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Explosion of positive press for the Wii U

Lens of Truth

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This is being discussed on GAF as well. I find it really astonishing. The Wii U has a good lineup now and a lot of great games on the horizon, but this smacks of the contrariness of games journalism as much as anything else. Why must everything be Night and Day?


Is it down to 3D World? Price drops? Bundles (I confess I haven't been keeping up with all that)? Or a gradual accumulation and acceptance?


Anyway, good to see a bit of a turnaround in the media slant. Whether it will filter through to popular opinion is another matter.


A small sample - I'm sure there are others:


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Yeah I've noticed this over the past few weeks actually.


Like I said before, the Wii U can turn it around with a steady stream of brilliant titles. It's the games that make the system and hopefully SM3DW's critical acclaim will convert into commercial success.


The last few major Wii U titles all signal the start of a turnaround. We already know some of the big games coming next year for the Wii U, and all it needs now is some more good titles filling in the gaps between those upcoming major releases.


New York Times:

"The Wii U is also the only new console with a video game worth playing. Super Mario 3D World, which went on sale Friday, is the best Mario game in years. It’s not just the best game for the Wii U, it’s the most entertaining game that has been released this fall for any system."





Edited by -Dem0-
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It's just a matter of media outlets needing something new to talk about now that the PS4 and Xbone are out (notice how they're only interested in talking about SM3DW; ignoring the rest of its library - that's cause it's shiny, new and a currently hot commodity).


Things will settle down back to normal once these sites have had their fill of clicks...

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I love all the positive press Nintendo are getting at the moment. When the Wii U launched there was a massive backlash against Nintendo - some of it was warranted and some of it was rather unwarranted. However it surely did damage sales of the console.


I think now the other two consoles have launched there's been a lot of disappointment over the launch titles - especially on the PS4. The PS4 and the XBO are both so powerful yet between them they haven't managed to bring anything to the table that is actually worth buying a new console for.


Yet at the same time there's the Wii U which got largely pushed into the background and has much lower specs, yet the Wii U is the console with the gaming gold. SM3DW, Pikmin 3, NSMBU - even titles like Wii Fit U are coming out to greater critical acclaim than the 'next gen' launch titles.


I think it's times like this when people realise the worth of Nintendo. They don't have the most powerful system, they are still behind the curve with their online model and they seem to operate in their own little world. Yet despite all that, they still produce the best software around.

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Nice to see you post Lens of Truth! :D


And a good post it is!


It is great that the Wii U is finally getting some positive press, especially when it is warranted for the most part.


Everyone knows the console still has some way to go (online being the biggest issue), but when you look at it for what it is (a gameing machine) there really is nothing better out there.

Naturally some will prefer the games coming out on the other consoles, but no one can deny that real love, charm and attention to detail comes from Nintendo games and it's rarely found elsewhere.


Hopefully it will result in more sales during the Christmas period and moving into new year. Without sounding negative though - if the console isn't readily available then it's going to be tough for this mini hype wave to translate into sales with no supermarkets presently on board etc. That's my only concern.

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Other than lack of Party/chat, what else is there?


It's not just one feature that's missing. Nintendo's whole attitude towards online and its implementation is deep rooted and wrong. Most online functions behave sluggishly in comparison to the others. The online system across games is not unified and there is no way to easily message people. You haven't even got an option to be alerted on screen when a person logs on or messages you. In fact messaging people is a seriously gimped feature across their systems.


You have to tell games to connect online. You're not just online automatically like with a game like Dark Souls. This can often be a sluggish process to get started. You don't have a unified account to redownload previously downloaded titles.


I can think of even small odd things like in Wind Waker HD where clicking 'Yeah' on a bottle causes a load of about 3-5 seconds. Why is this? Liking posts on Facebook is near instant. Things like this I just don't understand.


It's not a simple one thing they're missing. They're very behind in basic features, and that's without even going into many of the new features on PS4/One that they don't have.

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I wouldn't even be too fussed about party chat (though obviously that would be great), if they'd just get notifications pop up on screen when you get a Miiverse direct message, that'd be great. Trying to have a conversation on there takes days :(

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It's not just one feature that's missing. Nintendo's whole attitude towards online and its implementation is deep rooted and wrong. Most online functions behave sluggishly in comparison to the others. The online system across games is not unified and there is no way to easily message people. You haven't even got an option to be alerted on screen when a person logs on or messages you. In fact messaging people is a seriously gimped feature across their systems.


