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Star Fox Zero


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Yeah, gut instinct is telling me that it's gonna be episodic now.


1st episode out in 2015, the rest out in 2016. Retail "box set" out at the end of 2016.


After all, Starfox was originally inspired by Thunderbirds. What more fitting format than television style episodes followed by a box set release?

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Yeah, gut instinct is telling me that it's gonna be episodic now.


1st episode out in 2015, the rest out in 2016. Retail "box set" out at the end of 2016.


After all, Starfox was originally inspired by Thunderbirds. What more fitting format than television style episodes followed by a box set release?


All done in the style of starwing box art. Dreamy!


Just rewlly really hope the gamepad stuff doesn't ruin the purity of what I feel makes starfox amazing!

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Considering how early Zelda Wii U looked, he's either delusional or they really are planning on releasing the game episodically (with the first episode coming out in 2015 and the rest following in 2016)...


I think Miyamoto is in a slightly better place to say when the game will be ready. They wouldn't make a point of bringing up the quick release of both this and Zelda if they then couldn't deliver. They would have just kept quiet. And when have they ever hinted about episodic content? That doesn't sound like something they would do for such a major game.

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It still hasn't really registered with me that this game exists :eek: I love the Starfox games, to the point where I've been wanting to play through Assault again as I haven't jumped into it for years :hehe:


I think things will all become more 'real' whenever we see some footage of the game in action..

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Miyamoto mentioned he was considering mixing up how gaming was delivered. So moving away from the Movie style we seem to have now towards a more soap opera style. To be honest, I can see how it could work in starfox game, if done well.

So long as the game engine is amazing that is...

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I guess given how Assault apart, Starfox games can usually be completed pretty quickly, it does make a lot of sense for yearly updates.


Maybe even more regularly than that. Take MK8. Part 1-4 released together May 2014. Part 5 six months later, then part 6 half a year after that.


So what if Starfox releases with Episode 1 and 2 on release, then a new episode each 3 months?


either increase the content in each dlc pack, or just charge less than MK8 dlc (although comparing content could be tricky!).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Miyamoto Briefly Talks About Star Fox On Wii U


More Star Fox Wii U details were divulged during the recent interview iJustine did with the legendary Shigeru Miyamoto. It’s been confirmed that the Wii U GamePad will feature a cockpit view while the television screen will display the traditional third person view. Mr Miyamoto also revealed that his favourite character in Star Fox is the one and only, Fox McCloud.


  • Reconfirms that it will be out before Zelda.
  • Miyamoto says that he is working on and playing the new Star Fox every day and jokes that his hands hurt as a result.
  • IMO this is this is pretty big news since this confirms that he (and Nintendo for that matter as opposed to an outside company) are working on it directly.
  • Describes the basic gameplay: Cinematic (3rd person) view on the big screen, cockpit view on the gamepad. You are meant to split between the two while you are playing.
  • This sounds like the behind closed doors E3 2014 demo.
  • In response to a His favorite Star Fox character is fox (he jokes that his eyebrows make him look like a Fox).
  • Re-tells the anecdote about the shrine near him (with Torii gates that inspired the gameplay on the first Star Fox) that has a fox as the patron spirit.
  • He confirms that it will have Amiibo support.
  • It is implied that it will be something on the level of the minor support in Mario Kart (this is partly my speculation).




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Remember this?




What game does that remind you of?


The game will be out in a years time, yet it had no developer at E3. Nintendo are fond of reusing assets. I wonder if they'll use part of Zelda U's engine as a basis for Starfox's land based battles at least to speed up development? It's just a theory. Maybe stretching.

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Remember this?




What game does that remind you of?


The game will be out in a years time, yet it had no developer at E3. Nintendo are fond of reusing assets. I wonder if they'll use part of Zelda U's engine as a basis for Starfox's land based battles at least to speed up development? It's just a theory. Maybe stretching.

You're really reaching

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Still incredibly nervous about this gamepad usage... Worry it'll need to be less action packed to account for moving between the two viewpoints. I just want a pure arcade action game like lylat wars... With an amazing online dogfighting mode.


I agree. Although, that image of Miyamoto holding up the GamePad to the screen to play the game doesn't tell the full story, in my opinion. I wonder if he's holding it up to show that the GP plays a big role (the two different viewpoints) rather than actually using the motion sensors/holding the GP to the screen to make it work. Otherwise, the game will be very tedious to play for longer periods than a few minutes if that's the case.


I'm not very optimistic about this. From the poor initial reveal to the information we're getting that it'll be out before Zelda, I'm not filled with optimism.

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I'm remembering that metroid game in Nintendoland, the air ship was controlled using the motion sensors in the gamepad, right?

If they take the code from that as a start it surely gives them a good head start. Aside from managing to get myself a bit motion sick from being a bit over enthusiastic with it at one point, I was fairly impressed with how intuitive the controls felt in that mini-game.

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  • 1 month later...

A quote from Game Informer magazine.


"Nintendo is planning on bringing Fox Mcloud out of retirement for a new entry on the Wii U. Fox will be able to fly his Arwing and seamlessly transform into a tank during certian sequences. Pilots can control the game either with their Gamepad's analog sticks or motion control. The game was very early in development and looked admittedly rough the last we saw of it, but we're hoping Fox gets the new, grand adventure he deserves."

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Adventures and Assault were great.


There I said it.


Agreed on Adventures. A bit repetitive, yes. But I enjoy it.

I probably like it more than Lylat wars. Then again, I'm not a fan of space shooters in general.

The ending was utterly unforgivable though. So much build-up, wasted.

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