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5-7 hours is a great length for a single player in an online shooter in my opinion. Also that it's supposed to be very different, more platform puzzly then a shooter, and it's meant to be pretty amazing too.


I truly shocked at the negativity this game is getting on here, I think it looks incredible, plays incredible, and more excited for it than any other game coming this year, or maybe even in recent years!


You've said it yourself. It's as much a puzzle, action platformer as it is a shooter in single player. It's your opinion, but for me a 5-7 hour campaign just doesn't cut it.


I don't think it's as hot now that its true colours have been revealed. From watching all the various previews, the vibe I've got is that this game will be an 8/10 game.

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You've said it yourself. It's as much a puzzle, action platformer as it is a shooter in single player.


I just don't think it's as hot now that its true colours have been revealed. From watching all the various previews, the vibe I've got is that this game will be an 8/10 game.


Aw, Wiiiii. You say that like it's a terrible thing.




Just get the game if you want it and don't if you don't fancy it. It'll mostly be about the multiplayer anyway and that's what you should be looking at. If there's too many factors that you feel annoy you, then don't bother with it.

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Aw, Wiiiii. You say that like it's a terrible thing.




Just get the game if you want it and don't if you don't fancy it. It'll mostly be about the multiplayer anyway and that's what you should be looking at. If there's too many factors that you feel annoy you, then don't bother with it.


No 8/10 isn't bad. You can hear it in their voices and the general analysis in the previews that their enthusiasm has cooled off somewhat for the game. I've already said it's paid for, no turning back now.

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Just get the game if you want it and don't if you don't fancy it. It'll mostly be about the multiplayer anyway and that's what you should be looking at. If there's too many factors that you feel annoy you, then don't bother with it.


Pretty much.


I'm just debating whether the annoyances I have can be overlooked.

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No 8/10 isn't bad. You can hear it in their voices and the general analysis in the previews that their enthusiasm has cooled off somewhat for the game. I've already said it's paid for now, no turning back.


Perhaps it was being overhyped by a lot of people in the first place? I never hopped on the hype train and have no interest in it whatsoever, but I'd consider it coming out at something like an 8/10 as a good result for the game. It's a new IP after all and even with all of its faults has come out rated quite highly. So, it may still be worth a go for you.


Pretty much.


I'm just debating whether the annoyances I have can be overlooked.


I'd personally look at the game and look at what else you're playing around that time. If there's nothing else that grabs you, I'd just go for it. But, if you know you're not going to put as much time into it because of the flaws, then look at what else is worth playing. I'm super wary after buying both Mario Kart and Smash and hardly getting any playtime out of them.

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FFS now he's back to complaining about 5-7 hours of single player content, paywalled optional amiibo costumes and saying he's planning on taking a stand against the voice chat nonsense. Give me strength. An 8/10 game, oh the humanity!!!!


I truly shocked at the negativity this game is getting on here


It's N-Europe, Wii, and the PS4 fans, you're really surprised this thread has plunged into negativity? Head over the Splatoon thread on gaf, overflowing with hype in there.

Edited by Ronnie
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So the single player is 7 hours, but what about the quality of those 7 hours? Some of my favourite games on the Wii were short ones - Metroid Other M, Silent Hill Shattered Memories, Sin and Punishment and Ghost Squad.


A short game is fine, if what is there is good.


But there's also a multiplayer suite, which granted is limited at first, but is constantly going to be added to and built upon with major updates coming within the first three months of release.


It also happens to be what everyone has been crying for - a brand new Nintendo IP, that isn't a platform game and doesn't include Mario.


To top it all off, it is a budget release and is available on day one for £25.


I am not seeing the reason for the tears myself...

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So the single player is 7 hours, but what about the quality of those 7 hours? Some of my favourite games on the Wii were short ones - Metroid Other M, Silent Hill Shattered Memories, Sin and Punishment and Ghost Squad.


A short game is fine, if what is there is good.


But there's also a multiplayer suite, which granted is limited at first, but is constantly going to be added to and built upon with major updates coming within the first three months of release.


It also happens to be what everyone has been crying for - a brand new Nintendo IP, that isn't a platform game and doesn't include Mario.


To top it all off, it is a budget release and is available on day one for £25.


I am not seeing the reason for the tears myself...


But it's an 8/10 game and has barebones amiibo functionality!!!!



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Thank God I didn't mention that I could see 7's as well. There's no tears and as you say the price is good which I feel is what saves it from a lynching. I just think the gloss has gone off it a bit as more and more has been shown and the online details were revealed.

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A 6 hour campaign IS short and its ridiculous to suggest otherwise, but if it's as enjoyable as, say, the original Luigi's Mansion it'll be a great six hours.


