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Wii Sports Club


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As much as I like the golf ball on the gamepad, I don't want the game to get more technical.


I didn't enjoy the Wii Sports Resort sequel to Golf because of this.


The simplicity of the original was great fun, and there could still be a lot of skill to get out of it. Having to hit the ball so precisely and use spin etc through motion controls just wasn't fun.

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Really? I was the opposite, I found the motion+ addition to Golf in Resort made the game more fun!


Me and my cousin still have a few rounds whenever one of us visits the other for a weekend. If the GamePad feature works well I can imagine we are gonna love it even more :D (IT might even be the game that makes him want to buy a Wii U... but he wants to play on mine first)

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You do of course have the option to only buy the Bowling :wink:


Haha. Don't think I have a choice in this!


I guess it's more the missed opportunity that's disappointing.


In more disappointing news. This time for bowling. You don't let go of B to release the ball, it's all automatic. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! When you release the ball makes a huge difference to play!

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Haha. Don't think I have a choice in this!


I guess it's more the missed opportunity that's disappointing.


In more disappointing news. This time for bowling. You don't let go of B to release the ball, it's all automatic. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! When you release the ball makes a huge difference to play!


That automatic release was optional in Wii Sports Resort... So I'd imagine that there's some sort of option to turn that off somewhere...

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That does make a difference, a big difference. Why would they do that? Like in real bowling you decide when you let go of the ball. In Wii Bowling I release the ball on the upper part of my swing. I'll find a way to adapt to this change I'm sure, I hope.

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Was it optional? I never knew that. Where's the setting?


IIRC in Wii Sports Resort, you'd set it when you first use your Mii in a game of bowling. Lord knows about Wii Sports Club though (I don't exactly have it to check; and even if I did, it would all be Japanese squiggles and nonsense to me :blank: )


Since it was optional in WSR, I'd imagine it to be the same case for WSC one way or another...

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Wii Sports Club May Eventually Become Packaged Software




Nintendo has announced that Wii Sports Club may eventually become packaged software. Although the sports game will initially be distributed exclusively through the Nintendo eShop for Wii U, company president Satoru Iwata said in a recent briefing that he won’t rule out the possibility of a retail release. Bowling and tennis will launch in the eShop as standalone titles this Thursday, November 7th.


Iwata: I do not deny the possibility that “Wii Sports Club” may become packaged software in the future. However, for the future of Wii U, we have prioritized releasing tennis and bowling by the end of this year.



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I haven't been keeping track of how the online works for this. Can you easily setup a game between friends? So, say I host a tennis/bowling match, can I invite people from my friends list to fill in the gaps?


From the video they showed, it looks like you start a "friends match" and any friends searching at the same time will join you.


Hopefully it was just one of the options and not the only way for a friends match.


Edit: http://iwataasks.nintendo.com/interviews/#/wiiu/wii-sports-club/0/2


The video at the bottom there.


You can play one of the training modes while waiting for friends to join, but it looks like there's no invite. It could make organising a league a massive pain in the arse.

Edited by Cube
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If it is Mario Kart DS style friend searching i think I'll smash up my wii u?!! How backward is this? What if I don't want to play with anyone, I want to play someone specifically?! I find the whole thing so laughably bad, so inept; and then see the price they charge and I can't help but get angry about it... In a long history of taking the piss, Nintendo really are smashing their records; maybe they have an employee of the month style reward system for piss taking ideas they can get away with!!

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If it is Mario Kart DS style friend searching i think I'll smash up my wii u?!! How backward is this? What if I don't want to play with anyone, I want to play someone specifically?! I find the whole thing so laughably bad, so inept; and then see the price they charge and I can't help but get angry about it... In a long history of taking the piss, Nintendo really are smashing their records; maybe they have an employee of the month style reward system for piss taking ideas they can get away with!!


The real worry is that Nintendo dont seem to actually think that this is a problem. Its embarrassing!


The same bad online options are put in place time and time again.

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If that is how the online is done in this then that is a massive downer for the game :(


Considering the improvements they made to match making in Mario Kart 7 (was that their last online game?) and teh who "Club" aspect of this game I would have thought the match making would at the very least similar to MK7 if not better.

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Wasn't this supposed to have the custom community thing like Wii Fit U (and eventually MK8), or did I just imagine that? :blank:

I know we should be used to Nintendo's quirky online setups by now, but it seems weird if they've gone and given us really basic match making in this, when online is essentially the main focus of the game! :hmm:

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In light of our current convo about match making that advert doesnt fill me with confidence about it :heh:


Anyway whats the deal with the spot pass auto download of the freeware ? will that got out to WiiU's in standby mode from midnight or do we have to wait for the usual afternoon eShop update

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Good advert, but I can't see this helping with the "the GamePad is a Wii accessory" image.
Not really much else they can do at this point.

And anyone who still doesn't get that Wii U is a different system by now, probably shouldn't be playing video games in the first place, as their time would be much better invested in learning to read, or having an eye examination. :heh:

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Not a bad ad, gets the point across nice, simply and quickly (I would've pointed out that the "New! Realistic Controls!" actually use Wii Motionplus, since the Wii audience is actually familiar with the concept and benefits of Motionplus, but eh? It's not bad).


It's just a shame that they don't have Golf or Baseball ready to show off yet. Those would sell the Gamepad much better than the other sports :(

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