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Job woes/wins


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It seems, seems, that the company that hired us was a recruitment thing hiring for this firm which is opening an office here in Nottingham, it still doesn't look that tidy yet but the short induction bit yesterday seemed legit. I almost kept nodding off during the end because I was ill as fuck the night before, shitting every hour and almost vomiting, which led to some self-induced purging in the morning, stuff was black as oil. I don't eat oil. Anyways, had about 12 hours sleep now so feeling more refreshed.


Two weeks induction followed by six month temping at this firm which could lead to permanent. If anything I can say I've gotten experience, so here's hoping!

The place is starting to look a little more legit-ish now. Place still looks a mess in some rooms, but we're at desks with computers. After about a weeks worth of doing shizzle on said computers we've been given logins to get on the computers without the secretary lady (still unsure on her actual role) logging us all in. We haven't gotten logins for another essential program though so we've been floundering for the past coupla days doing mundane things, in the sense that they'd ask us to do something, say they'll check up on us shortly and completely forget about us. And I heard her phoning up more people for inductions/interviews. Some of us still aren't sure about the place.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Muddafucka... How many more job offers have you had? :santa:


I had 2. CEX told me to hand in my CV because they wanted to take me on for the Christmas period (Quote: "You're always in here, you may as well get paid for it", haha) and some Pound shop but I think he just wanted anybody but everyone knows of him and he has a bad reputation so Hell to the no!


Also, my job is still going great. My only problem was working Christmas Eve and Boxing Day -_-. I can't complain though- it could be worse. My stomach thing had come back. Accidentally ate something spicy (don't ask) and my stomach did not like it. Work saw I was suffering and the team worked out a rota for me to have a few days off. My manager has been phoning me, asking if I was okay and that the team were asking for me. It's actually been really nice. I phoned them a couple of times to see how they were but they told me to focus on getting better. I go back in tomorrow, which is cool.


I'm actually loving this place at the moment. It's been 4 months and apart from the obvious customers, it's been really good.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Following on the following on of this...


The place is starting to look a little more legit-ish now. Place still looks a mess in some rooms, but we're at desks with computers. After about a weeks worth of doing shizzle on said computers we've been given logins to get on the computers without the secretary lady (still unsure on her actual role) logging us all in. We haven't gotten logins for another essential program though so we've been floundering for the past coupla days doing mundane things, in the sense that they'd ask us to do something, say they'll check up on us shortly and completely forget about us. And I heard her phoning up more people for inductions/interviews. Some of us still aren't sure about the place.


Update on this. We now have logins and our phones have just been given direct numbers. I've brought in a few office things and my desk looks all proper n' shit. Got one of my Dragonballs next to my monitor.


We still haven't been given contracts yet, which they're "chasing up". However we think they're pushing us a bit too hard. Especially since we've had not-the-greatest form of training, which was basically just showing us a document, telling us what to do and expecting it done perfect straight away without any practice. Two people have quit already, one got another job and we think the other just got overwhelmed, she was doing a LPC course so we think she just wanted to focus on her studies without being pressured so much.


They're expecting 15 perfectly ready to go litigated case each week. Which at the moment seems impossible as your progress is dependant on how cooperative the client is. One client was sending me everything I asked for, the end was in my grasp. Then she went into hospital and I couldn't get anything else. Unfortunate for both of us.


At the moment I seem to be the "best" employee thus far. One colleague noticed the boss and secretary lady talking on Skype (they're on opposite sides of the room) and noticed I was being marked 9 on things. Which is nice to know but feels like the pressure is on. However, if I can basically blag my way through why I haven't gotten things done, for example I need document X and I've rang these people, emailed them too, they seemed to accept that yes, I haven't gotten the task done, but I've done everything I can from my end and the ball is in the client's court. If they want compensation, they've gotta get their shit together.


What seems to be perplexing us newbies it that some of these cases have been left for so long they're nearly unworkable. In a personal injury claim like we deal with, they've got 3 years from the date of the accident to file a claim or they're shot. One case I have is going to run out in 5 months, this shit shouldn't really be happening. I can hear the phone ladies taking details for new cases and I gets me in a fright that we may not get round to dealing with their claim for 1-2 years because of this bullshit backlog we've got.


One thing that is beginning to chap my ass is other newbies asking me for help, mainly because I keep getting into trouble about it. One lady in particular, lovely lady, but always keeps saying "Can you show me how to do this..." and my mind is going "No, I'm not going to show you, I'm going to tell you, and you're going to do it." She has been off last week on holiday, so we're all worried how she'll cope being behind next week.

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Finally got round to starting my tax return. After spending a long time trying to find my appropriate P45 (could find ones before and after) and then a little while longer battling with the SLC site (fucking SLC) I put all my figures in. It said I was undertaxed by my employer and owed some money, then when I clicked calculate it says HMRC owe me much more money. I have no idea what's going on. I'll figure it out tomorrow...


But in actual work news, went for drinks with my former boss last week offering me some temp work back there. On the one hand the money is better, the work will be more interest (albeit piecemeal) than what I'm currently doing and the people I liked were nice...but on the other there were people I don't like, it's a bit further out (although counter point - I cycled a lot more to that place because it was quicker) and there's sod all food places around there. I've been spoilt by being right opposite Planet Organic and near many many other places.


I probably will go for it.

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We looked into moving to Canada, and got as far as taking the language test (nailed it, I speak English so good), but ultimately decided against it. Depending on what happens at the next election though....might change our minds.

