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Are letters of resignation still really used these days? I have mine more or less ready but still havent pulled the trigger yet due to no job to go to. People seem split between a talk and an email will do or going the full resignation letter route.


I'm a bit behind here as I've been away by my 2 cents... I go for a chat with my manager and follow it up with an email to confirm so that it's in writing. I don't think there's any need for a letter.






My job situation. Can't remember what I last said here so will start at the beginning. I work for a major bank and at the start of August they announced my project was being cancelled. I was told that I was being kept on (for reasons unknown) but at the start of September I was handed my notice. They said it's the 21st of September but my agency are currently fighting as they think it should be then 29th... We'll see what happens.


Since the start of August I've been in the office once and done exactly no work. I'm back from holiday now and have been told not to even bother logging in other than to check emails once or twice a day. Quite a nice life as I'm being paid for it.


Back on the job hunt now. Had a few interviews and will hear back from one of them tomorrow. Not got my hopes up as everyone else did the interview in person but I was over Skype as I was away. They are hiring a number of people so you never know. Got another interview on Wednesday for the same bank I'm at right now. Quite hopeful about that as the advertised rate is significantly higher than I'm going in at so got that going for me and my skills match the job spec really well.

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Can I join? I'm thinking 5 pages?

I'm not sure... I was thinking 5 pages myself. Might have to go for 6 instead:

2 pages about you mentioning how much you love your new job

1 pages bitching about a manager at your new job

2 pages continuous bitching whilst looking for a new job

1 new job accepted.


I think it's possible.


Let's do this. :p

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I'm not sure... I was thinking 5 pages myself. Might have to go for 6 instead:

2 pages about you mentioning how much you love your new job

1 pages bitching about a manager at your new job

2 pages continuous bitching whilst looking for a new job

1 new job accepted.


I think it's possible.


Let's do this. :p

To be fair, I didn't have much of a problem with this one right up until now, haha.


My only real problems lie with customers...yup, such is life!


I've done this job before. It's just going back to the shoe place. I got on well with the team but the manager was too much, especially considering everything that happened last year.


However there's a new manager, the team (who I kept in touch with a lot after a year) have told me she's good. Firm but fair but also a laugh. She seems nice and disliked the last manager.


My next job, hopefully, will be a gym. With that comes a free membership...not complaining for shit, hahaha

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Looks like I'm going to get another warning, as mentioned about my Facebook post. They first try to say I was "bringing the company into disrepute/damaging the brand", as if I was the one cutting the trading hours/jobs, which is simply wrong. Now they're hanging onto the fact that I made a post about that supermarket despite being warned about posting about that supermarket before (those times it probably was warranted being disciplined though, I can't remember)


I really hope this Mecca thing goes well on Friday.

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Got a call just now that the faculty whose job (student assistant) I applied for two weeks ago wants me.

It appears my first job interview after 6 years went well.


If everything goes as planned I will sign the contract either this or next week.



(random question: is "whose" suitable to refer to things and animals as well as persons? It's the only English possessive pronoun I know)

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(random question: is "whose" suitable to refer to things and animals as well as persons? It's the only English possessive pronoun I know)




determiner & pronoun

pronoun: whose



belonging to or associated with which person.

"whose round is it?"



determiner: whose



of whom or which (used to indicate that the following noun belongs to or is associated with the person or thing mentioned in the previous clause).

"he's a man whose opinion I respect"


I don't know if that helps but... ::shrug:


Anyway, congrats on the job. :)

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Are letters of resignation still really used these days? I have mine more or less ready but still havent pulled the trigger yet due to no job to go to. People seem split between a talk and an email will do or going the full resignation letter route.


I'm a bit behind here as I've been away by my 2 cents... I go for a chat with my manager and follow it up with an email to confirm so that it's in writing. I don't think there's any need for a letter.


I've always typed up a letter of resignation. I schedule a meeting and hand it to them in person, then email them a copy so they've had physical, electronic and verbal. Makes it easier for them if they want to show it to somebody else, and you've got an email record of it so they can't dispute that you've handed it over.

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In terms of resignation letters the last few I've given in I've said in person and then followed up with an email but that's because I got on with my bosses so it was easier to do so. Well, easy in theory. Actually saying it I felt a bit bad :heh:

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What did you say in yours?


The actual email? Think it was something like "as discussed I would like to hand in my resignation as of this date with my last date at work being February 5th". It was for HR more than anything else.


Face-to-face? Well I started with "you're not going to like this..." and it became pretty clear.

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In the last few weeks I've applied for several student assistant jobs and had 3 interviews last week.


As you know I've been offered a job by one faculty and today I signed the contract.

I also got a call from a different faculty who wanted me to work there. I apologized and said that I accepted a different job.

The lady was seriously pissed..."What? This is unacceptable. Thank you for wasting our time." and then hung up.




I mean, yes, I kinda did waste their time, but they had other applicants (they explicitly told me more than once during the interview) and is it so wrong of me to apply for other jobs and maybe take one if I get the chance and the job seems nice?

