiU, it's not that I don't have an open mind, it's Nintendo's fault for being shit!

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Splatoon's first North American Splatfest planned for this weekend has been cancelled. There was problems with matchmaking on the Japanese version so now it's on hold for the time being.


Yup. I mentioned it when it happened. The Japanese event borked the servers something bad. People couldn't connect or were getting disconnected left and right.

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Kav, I think you have some valid points, but calling things shit or retarded is why people get over defensive.

Works the other way around also by the way, so sorry to pick you out this time.

I was very toxic after I saw the E3 so decided to make two posts about it and then get away from the forum for awhile.

Everybody can have their opinion and nobody should be attacked for having one, but your style in posting/communicating with others is a choice.

I think this forum would brighten up a lot if people would:

1. Attack and defend eachtother less

2. Stop using terms that are insulting

3. Let opinions that you can't understand just go (or politely ask for deeper thoughts if you are interested)


Again, this is nothing personal, it's something I see a lot the last few years from a lot of members. And I'm obviously not a mod so maybe shouldn't act like one :indeed:

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Not a big fan of the new map at all. It looks large but it's actually quite tight and narrow.


The game has once again lost its appeal to me. I'm lucky if I can stay on half an hour without getting bored of it. Even playing with N-E people doesn't help. I've also visited the shops 2 days in a row without them getting any more new clothing in stock.


I'm getting sick of the Japsnese players and their shoddy connections. A lot of the times I play against them there is serious lag, with players eventually dropping out. I would welcome regional servers at this point.


I'm tempted to just shelve the game again until August. It's clearly not a game I can sink hours into anymore.

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Whilst his conduct may be...colourful, kav was just expressing his opinions/findings having actually tried the game after all his previous objections. @Serebii how you can think playing for a whole match with uncomfortable controls is better than taking a few seconds to change to something more suitable and productive for the rest of the match does strike me as a little silly.


As for me, I haven't used anything BUT the motion controls - but the setting/resetting of it with the Y button tends to be something I need to take some time to get right. I may at some point try turning off the motion controls but what would have been nice that @Cube mentioned the other week was if you could still use the stick to pan vertically even whilst you DO have motion controls on - that'd make it much better for me.


Not a big fan of the new map at all. It looks large but it's actually quite tight and narrow.


The game has once again lost its appeal to me. I'm lucky if I can stay on half an hour without getting bored of it. Even playing with N-E people doesn't help. I've also visited the shops 2 days in a row without them getting any more new clothing in stock.


I'm getting sick of the Japsnese players and their shoddy connections. A lot of the times I play against them there is serious lag, with players eventually dropping out. I would welcome regional servers at this point.


I'm tempted to just shelve the game again until August. It's clearly not a game I can sink hours into anymore.


I'm thinking of trying to not want to play it all the time myself, because I'm worried for an inevitable burnout. You don't mix up your setups much/at all though do you? Something you'd ever consider?

I've not seen the new map - I did jump on about 1ish last night and think I saw Kounan on briefly - I got a bit annoying with some lag issues like you mention, and also some absolute prat by the name of DWAINE who was on my team like for 2 or 3 games in a row and wasn't scoring more than 200p(the last match I saw he had 70!) and it was killing it for me. Having said that I am still waving my Inkbrush around so maybe someone else out there is thinking what a liability I am(and embarrassingly scoring top in my team with it, so you can guess there wasn't a great calibre of people on for me last night).

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Nah. I'm like that with most online games. Once I find a setup I'm good with then I just stick to it.


Yeah, I've had players like that on my team as well. How the hell do you only get 200 points in a game? You can get that by just hanging around base. These people must actively be trying to avoid paint. There's also the fact that these players may be playing with their friends and sabotaging your team to help out their mates who are on the other.

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Yeah, it's crazy how you can do so poorly. I get 200p in the first 30 seconds without fail!

And some players have no concept of tactics. Last night I took the right hand path in Arowana Mall first at the start, and was followed by two teammates! Split up FFS. I let them go and I took another route in the end, but returned to that route later and they'd barely painted anything! Safe to say we lost that match.


I for one really like the motion controls, but understand they aren't for everyone. I hated them at first, switched them off and was worse without them! So I got used to them, no tweaking of the sensitivity or anything, and do great with them now.

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Yeah, it's crazy how you can do so poorly. I get 200p in the first 30 seconds without fail!

And some players have no concept of tactics. Last night I took the right hand path in Arowana Mall first at the start, and was followed by two teammates! Split up FFS. I let them go and I took another route in the end, but returned to that route later and they'd barely painted anything! Safe to say we lost that match.


I for one really like the motion controls, but understand they aren't for everyone. I hated them at first, switched them off and was worse without them! So I got used to them, no tweaking of the sensitivity or anything, and do great with them now.

What annoys me is when the entire team leaves our entire base area untouched.


Ah well, more points for me.

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Yeah, I've had players like that on my team as well. How the hell do you only get 200 points in a game? You can get that by just hanging around base.


Sometimes my nephews come round and they love playing splatoon. My oldest nephew does fine, the youngest likes to shoot his feet and walk in his colour ink. He often gets around 100-200 points... I feel bad for the rest of his team. With constant coaching I managed to get him up to 300.. but... yeah. His team has won with him in it though so...


Just played the new map... against a terrible team. beat them with ease, 4v4 surprisingly at the end, hope most matches on this map aren't like this!

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