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[sign-ups] Riot mafia


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Something different this time. A mafia with very few rules, and no pre-determined abilities. Each night you may do almost whatever you want, although there will be some limits. This will be highly improvised, so expect the game to change, and be prepared for inconsistencies!


[01] The Peeps

[02] Yvonne

[03] Rummy

[04] Mr-Paul

[05] Jonnas

[06] Sheikah

[07] Jimbob

[08] DuD

[09] Cube

[10] ReZourceman

Edited by Sméagol
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I´ve written the mock-up of the rules:





Dayphases are 48 hours, nightphases are 24 hours. Deadlines are always at 00:00 CET / 23:00 UK. The combination of a dayphase and a nightphase is a turn. When a majority for a lynch is reached within 24 hours, the dayphase will be shorthened to 24 hours.



The usual way. You can vote one person to be lynched during the dayphase. This calls for an absolute majority, which means a number of votes equal to at least 50 % of all active players.



There are no pre-determined roles. Your role PM will only specify your alignment, either town or mafia.


Win conditions

The usual, town needs to eliminate all mafia members, mafia needs to match or outnumber town.




Each turn, you may perform one active ability. In addition, you may enable one passive ability during the game.


Active abilities


During the turn (this will usually be during the nightphase, but this is not necessary), you may send me a PM with the ability you wish to perform. You have a high amount of freedom of what you can choose, although there are limits.


No more than one ability of its kind performed by anyone each turn

An active ability cannot be performed twice by anyone within the same turn. This also applies to abilities which are not exactly the same, but very similar. What is deemed "very similar" will be up to me. Abilites are handed out on a first come, first served basis. So for example, there will be no mass investigations by town, or mass killings by mafia.


No more than one target

As a general rule, you can´t target more than one player with an active ability, unless you can convince me otherwise, like when it´s inherent to the ability. A target switcher would be an example.


No more than one main function

Your ability has to do one thing only, unless you can convince me otherwise, again, like when it´s inherent to the ability. A jailkeeper is a good example for this one. This doesn´t mean it can´t have lesser side effects.


Passive abilities

Passive abilites, as opposed to active abilities, are always active, and trigger upon an event. You can have one passive ability active at a time, but you can change your passive ability whenever you want once a turn. However, like active abilities, no 2 players can´t have the same, or very similar passive abilities.


What if my ability gets rejected?

There will be two reasons why I reject an ability: it´s either already taken, or I think it´s overpowered. In either case I´ll give no explanation, for the simple fact that if it´s the first case, I don´t explicitly want to confirm that ability is already in use, eventhough you can guess as much, but that´s just part of this game. Just in case it is the second case, you could try to power down your ability. Tips: be creative, think out of the box, think meta, simply be quick, or have a list ready with back-up abilities. Keep in mind that I like being technical.. It will probably help being very specific.



This would be the point where I would tell you you can´t edit your posts and you can´t post when dead etc.. Except I´m not going to do that. Just to be explicit: untill further notice, you may edit your posts, you may quote role PM´s and other messages, you may in fact message other players (and although not a rule I would be much obliged if you add me as a recipient), you may post during the night, you may post when dead, in fact, I´ll even let you post if you´re not playing the game. I´d love to see what that does to a mafia game.


Improvisation and balance

With players being able to craft their own abilities each night, and very few rules, this means I have to improvise a lot. It means deciding how abilities interact in on a turn-by-turn basis. I may not always do things consistently, if I have to make tough decisions, or if previous situations make me think differently about certain things.. If you think that´s unfair, don´t come cry to me. It´s all part of the game.. The game where I make the decisions. But with that in mind.. The most important rule of them all:


Rules are subject to change



I intend to start at midnight. Ehh my midnight as usual, so 23:00 UK.


Hmm, I´ll go clean up my message box, as I expect a lot of messaging this game.

Edited by Sméagol
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If I have evidence that I may gain more players if I leave it open for one more day.. I may do so, but I prefer to just get this thing going. I didn´t have a minimum or maximum number of players in mind, though as always, the more the merrier, although in the case of this game, I actually don´t want too many people playing, that will make ability interactions (amongst other things) much harder for me. But it´s unlikely I´ll get too many players signing, up, so I´m not really worried about hitting that maximum ;). I´m sure there will be at least a few more sign-ups before midnight (aside from ReZ), and if not, I hope the ones who did sign up have a short but fun game ;).

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