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The Great Big Job Hunt Thread


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@Charlie since when do you work for Morgan Stanley??


Since June!


Unfortunately that job requires 2-3 years experience that I have no idea where to get it from. It's a tough circle.


Apply for them anyway, if you have some experience you'll be in with a chance. If you have no experience then get some.


In my course internships were very much encouraged during the summers to help you get experience in your field. A lot of people who I know did an internship in the summer after 3rd year (we do 4 years in Scotland) and were then told as long as they finished with 2:1 they would be guaranteed a job.

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I've started looking for another job. I like the place I am now, but the pay isn't great and I doubt it ever will be. It'd definitely not in line with other graphic design jobs. It is however a great place to learn new skills. Because we're a small team, when something new comes up that we haven't dealt with before, we don't normally have someone who's skilled in it. This means we have to learn to do it ourselves. So far I've had to install all the cables for our network system (several times, since we seem to move our offices round every once in a while), build HTML5 games, get qualified in PAT testing and a whole heap of other things.


I don't have a great deal of experience in graphic design, so the plan is to keep working here, gaining experience whilst applying for new jobs until eventually the experience I do have is enough for someone else to hire me.


Then profit, obviously.


The design jobs round here are being advertised at a slow and steady rate, so hopefully one of them will fall in love with me or something.

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If you haven't done so already I would recommend creating a Twitter profile purely dedicated to following recruitment agency accounts that advertise vacanies as well as ones run by the companies themselves. Also keep a database of all the companies you've applied for or consider applying. There's also recruitment companies like TotalJobs, graduate-jobs, & Milkround which will email you new vacancies and those ending soon everyday.


My story is I was in a dilemma of whether to do a Masters or find a graduate job but decided to continue the job hunt since graduating in July.

Try to keep your chin up and keep going as despite reading through countless rejections over the past 12 months I ended up receiving two offers in 24 hours both in the games industry this week.


Always remember that you're not alone and we all go through the job search at one point or another.


Good Luck :)

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I used Monster.


I put my cv on there just to see what would happen, and had about 6 calls from various recruitment agencies within 48 hours. That was just to put me on their books, but still.


Then i got a job interview within a week, which led to a call back, and then I got the job.


I barely even lifted a finger! The recruitment agencies did it all for me. They even negotiated a higher salary for me because it was in their interests (they get a percentage of my first year salary).

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I used Monster.


I put my cv on there just to see what would happen, and had about 6 calls from various recruitment agencies within 48 hours. That was just to put me on their books, but still.


Then i got a job interview within a week, which led to a call back, and then I got the job.


I barely even lifted a finger! The recruitment agencies did it all for me. They even negotiated a higher salary for me because it was in their interests (they get a percentage of my first year salary).


Recruitment agencies are brilliant for that. The only problem is that they earn a percentage from your salary - money that could potentially go to you if you didn't use them. You have to remember that you are their product and not their client.


I'd highly recommend sending your CV to every single recruitment agency you can find. They have so many jobs available. I know some fields will have more than others but it definitely can't harm your chances.


Belated congrats! What's it like? (Pm if you'd prefer)


I'll FB you tonight!

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Well the money doesn't come directly from your salary, it comes from the employers. They are paying the recruiters to find you. Possibly that finders fee may have ended up in my salary if we hadn't used the middle man, but i doubt it.

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Well I've had a hunt around on the gaming-based sites, updated Monster and LinkedIn, followed a lot of companies on the latter and...yeah. We'll see.


Also spoke to work asking if it would be possible to go back full-time and they said they'll have me back, but the only problem is HR state you can only change your working hours once per year. Seems pretty arbitrary, but I'm sure we can find a way around it if needs be. Good to know the option is there. Plus, in theory, I could go back and do 35 hours over 4 days.

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Ugh, I just took a C++ test for a company. Think it went terribly. Bad enough it's been a while since I've done some programming, but half the stuff I've never touched. And if that's basic stuff, I'm well out of my depth. Think I need a new career plan.

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I found what would be the perfect job for me, given what I want to do, yesterday. It's a clinical neuropsychologist position in the hospital near where I live. Sadly, when I started going through all of the qualifications they are wanting for the position (and there were loads!!! multi-disciplinary PhDs and post-doc MSc courses :/) it just made me sad to think that I'm at least a good 4 or 5 years away from getting into that kind of job, and even then only if I'm really lucky seeing as a lot of the jobs seem to be within the NHS. Did think I could just put in an application anyway but it'd probably be a bit of a waste of time for me putting everything together when I know it'll go straight in the bin.


Luckily, my landlord's wife used to work at a specialist hospital that did deal with brain trauma and that kind of stuff, which is the general area I want to work within, so I'm hoping she'll be able to pull some strings and help me get a foot in the door.

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...this makes me take you more seriously, for some reason O_o


@Ramar don't lose heart!! i dont know much about C++ ....actually i don't know anything about C++ but perhaps there's a refresher corse you can do? or maybe for a while as well as applying for jobs ask around for companies who might be willing to let you shadow someone and brush up on your skills?



