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To me that'd be like having the Fierce Deity mask in MM straight from the off, it adds a sense of progression to the game and rewards you for continual play.


It actually entices me to play it more, knowing I wouldn't be completely overwhelmed at the start and could build up to creating bigger and more complicated levels as I spent more time with it and learning it.


If I do get this though, it will be primarily to play other people's levels and do the 100 Mario challenge I think :)

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Yeah but this is primarily a creative game/tool and so all of the features should be unlocked from the get go, or at least unlockable after you've personally made a number of stages.


It's like buying photoshop and having half the brushes, the eyedropper, lasso tool and the crop feature missing for nine days.

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Hold on - is this for the first 9 days of the game being release, or for the first 9 days of a player owning the game? Like if you bought it two weeks later - would you have everything or have to do the creation bits?


Which again, whilst I don't agree, KG made me think above - he's looking forward to playing other peoples' levels. I think many of us are - but this is arguably a way to actually get people into the creator and play around with it, where they might not otherwise? Bit of a stretch of reasoning though.

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Yeah but this is primarily a creative game/tool and so all of the features should be unlocked from the get go, or at least unlockable after you've personally made a number of stages.


It's like buying photoshop and having half the brushes, the eyedropper, lasso tool and the crop feature missing for nine days.




Using the Fierce Link example, it's like getting to the point in the game of being able to unlock it but then a message pops up saying you have to wait X amount of days until you can actually use it.


If it's to stop people from becoming overwhelmed, i'd prefer decide this for myself, rather than have some else make that assumption.

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Personally I don't get it, then again I tend not to understand Nintendo logic these days. Why they think their fans are simple-minded idiots who'd get confused or overwhelmed by content is beyond me.


Why would they do it? If they feel some people might be overwhelmed why not do an easy mode where things unlock in time but also do an expert mode for those that are quite capable and would like everything straight away..? How hard could that be?!


I don't get this drip-feeding of content that really should be there from day 1. It's like they think their fans are all double figure IQ, glazed-over eyed, drooling zombies!

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So, how do you go about actually getting the tools? Do you have to log in each day to get each tool? Or can you insert the game disc, play around a little bit, come back after over a week and everything will be there?


@somme's got it right. It's primarily a creation tool, so everything should either be there from the start or there should be challenges or something (even tutorials) which will cause the tools to be unlocked once they are completed. I don't see the sense in doing it related to time.

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So, how do you go about actually getting the tools? Do you have to log in each day to get each tool? Or can you insert the game disc, play around a little bit, come back after over a week and everything will be there?


@somme's got it right. It's primarily a creation tool, so everything should either be there from the start or there should be challenges or something (even tutorials) which will cause the tools to be unlocked once they are completed. I don't see the sense in doing it related to time.

Have to play at least five minutes with each day's toolset to unlock the next day's


Personally I don't get it, then again I tend not to understand Nintendo logic these days. Why they think their fans are simple-minded idiots who'd get confused or overwhelmed by content is beyond me.


Why would they do it? If they feel some people might be overwhelmed why not do an easy mode where things unlock in time but also do an expert mode for those that are quite capable and would like everything straight away..? How hard could that be?!


I don't get this drip-feeding of content that really should be there from day 1. It's like they think their fans are all double figure IQ, glazed-over eyed, drooling zombies!

You're really overexaggerating this issue.


Other games have unlocks as you progress, why the hell should this not?


Seriously, some of you guys are complaining for the sake of complaining, I swear. Would it have been better if it wasn't locked to calendar days? Sure, nobody is disputing that, but the fact people think Nintendo are thinking their fans are simple minded and treating people as stupid is quite frankly the most ridiculous thing I have seen here in quite some time.

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Have to play at least five minutes with each day's toolset to unlock the next day's



You're really overexaggerating this issue.


Other games have unlocks as you progress, why the hell should this not?


Seriously, some of you guys are complaining for the sake of complaining, I swear. Would it have been better if it wasn't locked to calendar days? Sure, nobody is disputing that, but the fact people think Nintendo are thinking their fans are simple minded and treating people as stupid is quite frankly the most ridiculous thing I have seen here in quite some time.