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In the last few weeks I've applied for several student assistant jobs and had 3 interviews last week.


As you know I've been offered a job by one faculty and today I signed the contract.

I also got a call from a different faculty who wanted me to work there. I apologized and said that I accepted a different job.

The lady was seriously pissed..."What? This is unacceptable. Thank you for wasting our time." and then hung up.




I mean, yes, I kinda did waste their time, but they had other applicants (they explicitly told me more than once during the interview) and is it so wrong of me to apply for other jobs and maybe take one if I get the chance and the job seems nice?

If she thought that you were pinning your future on just going for that job and no other then she's naive at best, stupid at worst. Imagine all the people's time she wasted on interviews as she fires off rejection letters.

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In the last few weeks I've applied for several student assistant jobs and had 3 interviews last week.


As you know I've been offered a job by one faculty and today I signed the contract.

I also got a call from a different faculty who wanted me to work there. I apologized and said that I accepted a different job.

The lady was seriously pissed..."What? This is unacceptable. Thank you for wasting our time." and then hung up.




I mean, yes, I kinda did waste their time, but they had other applicants (they explicitly told me more than once during the interview) and is it so wrong of me to apply for other jobs and maybe take one if I get the chance and the job seems nice?


That woman is an idiot. Ignore comments like these. It's absolutely acceptable that you apply for other jobs and if you get a better offer of course you're going to take it over another one.

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I think I'm stuck between an anus and a hard place on the job front.


My "experience evening" at Mecca was uneventful, it was basically a free night of bingo. Even the staff were having some banter with me over it.


However... I had a quick chat with the duty manager and she said it was part time. 16 hours... my heart sank, even though she mentioned overtime. I had a word with a friend who works there and she mentioned how she started on 16 hours and became full time after 10-12 weeks.


They're going to give me a call about a trial shift on Monday, but I'm going to have to try and get some sort of guarantee that even if I won't start on 25+ hours, I will be able to get more soon. Otherwise I'll have to refuse, because I can't live on 16 contracted hours a week. I could last a couple of months if I used some of the house money Mummy gave us to as a potential stop-gap. But for only a coupla months.

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So I've had a very interesting week...


I went back to work on Monday, notice in hand and smiling at the fact I'm leaving the back-stabbing manager behind. So I walk in, smiling and she's smiling and says "The regional manager still hasn't contacted me so I still don't know what's happening with your job. I've done your shifts for next week and we'll take it from there".

I just raised my hand with my notice, handed it to her and said "I already know what's going to happen". She said "I take it this is your notice?" and I said "Yeah" and said "I don't blame you" and I just said "Nope but I blame you and I'm just speechless at everything". Didn't say a word for the rest of the shift.


I had a day off on Tuesday so I went back to the shoe shop and finalised everything with them. The manager there wanted me to meet a couple of the team I didn't know and we all pretty much gelled. The manager made us all a coffee whilst the store was quiet and we were having a laugh. I was offered one of them big-ass cookies you get from Subway but resisted temptation! Go me! Anyway, I had to photocopy my driver's license so I went to the Post Office to use the photocopier. The woman in the Post Office and I got to talking (as she knew me from when I used to work in the shoe shop). She asked me a lot of stuff and then offered me a job there (Sorry @EEVILMURRAY). She said she'd match whatever hours the shoe shop were offering me and would raise whatever they were paying me. I'd get £7.20 an hour on a 30 hour contract but I'm mega shit at counting so it's probably not for me, lmao.


Wednesday come and I went back to my job and the regional manager was there. My manager made herself scarce and the regional said "Why are you leaving? I don't want you to leave!"

I looked at her, puzzled and said "Wait, what?" and she said "My plans was never for you to leave"

"Why did you advertise my job if you didn't want me to leave?"

She said "I wanted to put you in the new store (which will be next door to the shoe shop!!!) because you're a solid worker with fantastic sales figures. I wanted the new store to get a great headstart. I got two other lads from different stores who were good at pushing sales to work there. I don't know if you know this but you're actually one of the best in the region."

I said "Am I?" and asked if my manager ever mentioned it and I said no.

"It was always a choice. You could stay here if you wanted to but honestly, I don't want you here because I think you'd work better with the new team. It's a group of lads, you close at 5 and you have first refusal on any contract ranging from Supervisor to Sales. I did tell your manager about the transfer"

"Well, I definitely wasn't informed to that extent! She just said I could be fired or could have a transfer and I didn't know. I didn't want to take the risk so I got another job"

She wasn't happy. "I'd never have got rid of you. You're one of the best workers in the region! I can't believe you didn't know and I'm shocked she didn't tell you. Your figures boosted your team's commission".

I was quite shocked and said "So why wasn't I told ANY of this?" and she said "I'd like to know that too...have you and the manager had any problems? Any arguments?"

