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How do you play your games?


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I have a huge backlog of games. I have around 8 uncompleted Wii U games, 4 3DS and a ton of virtual console stuff. Im not saying this backlog is huge but how do you play your games?


Do you play just one game at a time? Play a few at the same time? Play a game on one console and a different game on another?


I have been playing several games at once and just finding it unworkable. I kept switching between games which meant that I never completed them. For example Zombi U I have yet to finish as I just keep moving onto the next game that is released.


Ive recently bought W101 and SC that ive hardly touched but decided to start on the backlog instead and now playing exclusively on the Wii U...AC3. So im not going to play another single player game until I have finished this and see if I can just complete games rather than leaving them unfinished.


So another aspect of how do you play your games is do you play them to finish ie get to the end of the story or do you complete the game ie do all the side missions/grab all the collectables etc? I seem to have the intention to 100% a game but I generally just cant be arsed and rather play something that I have yet to finish.



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These have been my rules for a good few years now and it helps me complete games and become a better gamer overall :D


*Stick to NINTENDO systems and have friends that own other systems so you can get a whiff of other treasures now and then.

*Always have a project (i.e. a game) going on your console and on your handheld.

*Only start a new game once you've finished another one.


So, for example, I would get into a situation where I would be playing Killer 7 on my Wii, Okamiden in Japanese on my DS, and an eShop game like Mutant Mudds on my 3DS.

Once I finish one of these I just go to my massive list of titles, I see what I'm in the mood for, buy it, and thus begins a new project.


Now it's a bit problematic as of late, because the 3DS has got me sooo hooked on Animal Crossing each day and Fire Emblem: Awakening. Moreover, 3DS games are more or less GameCube quality/size now so it could be counted as a console.


Anyway, finishing a game before starting another feels right to me and other games won't intrude upon it as much (balancing multiple stories/characters/blablabla).

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I play with a controller.


Unless it's with Kinect. In which case, I use my body.


Anyway, I try and make my games "longer" by only playing them for a short amount of time, worried inside that I'll finish it too quickly. I jump onto other games and never get around to finishing the other ones, or I'll go back to them at a later time and keep jumping back and forth.


It's retarded. No more. I'm now going to buy one at a time and I'm going to finish it before I play another one.

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I usually have a plan of attack when it comes to playing games and stick to it. It allows me finish multiple games and being a trophy/achievement/completionist nut I do my best to get 100% out of them.


Some games I know I will never get 100% on so once the story is done then so am I.


I tend to play one game each on the Wii U, Vita, PS3 and 360. It's been easier lately as the 360 is a dead platform to me and is essentially my Sky Sports box. :D


I've never understood the whole spreading my playtime over a longer period of time. I'm still going to put the same amount of time into the game, just over a longer period. If i've got the time then I will just sit and play for hours, which is why I usually finish games so fast.


Sticking to my plan i've managed to finish 4 games today. :)

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With my feet.


But seriously I've a huge backlog. 5 Wii U games and at least another 30 Nintendo games on other platforms. Was right at the end of Xenoblade a year ago, went back a couple of weeks ago, played 30 minutes and I still need to finish it. And yet I'm thinking of buying Monster Hunter Ultimate and Blops 2. I've got a problem.

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My backlog is ridiculous, not to mention I just bought a PS3 with about 40 games. I tend to buy the games I 'want' as they come out, play a bit, then slowly fall off and always say 'I'll get back to it!' - Animal Crossing still consumes a lot of my time at the moment, but I'm technically sort of on that, Dream Team, and Pikmin 'now'. Tbh I'm not even sure what the last game I 'finished' even was.

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I was similar to others, back and forth between different consoles for different games. I'd play a bit on the 360, then maybe jump onto a Nintendo game then some PC. I'd hardly get a game done as it were and built a huge back catalogue. If a game was a blockbuster, i'd focus on that game before heading back to the others once it was done. And in the last year, my gaming has faded. But recently i've got back into it, better than i used to.


These days, i focus on one game and i seem to be clearing the back catalogue quicker. In the past month, i've finished Tomb Raider, Dishonored and Twilight Princess. More of an achievement than i'm used to.

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In recent times, I've decided I'm going to dedicate more time to the PC.


It's hard to find time or space to play on a console. I need a functioning TV, a room, space for the console & controllers & cables & accessories...

Furthermore, turning it on is such a chore, with everything needing to boot up, even the TV at times. Even changing CDs is bothersome (Gamecube was so practical, I wish drives all had that lid).


Portables would still be dandy were it not for the fact that I'm trying to read more. To seal me off the deal, portables are region-locked now too, which is terrible for those like me that might change continents in the not-so-distant future.


So that leaves me with the PC, something that I'm using all the time anyway, and booting up the game is faster and simpler (never thought I'd be saying this, 10 years back). True, I'll rarely have a PC strong enough to handle recent games properly, but I don't need to, since the library is so immense.

If I do go back to consoles, I'll probably still choose Nintendo, though :heh:


But one thing hasn't changed: I always go for beating or completing games that I own. I refuse to sit on a forgotten backlog.

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