I wouldn't be dead against unlock as you progress, but that's not really what's happening here. Like I said, if it unlocked more parts as you did tutorials or challenges, then I think that's fair. It doesn't really make a whole lot of sense the way that it's done here.

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Personally I don't get it, then again I tend not to understand Nintendo logic these days. Why they think their fans are simple-minded idiots who'd get confused or overwhelmed by content is beyond me.


Is that a personal slight after saying I would feel overwhelmed?!


I've got no shame in admitting creation games are not my strong suit, so yes I imagine I would feel overwhelmed and would respond much better to slowly building my skill set up and understanding the mechanics of it bit at a time.


Forget the Fierce Deity mask reference then if you don't like it, how about having all the best weapons in COD ready to use straight from the off in MP. Wouldn't happen, the whole point of playing more is to earn more.


And let's not forget this game will be targeted at kids (or simple minded folk like me :p) as well as 30 year olds, and so having this system in place benefits them too. We may not like it, but Nintendo have never pretended other wise (whether that's to their detriment or not is another discussion)

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I disagree completely @Serebii, I'm not complaining for the sake of complaining. I'm complaining because it doesn't make sense to me. The only thing I can think of is that Nintendo thinks it's fans aren't capable gamers and so I say it.


Other games might do it and for any level creators that do I'd complain all the same.


You can see in my posts above I think the game looks fantastic, but I'm not going to be quiet when I think it does things stupidly, we shouldn't have to, don't get all high and mighty saying we shouldn't complain!



@Kaepora_Gaebora, I meant no insult, in all honesty I hadn't registered your post as I scanned through. It's a mini-rant in frustration with Nintendo, built up from Splatoon and now this.

I'm sorry you saw this as a slight against you, I don't mean it like that, which is why I go on to say they could do an easy mode and expert mode to cater to both audiences.



In regards to things like CoD unlocks etc, I feel that's different, this is a level editor. Not having an item to create the level you want is different to not having a different gun to shoot.

On a side note, I do want everything unlocked in the CoDs from the start, those that played CoD with me will know this, I hated having to prestige to get the custom class slots unlocked and I complained about it, it's not like I didnt, I don't just complain about Nintendo!

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I disagree completely @Serebii, I'm not complaining for the sake of complaining. I'm complaining because it doesn't make sense to me. The only thing I can think of is that Nintendo thinks it's fans aren't capable gamers and so I say it.


Other games might do it and for any level creators that do I'd complain all the same.


You can see in my posts above I think the game looks fantastic, but I'm not going to be quiet when I think it does things stupidly, we shouldn't have to, don't get all high and mighty saying we shouldn't complain!

You can complain, I have complained about it. What is taking things to levels of hyperbole however is making asinine statements such as "Nintendo thinks their consumers have double digit IQs" and things like that. That's the thing I take issue with and makes me think the complaints are going overboard.

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the whole point of playing more is to earn more.


And let's not forget this game will be targeted at kids (or simple minded folk like me :p) as well as 30 year olds, and so having this system in place benefits them too. We may not like it, but Nintendo have never pretended other wise (whether that's to their detriment or not is another discussion)


But you're not earning more here. If you unlocked new tools by way of tutorials or having use certain features in other levels then yes, it'd make sense.


And as I said before, kids can pick things up faster than adults so I doubt they'd actually be overwhelmed.


It does feel like it's been dumbed down. I can't really think of another explanation for the timed unlocks other than they think people can't handle the content, which is absurd. This is 2d Mario not the intricacies of cosmology.

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You can complain, I have complained about it. What is taking things to levels of hyperbole however is making asinine statements such as "Nintendo thinks their consumers have double digit IQs" and things like that. That's the thing I take issue with and makes me think the complaints are going overboard.


Why take it so seriously Serebii? It's like you see it as a personal insult, it's not. It's a mini-rant as I feel Nintendo are doing something that doesn't make sense.


Also, I never said Nintendo think their consumers have double digit IQ's... I said it's LIKE they think that, that is how it appears to me (albeit exaggerated). So it's not an asinine statement. It's how I feel and so it's perfectly valid.