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Yeah I've been mulling over similar recently (except I'm all alone and thus no commitments, sucker). Canada makes a of sense career-wise, but I kind of want to try bits of Europe while its still easy.


My mind is currently in Lisbon, but that might be because my body is currently in the UK.

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Its weird, I'm starting to feel more productive with work when I work from home. When I'm there I feel bad if I dont get a good amount of work done but while I'm here I tend to spend all my time on the Internet. My day today was spent doing bits of work inbetween Pokemon Go, looking at wrestling gifs, shopping on Amazon and watching Giant Bomb try to play through Contra.

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My bloody boss! We have a big development committee meeting coming up next week with all the governors for the school so I wrote up an agenda and a load of information they would need. She then decides none of it is needed and I should just send out an email saying "looking forward to seeing you on Monday". The chair of governors sends a really angry email back asking why we arent sending out all the usual information so my boss rings me on my day off and acts like I never told her to do it in the first place and asks me to put together all the stuff!

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My bloody boss! We have a big development committee meeting coming up next week with all the governors for the school so I wrote up an agenda and a load of information they would need. She then decides none of it is needed and I should just send out an email saying "looking forward to seeing you on Monday". The chair of governors sends a really angry email back asking why we arent sending out all the usual information so my boss rings me on my day off and acts like I never told her to do it in the first place and asks me to put together all the stuff!


Did you mention the agenda to them in person or via email?


This is why I always try to send stuff via email. Need to keep a record.

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Three people have... not had their contracts renewed after only partway into the next stage. There's only 3 of us now down from 8.


Quit my job to go back to a place I left a year ago after quitting three times ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Life comes at you fast.

You quit one job three times? And you've gone back for a fourth time?

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No they approached me and got in a bidding war with my current employer.


Just got a message from my current boss saying senior management is trying to find a way to keep me so it looks like the bidding war is continuing. They're at a disadvantage though as they pay me through an agency which takes a cut, so they have to pay a lot more just to match. Unless they're willing to take me on as a contractor...hmmm...


I did tell current place that new (old) place is paying me a tad more than they actually are. Somewhat risky as current boss' boss is new boss's old boss and they're still in touch. Got that?

Edited by Ashley
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Couldn't they hire you direct? Y'know, if you "left" or is it that if you're introduced by an agency they've always gotta pay the agency?


Takes about six months for the HR department to get round to doing anything, which is why they waste a lot of money hiring temps.

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Been offered a £250 monthly raise to stay in my current position (Nobody) in my current school (Shitty Education, Inc). I can't believe I'm actually considering leaving as I will be on Silly Money, but there's no opportunity for a career here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had enough of an individual in the office, to the point I put in a complaint against them. Basically, they have an opinion, don't like listening to other opinions. And love telling people how to do their jobs. This person isn't even a manager, and it annoys a lot of people.

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Update on the work stuff.


I was on leave last week and got a WhatsApp from my 'boss' (was my boss but isn't technically now I've moved on to the other project) saying he's been asked what it would require for me to stay. I spoke to someone senior yesterday and they put forward a proposal for some work and agreed to match the money. Had a look over but it's too ambitious for the time frame stated so I emailed the person (who I knew anyway) asking to meet tomorrow to go over it. I've decided I'm not going to stay, but agreed to scope out that piece of work and going to tell my boss to stay in touch in case anything is needed down the line.


New old job is for "3-6 months" (which I'm taking as meaning six months guaranteed but could finish earlier if things are complete) and I keep leaning more and more towards leaving the country. Trying to keep irons in various fires to see if they'd let me work from home (abroad) and just fly back now and then to catch up.


But for now I'm going to write a draft of the custom leaving work ranting email that will go to senior people.

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I left the care home in December and as much as it pained me to leave all those old folks I had to do it because I couldn't handle the job any more. We were always understaffed, barely had any dedicated people that would stay (I was one of the longest standing people there after only being there 2 years) and it just wasn't fulfilling. It was morbidly depressing, I've always had a hard time with my mental health (but I've whined about it like a teenage girl on here so won't go into details again) and that job wasn't helping as it transitioned into accepting just 'end of life' residents so I had to leave.


The lack of staff, constant change of managers and no direction lead the place to be put into special measures in late October. The place was put on a level 5 which is as bad as things can get, it means no more residents are allowed to be accepted until things improve and if things weren't better by February then the place would close. One of the nurses I got on well with went into more details to me and said it could mean remaining staff aren't allowed to work in care for a year and could have to give answers to the CQC for why things are failing and possibly go to court along with the manager.


It appeared on BBC news and in the local newspaper last month so I can only assume things still aren't going to well. I haven't been on Facebook this year though so haven't been in touch with any of the staff to find out.


Anyway I tried working at a taxi firm for a bit as I thought a normal job would be good for me but my anxiety was just so out of whack I ended up leaving that too. So I've been unemployed since early Janurary (uh oh).


I've been having therapy in that time though which is helping and I'm finally starting to figure out why I'm as crazy as I am :p I just got a job at a shop which I'll be starting next week, I'm hoping now that I've had some time to cool down and figure things out I can handle being around people again and just get into a normal pattern. We'll see, I might be lurking in the Bad Stuff thread in 2 weeks time but I'm hoping this one works out well. I thought the interview went fucking terribly and felt so awful after it so the fact I got the job makes me feel a bit better and reminds me that I need to stop thinking so negatively :p


Anyway, I'll try to not over think things and see how it goes for now.

Edited by Josh64
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