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Alien: Isolation


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Gametrailers discuss the game having played 3hrs of it. (@Fierce_LiNk)




"Now my most anticipated game of the year"


I've watched this video twice. Once by myself and once with Ine. I had to show her purely for the enthusiasm and genuine interest in it from the presenters. If I hadn't been nailed on to get this, this video would have been the one to tip me over the edge and forced me to pre-order straight away.


I'm a bit amazed that they aren't bigging up the visuals even more in this game because this game looks stunning to me. It's the film in game format, right down to the smallest detail.


Trying to not get excited, but this is the game I've (sadly) waited all of my life for. We get looooads of games based on Aliens or Alien vs. Predator, but this is the first time we've had a proper game based on the first film. I never, EVER believed we'd get one so true to the original. Maybe a level here or there as a homage in AvP or something, but this is something else.


As of now, I am going cold turkey. No more videos, no more previews. At the very most, maybe a general impression or the final paragraph of a review to let me know how high or low to set my expectations. Aside from that, BRING IT THE FUUUUUCK ON.


Just...oh god, please be good.

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  • 4 weeks later...

1 month today!


I'm expecting it to get delayed. Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good Please be good


Our @Ashley came down this weekend and he will testify that I tried to keep my calm about this game, but ultimately failed. Climb aboard the hype train! Choo choo.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The review embargo is about to be lifted.


Here's what The Guardian has to say about the game.




Eurogamer gives it a good write up.




IGN, Polygon and Gamespot aren't fans.








Thesixthaxis, PC Gamer and Destructoid like it.








As do Jim Sterling, Jostiq and Games Radar.








Get in here @Fierce_LiNk


So apart from the few major sites everyone else seems to love it.


IGN marked it down for being too hard and the AI being unpredictable. Others had this to say about it.


Jim Sterling-And it's this sense of risk, this sheer unpredictability, that turns Isolation into one of the most effective horror games I've ever played.


Is Alien: Isolation for everyone? Perhaps not. If you demand reassurance, telegraphed threats, predictable solutions, and an inherent, hand-holding sense of ‘fairness’, you might find the experience too much to handle. But those of you brave enough--those of you tired of existing video game approximations of survival and horror, and craving a real test of your skills, instincts and nerves--will find a bounty of thrilling, engrossing, profoundly fulfilling rewards. If you truly embrace it, then during its most powerful moments, Alien: Isolation will probably make you feel more alive than a video game has in years.


I'm certainly on board. It finally looks like we have the Alien game we have been waiting for!

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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So the basic thing is this is an awesome survival horror that is perhaps NES era hard, with unpredictable AI......Some love this, some who perhaps prefer more handholding or perhaps weapons to even the odds have not liked it and scored it average.....


Sounds like some peoples expectations for this game were more AlienS than Alien!


Sounds like its my cup of tea! cannot wait for that PC game to come in the post!



Assuming this does well, i wonder if a sequel will try to finally perfect an AlienS style game, and steal from this games best bits, add in pulse rifles, limited ammo and impossible odds like a true survival horror

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Why have shopto already taken money for this game? Is it out next friday? I was worried the reviews were going to be terrible and I was stuck with it. Sounds quite promising, don't know how much I like the hard aspect but I love horror games... bring it on!

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Empire love it.


Isolation’s greatest strength is how it sustains this unrelenting sense of tension across its sizeable campaign. While objectives are rudimentary in nature (mostly involving re-booting defunct systems), the staging is credible and authentic, taking small steps towards its big shocks and predictable narrative twists. In perfectly capturing the essence of Scott’s original, Creative Assembly has given us a creature to be feared again, and delivered the scariest game of the year. Prepare to scream.


Full review HERE


Why have shopto already taken money for this game? Is it out next friday? I was worried the reviews were going to be terrible and I was stuck with it. Sounds quite promising, don't know how much I like the hard aspect but I love horror games... bring it on!


It's out on Tuesday. Hence the Oct 7th being in the title of the thread. :)

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Empire love it.




Full review HERE




It's out on Tuesday. Hence the Oct 7th being in the title of the thread. :)


I don't read and I don't even know what date it is anyway :)


I'm still looking forward to it, apprehensively, thought this was going to be the first PS4 killer game... we're going to have to wait for Batman aren't we?!

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I don't read and I don't even know what date it is anyway :)


I'm still looking forward to it, apprehensively, thought this was going to be the first PS4 killer game... we're going to have to wait for Batman aren't we?!


It depends what you're after. I think there's plenty of killer games on the console already and this sounds fantastic. It seems to be a good challenge, something most games these days don't offer.

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It depends what you're after. I think there's plenty of killer games on the console already and this sounds fantastic. It seems to be a good challenge, something most games these days don't offer.


Hmmm, maybe if you didn't own a PS3. As for this, I adore the universe so rewlly excited for it, but I'm not a huge fan of rewlly hard games anymore unless it's about ultimate control (so basically platformers), and I've heard you have to replay sequences hours long in certain death situation. I think that would bore me senseless.


I think the tempered expectation ll be good thing and hopefully I'll love it!

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I'm not sure what I want to play right now between this and Shadow of Mordor. The latter seems like a pastiche of play styles borrowed from recent games, but this seems actually unique. Has anyone here played it?


Also Creative Assembly can go back to making Total War games. Need a sequel to Empire right the fuck now.

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So...so...the game is good?


It's good, right? This is good, yes?


Oh my god. I think I'm about to die. A GOOD Alien game? Right? RIIIIGHT?




Even the people who gave it average reviews say its the best alien game ever made.....so yeah its a GOOG Alien Game :blank:


Why hasn't it arrived yet :cry:

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The fact the AI is unpredictable makes this all the more realistic, or at least, fitting with the franchise. And as I may have said before, Sigourney Weaver has high standards and for her to play the game and have it remind her of being on set, and and then lend her voice to it. I'm sold. Should be here Monday!

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Too many games that i want. Between FIFA and Mordor i wont have time for this, i havent even touched Diablo in ages. I hate having games sat there doing nothing!


The Ps4 lineup is nuts, isn't it?


I'm still playing Fifa and Destiny with lostmario, just started Infamous: First Light, just bought Shadow of Mordor today and then we have Alien Isolation, The Evil Within and Drive Club next week. Following that we have GTAV, CoD, Creed, LBP3, Far Cry 4.....my wallet. :(

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The Ps4 lineup is nuts, isn't it?


I'm still playing Fifa and Destiny with lostmario, just started Infamous: First Light, just bought Shadow of Mordor today and then we have Alien Isolation, The Evil Within and Drive Club next week. Following that we have GTAV, CoD, Creed, LBP3, Far Cry 4.....my wallet. :(


I'm in a similar situation.


I've ordered Alien and Drive Club. Excited for both.

I'm still playing FIFA and Destiny.

Need to complete Watch Dogs.

Got given Injustice as a gift (cheers @Ashley) and am enjoying that again.

Need to finish the PS+ plus games, of which there are plenty.


Half term is going to be a blast. Can't wait. I think I'm not going to buy any more games this year now, this is it. Going to be smart and clear this lot before I go for moar.

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I've been playing this most of the day and am not sure if I'll ever enjoy sleeping again.


I spend most of the game hiding in cupboards to afraid to move.


(And I'm getting the PS camera as apparently with that hooked up the game will use the camera to help you look round corners and the microphone to attract the alien if you make a noise in real life.)

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