Why do you never complain when I make over exaggerated positive comments like Xenoblade and Zelda being "boner-inducing" and that after watching videos of them I "nerd-gasm and make a mess of my pants"? They're over the top statements of the ilk I come out with but you never have issue with them.



...holy crap it's better than I imagined it would be! I'm glad they've pushed the boat out on it... this is more like it Nintendo!


Just so people know I think the game looks great, even if I think Nintendo do make silly implementations within the game.

I'm not complaining for the sake of complaining, I'm doing so because I find what they're doing doesn't make sense.

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The system works amazing in Splatoon, I wish they did it for smash bros, and I don't mind it in this, but every day is a bit much, but I aint too bothered, the principle of it I like a lot; but why can't they just unlock a new batch every time you make a level? Make a level, unlocks stuff, make another level, unlocks more. Surely it's not arbitrary time, but the creation itself they're trying to focus and guide.


Not a big deal though, but people love to exaggerate insanely with negatively with the smallest things nintendo do these days....

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Personally I don't get it, then again I tend not to understand Nintendo logic these days. Why they think their fans are simple-minded idiots who'd get confused or overwhelmed by content is beyond me.


You haven't been to Miiverse very often, have you?


There are Mario players out there who struggle to grasp the concept of holding a button to run.


I can totally see why they're doing it, could have been handled better, but I'm OK with it.


In fact, thinking about it, it's perfect for me. I plan on making a whole bunch of levels. Starting with an entire game's content worth of them, and I want it to progress smoothly in difficulty, not having the more complex features straight away will stop me accidently putting a more difficult enemy in an early level.


It will also show who the truly creative users are in those first 9 days.

Lack of tools can really show who has the most inspired creations. Flipnote Studio taught me that.


EDIT: Also, it's 9 days! With at least 5 minutes a day spent creating stuff!

Are you really telling me you'd get bored of this after 45 minutes? Because if so, I don't think this game is for you.

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Seriously, some of you guys are complaining for the sake of complaining, I swear.


This, again, is referencing the people making their arguments rather than the arguments themselves. Less of this please. If you cannot handle someone's argument then attacking the person(s) making it is not going to help anything at all.


I do find it a strange decision, and I struggle to understand it. With Splatoon I can see a strange sort of sense to it all, with this and 9 days I cannot.

Unless again it's about stresstesting the system - but I can't even see how this would really be doing that much to warrant it.

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Never mind the nine day thing - the main worry I have about the game is how difficult it may end up being trying to find truly innovative levels. As soon as it comes out, I can see it being flooded with hundreds of levels that are just filled with loads of enemies and enemy towers, rather than ones that use the platform placement and other elements in creative ways. I reckon it's also going to be quite hard to get your level noticed - so many will come out at once, I fear the majority will just sink without getting the chance to be discovered. Will hopefully be proved wrong, though!

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Never mind the nine day thing - the main worry I have about the game is how difficult it may end up being trying to find truly innovative levels. As soon as it comes out, I can see it being flooded with hundreds of levels that are just filled with loads of enemies and enemy towers, rather than ones that use the platform placement and other elements in creative ways. I reckon it's also going to be quite hard to get your level noticed - so many will come out at once, I fear the majority will just sink without getting the chance to be discovered. Will hopefully be proved wrong, though!

I think that is another reason why they're doing this. Give people few tools at first so it's not just insanity

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Never mind the nine day thing - the main worry I have about the game is how difficult it may end up being trying to find truly innovative levels. As soon as it comes out, I can see it being flooded with hundreds of levels that are just filled with loads of enemies and enemy towers, rather than ones that use the platform placement and other elements in creative ways. I reckon it's also going to be quite hard to get your level noticed - so many will come out at once, I fear the majority will just sink without getting the chance to be discovered. Will hopefully be proved wrong, though!


We can help with that.


May I suggest that everyone who buys this makes a vow.


If you find a creator that makes good quality levels (Not just one, at least a few), recommend that creator to the rest of us here, so we can try them.

It'll help alleviate the issue of too many insane levels at least a little.

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