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N64 Appreciation Thread

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You don't deserve a Nintendo 64 :nono:


I did exactly the same thing with the gamecube, bought the purple one, sold that to get the platinum one and then sold that. Didn't buy a wii at launch, then played wii sports was blown away and couldn't get my hands on one for months. So this gen I bought 4 wii u thinking I would sell 3 of them... I am a fuckwit!

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I did exactly the same thing with the gamecube, bought the purple one, sold that to get the platinum one and then sold that. Didn't buy a wii at launch, then played wii sports was blown away and couldn't get my hands on one for months. So this gen I bought 4 wii u thinking I would sell 3 of them... I am a fuckwit!


I'll gladly take one off your hands, if any of them is white. ^^

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My next game for my collection arrived today.




It took me a while to find a one in good condition and snapped this one up when it was newly listed for £20.


My new idea for storing my games also arrived today.




They are plastic holders for the game boxes. As you can see, they come flat and then you make them up simply by bending at the folds.




You then just slide in your game, which fits very snugly in the case.




I was a little disappointed when I first looked at them as they look to have scuff marks on the plastic. It wasn't until I looked closer and there is an outer film on the cases. You peel this off and it's all shiny and new.




Here's the finished results.








Pictures don't really do these little bits of plastic justice. I'm well happy with the results.

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http://www.videogameboxprotectors.com by any chance? They are great, bought some NES/SNES ones for my Dragon Quest games as well as some standard DVD size ones for GC/Wii/Wii U games.


Reminded me I need to buy a few more.


Yeah, something like that. I actually got them off ebay rather than site. I can't believe how sturdy they are though. I will probably order another batch come pay day. I'm gonna ask if they make them themselves and if so see if I can get a couple of custom ones made up for Lylat Wars and Pokemon Stadium.

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I started playing Yoshi's Story last night. The game looked better than I remember it. For some reason I remember it being a bit blurry. :confused:


It's still stupidly easy though and plays more like a score attack game than an actual platformer. You could probably get through a first run of the game in under an hour. I played until world 4 and called it a night. I will probably get back on it tonight and maybe do a second run through it as you need to do a total of 4 to play through all the stages.


These tunes are stuck in my head now. :(



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I finished my first run through Yoshi's Story yesterday.




Man, I still can't get over how easy it is. If you don't go looking for the 3 hearts or aren't bothered about unlocking all the levels then this is a very, VERY short game.


I was going to do a second run yesterday but I started playing NES Remix again and that ate into my time. I had to pull myself away from it to come back and finish Yoshi's Story off. :D


I'm trying to decide on what N64 game I should pick up next. I'm thinking of hunting down Kirby 64 or Paper Mario as my next rare game. If I grab Kirby then it will allow me to get a couple of other games. If I go with Paper Mario then that will be it due to the price.


It's crazy trying to find decent copies of N64 games. Most the time the boxes are really bashed to hell or i'll find a good box and then the instruction manual will be in tatters.

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N64 boxes were really fragile, I don't think I have many that survived. My OoT/MM certainly didn't which I'm pretty upset about.


Edit: Might check out Yoshi's Story soon. Bought it on the Wii VC but never played it. The shortness is a bonus to me. :p


Get Paper Mario if you haven't played it before, great game.

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Get Paper Mario if you haven't played it before, great game.


Yeah, i've played through it many times. I still remember playing it while I was on holiday. I took my N64 with me to Morecambe and just let my parents get on with the holiday and I just sat there playing it.


It also holds a special place in my heart because it was the game I was playing when we got a phone call that a family friend had died in a car crash. :(


I also remember they sometimes had tape at the end which was nigh impossible to remove without ripping the card of the box.


Yeah, OOT seems to be a big offender of this.

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I did another run through on Yoshi's Story last night. This time I did all the second levels of each of the worlds. Some of the levels were a little trickier than the previous ones but still didn't cause too much trouble. I also managed to pick up the White Yoshi on my travels, as seen in the ending screen. :)




Halfway there.



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I finished my 4th and final run of Yoshi's Story yesterday afternoon.




I also nabbed the Black Yoshi as well. :)




It's not a bad game by any means and it's certainly better than Yoshi's Island DS. Some of the later levels did get a little tricky, especially when nabbing the hearts but for the most part it's a very easy and short game.


I started this little beauty straight after I was done with Yoshi.






About 2 hours later and I was done. :D




It's crazy how short the game is if you remember where all the Pokemon are. It still didn't make the game any worse though and playing through it again makes me baffled why Nintendo still haven't given us a sequel!


Another game came through the post today to add to my collection. I'm going to have to order another set of those protectors as i'm all out. :(




Finally, he's a nice article/interview which was posted over the weekend about Diddy Kong Racing.



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Mario Tennis 64 was just the best game!! had SO much fun with that.


God I wish I'd hadn't sold the vast majority of my N64 games!!


The only two classics I kept were Ocarina of Time and Goldeneye.


At some point I think I'm going to look to buy back:


Diddy Kong Racing

Mario 64

Banjo Kazooie

F-Zero X

Mario Tennis

and maybe Beetle Adventure Racing


along with maybe a few I didn't get first time around like:


Paper Mario

Mario Golf

and Pilotwings 64


oh and Snowboard Kids was a great rental, maybe that too.

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I can't believe you're paying those prices for the games... Mental! I have loads of N64 games too :) Mario Tennis, me memory of that game... incredible... hope it lives up to it, looking forward to hearing your thoughts!


I figure I may as well get them now before they go up in price anymore. I was thinking of getting a PS4 for Infamous in March but I will probably put that cash towards finishing off my N64 collection. The N64 games will probably continue to go up in price and the PS4 will only go down. Makes sense really.


Yeah, I loved Mario Tennis back in the day. Easily my favourite tennis game and so much better than the Cube version. I looked forward to seeing if it's held up all these years.


oh and Snowboard Kids was a great rental, maybe that too.


This is on my list and it's one of the few games that I never actually played when I originally had a N64.


I started Kirby 64 last night. Such a charming series of games. I only finished the first world ( I don't remember there being so many boss fights ) and then went back to DKCTF but I will probably continue to jump between the two of them until they are both finished.

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Yeah snowboard kids was a great multiplayer game. You got/getting blastcorps?


Yeah, its on my list. Here's what i'm still after.


1080 Snowboarding

Banjo Kazooie

Banjo Tooie

Blast Corps


Castlevania 2

Conkers Bad Fur Day




Goeman 2


Jet Force Gemini

Killer Instinct

Lylat Wars

Mario Kart 64

Mario Golf 64

Mario Party

Mario Party 2

Paper Mario

Pokemon Puzzle League

Rogue Squadron

South Park

Super Smash Bros


Turok 2

Turok 3

Turok Rage Wars

Wave Race

Wrestlemania 2000

Zelda MM

Zelda OOT

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Did you play South Park? It was weird :p I don't think I likes it, haha.


Extreme G was another fantastic game that I remember renting and having fun on in multiplayer with @Eddage. I'm not sure how good it would be as a purchase though. Not with F-Zero also in the collection.


Yeah, I played it. I remember it being very hard and a foggy mess. I just want it for nostalgia reasons. It's one if those games where I just can't find a copy that has a decent box. Everyone I've seen is battered to hell. :(

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