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Metal Gear Solid 15 Years On

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Wow! It's been 15 years since the legendary game was released in Japan.


A guy has made a tribute and slammed it on Youtube.



I know the series isn't for everyone but for me it is one of my favourite series of games. I never played the originals on the NES back in the day ( I did eventually ) so this was my first game in the series that I played. For me it was eventually bested by MGS3 but this still holds a special place in my heart.


My mate rented it for the weekend and we just bunkered down in his room and sat and played it non stop until it was done. The game was nothing like either of us had played before. The story, atmosphere, music, everything just drew you into the world that Kojima had created.


What a game!



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I've finished 1, 2, 3, Twin Snakes, Peace Walker & Portable Ops. I started MGS IV not too long ago but haven't returned to it yet but even so, I can safely say that this has been an amazing series and like H-o-T, is also one of my favourites too!


Playing MGS3 on the 3DS for the first time... one of my best ever gaming moments.

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MGS/(Twin Snakes) is still one of the best games ever, MGS3 was the series peak, but i'm hoping for a trend


MG = Good


MG SR = Not as Good


MGS = Good


MGS2 = Not as Good


MGS3 = Perfection


MGS4 = Not as *cutscene* Good*


MGS5 = ???? hopefully epic



one of the best game series ever, hears to another 15 years

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My favourite video game series.



10 years ago my best mate showed me MGS2 Sons of Liberty. I wasn't too impressed with the game.


A year later MGS Twin Snakes was released. I bought it to give the series a shot. I fell in love.


Years have past, games have been played, MGS2, MGS3, Peace Walker...And then came MGS4. My first PS3 game.


It has so far been the only game that made me shed tears. Manly tears.



Skip to 4.30


I played this...the song started...and I saw that place...the place where it all began for me.





I have yet to play the NES games and all those spin offs (if I can get hold of them somehow...).



And soon this will make my life complete:


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Metal Gear Solid was a brilliant game. Completely new. So much indirect influence on the industry.


MGS2 wasn't particularly great. MGS3 was better, but still not as good as the first.


Not played MGS4, might add that to my (ever-growing) list of games that I never get around to playing.


EDIT: Oh yeah, it's a PS3 exclusive. Knew there was a reason I hadn't played it.

Edited by MoogleViper
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Metal Gear Solid is a game that I absolutely adore :yay: From my first experience of watching a friend play parts of it on the PS1 to me finally getting to enjoy it myself on Gamecube with The Twin Snakes, the game has kept me coming back to it over the years to relive the awesome atmosphere, excellent cast of characters, dramatic music and compelling gameplay :hehe:


I've been through it all several times on both PS1 and GC and love both equally. I'm happy with everything that was added to The Twin Snakes but I also appreciate what Konami achieved with the original and find the graphics of that era highly endearing, rather than off-putting. I like experiencing games in their original form, hence why I've never really been particularly interested in HD remakes..


In addition, the story adds to the overall experience in Metal Gear Solid, which is a little surprising for me given that I generally don't care too much about cutscenes in games, perhaps as a result of growing up with Nintendo games where that rarely seems to be the focus :heh:


It seems to be widely accepted that Snake Eater is the pinnacle of the series but, for me, it doesn't even come close to the perfectly crafted original.. though it is still great :grin:

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Easily one of the finest cinematic games ever made and most since haven't even come close.


I was hardcore Nintendo back then, but I remember playing the demo on a friend's Playstation and the buzz among everyone that owned a Playstation when it came out. I watched a load of the original being played and I was definitely captivated by it. The artwork and character designs in particular really stood out. They still do.

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I was gonna post about Psycho Mantis too, @lostmario :heh: I thought all of those things were really cool, along with little touches such as switching controller ports so that he couldn't read your mind :hehe:


Watching your controller move across the floor right in front of you was quality too, like you said. It may not have affected the game in any way but that, along with reading what games you like based on what was on your memory card, seemed almost outrageous :grin:

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  • 1 month later...
Finally got around to getting MGS4 the other day, playing it at the moment but im pretty terrible at trying to stay hidden lol. Pretty much every encounter has ended in a firefight. Thankfully though I'm just playing it on the easiest settings so I can breeze through for the story.


I haven't had a chance to play to for a couple of weeks but I've been going through the game recently too. I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on it as although I may have been compelled to keep playing, it isn't anywhere near as good as the original Metal Gear Solid :hmm:

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