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What If Nintendo Sold A Wii U Console Without The Gamepad


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Inspired by the 2DS. What if a more 'accessible' Wii U bundle released with the Pro Controller instead of the Gamepad. With a hefty price cut, and perhaps with minor console upgrades - would this be a good move?


I do feel that the Gamepad is not essential, and shouldn't really be the main marketing tool for the console - just like the Snes, N64 and GC. Obviously the games and the hardware (accessibility to 3rd parties = more games) should be the main pushers for a consoles appeal.


Would you have bought a Wii U if it was just the Console and a Pro Controller?

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I think if they could sell a wii u with no gamepad for £149 - £179 they should.


The lego bundle @ £250 isnt low enough. The Gamepad is an anchor around nintendo's neck when it comes to price.


Would you have bought a Wii U if it was just the Console and a Pro Controller?


Yes as off tv play is not an attraction to me. I dont see Nintendo down the line releasing software which shows us why the gamepad is must have.


They have been working on this for how long now and have showed nothing!!

Edited by liger05
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Some games require the gamepad, which will cause massive problems when people buy those games and don't own one (as there will be no clear way to tell).


Note that the 2DS still has a 3D camera, so it can support all games on the system.

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Some games require the gamepad, which will cause massive problems when people buy those games and don't own one (as there will be no clear way to tell).


Note that the 2DS still has a 3D camera, so it can support all games on the system.


They could patch those games.

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I think if they could sell a wii u with no gamepad for £149 - £179 they should.


The lego bundle @ £250 isnt low enough. The Gamepad is an anchor around nintendo's neck when it comes to price.




Yes as off tv play is not an attraction to me. I dont see Nintendo down the line releasing software which shows us why the gamepad is must have.


They have been working on this for how long now and have showed nothing!!


I agree. In this sense I feel making the Gamepad the primary tool to play a game is a burden. It still sadly like a gimmick - just not essential. I would have bought the Wii U without the Gamepad; I'm only thinking of the games when I pay not how I play them.

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Without the Gamepad, it'd just be an overpriced 360/PS3 with hardly any games. And an online system about 2 generations behind.


You could argue that's what it is now. The gamepad does not differentiate the wii u to the 360/PS3. Nobody is buying a wii u to use the gamepad. Nintendo software is the only thing which will sell this console.

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Absolutely not. That'd be severely damaging to the entire console. The Wii U GamePad is something that seems weird to people from the outside, but once they get their hands on it, the vast majority suddenly get it.


Even in its most mundane use of a map and inventory, it streamlines gaming. I struggle to go back from it, to be honest with you. Returned to Assassin's Creed 3 on 360, and it just felt so cumbersome to hold down a button to bring up inventory, and to press a button and then wait a few seconds just to look at the map.


It would also fracture the market which would result in developers not bothering, which is very sad.


I still question why people want three consoles that essentially do the same thing. Let Nintendo be the wild card. Will it always work out? No, but I'd rather that than they become a "me too" company, just going "More Power" as if they're Tim Allen.


Off TV Play is also revolutionary. Sure, for a lot of people it's not, but once you start having a family, living with a companion etc., it helps. They want to watch TV, you want to game, job done...do both.

Edited by Serebii
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I still question why people want three consoles that essentially do the same thing. Let Nintendo be the wild card. Will it always work out? No, but I'd rather that than they become a "me too" company, just going "More Power" as if they're Tim Allen.


I'm all for innovation but dont innovate just for the sake of innovation. Seems to me they went with a tablet style controller not knowing what to do with it. How is that a good thing?


The Nintendo difference should always lie in the software they produce. Its always been that way!!


The wavebird to me was far more innovative than the Gamepad.


Off TV Play is also revolutionary. Sure, for a lot of people it's not, but once you start having a family, living with a companion etc., it helps. They want to watch TV, you want to game, job done...do both.


Which started with the PS3/PSP

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I still question why people want three consoles that essentially do the same thing. Let Nintendo be the wild card. Will it always work out? No, but I'd rather that than they become a "me too" company, just going "More Power" as if they're Tim Allen.