The launch day release is pretty bare, that is indisputable but the promise of more maps and modes in due course is enough for me but i understand those who want to hold back for that full package feeling (so to speak). Across the years I've criticised companies for this approach to DLC and substantial day one patches and I would feel rather hypocritical not criticising Nintendo for it, quite frankly DLC should be for added value and not finishing the product. Nintendo should be applauded for the spin they put into that Direct but they can't disguise the fact that the day one package is thin. Remember though, the lower price does somewhat compensate for the light content of the day one package.


The risk to their approach is that with such limited content people could easily forget - and possibly dispose of - the game. Hopefully the additional content coming between launch and the August update will be enough to keep people interested. Another risk, I think raised by IGN at some point, is that a reviewer should give an opinion on the package on front of them, and for this reason I'm expecting slightly lower scores.. And people buy games based off these scores. This DLC approach could - as illustrated in this thread- affect sales. If Splatoon is seen internally as a sales failure it could affect not only Spltoon, but Nintendo's confidence in big new IP and the new development teams within the business. This is a risky strategy.


That aside, I can't imagine many people think this is going to be anything but a joyous experience.

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Anyone remember the tantrum caused by Nintendo fans on this forum who shall not be named when New Super Mario 3D World was scored 8/10 on here? :heh:


That review gave it an 8 because it "wasn't Galaxy 3", rather than judging it on its own merits, which 95% other reviews out there did when they gave it 9+.


Thank God I didn't mention that I could see 7's as well.


You don't get it, it was your suggestion that an 8/10 was such horrible result and Nintendo should be ashamed of themselves.

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Stop quoting me troll and stop lying. Never said it was a horrible result and never said they should be ashamed of themselves.


From watching all the various previews, the vibe I've got is that this game will be an 8/10 game.



No 8/10 isn't bad.
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Was that not Wind Waker HD? Or was it both?


Not sure about Wind Waker but with NSM3DW the mods had to close the topic and wait a while before they opened another because some people on here were outraged Ashley gave it an 8 (it culminated in one person saying he should step down from running the site).

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Not sure about Wind Waker but with NSM3DW the mods had to close the topic and wait a while before they opened another because some people on here were outraged Ashley gave it an 8 (it culminated in one person saying he should step down from running the site).


Aye, that's what I remember. Guess it was Mario then. This place, man. :indeed:

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Yeah, I just find it funny that the same people can accuse people of being babies for complaining about an 8/10 when were the ones who threw their toys out the pram over exactly the same score being awarded to another game. This place indeed. :rolleyes:

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How long is this going to keep going on? I know its mentioned quite often but this forum has gone to shit over the past few years. Its just the same arguments from the same people over and over again and its ruining threads. At some point we are going to have to accept that certain members in this place will never change and are toxic to the community. I have no problem admitting that I've had arguments and made comments about members in the past but you know what, I decided to just leave it alone and either start avoiding the certain people and rarely posting in the Nintendo section. I think its a worrying thing that I keep seeing posts every now and again from members saying how they had to leave the forum for a while because of the way its going, I myself have done that.


EDIT: Just to clarify, I dont want to be the one calling for bans. I used to think this place handed them out far too easily but I think enough is enough.

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Well said @Happenstance.


I recently stopped posting/visiting for 3 weeks because the place is a nightmare for having any decent kind of conversation. There are certain members that just need to ignore certain other members and stop reacting to their posts. 9 times out of 10 it's the same members arguing that brings each and every topic to a halt.

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Not sure about Wind Waker but with NSM3DW the mods had to close the topic and wait a while before they opened another because some people on here were outraged Ashley gave it an 8 (it culminated in one person saying he should step down from running the site).


Ya the SM3DW thread was closed, I think for a day to let those people calm down. The New Super Mario Bros. U thread, that was locked permanently and a NEW New Super Mario Bros. U thread took its place. I don't remember the Wind Waker thread closing.


How long is this going to keep going on? I know its mentioned quite often but this forum has gone to shit over the past few years. Its just the same arguments from the same people over and over again and its ruining threads. At some point we are going to have to accept that certain members in this place will never change and are toxic to the community. I have no problem admitting that I've had arguments and made comments about members in the past but you know what, I decided to just leave it alone and either start avoiding the certain people and rarely posting in the Nintendo section. I think its a worrying thing that I keep seeing posts every now and again from members saying how they had to leave the forum for a while because of the way its going, I myself have done that.


EDIT: Just to clarify, I dont want to be the one calling for bans. I used to think this place handed them out far too easily but I think enough is enough.


I agree and most of us are expressing our opinion on this game but when people come in here criticising your opinion, spreading lies and posting photos of crying babies, what does that contribute?


Anyone remember the tantrum caused by Nintendo fans on this forum who shall not be named when New Super Mario 3D World was scored 8/10 on here? :heh:


What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

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