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amiibo (NFC)


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Still waiting for one good reason as to why we need amiibo? Yes I get that some people like collectibles but I play games. It's a branching out of merchandising but they are not needed to play games. Nor should they be.


Seriously, I don't see what you're up in arms about? You've just said yourself that they aren't really needed to play games, which is all you want to do, so why does their existence annoy you?


If Nintendo were locking content behind them, forcing you to purchase them, then fair enough. As it stands these are just extra Nintendo collectibles which add a little something to the games.

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Seriously, I don't see what you're up in arms about? You've just said yourself that they aren't really needed to play games, which is all you want to do, so why does their existence annoy you?


If Nintendo were locking content behind them, forcing you to purchase them, then fair enough. As it stands these are just extra Nintendo collectibles which add a little something to the games.


If that's all they are, collectibles, like you say, fair enough. I'll have no problem whatsoever with them. But we don't know yet fully what Nintendos intentions are with them. They could have a fairer conversion rate too. They're no doubt made in China so why the States gets a better price than us ain't right.


Add up the saving on the 12 launch figures and there's your copy of Smash Wii U easily paid for.

Edited by Wii
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Why not £9.99?! That's such a perfect amount!!


@Wii please get over it, they're here, a lot of us are excited by them, nintendo as a business NEED them (ultimately the main point), no we don't need them, but we didn't need the wheel to play mario kart but we liked it, or the gun shells, we don't NEED a bigger screen on our phones or 3DS's but a lot of people WANT it!! You don't, don't buy. But I really hope Nintendo add in some awesome Amiibo features to make it more annoying for you! :)

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The Witcher 3 is a good example at how complicated economy can be: The developers really, really want to sell stuff here at the same price as the USA, but for some reason they can't. Instead, they give people vouchers for their store.

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There's no consistency. Some say it's down to different economies. Well if you take The Minish Cap which I'm looking forward to buying in the forthcoming sale on the eShop. The price converts to the corresponding denomination amount across all 3 territories and yet other games on there have massive discrepancies in price. The same with amiibo. Why? I'm not picking an argument, I'm just asking. So stop getting all defensive.


Part of the point of the Minish Cap reference is that at €5 I'll jump at the price(I've said numerous times that if GBA games were €5 I'd buy a lot more) but if amiibo is €15 as opposed to €10 that it converts to I won't be jumping at anything. I might buy one out of curiosity at €10 and I would have said the Samus one was the best but the picture of the new Zelda one looks even nicer. It's not just about €15, it's also knowing I've to pay more than everybody else in other territories. I hate being ripped off. There's no confirmation of €15 but it's like those other situations where prices are rounded up to the nearest 5 or 0. I think €10 or lower was the magic number but it won't happen.

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Why? I'm not picking an argument, I'm just asking. So stop getting all defensive.


Essentially, it comes down to this: We really don't know the specific reason. There are loads of complicated laws, import issues, shipping differences and stuff we don't know about.


It's a complicated issue. I work for a company that imports large amounts of stuff, and the cost price changes due to currency fluctuations, shipping costs (it's never the same) and various customs problems and document delays.


There's no consistency because there really is no consistency in moving stuff do different countries.


Hyrule Warriors is another odd one. Here the RRP is £40 including tax, in America it's $60 before tax. At 20% tax and convert it into pounds and you get £44.05 - so we somehow get that one cheaper.

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Isn't it just a case of Rip-off Britain again?

Either way - you can opt out...safe in the knowledge that, just like every other 'figurine' title, the price will drop after the initial buzz wears off. Nintendo would do well to release 'packs' ala Infinity too. Say, Mario, Bowser and Peach for a minor discount.

No doubt that will come in the long term just as limited edition characters will too. Mario in a Tanooki Suit/ Link in Goron Tunic etc. are probably down the line too.


Wait it out. With the public perception of Wii U the Amiibo's could drop to that lovely £9.99 price range. And with supermarkets fighting for your pennies, the consumer could benefit.

Edited by tapedeck
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Why doesn't the card stuff exist here?


You don't "need" amiibo to unlock things. They're forcing that upon us if indeed that's what they do. Yes the content can exist without a figure. Put it on the disc and don't hide it unless you have a key(amiibo).


Yes the article is full of fail on Nintendos part. I'm not going through it all, especially not for someone like you who refuses to deal with reality but I'll highlight these bolded sections from it:


  • Nintendo Network Will Be The Real Deal When They Are Ready To Unleash It
  • Nintendo Will Try And Keep Every Hit Game ‘Fresh’ With DLC Until The End of its System’s Lifespan
  • Miyamoto Has More Time To Look For the Next Big Hit


  • How long does it take and Nintendo Network is not all it could or should be?
  • Super Mario 3D World and Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, 2 major examples beg to differ
  • Miyamoto has had 2 and 1/2 years and still nothing(2 awful small projects and who's even working on Starfox?)


You're the one who is biased and can never accept any criticism of Nintendo. Most other people here see the good and the bad, myself included that Nintendo do. I don't need to take crap from you a confirmed liar.

Which I why you told us all you'd added Serebii to your ignore list... and yet here we are again.
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Which I why you told us all you'd added Serebii to your ignore list... and yet here we are again.


I did but then you miss his nonsensical clap trap so I took him off unlike that other rodent above who just throws digs and insults.

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