Valid points. But what makes Nintendo different from the rest are its highly prized franchises. Nintendo always stands apart from the rest because of this.


But for the last two generations "ways of play" innovations seem to be the first thought on Nintendo's mind. Nintendo really doesn't need these to sell their consoles, and if they think they do then thats just sad news. That would be as if they have lost faith in their own games or production quality.


Its not necessarily about more power but making a console that is third party friendly - in my eyes - come before tech 'innovations'... Why prioritize hardware that further alienates these third parties? Make progression; tackle issues that have been around for generations, first.

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The GamePad is amazing for streamlining the experience. I love using the web browser and Netflix because it's just so easy... but as far as games are concerned it doesn't seem to add that much.


Even in games such as Nintendo Land and Game & Wario, instead of showing us amazing ways to use it, it felt more like the developers were desperately finding ways to try and use it in some way. Everything just feels a bit forced, like when a new shy person is invited to a party and everyone feels the need to try and include them.

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Off TV Play is also revolutionary. Sure, for a lot of people it's not, but once you start having a family, living with a companion etc., it helps. They want to watch TV, you want to game, job done...do both.


The Off TV Play is actually my biggest problem with the Gamepad. As lots of people want to use it as a bullet point for their game, it stifles innovation as they can't use the second screen/touchpad for vital gameplay features.


Sure, not all games need to use it for vital features, but it would be nice to see more focus on actually using it to enhance gameplay.

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The biggest draw for me is the Off-TV play so I'd not have bought one mysel given the choice of the two. However, I really do think its a brilliant idea and one that they should definitely consider! No games have been amazing thanks to the Gamepad so far. The game that has come closest is ZombiU, all other games didn't really need the Gamepad as it didn't enhance the experiences all that much.


Also, given how Nintendo supported the Wiimote, I don't have much faith in them showing us what's so good about the Gamepad. It took until Skyword Sword to really show us why the Wiimote was so good.

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Seriously though, if Nintendo did this do you not think that the Wii U will be seen as just an upgrade to the Wii, even more than it is now? At least with the GamePad, it has something new to show off, even if they don't know how to develop something that really shows it off, or even how to market it properly.

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Seriously though, if Nintendo did this do you not think that the Wii U will be seen as just an upgrade to the Wii, even more than it is now? At least with the GamePad, it has something new to show off, even if they don't know how to develop something that really shows it off, or even how to market it properly.


Well, essentially thats what a new console is - an upgrade of the previous.


I think people were more confused by the high-profile showing of the Gamepad, leaving the actual console in the background. If the picture was a shiny Wii U and controller more people will understand what it is.


Whats really the point of having something new to "show-off" when no one really gets its relevance, or even moreso Nintendo aren't doing a great job at proving why the Gamepad is relevant but most importantly potentially hinders the success of the console?

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I think people are forgetting about one important feature that the Gamepad adds to literally every single Wii U game - Miiverse.


Miiverse wouldn't work without the Gamepad. Nobody would use it if you couldn't draw and/or type messages easily on the Gamepad. And Miiverse is such a huge part of the console that they definitely shouldn't be selling a Wii U that doesn't come with the tools to use it.

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If the Gamepad doesn't bring anything new to gaming (I'd argue the case that games like Nintendo Land and Zombi U did, and that there'll be more in the future) then that's still OK with me. Just the fact that the Gamepad has completely streamlined my gaming experience by having fully functioning real time maps that can be scanned, moved, etc., touch screen menus, real time inventory systems, and so on, and so forth, is the biggest of gaming revolutions for me. It's like the 3D on the 3DS so many people slag it off saying it adds nothing, but I for one can't go back now. If Nintendo decide to take the 3D away from their next handheld or the second screen away from their next home console I'd feel like they've taken a major step backwards. If that's not enough, Microsoft and Sony are trying to implement second screen gaming into their new titles, but because it doesn't come in the box it's only optional for them. I don't want optional (at a vastly increased price) I want the full experience, and I'm getting it.

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