You have to tell games to connect online. You're not just online automatically like with a game like Dark Souls. This can often be a sluggish process to get started. You don't have a unified account to redownload previously downloaded titles.


I can think of even small odd things like in Wind Waker HD where clicking 'Yeah' on a bottle causes a load of about 3-5 seconds. Why is this? Liking posts on Facebook is near instant. Things like this I just don't understand.


It's not a simple one thing they're missing. They're very behind in basic features, and that's without even going into many of the new features on PS4/One that they don't have.


The only things I want is party chat and a unified account system but I do agree with the whole of this post.


Yet also, @Zechs Merquise is right, it seems only Nintendo is bringing gaming that feels fresh still this holiday season. They sure make the best games!

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How!? They got it so right on 360! (I thought, anyway :P)


There is no OS level party chat function anymore, or even a standard VOIP API provided by MS for developers to slot into their game. Instead, developers have to code their own VOIP solution per-game and it only works within the game itself (so no cross game chat), just like on PS3, 3DS and Wii U.


You have to tell games to connect online. You're not just online automatically like with a game like Dark Souls. This can often be a sluggish process to get started. You don't have a unified account to redownload previously downloaded titles.


This is not true. ZombiU (who's online functionality works pretty much just like Dark Souls' does), Pikmin 3, Nano Assault Neo, Resident Evil Revelations and pretty much every major online enabled title I can think of (outside of Monster Hunter 3U) is an "always-online" experience, just like what you would find on PS360 (hell, the multiplatform games perform online exactly as they would on other consoles - and RE:Revelations has additional functionality not present in any other version to boot!)


And all Nintendo consoles have a "previously downloaded" list. Even the Wii had it!


Your other points are perfectly valid though. I shouldn't have to open up Miiverse to see who sent me a message (that little glowing Home Button isn't enough! - I should be have an option to have an overlay appear onscreen, telling me what messages/yeahs I've recieved and then be able to reply instantly, without leaving my game)

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There is no OS level party chat function anymore, or even a standard VOIP API provided by MS for developers to slot into their game. Instead, developers have to code their own VOIP solution per-game and it only works within the game itself (so no cross game chat), just like on PS3, 3DS and Wii U.




This is not true. ZombiU (who's online functionality works pretty much just like Dark Souls' does), Pikmin 3, Nano Assault Neo, Resident Evil Revelations and pretty much every major online enabled title I can think of (outside of Monster Hunter 3U) is an "always-online" experience, just like what you would find on PS360 (hell, the multiplatform games perform online exactly as they would on other consoles - and RE:Revelations has additional functionality not present in any other version to boot!)


And all Nintendo consoles have a "previously downloaded" list. Even the Wii had it!


Your other points are perfectly valid though. I shouldn't have to open up Miiverse to see who sent me a message (that little glowing Home Button isn't enough! - I should be have an option to have an overlay appear onscreen, telling me what messages/yeahs I've recieved and then be able to reply instantly, without leaving my game)


I thought you can't redownload your old titles onto a new machine (without doing the system transfer), at least that's what I meant. This is a problem with something like the 3DS if you lose it, or if you go to a friends' house and want to share a game (or maybe even with another Wii U in the same house. I really like how you could download a PS3 game onto two PS3 systems (for a while you could download it on even more consoles). This is what's putting off a lot of people from switching to download I think. You don't get the feeling like your downloads are really 'safe'.



Sorry, the always online thing I was applying more to 3DS where it's especially prevalent, particularly with games like Animal Crossing (which require you to open your gate as well as go through a laborious process to 'best friend' your friends - all without a built in chat to assist you before they're best friended). And games like Pokemon where you have to turn it on too.

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You have to tell games to connect online. You're not just online automatically like with a game like Dark Souls. This can often be a sluggish process to get started. You don't have a unified account to redownload previously downloaded titles.


Just noticed this. That isn't the case in my experience. In Assassin's Creed 4, I've been playing and have been informed in real-time that @markderoos has found a white whale (thanks for that btw), and connecting to the multiplayer is just a simple button press rather than selecting single player.


As for unified account? Opening it up for games to be downloaded on any console you log in to is just asking for trouble.

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As for unified account? Opening it up for games to be downloaded on any console you log in to is just asking for trouble.


All I'm concerned about is, what happens to your account plus games you've downloaded if say your Wii U breaks, send it in for repair, it can't be repaired, so you get sent a new console but... you've then lost everything. :blank:


There has to be some sort of middle-ground.