Job hunt central


back in bluey-land it's lunch time (i learned quickly that there's not a lot of point calling companies between 1 and 2 'cause EVERYONE is on lunch - so i'm taking an hour out, having some food, then i'mma do some drawing 'cause i actually had an idea for an app O_O more on that later...) and do the weekly shop (i love you, sainsbury's home delivery service :heart: )


last night after work i checked my email to find a reply from one company inviting me to apply to a Social Media Community Development, Digital Marketing and PR work placement they run. it's a 4 week programme in which i'd shadow one of their employees - after that i'd be allowed to take away any work i do for a portfolio and they'll give me a reference. SO! i've just finished and sent off an essay they requested on a recent advertising campaign i admired and why. so that's done... i'm hoping that being invited to apply means i have a good chance of actually getting in, but honestly i'm not sure how packed their internship programmes are....

after "lunch" i'll be ringing 'round my friday emails to chase up, starting with those i've noted have already viewed my linked in profile, which i'm going to read as "interest" :laughing:

my boss at GAME is being really supportive (in her own way ^_^) she's a pretty tough personality so it actually means quite a lot that she's being so helpful - she's put me in charge of the upcoming PS4 lock in that we're going to be running.... something for the profile.



tl;dr = write write write, draw draw draw, call call call, ps4 ps4 ps4.


edit: also! Linkedin have just sent through an email offering a months free upgrade trial... i think i've been using it for 2 weeks now... probably an automated time thing?

Edited by bluey
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edit: also! Linkedin have just sent through an email offering a months free upgrade trial... i think i've been using it for 2 weeks now... probably an automated time thing?


Yeah it is - but take the trial! Immediately cancel it after you insert your card details so it doesn't bill you after a month. If you cancel you still have premium until the end of the trial. What I did was just go on HR peoples profiles of companies that are hiring so they can see you visited them. If the job is for a social media person and they see that you "Social Media" in your tagline they will notice that.


I really respect the way you're going about finding a new job, bluey, I've spoken to so many people over the past few years who just say "there's nothing out there" and don't make a serious effort at it. You seem to be doing everything right, trying out new things, making follow up calls etc.


My 'head hunted' positions were all SEO/Social Media related through LinkedIn. Make sure you put loads of that stuff on your profile (in the about me/summary section at the top) if you want to get into it.

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At what point do you KNOW that the 'dream job' you're chasing is what you really want? I've spent my entire working life doing a wide abundance of jobs. I'm a bit of a jack-of-all-trades and I've never really found anything I'm passionate about (in working life or elsewise). I've been a painter, furniture removal-er, an office admin, a sales assistant, job hunter, tutor, telesales agent, au pair, and team leader in hospitality. Currently I have an office-based job with a mountain of paperwork. I've been good at all my jobs but just have no idea of what I'd be best at. How do I maximise my potential? (reads so lame but feels so true :P)

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I've been slowly putting together a Google Map of game devs. UK is pretty packed - but I've been avoiding start-ups and mobile stuff really. But anyway you might find it helpful.




Man some of these job searches sound awful. I don't know how people keep sane given the amount of stuff happening/for how long.


Mine was fairly simple. Finished uni June/July last year (seems much longer than that :P) and then focused on my folio for about 2 months - then applied for all the larger/console studios in the UK. Within a month I got an interview at Rockstar North and, just over a year ago, started there as a map support artist. Was fairly simple and makes me feel super lucky/guilty at the same time!


Ugh, I just took a C++ test for a company. Think it went terribly. Bad enough it's been a while since I've done some programming, but half the stuff I've never touched. And if that's basic stuff, I'm well out of my depth. Think I need a new career plan.


If you feel out of touch with some of this stuff but want to get back in - while having something to show for it folio wise - then why not try out Unity? Fantastic for mocking up something simple and showing you can code competently in C# or Java. Just take a puzzle game like Devil Dice and re-make it in Unity. 3dmotive have some great Unity training going on over at udemy for only $5 each!


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You're talking in whole sentences.


You must be growing up.


Anyway. Thanks for that! Been trying to learn Unity myself and those look really good! Will check them out. I found this series quite useful if anyone else is looking. Not as 'professional' as the other I'm sure, but not as hand-holdy as a lot of others, leaving you to figure stuff out yourself.

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Is the map support artist the guy who holds up the map so other people can see it?


I spend all day on all fours (calm down) to prop up the a map artist's desk.


And yeah I moved to sunny old Edinburgh for this job. Moving about in the games industry is super common - and also fun! Cause it means people like me can escape the farmlands of Lincolnshire.

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  • 3 weeks later...





UPDATE: I have a....thing.... next week. A company that I contacted are interested in possibly maybe having me in on a consultancy basis to work for them free of charge in a community management and marketing capacity... so i'm going in to talk with them (after signing an NDA so i can actually talk with them properly!) about what i'd want to get out of a work placement with them vs. what they'd get from having me there...


suggestions for what questions to ask of them during this "interview" would be VERY much appreciated.


i've also expanded/started to expand on my "portfolio" - i'm looking to set up a streetpass group for my local area and run events for this, and my manager at GAME let me do some work towards the sony pre-launch event, i'm also going to pitch another, charity fundraising event to her soon...


i also updated my linked in profile to read a little better...



check it out!

again, any suggestions on improvements are more than welcome... also - ADD ME! ^_^


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i also updated my linked in profile to read a little better...



check it out!

again, any suggestions on improvements are more than welcome... also - ADD ME! ^_^



Do you have any numbers/stats you can use? I see you redeveloped the company website in your previous job, how did the website compare before and afterwards in terms of traffic?

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I gained a place on a pre-employment course geared towards administration within the health sector. Run by the NHS it's 4 weeks training, followed by a 10 week work placement and extra support finding employment. Things are looking up I hope. I even had to turn down an interview for another work placement because of it. Nothing for so long, and then two at once, of course!

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If anyone is job hunting do not use the site 'Job and Talent'. During sign up you're asked coerced into connecting to your email address book. At this stage it emails everyone with a spammy "Hey I'm job hunting, why don't you do so too?" email. Which is just great if you have ever emailed your current employer...

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