I said I didn't and then told her everything that happened, including her saying I was in Sunday when I wasn't.

She said "Wait, something doesn't add up...if you were meant to be in Sunday, why would you send your father down to the store? If you were meant to be in, you'd know she wasn't there" and I said "Exactly. She was meant to be in but she overslept or forgot or something and because it's a potential sackable offence, she threw me under the bus and told you I was when I told her that I wasn't going to be in. I have two staff members who are witness to my dad arriving at the store to tell my manager about me being in hospital."

We talked a little more and she actually believed me. She said "How about I give you a week to think about it during your notice? See if we can work something out?" so I said okay and carried on the rest of my shift.


On Friday in the morning shift, I went to the toilet and came out on the shop floor at 9am. She marched up to me and said "I know you've been spreading it around that you don't care about working here but you need to set an example to the new staff here by arriving on time"

I said "I start at 9am, I'm on the shop floor at 9am and I was having a piss if that's okay with you"

She said "Well, you need to set a good example"

I said "The best example you could set to your staff is not to lie about them and own up to your shit. How about that for setting an example" and we never spoke for the rest of the shift.


Roll onto today and we hardly spoke. She tried to have a laugh with me but I was feeling angry but still acted professional for the customers so I faked it. Anyway, later on in the shift, she leaves an hour earlier than she's meant to and leaves me alone with another member of staff.

The phone rings and it's the regional manager asking for my manager. So I told her she left her shift an hour early because she worked over (when she didn't and even if she did, so what, I work over and don't get any lieu time or paid for it).

"She isn't supposed to leave yet!" she said.

I told her she always does it on Friday as well, when it's delivery day and the delivery is huge and leaves two hours before the end of her shift and leaves me and the staff to finish delivery. "I knew there was something happening. She's on holiday for a week as well, isn't she?" and I said "Yup"

So she asked if I made a decision and I told her that I was going to leave. She seemed genuinely upset about my decision. She said "It is such a shame. She was messaging me, telling me she wants to keep you there and hoped you didn't leave" and I said "Don't be fooled, it's because I'm the only one there that's fully trained now. Everyone else is new" and she said "Oh, I see...she'll learn. Her sales will definitely drop now. I don't get the girl. Between you and me, I think she's a bit mad and not a very good manager. Too many people keep coming and going there and all of her team have left in the space of two months. She's too picky at who she wants and a lot of the time, they're not even good apparently. Are you sure you won't stay?"

I said I was sure. "Two things I hate: Being lied about and being lied to and both have happened to me by her. She lied to you about me saying that I was meant to be in on Sunday when I PROMISE I wasn't and she's lied to me about this transfer lark and it's just got me upset. She also said to me that you said I made my decision and I was staying as well"

"I did no such thing" she said.

"I don't know what's going on with her"

She asked me again if I would reconsider and I said "I don't want to work in this shop anymore. It's stressed me out so much. However, I wouldn't mind working at the new shop too much. If it doesn't work out at my new job, could I come back to the company but NOT at this shop?"

And she said "Of course, you have my word that you'll always have a job. Keep my number in your phone and if anything happens, just phone me and I'll see what I can do"

I thanked her and hung up.


It's great to actually be acknowledged by the regional manager. Apparently she doesn't say "well done" or anything so the fact that she sung my praises was an absolute confidence booster. Also, to know she was on my side is good too. I just can't wait to leave but it's good to know I have a back-up plan...if she sticks to her word. Good to know that my manager won't be getting away with her lies when she comes back. But wow, what a week!

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Long post


So, why not go to the new shop, that the regional manager seems to be offering you? You'd then be away from the manager you don't like, right? And you left the shoe shop before because you didn't like that/had a problem with staff there, if I remember correctly?


To me, that sounds like the better option...

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So, why not go to the new shop, that the regional manager seems to be offering you? You'd then be away from the manager you don't like, right? And you left the shoe shop before because you didn't like that/had a problem with staff there, if I remember correctly?


To me, that sounds like the better option...

The shoe shop I'm talking about is the one from last year. I got along with everybody but the manager because she was too set in her ways (and apparently, it was revealed she did everything wrong anyway).


She's left now and there's a new manager. I got along very well with the team and we've kept in touch and talked all the time. They were very supportive when my Grandad passed and checked in constantly to see if I was okay, which was really nice. Also, I've given them my word and handed all the documents in and stuff. I'd feel like a dick.


The new shop isn't open yet and is going to open at the end of this year/next year but she said she gives me her word that I will always have a job.


I'll be honest, I'm still pretty stunned. I honestly didn't think I was going to be that missed. It's nice to feel appreciated for once by someone in head office. I've never properly had that before. I've had half-arsed emails that have said "well done to..." with a tonne of names who have beaten target but to actually hear someone tell me was awesome.


I'm also still stunned that my friend of 5 years would do something like this (my manager). Fair enough if I pulled a sickie or genuinely done something wrong but she's been caught out in so many lies. It almost knocks me sick.

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