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Is this happening to anyone else with Miiverse screens on a laptop... I wanted to post a screen here that I added to my Miiverse, normally I'd right-click then select Copy Image Location and work away.


But noticed last night when right-clicking a screenshot in Miiverse now it doesn't give that option?


Instead I had to view the page source and find in the html the url for the image I wanted


I just had a look at it. Nintendo have put a blank element over the top of the Miiverse pictures.


If you use Stylebot, I have written a style which removes the blank element, so you can right click and copy/save the image.

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talking of free games, is tank tank tank free in the eshop??? :/


Yes, but it is the bare bones of the game. If you want to add extra features, like the Story Mode (and this is where it excels in 2 player mode), then it'll cost you extra. If you want the full game it'll cost you more to download all the DLC than now buy it online, check this out;



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Yes, but it is the bare bones of the game. If you want to add extra features, like the Story Mode (and this is where it excels in 2 player mode), then it'll cost you extra. If you want the full game it'll cost you more to download all the DLC than now buy it online, check this out;




Damn it, I set up a account with GAME only to then try and buy this game and it's unavailable. Curse you GAME! Who the hell buys this game anyway? It's not even that good.


Anybody else know who else is selling it at this price?

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I'm using this thread as an excuse to wish happy birthday to Satoru Iwata who turns 54 today.


Happy Birthday!



(Satoru Iwata)


Wii made U a cake...




...but it will be delayed until Q2 2014




Please Understand!



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You can also right click on the page > view page info > click media tab. Then find the image as click save as.


ha, didn't think of that, my first instinct was to view source as I know what I'm looking for in the html anyway, will try to remember that for next time :)

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ha, didn't think of that, my first instinct was to view source as I know what I'm looking for in the html anyway, will try to remember that for next time :)


Well if you know what your looking for then you can right click on the image and click "inspect element" to bring up the web developer tool. You just need to click on the arrow next to the highlighted <div> (or click img in the trail at the top) and copy and paste the url. Might be a bit faster.

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So i was adding friends on miiverse on Wednesday and everything went fine. But when I tried adding more people in Thursday and today it just seems to hang up. I'll search for their name, go to their profile, tap friend request then on send. Then the screen glazes over and I get a blue spinning circle in the top left of the screen and it just stays like that untill i hit the home button and back out to the home screen. Is anyone else having this problem or is it just me?

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Can we or should we have a prediction thread for what people thnk Reggie will reveal tomorrow at VGX? I'm going into hype mode with Zelda and if it turns out to be Wii Sports U Golf I'm going to burn the town down :heh: Seriously anything less besides Zelda or Metroid will be a disappointment and will have Reggie chased off stage. I think they want a similar reveal to Twilight Princess back in 2004. This will be an audience full of hardcore gamers so it has to be good.


Edit: Also I think either Retro but more likely Monolith Soft will be involved in developing this game.

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Can we or should we have a prediction thread for what people thnk Reggie will reveal tomorrow at VGX? I'm going into hype mode with Zelda and if it turns out to be Wii Sports U Golf I'm going to burn the town down :heh: Seriously anything less besides Zelda or Metroid will be a disappointment and will have Reggie chased off stage. I think they want a similar reveal to Twilight Princess back in 2004. This will be an audience full of hardcore gamers so it has to be good.


Edit: Also I think either Retro but more likely Monolith Soft will be involved in developing this game.


Sigh, will you ever learn ::shrug:

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Sigh, will you ever learn ::shrug:


I don't need to :heh:




Game Informer has clarified that Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime will be showcasing a previously announced Wii U game at the VGX awards. There was a little confusion on Twitter regarding whether it was an unannounced game, or one that has been previously revealed by Nintendo. Most people bets appear to be on Reggie showing off Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. Game Informer has partnered*with Spike TV to host the live stream on their site.


“Reggie Fils-Aime, president of Nintendo of America, will be on-hand to talk about a previously announced Wii U title.”



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I've massively cleaned up the thread and moved the PS Plus talk to a new discussion thread here:




Be good to continue it on in there as it felt like quite a healthy discussion to me, but this thread needed refocusing as it's not something everyone can participate in.

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Apparently Reggie is showing a demo tonight at the VGX, not just a trailer. Probably just a couple of levels of Donkey Kong again...
Hmm, yeah really what else is there to demo?... bit of a shame really.


And seeing as it's just Reggie, it seems unlikely to be Mario Kart or even Smash as you'd expect probably a four player demo like the E3 ones they do.


I guess now the only hope outside of DKC probably is Yarn Yoshi?

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