Anyway, back to positive press... I think the Wii U will actually do surprisingly well this Christmas and especially well next year. : peace:

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i read so much negativity about Nintendo's online. First things first, it works just fine, have had some problems on Wii U Sports Club but only when playing somebody from another continent, other than that it's seamless. The whole friends/chat/party is a mess and must be easily fixable. It's crazy that when in Wii Sports Club you can't actually see if any of your friends are even playing the game unless you go back into the friends menu on the homepage. But would I pay £40 per year for an online system that works a bit better? Put it this way when I look at what console to purchase I look at it from a business perspective, and I can tell you now that from a financial perspective owning a PS4 or Xbox1 is nonsensical compared to owning a Wii U. Of course not everybody bases a console purchase on financial grounds and rightly so, as it's entertainment, but if you actually sat down and worked out the total cost of ownership over a 6 year period, the difference is staggering.

So to conclude, Nintendo fix the party element and we are all good.

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All I'm concerned about is, what happens to your account plus games you've downloaded if say your Wii U breaks, send it in for repair, it can't be repaired, so you get sent a new console but... you've then lost everything. :blank:


There has to be some sort of middle-ground.




Anyway, back to positive press... I think the Wii U will actually do surprisingly well this Christmas and especially well next year. : peace:

From the experience of friends with 3DS who that happened to, Nintendo either transferred the eShop history and IDs to the new 3DS, or funded the wallet on the eShop so that you could repurchase everything

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Just noticed this. That isn't the case in my experience. In Assassin's Creed 4, I've been playing and have been informed in real-time that @markderoos has found a white whale (thanks for that btw), and connecting to the multiplayer is just a simple button press rather than selecting single player.


As for unified account? Opening it up for games to be downloaded on any console you log in to is just asking for trouble.


No it isn't, it works fine. It's limited to 2 PS3 systems but you can remotely deactivate a console and activate new ones. Sony are still in business, the shop is still up. Ergo it works.


i read so much negativity about Nintendo's online. First things first, it works just fine, have had some problems on Wii U Sports Club but only when playing somebody from another continent, other than that it's seamless. The whole friends/chat/party is a mess and must be easily fixable. It's crazy that when in Wii Sports Club you can't actually see if any of your friends are even playing the game unless you go back into the friends menu on the homepage. But would I pay £40 per year for an online system that works a bit better? Put it this way when I look at what console to purchase I look at it from a business perspective, and I can tell you now that from a financial perspective owning a PS4 or Xbox1 is nonsensical compared to owning a Wii U. Of course not everybody bases a console purchase on financial grounds and rightly so, as it's entertainment, but if you actually sat down and worked out the total cost of ownership over a 6 year period, the difference is staggering.

So to conclude, Nintendo fix the party element and we are all good.


Except you're not paying just for online. PS Plus is so worth it.


And out of most of the multi format titles you'd want to play online, most are not on Wii U.

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Except you're not paying just for online. PS Plus is so worth it.


Please explain this to me. For so long the biggest draw for online in the PS3 was the fact that it was free (considering their main competition was Xbox Live), but ever since the PS4 was announced as having a subscription as well, I've only seen fans say...well, the thing I'm quoting.


It just came as very hypocritical for me. This is a question I'm asking out of honest curiosity, since I rarely touch a PS3 (much less the 4): what makes PS Plus worth the price of subscription when compared to its previously free iteration?

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Please explain this to me. For so long the biggest draw for online in the PS3 was the fact that it was free (considering their main competition was Xbox Live), but ever since the PS4 was announced as having a subscription as well, I've only seen fans say...well, the thing I'm quoting.


It just came as very hypocritical for me. This is a question I'm asking out of honest curiosity, since I rarely touch a PS3 (much less the 4): what makes PS Plus worth the price of subscription when compared to its previously free iteration?


I think the point is that most PS3 owners ( especially on here and myself included ) have PS+ anyway. If you're a Playstation owner, Vita or PS3 and don't have PS+ then you're doing it wrong. :) So basically we aren't paying for online we are still just paying for PS+.


Thats how I see it anyway. :D

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I think the point is that most PS3 owners ( especially on here and myself included ) have PS+ anyway. If you're a Playstation owner, Vita or PS3 and don't have PS+ then you're doing it wrong. :) So basically we aren't paying for online we are still just paying for PS+.


Thats how I see it anyway. :D


...You're not answering the question. "It's good because I already have it" can't be the reason.

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